V-CVbav MS Capp. Sist. 23

Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City, Rome, Italy

manuscript of polyphony: c. 1492-1512

Archive Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City, Rome, Italy (V-CVbav)
Shelfmark MS Capp. Sist. 23
Image Availability DIAMM does not have images of this source. Please refer to the external links for image availability.
Surface Mixed Paper and Parchment
Numbering System Foliation
Measurements 551 x 419 mm
Other Identifiers
  • RISM: I-Rvat 23
  • CCM: VatS 23
  • olim (Former shelfmark): I-Rvat MS Capp. Sist. 23
  • black void mensural
External Links
External Authorities
Contents 70 pieces from 8 composers
General Description

Composite of originally separate fascicles. Copied mostly by Johannes Orceau (SherrPC); ff. 218'-227 copied by different scribe, who also wrote most of VatS 15, ff. 87'-103 of VatS 41, ff. 35'-55, 69'-93, and 129'-140 of VatS 49, and ff. 39'-44, 59'-63, and 65'-70 of VatS 63. Copied in Rome, for use by Cappella Sistina.

DIAMM, 2017

Covers of medium brown leather over boards, blind tooled with decorative borders and central diamond motif; brass clasps, studs, and bosses. Covers date from 18th century (LlorCS), but decoration imitates earlier style; see VatS 13 for other manuscripts with similar bindings.

DIAMM, 2017

(1) generally resembles Briquet #11658; (2) generally resembles Briquet #478; (3) generally resembles Briquet #6270 (ff. 218-227).

DIAMM, 2017

black void mensural

DIAMM, 2017

Staff height 24-25

DIAMM, 2017

Original ink foliation, iii-ccxxvii, on right center rectos (begins on first original flyleaf, but excludes parchment folio; first two original flyleaves now missing; f. clxxxviii torn out). Modern pencil foliation, 1-227, on lower center rectos (excludes first flyleaf and last flyleaf; completely congruent with original foliation from 6-227, omitting '188' to take lost folio into account).

DIAMM, 2017

Watercolour initials on ff. 6, 46', and 218'; other folios have inked calligraphic initials, some decorated with grotesque faces. Coat of arms of Antonio Ferreri, maestro of papal chapel 1504-6, on f. 208' (SherrN)

DIAMM, 2017

Original index on new f. 5' (= parchment folio) lists pieces in order of appearance.

DIAMM, 2017

i paper + iii paper + i parchment + 221 paper + i paper

DIAMM, 2017
RISM Description


XVIe s, 227 ff. Papier (le f. 5 en parchemin), 555 x 415 mm. Foliotation ancienne en eh. romains. Les ff. 1v à 5, 27v, 28, 45v, 46, 60v, 61, 75v, 95v, 96, 117v, 118, 128v, 129, 132v à 134, 138v à 140, 150v, 151, 168v, 169, 190v, 191, 207v, 208, 218, 227v sont blancs. Le f. 188 mq. Notation mesurée blanche. 11 portées par p. Au f. 5v: Tabula hujus libri. Au f. 6, initiale ornée en coul. Reliure du XVIIIe s.

Bien que le ms ait été compilé sous le pontificat de Jules II (1503-1513), les armes qui figurent au bas du f. 208v, jusqu'à présent considérées par erreur comme les siennes, sont plus probablement celles du cardinal Antonio Ferreri, maître de la chapelle papale depuis 1504, titre qui justifierait que ses armes soient représentées dans le ms. L'étude des filigranes et de l'écriture suggère que Sist. 23 est un ms. composite constitué de ff. copiés sur des papiers différents (on y distingue au moins 3 filigranes) entre ca. 1492 et 1513, en grande partie par le scribe Johannes Orceau, et réunis ensuite en 1 volume dans la 2e moitié du règne du pape Jules II. Le scribe en aurait alors établi la table, en même temps qu'il notait les noms d'auteurs et la pagination.

This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers. It is COPYRIGHT and copying/reproduction of any of this content without permission may result in legal action.

Répertoire International des Sources Musicales
Census Catalogue of Music Description

This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers. It is COPYRIGHT and copying/reproduction of this content without permission may result in legal action.

