‡ denotes primary source study
Kellman, Herbert (editor). 1999. The Treasury of Petrus Alamire. Music and art in Flemish Court Manuscripts 1500-1535. Leuven: Alamire Foundation.
Kellman, Herbert. 1989. Observations on the Production and Distribution of Music Manuscripts at the Netherlands Court. Early Music History, .
Notes: physical description (partial); mention of MS; discussion.
Dalton, Karen Lanz. 1982. Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek MS. 18825: A Study and Critical Edition. University of Illinois, MA thesis.
Pages: 26-9.
Notes: facsimile (partial); mention of MS; discussion.
Kellman, Herbert. 1976. Josquin and the Courts of the Netherlands and France: The Evidence of the Sources. Josquin des Prez: Proceedings of the International Josquin Festival-Conference ... 21-25 June 1971, 181-216. London, New York, and Toronto.
Pages: 193,201-4,209,214.
Notes: contents list; concordances (partial); mention of MS; discussion.
Osthoff, Helmuth. 1962. Josquin Desprez. 2 vols. Tutzing.
Pages: I,135-6,144,167,171; II,288.
Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial); mention of MS; discussion.
Unterkircher, Franz. 1962. Manuscrits et Livres Imprimés Concernant L'Histoire des Pays-Bas 1475-1600. Biblos-Schrifien. Brussels.
Pages: 70.
Notes: physical description.
Kellman, Herbert. 1958. The Origins of the Chigi Codex: The Date, Provenance, and Original Ownership of Rome, Biblioteca Vaticana, Chigiana, C. VIII. 234. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 6-19.
Pages: 18.
Notes: mention of MS.
Unterkircher, Franz. 1957-9. Inventar der Illuminierten Handschriften, Inkunabeln und Frühdrucke der Osterreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Vienna.
Pages: I,150.
Notes: physical description.
Nowak, Leopold. 1948. Die Musikhandschriften aus Fuggerschem Besitz in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Die Österreichische Nationalbibliothek. Festschrift herausgegeben zum 25 jährigen Dienstjubiläum des Generaldirektors Univ.-Prof. Dr. Josef Bick, edited by Leopold Nowak, Vienna: H. Bauer-Verlag.
Notes: physical description (partial); mention of MS; discussion.
Smijers, Albert (editor). 1927-56. Werken van Josquin des Prez: Missen. Amsterdam.
Pages: I,xii-xxiv; II,ix-xv; III,ix-xvi; IV,vii-xiv; V,x-xviii; IX,vii-xi.
Notes: physical description (partial); contents list; concordances (partial).
Smijers, Albert, Myroslaw Antonowycz, and Willem Elders (editors). 1925 - . Werken van Josquin des Prés: Wereldlijke Werken (1925); Missen (1931). Leipzig/ Amsterdam.
Pages: II.v-vii.
Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial).
Mantuani, Joseph. 1864-99 R 1965. Tabulae Codicum Manu Scriptorum in Bibliotheca Palatina Vindobonensi Asservatorum. 10 vols. Vienna: (1864-99) Graz: (1965 reprint).
Pages: VII,41.
Notes: physical description (partial); contents list.