A-Wn Cod. 11778 Han

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Wien (Vienna), Austria

manuscript of polyphony: c.1518-1520

Archive Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Wien (Vienna), Austria (A-Wn)
Shelfmark Cod. 11778 Han
Surface Paper
Numbering System Foliation
Measurements 395 x 280 (two additional leaves 410 x 300/294) mm
Other Identifiers
  • CCM: VienNB 11778
  • olim (Former shelfmark): Theol. 37; VIII. A.3
  • black void mensural
External Links
  • Brussels, Belgium
Contents 8 pieces from 3 composers
General Description

Copied by Netherlands court scribe Petrus Alamire (NowakM); Warmington also distinguishes the music/text of scribe F, with further music copied by H3 and I2, text by Y and Z (KellmanTO). Copied in Brussels/Mechlin; belongs to Netherlands court complex (KellJ). Sent to Raimund Fugger the Elder (1489-1535), of Augsburg. Fugger library purchased by Emperor Ferdinand III and brought to Vienna in 1656.

Oscar Verhaar, for the medieval music manuscript project of the National Library Vienna (www.cantusplanus.at), 2014

Original covers of brown leather over wooden boards, with blind-tooled lozenge design

Oscar Verhaar, for the medieval music manuscript project of the National Library Vienna (www.cantusplanus.at), 2014

(1) Gothic letter 'P', sometimes surmounted by four-petalled flower (see Briquet #8652 for approximate pattern); (2) generally resembles Briquet #9835, but with four-petalled flower.

Oscar Verhaar, for the medieval music manuscript project of the National Library Vienna (www.cantusplanus.at), 2014

black void mensural

Oscar Verhaar, for the medieval music manuscript project of the National Library Vienna (www.cantusplanus.at), 2014

Staff height 17.

Oscar Verhaar, for the medieval music manuscript project of the National Library Vienna (www.cantusplanus.at), 2014

Modern ink foliation, 1-136 (excludes front flyleaves)

Oscar Verhaar, for the medieval music manuscript project of the National Library Vienna (www.cantusplanus.at), 2014

Painted initials on ff. 1'-2; inked calligraphic initials at beginning of other Masses

Oscar Verhaar, for the medieval music manuscript project of the National Library Vienna (www.cantusplanus.at), 2014


Oscar Verhaar, for the medieval music manuscript project of the National Library Vienna (www.cantusplanus.at), 2014
Census Catalogue of Music Description

This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers. It is COPYRIGHT and copying/reproduction of this content without permission may result in legal action.

6 Masses, 2 Credos = 8

Josquin-5, Josquin/(Brumel)-2, Ockeghem/(Josquin)-1

iv + 135 + i paper folios, 395 x 280. Modern ink foliation, 1-136 (excludes front flyleaves). Original covers of brown leather over wooden boards, with blind-tooled lozenge design. No index. Copied by Netherlands court scribe Petrus Alamire (NowakM); see general index for other manuscripts copied by the same scribe. Staff height 17. Painted initials on ff. 1'-2; inked calligraphic initials at beginning of other Masses. Watermarks: (1) Gothic letter "P", sometimes surmounted by four-petalled flower (see Briquet #8652 for approximate pattern); (2) generally resembles Briquet #9835, but with four-petalled flower.

1521-34, probably ca. 1521-5 (KellJ). Copied in Brussels/Mechlin; belongs to Netherlands court complex (KellJ). Sent to Raimund Fugger the Elder (1489-1535), of Augsburg. Fugger library purchased by Emperor Ferdinand III and brought to Vienna in 1656.

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550