13 Masses (1 incomplete), 1 Kyrie fragment, 1 Gloria, 3 Credos = 18

A. Agricola-2, Brumel-1, (Brumel/Josquin)-1, R. Févin-1, Fresneau-1, Josquin-3, Josquin/(Brumel)-1, Josquin/(La Rue)-2, Josquin/(Ockeghem)-1, LaRue-1, Prioris-2, anon-2

ii paper + iii paper + i parchment + 221 paper + i paper folios, 551 x 419. Composite of originally separate fascicles. Original ink foliation, iii-ccxxvii, on right center rectos (begins on first original flyleaf, but excludes parchment folio; first two original flyleaves now missing; f. clxxxviii torn out). Modern pencil foliation, 1-227, on lower center rectos (excludes first flyleaf and last flyleaf; completely congruent with original foliation from 6-227, omitting "188" to take lost folio into account).

Covers of medium brown leather over boards, blind tooled with decorative borders and central diamond motif; brass clasps, studs, and bosses. Covers date from 18th century (LlorCS), but decoration imitates earlier style; see VatS 13 for other manuscripts with similar bindings. Original index on new f. 5' (= parchment folio) lists pieces in order of appearance. Copied mostly by Johannes Orceau (SherrPC); see general index for other manuscripts copied by the same scribe. Ff. 218'-227 copied by different scribe, who also wrote most of VatS 15, ff. 87'-103 of VatS 41, ff. 35'-55, 69'-93, and 129'-140 of VatS 49, and ff. 39'-44, 59'-63, and 65'-70 of VatS 63. Staff height 24-25. Watercolor initials on ff. 6, 46', and 218'; other folios have inked calligraphic initials, some decorated with grotesque faces. Coat of arms of Antonio Ferreri, maestro of papal chapel 1504-6, on f. 208' (SherrN). Water-marks: (1) generally resembles Briquet #11658; (2) generally resembles Briquet #478; (3) generally resembles Briquet #6270 (ff. 218-227).

Ca. 1492-1509 (DeanS); ca. 1492-1512 (SherrPM). Copied in Rome, for use by Cappella Sistina.

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
6–8 Missa de Angelis: Kyrie Prioris
Appears on: 6–8
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: Prioris
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …
General Note

Publ. cf. CMac M (D) n° 11

8v–14 Missa de Angelis: Gloria -
Appears on: 8v–14
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
14v–21 Missa de Angelis: Credo -
Appears on: 14v–21
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
21v–24 Missa de Angelis: Sanctus -
Appears on: 21v–24
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
24v–27 Missa de Angelis: Agnus Dei -
Appears on: 24v–27
Genres: Agnus Dei, Mass Ordinary
28v–31 Missa Je ne demande: Kyrie Agricola
Appears on: 28v–31
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: Agricola
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie . . .

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie . . .

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie . . .

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie . . .
General Note

Publ. cf. MOas 221 n° 3

31v–35 Missa Je ne demande: Gloria -
Appears on: 31v–35
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
35v–39 Missa Je ne demande: Credo -
Appears on: 35v–39
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
39v–42 Missa Je ne demande: Sanctus -
Appears on: 39v–42
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
42v–45 Missa Je ne demande: Agnus Dei -
Appears on: 42v–45
Genres: Agnus Dei, Mass Ordinary
46v–48 Missa Gaudeamus 4.2: Kyrie JOSQUIN DES PRÉS
Appears on: 46v–48
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: JOSQUIN DES PRÉS
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Item Bibliography

Smijers, Albert, Myroslaw Antonowycz, and Willem Elders (editors). 1925 - . Werken van Josquin des Prés: Wereldlijke Werken (1925); Missen (1931).  Leipzig/ Amsterdam. Pages: I.

48v–51 Missa Gaudeamus 4.2: Gloria -
Appears on: 48v–51
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
51v–56 Missa Gaudeamus 4.2: Patrem omnipotentem [Credo] -
Appears on: 51v–56
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
56v–58 Missa Gaudeamus 4.2: Sanctus -
Appears on: 56v–58
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
58v–60 Missa Gaudeamus 4.2: Agnus Dei -
Appears on: 58v–60
Genres: Agnus Dei, Mass Ordinary
61v–63 Missa Malheur me bat 9.1: Kyrie Josquin
Appears on: 61v–63
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: Josquin
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …
General Note

Publ. cf. Bsp XXXI n° 15

63v–65 Missa Malheur me bat 9.1: Gloria -
Appears on: 63v–65
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
65v–68 Missa Malheur me bat 9.1: Patrem omnipotentem [Credo] -
Appears on: 65v–68
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
68v–72 Missa Malheur me bat 9.1: Sanctus -
Appears on: 68v–72
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
72v–75 Missa Malheur me bat 9.1: Agnus Dei -
Appears on: 72v–75
Genres: Agnus Dei, Mass Ordinary
76–78 Missa Le serviteur: Kyrie Agricola
Appears on: 76–78
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: Agricola
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Item Bibliography

[No Author] 1947-. Corpus mensurabilis musicae. The American Institute of Musicology. 110 vols. A-R Editions, Inc. Pages: 22.I.

