F-Pnm Français 844 (Chansonnier du Roi)

Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Paris, France

manuscript of polyphony: c.1300

Archive Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Paris, France (F-Pnm)
Shelfmark Français 844 (Chansonnier du Roi)
Image Availability The images on this record are linked using IIIF.
Surface Parchment
Numbering System None
Measurements 310 x 215 mm
Other Identifiers
  • RISM: R
  • olim (Former shelfmark): F-Pn fonds français 844
  • square
  • unmeasured
External Links
  • France
Contents 41 pieces from 1 composers
General Description

The manuscript contains a collection of Ars Antiqua motets as part of the original layer of the manuscript's production, copied in the same non-mensural notation as the monophonic troubadour/trouvère songs that otherwise constitute the bulk of the book: these monophonic songs are not included in the DIAMM inventory. Around 1300, additional pieces were added on empty pages in mensural notation; these too are monophonic pieces and excluded from the DIAMM inventory. (Unusually, the RISM entry includes non-mensural motets but it excludes mensural pieces.)

Sean Curran, 2020

square notation with undifferentiated longs and ligatures

DIAMM, 2017


DIAMM, 2017
RISM Description

RISM B/IV 1: A parchment manuscript dating from c. 1300 and meas. 310 x 215 mm. (formerly c. 360 x 240 mm.), the so-called Chansonnier du Roi contains 216 folios numbered in 18th century ink at t.r.r. The total given here includes the original f. B-E, while f. A is an 18th century list of authors on a paper folio of the same period. Folios A-E are numbered in red. The inconsistent foliation 1-215 of the rest of the corpus is followed by another list of works by composers on f. 216-221 plus 2 blank pages, all these dating from the 18th century. Finally there are two modern paper pages front and back. Originally there were 26 gatherings, but 18 folios have been torn out. The motets form gathering 25. 428 French songs in R include 27 unica. In addition, there are 61 Troubadour songs (31 unica), 3 lays (1 French, 1 Provencal), 33 additions (Rondeaux, chansons, lays), 2 dances, 8 estampies and 1 danse royal. The codex is written in 2 columns throughout. The square notation consists of undifferentiated longs and ligatures, except where another hand takes over near the end (e.g. f. 215-215v has long-breve differentiation). 13-14 red four-line staves are used for the most part, though f. 135-135v are on brown five-line staves. The estampies are in a later hand on 11 red five-lines staves per page. Initials are in blue-red-gold, and there are some fine miniatures. The 18th century binding of light brown leather with gilt tooling has a maroon spine, which is probably a later addition. It bears the monogram RF. There is obviously a close relationship between this codex and IV; in fact, the motets appear to have been copied from IV, although several have been lost with missing pages and the music of the T is often om. in R. As in JV, two-part works predominate, but there are 3 essentially three-part compositions. Two works which appear outside the motet fascicle as monodic songs are included here since they are known as part-music from W2 and Mo. No. 2a is a special case: it only occurs in polyphonic form as a clausula in St V and with a different Mot text in F.

This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers. It is COPYRIGHT and copying/reproduction of any of this content without permission may result in legal action.

Répertoire International des Sources Musicales

Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
102v Pour conforter mon corage qui d'amer s'effroie / Go - Anonymous
Appears on: 102v
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c4
Voice Text: [Go]

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Pour conforter mon corage qui d'amer s'effroie


168 En non Dieu! c'est la rage qui li maus / Ferens pondera - Anonymous
Appears on: 168
Genres: Chanson, Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin, French
Clef: c5
Voice Text: [Ferens pondera]

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: En non Dieu! c'est la rage qui li maus


199 L'autrier cuidai aber druda / Agmina - Anonymous
Appears on: 199
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: L'autrier cuidai aber druda

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c5
Voice Text: [Agmina]

parts score

205 Onques n'amai tant com je fui amés / Sancte Germane - Anonymous
Appears on: 205
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Onques n'amai tant com je fui amée

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: [c4]
Voice Text: Sancte Germane
General Note

T music om.