78v–83 Missa Le serviteur: Gloria -
Appears on: 78v–83
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
83v–87 Missa Le serviteur: Credo -
Appears on: 83v–87
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
87v–91 Missa Le serviteur: Sanctus -
Appears on: 87v–91
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
91v–95 Missa Le serviteur: Agnus Dei -
Appears on: 91v–95
Genres: Agnus Dei, Mass Ordinary
96v–97 Missa L’ami baudichon 5.1: Kyrie Josquin
Appears on: 96v–97
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: Josquin
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, French, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie l'ami baudichon madam eleyson …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …
General Note

T: Kyrie l'ami baudichon madameleyson

Item Bibliography

Smijers, Albert, Myroslaw Antonowycz, and Willem Elders (editors). 1925 - . Werken van Josquin des Prés: Wereldlijke Werken (1925); Missen (1931).  Leipzig/ Amsterdam. Pages: II.

97v–99 Missa L’ami baudichon 5.1: Gloria -
Appears on: 97v–99
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Liturgical work, Mass Ordinary
99v–102 Missa L’ami baudichon 5.1: Credo -
Appears on: 99v–102
102v–104 Missa L’ami baudichon 5.1: Sanctus -
Appears on: 102v–104
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
104v–105v Missa L’ami baudichon 5.1: Agnus Dei -
Appears on: 104v–105v
Genres: Agnus Dei, Mass Ordinary
106–107 Missa Le vilain jaloux: Kyrie FÉVIN [index]
Appears on: 106–107
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: FÉVIN [index]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Item Bibliography

Clinkscale, Edward Henry. 1965. The Complete Works of Antoine de Févin. New York University, Ph.D. dissertation.

107v–109 Missa Le vilain jaloux: Gloria -
Appears on: 107v–109
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
109v–112 Missa Le vilain jaloux: Credo -
Appears on: 109v–112
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
112v–116 Missa Le vilain jaloux: Sanctus -
Appears on: 112v–116
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
116v–117 Missa Le vilain jaloux: Agnus Dei -
Appears on: 116v–117
Genres: Agnus Dei, Mass Ordinary
118v–119 Missa Faisant regrets 8.1: Kyrie JOSQUIN DES PRÉS
Appears on: 118v–119
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: JOSQUIN DES PRÉS
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …
General Note

Item Bibliography

Smijers, Albert, Myroslaw Antonowycz, and Willem Elders (editors). 1925 - . Werken van Josquin des Prés: Wereldlijke Werken (1925); Missen (1931).  Leipzig/ Amsterdam. Pages: III.

119v–121 Missa Faisant regrets 8.1: Gloria -
Appears on: 119v–121
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
121v–124 Missa Faisant regrets 8.1: Credo -
Appears on: 121v–124
Genres: Mass Ordinary
124v–126 Missa Faisant regrets 8.1: Sanctus -
Appears on: 124v–126
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
126v–128 Missa Faisant regrets 8.1: Agnus Dei -
Appears on: 126v–128
Genres: Agnus Dei, Mass Ordinary
129v–132 Patrem de village (I) 13.5 [Credo] JOSQUIN)
Appears on: 129v–132
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: JOSQUIN)
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Patrem . . .

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Patrem . . .

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Patrem . . .

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Patrem . . .

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Patrem . . .
General Note

[=Missa De beata virgine. Credo]Canon: Tenor 1e premier va devant.F. 131v: Tenor le deain va derrierePubl. cf. Bsp XXXI n° 4

134v–138 Missa Beata Virgine = Missa Coronata 3.3: Gloria Josquin Des Pres
Appears on: 134v–138
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: Josquin Des Pres
140v–145 Patrem 'des rouges nez'/Chascun me crie 13.1 [Credo] JOSQUIN DES PRÉS [ou A.B.=A BRUMEL*]
Appears on: 140v–145
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: JOSQUIN DES PRÉS [ou A.B.=A BRUMEL*]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Patrem …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Patrem …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Patrem …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Patrem …
General Note

[=Patrem chiascun me crie**]


*D-brd-Mbs 53

Item Bibliography

[No Author] 1947-. Corpus mensurabilis musicae. The American Institute of Musicology. 110 vols. A-R Editions, Inc. Pages: 5, IV.

Smijers, Albert, Myroslaw Antonowycz, and Willem Elders (editors). 1925 - . Werken van Josquin des Prés: Wereldlijke Werken (1925); Missen (1931).  Leipzig/ Amsterdam. Pages: IV.

145v–150 Patrem de village (II) 13.6 [Credo] [A. BRUMEL* ou JOSQUIN**]
Appears on: 145v–150
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: [A. BRUMEL* ou JOSQUIN**]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Patrem ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Patrem ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Patrem ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Patrem ...
General Note

(Patrem de village a quatre) Publ. cf. CMacL(B) n° 7


*D-brd-Mbs 53 **1505'

151v–154 Missa Quarti Toni: Kyrie Fresneau
Appears on: 151v–154
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: Fresneau
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie . . .

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie . . .

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie . . .

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie . . .
154v–157 Missa Quarti Toni: Gloria -
Appears on: 154v–157
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
157v–161 Missa Quarti Toni: Credo -
Appears on: 157v–161
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
161v–165 Missa Quarti Toni: Sanctus -
Appears on: 161v–165
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
165v–168 Missa Quarti Toni: Agnus Dei -
Appears on: 165v–168
Genres: Agnus Dei, Mass Ordinary
169v–172 Missa Dominicalis: Kyrie Brumel
Appears on: 169v–172
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: Brumel
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …
General Note

[Agnus dei incomplet: mq. f. 188]Publ. cf. Bc 19 n° 84

172v–176 Missa Dominicalis: Gloria -
Appears on: 172v–176
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
176v–182 Missa Dominicalis: Credo -
Appears on: 176v–182
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
182v–186 Missa Dominicalis: Sanctus -
Appears on: 182v–186
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
186v–190 Missa Dominicalis: Agnus Dei -
Appears on: 186v–190
Genres: Agnus Dei, Mass Ordinary
191v–193 Missa Tant bel mi sont pensade: Kyrie Prioris
Appears on: 191v–193
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: Prioris
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie . . .

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie . . .

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie . . .

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie . . .

Item Bibliography

Keahey, Thomas Herman. 1968. The Masses of Johannes Prions: A Critical Edition. University of Texas at Austin, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation.

193v–196 Missa Tant bel mi sont pensade: Gloria -
Appears on: 193v–196
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
196v–201 Missa Tant bel mi sont pensade: Credo -
Appears on: 196v–201
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
201v–204 Missa Tant bel mi sont pensade: Sanctus -
Appears on: 201v–204
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
204v–207 Missa Tant bel mi sont pensade: Agnus Dei -
Appears on: 204v–207
Genres: Agnus Dei, Mass Ordinary
208v–209 Missa Puer natus est nobis: Kyrie [Tro] Puer natus est eleison (P. DE LA RUE)
Appears on: 208v–209
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: (P. DE LA RUE)
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Puer natus est nobis/Kyrie . . .

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …
General Note

T: Puer natus est nobis/Kyrie title "Missa Nativitate Christi"

209v–211 Missa Puer natus est nobis: Gloria -
Appears on: 209v–211
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
211v–214 Missa Puer natus est nobis: Credo -
Appears on: 211v–214
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
214v–216 Missa Puer natus est nobis: Sanctus -
Appears on: 214v–216
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
216v–217 Missa Puer natus est nobis: Agnus Dei -
Appears on: 216v–217
Genres: Agnus Dei, Mass Ordinary
217v Missa Ave maris stella: Kyrie - Anonymous
Appears on: 217v
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie …

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Ave maris Stella./Kyrie . . .
General Note

incomplete, opening of Kyrie (2 voices only) [Pour la missa entière, cf. Rvat 49 n° 10] T: Ave maris Stella./Kyrie

218v–219 Missa a qui diralle sa pensée: Kyrie - Anonymous
Appears on: 218v–219
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Voice Text: Kyrie...
General Note

online edition: http://ricercar-old.cesr.univ-tours.fr/3-programmes/EMN/MessesAnonymes/sources/65.pdf