205 Qui loiaument sert s'amie ne li set / Letabitur - Anonymous
Appears on: 205
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Qui loiaument sert s'amie ne li set

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Letabi(m)[t]ur
General Note

T music om; refers forward to Mo 193



205 D'amor trop lontaine n'atent nul confort / Manere - Anonymous
Appears on: 205
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: [c3]
Voice Text: Manere

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c1g3
Voice Text: D'amor trop lontaine n'atent nul confort
General Note

T music om.



205–205v Trop longuement m'a failli ma dame / Pro patribus - Anonymous
Appears on: 205–205v
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Trop longe ment m'a failli ma dame

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Pro patribus


205v Au departir plourer la vi, la plus envoisie / Docebit - Anonymous
Appears on: 205v
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Au departir plorer la vi, la plus envoisie

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: f2
Voice Text: Docebit


205v Grevé m'ont les maus d'amors: mieuz en vaudrai / Johanne - Anonymous
Appears on: 205v
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Grevé m'ont li mal d'amer: mieus en vaudrai

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c5
Voice Text: Johanne(m)
General Note

T music om.



206 Bien doit joie demener chil ki a / In Domino - Anonymous
Appears on: 206
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c2
Voice Text: [Bien doit joie demener chil ki a]

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c3
Voice Text: In domino
General Note

ending of Mot only, from "j'aim bien et s'est ma joie"; T music om.



206 Main s'est levée Aëlis qui tout / Et tenuerunt - Anonymous
Appears on: 206
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Main s'est levée Aëlis ki tot

Voice: Tenor
Languages: French
Clef: c4
Voice Text: [Et tenuerunt]
General Note

N 27 refers tp Mo 225



206 Hui matin a l'ajornée me levai / Nostrum - Anonymous
Appears on: 206
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Nostrum

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Hui matin a l'ajornée me levai

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Clef: c3

score parts

206–206v Au douz tanz seri que pré sunt flori / Et tenuerunt - Anonymous
Appears on: 206–206v
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: French
Clef: [c4]
Voice Text: Et tenuerunt

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Au douz tanz seri que pré sunt flori


206v Hui main au dolz mois de mai, devant le soleill / Haec dies - Anonymous
Appears on: 206v
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Hec dies

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, French
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Hui main au dolz mois de mai, devant le soleill


206v Quant revient et foille et flors contre la doucour / L'autre jor m'en alai par un destor / Flos filius eius - Anonymous
Appears on: 206v
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: f3
Voice Text: Quant revient et foille et flors contre la doucour

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin, French
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Flos filius [eius]

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, French
Clef: f3
Voice Text: L'autre jor m'en alai par un destor


206v–207 En grant effroi sui sovent / Mulierum - Anonymous
Appears on: 206v–207
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Mulierum

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, French
Clef: c4
Voice Text: En grant effroi sui sovent


207 Au commencement d'esté que naist la flors / Haec dies - Anonymous
Appears on: 207
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Au commencement d'esté que naist la flors

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Hec dies


207 A la rousée au serain vait Maros / Ab insurgentibus - Anonymous
Appears on: 207
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c4
Voice Text: A la rousée au serain vait Maros

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: [c4]
Voice Text: Ab insurgentibus


207–207v De la ville issoit pensant par un matin / A la ville une vieille a qui prent mari, cui amie / Manere - Anonymous
Appears on: 207–207v
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: A la ville une vieille a qui prent mari, cui amie

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Manere

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c2
Voice Text: De la ville issoit pensant par un matin


207v Douce dame sanz pitié cui j'ai mon coeur / Portare - Anonymous
Appears on: 207v
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: [c3]
Voice Text: Portare

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Douce dame sanz pitié cui j'ai mon cuer


207v Par matin s'est levée la bele Marot / Tres douce pensée, qui tant m'a grevé / Florebit - Anonymous
Appears on: 207v
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Par main s'est levée la bele Maros

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: [Florebit]

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: [Tres douce pensée qui tant m'a]
General Note