219v–221 Missa a qui diralle sa pensée: Gloria - Anonymous
Appears on: 219v–221
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
221v–224 Missa a qui diralle sa pensée: Credo - Anonymous
Appears on: 221v–224
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
224v–226 Missa a qui diralle sa pensée: Sanctus - Anonymous
Appears on: 224v–226
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
226v–227 Missa a qui diralle sa pensée: Agnus Dei - Anonymous
Appears on: 226v–227
Genres: Agnus Dei, Mass Ordinary
Composer Compositions
Agricola, Alexander (ca. 1445–1506)
Brumel, Antoine (ca. 1460–ca. 1513)
Despres, Josquin (ca. 1450–1521)
Fevin, Robert de (fl. 1500-1515)
Fresneau, Jehan
Prioris, Johannes (Denis, Dionisius) (–1515)
Rue, Pierre de la (ca. 1452–1518)
Composition Composers (? Uncertain) Folios / Pages
Missa a qui diralle sa pensée: Agnus Dei Anonymous 226v–227
Missa a qui diralle sa pensée: Credo Anonymous 221v–224
Missa a qui diralle sa pensée: Gloria Anonymous 219v–221
Missa a qui diralle sa pensée: Kyrie Anonymous 218v–219
Missa a qui diralle sa pensée: Sanctus Anonymous 224v–226
Missa Ave maris stella: Kyrie Anonymous 217v
Missa Beata Virgine = Missa Coronata 3.3: Gloria 134v–138
Missa de Angelis: Agnus Dei 24v–27
Missa de Angelis: Credo 14v–21
Missa de Angelis: Gloria 8v–14
Missa de Angelis: Kyrie 6–8
Missa de Angelis: Sanctus 21v–24
Missa Dominicalis: Agnus Dei 186v–190
Missa Dominicalis: Credo 176v–182
Missa Dominicalis: Gloria 172v–176
Missa Dominicalis: Kyrie 169v–172
Missa Dominicalis: Sanctus 182v–186
Missa Faisant regrets 8.1: Agnus Dei 126v–128
Missa Faisant regrets 8.1: Credo 121v–124
Missa Faisant regrets 8.1: Gloria 119v–121
Missa Faisant regrets 8.1: Kyrie 118v–119
Missa Faisant regrets 8.1: Sanctus 124v–126
Missa Gaudeamus 4.2: Agnus Dei 58v–60
Missa Gaudeamus 4.2: Gloria 48v–51
Missa Gaudeamus 4.2: Kyrie 46v–48
Missa Gaudeamus 4.2: Patrem omnipotentem [Credo] 51v–56
Missa Gaudeamus 4.2: Sanctus 56v–58
Missa Je ne demande: Agnus Dei 42v–45
Missa Je ne demande: Credo 35v–39
Missa Je ne demande: Gloria 31v–35
Missa Je ne demande: Kyrie 28v–31
Missa Je ne demande: Sanctus 39v–42
Missa Le serviteur: Agnus Dei 91v–95
Missa Le serviteur: Credo 83v–87
Missa Le serviteur: Gloria 78v–83
Missa Le serviteur: Kyrie 76–78
Missa Le serviteur: Sanctus 87v–91
Missa Le vilain jaloux: Agnus Dei 116v–117
Missa Le vilain jaloux: Credo 109v–112
Missa Le vilain jaloux: Gloria 107v–109
Missa Le vilain jaloux: Kyrie 106–107
Missa Le vilain jaloux: Sanctus 112v–116
Missa L’ami baudichon 5.1: Agnus Dei 104v–105v
Missa L’ami baudichon 5.1: Credo 99v–102
Missa L’ami baudichon 5.1: Gloria 97v–99
Missa L’ami baudichon 5.1: Kyrie 96v–97
Missa L’ami baudichon 5.1: Sanctus 102v–104
Missa Malheur me bat 9.1: Agnus Dei 72v–75
Missa Malheur me bat 9.1: Gloria 63v–65
Missa Malheur me bat 9.1: Kyrie 61v–63
Missa Malheur me bat 9.1: Patrem omnipotentem [Credo] 65v–68
Missa Malheur me bat 9.1: Sanctus 68v–72
Missa Puer natus est nobis: Agnus Dei 216v–217
Missa Puer natus est nobis: Credo 211v–214
Missa Puer natus est nobis: Gloria 209v–211
Missa Puer natus est nobis: Kyrie [Tro] Puer natus est eleison 208v–209
Missa Puer natus est nobis: Sanctus 214v–216
Missa Quarti Toni: Agnus Dei 165v–168
Missa Quarti Toni: Credo 157v–161
Missa Quarti Toni: Gloria 154v–157
Missa Quarti Toni: Kyrie 151v–154
Missa Quarti Toni: Sanctus 161v–165
Missa Tant bel mi sont pensade: Agnus Dei 204v–207
Missa Tant bel mi sont pensade: Credo 196v–201
Missa Tant bel mi sont pensade: Gloria 193v–196
Missa Tant bel mi sont pensade: Kyrie 191v–193
Missa Tant bel mi sont pensade: Sanctus 201v–204
Patrem 'des rouges nez'/Chascun me crie 13.1 [Credo] 140v–145
Patrem de village (I) 13.5 [Credo] 129v–132
Patrem de village (II) 13.6 [Credo] 145v–150

denotes primary source study

Sherr, Richard Jonathan. 1996. Papal Music Manuscripts in the Late Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries. Renaissance Manuscript Studies.  Neuhausen nr. Stuttgart. Notes: physical description; contents list; concordances; incipits; mention of MS; discussion.

Dean, Jeffrey J. 1984. The Scribes of the Sistine Chapel 1501-1527. University of Chicago, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Pages: 44ff, 88-9, 228-9, passim. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list; concordances (partial); facsimile (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Keahey, Thomas Herman, and Conrad Edward Mary Douglas (editors). 1982-85. Johannes Prioris: Opera Omnia. Corpus mensurabilis musicae.  Neuhausen nr. Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology. Pages: I, xiv-xv, xix-xxi, 1-39, 94-128. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Roth, Adalbert. 1982. Studien zum frühen Repertoire der Päpstlichen Kapelle unter dem Pontifikat Sixtus' IV. (1471-1484). Die Chorbücher 14 und 51 des Fondo Cappella Sistina der Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität (Frankfurt am Main), Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Pages: 188. Notes: physical description; mention of MS; discussion.

Sherr, Richard Jonathan. 1977. Notes on Two Roman Manuscripts of the Early Sixteenth Century. The Musical Quarterly, 48-73. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list; facsimile (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Sherr, Richard Jonathan. 1975. The Papal Chapel ca. 1492-1513 and Its Polyphonic Sources. Princeton University, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Pages: 66, 167-70, 216-22, passim. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list; discussion.

Wexler, Richard. 1974. The Complete Works of Johannes Prioris. . Pages: 3, 27, 316-29, 372. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Hudson, Barton (editor). 1969-72. Antoine Brumel: Collected Works. Corpus mensurabilis musicae.  Neuhausen nr. Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology. Pages: II, xiv-xv, 24-47. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Keahey, Thomas Herman. 1968. The Masses of Johannes Prions: A Critical Edition. University of Texas at Austin, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Pages: 14-169. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Osthoff, Helmuth. 1962. Josquin Desprez. 2 vols. Tutzing. Pages: I, 112-5, 135-6, 161, 171-2, 181; II, 288. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial).

Lerner, Edward R (editor). 1961-70. Alexandrí Agricola: Opera Omnia. Corpus mensurabilis musicae.  Neuhausen nr. Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology. Pages: I, iii, 1-65. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial).

Llorens Cisteró, José Maria. 1960. Capellae Sistinae Codices musicis notis instructi sive manu scripti sive praelo excussi. Studi e testi.  Città del Vaticano. Pages: 48-50, 482, Tab. VII. Notes: physical description; contents list; incipits (partial); facsimile (partial).

Robijns, Jozef. 1954. Pierre de la Rue (Circa 1460-1518): Een Bio-Bibliographische Studie.  Brussels. Pages: 37, 162. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial).

Smijers, Albert, Myroslaw Antonowycz, and Willem Elders (editors). 1925 - . Werken van Josquin des Prés: Wereldlijke Werken (1925); Missen (1931).  Leipzig/ Amsterdam. Pages: II, v-vii, III, viii-xvi; VIII, viii-xvi; IX, vi-xi; XIII, xv-xix; XVI, xlv-lx. Notes: physical description; contents list; concordances (partial).

Haberl, Franz Xavier. 1885-88. Bausteine für Musikgeschichte. 3 vols. Leipzig. Pages: II, 10.

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Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. Census Catalogue of Music Description

Répertoire Internationale des Sources Musicales

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. RISM Description