Tr only



207v–208 Nus ne set les maus s'il n'aime / Regnat - Anonymous
Appears on: 207v–208
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: [c4]
Voice Text: Regnat

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Nus ne set les maus s'il n'aime


208 Nus ne se doit repentir d'amor por mal / Audi filia - Anonymous
Appears on: 208
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Nus ne se doit repentir d'amor por mal

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Audi filia
General Note

T. music om.



208 Amors m'a assuré de gent secours / Amoris - Anonymous
Appears on: 208
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Amors m'a asseüré de gent secors

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: [c2]
Voice Text: Amoris


208–208v El tel lieu s'est entremis mes coeurs d'amer / Virgo - Anonymous
Appears on: 208–208v
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: f2
Voice Text: Virgo

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: El tel lieu s'est entremis mes cuers d'amer


208v Robins a la vile va, s'a Marot / Styrps Jesse - Anonymous
Appears on: 208v
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: f3
Voice Text: Styrps Iesse

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Robins a la vile va, s'a Marot


208v Avueqes tel Marion ja pastoriaus / Manere - Anonymous
Appears on: 208v
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: [c2]
Voice Text: Manere

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Aveques tel Marion ja pastoriaus
General Note

T music om.



208v Hé, douce dame! pour quoi vous celés vous / Et sperabit - Anonymous
Appears on: 208v
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c5
Voice Text: Hé, douce dame! por coi vos celez vos

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Et sperabit
General Note

T music om.



208v–209 L'autrier en mai par la doucor d'esté / Tanquam - Anonymous
Appears on: 208v–209
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: [c4]
Voice Text: Tanquam

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c4
Voice Text: L'autrier en mai par la doucor d'esté


209 Onques ne m'osai por rienz qui fust / Virgo - Anonymous
Appears on: 209
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Onques ne m'osai por rienz qui fust

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: f2
Voice Text: Virgo


209 Se ma dame veut prendre en gré / Nobis - Anonymous
Appears on: 209
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Nobis

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Se ma dame veut prendre en gré


209 Alez cointement car je vueill / Perlustravit - Anonymous
Appears on: 209
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: f2
Voice Text: Perlustravit

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Alez cointement car je vueill


209–209v Je n'amerai autrui que vos, bele / Pro patribus - Anonymous
Appears on: 209–209v
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Pro patribus

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Je n'amerai autrui que vos, bele
General Note

T music om.



209v Ma dame a douté que ne l'entreoublie / Domino - Anonymous
Appears on: 209v
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Domino

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Ma dame a douté que ne l'entreoublie
General Note

T music om.



209v Mainte dame est desperée de loyal amour / Johanne - Anonymous
Appears on: 209v
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Johanne

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Mainte dame est desperée de loial amour
General Note

T music om.



209v Mieuz vueill sentir les maus d'amer / Alleluia - Anonymous
Appears on: 209v
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: [c4]
Voice Text: Alleluia

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Mieuz vueill sentir les maus d'amer
General Note

T music om.



209v Renvoisiement i vois a mon ami / Hodie - Anonymous
Appears on: 209v
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Renvoisiement i vois a mon ami

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Hodie
General Note

T music om.



209v A vous pens, bele douce amie, de coeur / Propter veritatem - Anonymous
Appears on: 209v
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c2
Voice Text: A vous pens, bele douce amie, de cuer

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: f2
Voice Text: Propter veritatem
General Note

T music om.



209v–210 A vous vient, chevallier sire, del pié / Et florebit - Anonymous
Appears on: 209v–210
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c4
Voice Text: A vos vie[n]g, chevallier sire, del pié

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Et florebit


210 Lies est cil ki el païs va / Docebit - Anonymous
Appears on: 210
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Liez est cil qui el païs va

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: f2
Voice Text: Docebit


210 J'ai fait ami a mon chois, preu / Gaudete - Anonymous
Appears on: 210
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, French
Clef: [f2]
Voice Text: J'ai fait ami a mon chois, preu

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin, French
Clef: [c3]
Voice Text: Gaudete


Composer Compositions
Composition Composers (? Uncertain) Folios / Pages
A la rousée au serain vait Maros / Ab insurgentibus Anonymous 207
A vous pens, bele douce amie, de coeur / Propter veritatem Anonymous 209v
A vous vient, chevallier sire, del pié / Et florebit Anonymous 209v–210
Alez cointement car je vueill / Perlustravit Anonymous 209
Amors m'a assuré de gent secours / Amoris Anonymous 208
Au commencement d'esté que naist la flors / Haec dies Anonymous 207
Au departir plourer la vi, la plus envoisie / Docebit Anonymous 205v
Au douz tanz seri que pré sunt flori / Et tenuerunt Anonymous 206–206v
Avueqes tel Marion ja pastoriaus / Manere Anonymous 208v
Bien doit joie demener chil ki a / In Domino Anonymous 206
D'amor trop lontaine n'atent nul confort / Manere Anonymous 205
De la ville issoit pensant par un matin / A la ville une vieille a qui prent mari, cui amie / Manere Anonymous 207–207v
Douce dame sanz pitié cui j'ai mon coeur / Portare Anonymous 207v
El tel lieu s'est entremis mes coeurs d'amer / Virgo Anonymous 208–208v
En grant effroi sui sovent / Mulierum Anonymous 206v–207
En non Dieu! c'est la rage qui li maus / Ferens pondera Anonymous 168
Grevé m'ont les maus d'amors: mieuz en vaudrai / Johanne Anonymous 205v
Hui main au dolz mois de mai, devant le soleill / Haec dies Anonymous 206v
Hui matin a l'ajornée me levai / Nostrum Anonymous 206
Hé, douce dame! pour quoi vous celés vous / Et sperabit Anonymous 208v
J'ai fait ami a mon chois, preu / Gaudete Anonymous 210
Je n'amerai autrui que vos, bele / Pro patribus Anonymous 209–209v
L'autrier cuidai aber druda / Agmina Anonymous 199
L'autrier en mai par la doucor d'esté / Tanquam Anonymous 208v–209
Lies est cil ki el païs va / Docebit Anonymous 210
Ma dame a douté que ne l'entreoublie / Domino Anonymous 209v
Main s'est levée Aëlis qui tout / Et tenuerunt Anonymous 206
Mainte dame est desperée de loyal amour / Johanne Anonymous 209v
Mieuz vueill sentir les maus d'amer / Alleluia Anonymous 209v
Nus ne se doit repentir d'amor por mal / Audi filia Anonymous 208
Nus ne set les maus s'il n'aime / Regnat Anonymous 207v–208
Onques n'amai tant com je fui amés / Sancte Germane Anonymous 205
Onques ne m'osai por rienz qui fust / Virgo Anonymous 209
Par matin s'est levée la bele Marot / Tres douce pensée, qui tant m'a grevé / Florebit Anonymous 207v
Pour conforter mon corage qui d'amer s'effroie / Go Anonymous 102v
Quant revient et foille et flors contre la doucour / L'autre jor m'en alai par un destor / Flos filius eius Anonymous 206v
Qui loiaument sert s'amie ne li set / Letabitur Anonymous 205
Renvoisiement i vois a mon ami / Hodie Anonymous 209v
Robins a la vile va, s'a Marot / Styrps Jesse Anonymous 208v
Se ma dame veut prendre en gré / Nobis Anonymous 209
Trop longuement m'a failli ma dame / Pro patribus Anonymous 205–205v
These images are from an external IIIF service and are not hosted by DIAMM.

Images © Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris

denotes primary source study

Dittmer, Luther A. 1960. Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts Il: Wolfenbüttel 1099. Publications of Mediaeval Music Manuscripts.  Brooklyn: Institute of Mediaeval Music. Pages: (facsimile of all R pieces in W2 after this source).

Dittmer, Luther A. 1959. Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts IlI: Eine zentrale Quelle der Notre Dame-Musik. Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts.  Brooklyn: Institute of Mediaeval Music. Pages: 182, 172 (transcription of R 7 and 27 after MüA).

Dittmer, Luther A. 1959. Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts IV: Paris 13521 and 11411. Publications of Mediaeval Music Manuscripts.  Brooklyn: Institute of Mediaeval Music. Pages: f. 374v, 378, 373v-374, 382v-383 (facsimiles of R 6, 15, 17 and 21 after Cl).

Gennrich, Friedrich. 1958. Ein altfranzösischer Motetten-Kodex. Faksimile-Ausgabe der Handschrift La Clayette, Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, nouvelle acquisition francaise 13521. Pages: f. 374v, 378, 373v-374, 382v-383 (facsimiles of R 6, 15, 17 and 21 after Cl).

Gennrich, Friedrich. 1958. Bibliographie der ältesten französischen und lateinischen Motetten. Pages: XXXIIIf, etc.

Spanke, Hans. 1943. Der Chansonnier du Roi. Romanische Forschungen, . Pages: 38ff.

Apel, Willi. 1942. (4th ed., 1949). The Notation of Polyphonic Music 900-1600.  Cambridge, Massachusetts. Pages: 201, 271 ff, 338.

Beck, J. B. 1938. Corpus cantilenarum medii aevi, Ser. 2, Le Chansonnier du Roi. 2 vols. Pages: I (complete facsimile of R); II.

Kujlmann, G. 1938. Die zweistimmigen französischen Motetten des Kodex Montpellier, Faculté de Médecine H196. 2 vols. Pages: II, 15, 76, 96, 90, 17, 38, 74 (transcription of R 2, 4, 8, 9, 14, 20, 23).

Rokseth, Y. 1935+1939. Les Polyphonies du XIVe siecle. 4 vols. Pages: I-III (facsimile and transcription of all R motets in Mo after this source); IV, 172, 191, 256, 262, 266, 280f, 283, 287.

Anglès, Higinio. 1931. El Còdex musical de las Huelgas. 3 vols. Pages: II-III, nos. 126 and 113 (facsimile and transcription of R 15-16 after Hu); I, 274, 285.

Gennrich, Friedrich. 1926. Trouvère-Lieder und Motettenrepertoire. Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 8and65. Pages: 25, 22, 17, 34, 11 (transcription of R 1-3, 11 and 38); l0f, 16, 24, 34.

Kossman, E F, and Friedrich Ludwig. 1926. Ein Fragment einer neuen altfranzösischen Motettenhandschrift. Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 193ff. Pages: 193f.

Ludwig, Friedrich. 1923. Die Quellen der Motetten ältesten Stils. Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, 185-222, Vol. 5 (1924) 273-315. Pages: 190, 199, 203, 210, 212, 220.

Gennrich, Friedrich. 1921, 1927. Rondeaux, Virelais und Balladen aus dem Ende des 12., dem 13. und dem ersten Drittel des 14. Jahrhunderts. 2 vols. Pages: I, no. 32; II, p. 21, 21, 23, 23 (transcription of R 10, 36-38, 41); II, 20ff.

Ludwig, Friedrich. 1910. Repertorium organorum recentioris et motetorum vetustissimi stili. I. Catalogue raisonné. 1. Handschriften in Quadratnotation.  Halle: Niemayer.

Ludwig, Friedrich. 1909. Die liturgischen Organa Léonins und Perotins. Riemann-Festschrift: Gesammelte Studien--Hugo Riemann zum sechzigsten Geburtstage überreicht von Freunden und Schülern, 200ff. Leipzig. Pages: 210-213.

Aubry, Pierre. 1908. Cent Motets du XIIIe siècle. 3 vols. Pages: I-II, nos. 89, 97, 60, 87 (facsimile and transcription of R 6 and 15-17 after Ba); III, 108.

Beck, J. B. 1908. Die Melodien der Troubadours. Pages: 18ff.

Raynaud, Gaston. 1881, 1883. Recueil de Motets français des Xile et XIIle siècles. 2 vols. Pages: II, 48 (R motet texts).

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Répertoire Internationale des Sources Musicales

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. RISM Description