US-NYp Mus. Res. Drexel 4180

Public Library, Music Division, New York, United States

partbook: 17th century and c. 1500 (flyleaves)

Archive Public Library, Music Division, New York, United States (US-NYp)
Shelfmark Mus. Res. Drexel 4180
Surface Paper
Numbering System Foliation
Format landscape
Measurements 145 x 195 mm
Other Identifiers
  • CCM: NYorkP 4180-5
  • black void mensural
External Links
  • England
Contents 255 pieces from 59 composers
General Description

A Discantus partbook from a set of six volumes, including polyphony-bearing flyleaves cut from older, unrelated music manuscript. The original owner and scribe was John Merro. Main corpus copied by John Merro, who also wrote most of LonBL 17792-6; music on flyleaves copied by two or three scribes. Main corpus probably copied in western England, perhaps at Gloucester; flyleaves also of English origin, but specific provenance unknown.

Flyleaves from 1 or 2 Discantus partbook(s), with concordances in Fayrfax MS. Front flyleaf copied by a scribe who also copied pieces in Oxford MS. Mus. d. 103. These and other related fragments are brought together in a 'virtual manuscript' here.

Owned in 19th century by the antiquarian Edward F. Rimbault; purchased by the Philadelphia banker and philanthropist Joseph W. Drexel (1833-88) at a Sotheby's sale of Rimbault's library in 1877. Drexel collection bequeathed in 1888 to Lenox Library, incorporated since 1895 in New York Public Library.

DIAMM, 2017

Rebound in 1950 in modern covers of dark brown leather.

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black void mensural

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Staff height 13 (16-17 on flyleaves)

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Original ink foliation in each book, with errors and omissions; some modern foliation.

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A few small inked initials; no other decoration

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DIAMM, 2017

Digitized with funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) for the Tudor Partbooks project at the Universities of Oxford and Newcastle.

DIAMM, 2022
Census Catalogue of Music Description

This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers. It is COPYRIGHT and copying/reproduction of this content without permission may result in legal action.

1 Magnificat section, 1 Lamentation, 24 motets, 84 anthems, 3 fragmentary English sacred pieces (on flyleaves; see below), 82 English secular pieces, 10 fragmentary English secular pieces (on flyleaves), 25 Italian secular pieces, 31 instrumental pieces (Fantasias, In nomines, etc.), 2 textless fragments (on flyleaves) = 263

Amner-13, Bateson-1, (Bennet)-1, Bruster-1, Bull-1, Byrd-21, (Byrd/R. Farrant/R. Parsons I)-1, Byrd/(Gibbons)-1, Byrd/(T. Mudd II)-1, Byrd/(J. Mundy)-1, Byrd/Tallis-1, Clemens non Papa -3, (Coste)-1, M. East/(Simmes)-1, (Eremita)-1, (Faignient)-1, (Fayrfax)-1, A. Ferrabosco I-2, A. Ferrabosco I/Marenzio-1, A. Ferrabosco I/(Pinello di Ghirardi)-1, A. Ferrabosco II-1, (G. Ferretti)-1, Ford/(Byrd)-1, (A. Gabrieli)-2, (G. Gabrieli)-4, (Ellis Gibbons)-1, Gibbons-11, N. Giles-1, (Hilton the Elder)-1, Hooper/(Fox)-1, Ives-4, M. Jeffries-1, Jenkins-2, R. Johnson I-1, (Lassus)-3, T. Lupo-2, Marenzio-10, Morley-2, J. Mundy-3, (J. Mundy/W. Mundy)-2, (J. Mundy/W. Mundy/Shepherd/R. White)-1, (J. Mundy/Tallis)-1, J. or W.? Mundy [Mr. Mundie]-1, J. or W.? Mundy [Mr. Mundie]/(R. White)-1, W. Mundy-2, W. Mundy/Tallis-1, (W. Mundy/Tallis)-1, (Newark)-1, Nicholson-2, (Norcome)-1, (Palestrina)-7, (Pallavicino)-1, R. Parsons I-4, W. Randall-1, (Shepherd)-3, W.? Smith [Mr. Smithe]-1, Smith of Gloucester-1, Smith of Salop-1, Strogers-1, Strogers/(Shepherd)-1, Tallis-10, (Taverner)-1, Tomkins-21, (E. Tucker)-1, Tye-2, (Orazio Vecchi)-1, Weelkes-11 + 1?, R. White-1, R. White/(Byrd/ R. Parsons I /Strogers)-1, Wilbye -12, anon -47

6 paper partbooks (D-n + i + 190 + i + ii folios, A-ii + 191 + i + ii, T-ii + 196 + ii, B-ii + 192 + i + ii, Q-ii + i + 159 + i + ii, S-ii + i + 111 + i + it), 145 x 195. Original flyleaves cut from older, unrelated music manuscript; polyphony on these leaves included in summary of contents and composers above. Original ink foliation in each book, with errors and omissions; some modern foliation. Rebound in 1950 in modern covers of dark brown leather. Original indices at beginning of T and B books group pieces by number of voices; within each group, pieces listed in order of appearance (with some inconsistencies). Main corpus copied by John Merro, who also wrote most of LonBL 17792-6; music on flyleaves copied by two or three scribes. Staff height 13 (15-18 on flyleaves). A few small inked initials; no other decoration.

First half of 17th century (main corpus); ca. 1500 (flyleaves). Main corpus probably copied in western England, perhaps at Gloucester; flyleaves also of English origin, but specific provenance unknown. The original owner and scribe was John Merro. Owned in 19th century by the antiquarian Edward F. Rimbault; purchased by the Philadelphia banker and philanthropist Joseph W. Drexel (1833-88) at a Sotheby's sale of Rimbault's library in 1877. Drexel collection bequeathed in 1888 to Lenox Library, incorporated since 1895 in New York Public Library.

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

rear endpaper recto

Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
front flyleaf (recto)–front flyleaf (verso) In a slumber late as I was - Anonymous
Appears on: front flyleaf (recto)–front flyleaf (verso)
Genres: Carol
front flyleaf (verso) My mode is changed / A blessed Jesu -
Appears on: front flyleaf (verso)
Genres: Song
0v O Lord the maker of all things -
Appears on: 0v
Genres: Anthem
1 O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit -
Appears on: 1
Genres: Anthem
1v–2 Give alms unto the poor - Anonymous
Appears on: 1v–2
Genres: Anthem
2v–3 My God, my God, look upon me -
Appears on: 2v–3
3v If ye love me keep my commandments -
Appears on: 3v
Genres: Anthem
3–4 I give you a new commandment -
Appears on: 3–4
Genres: Anthem
4v–5 Hear the voice and prayer -
Appears on: 4v–5
Genres: Anthem
5–5v Let us now laud and magnify -
Appears on: 5–5v
Genres: Anthem
6 A new commandment -
Appears on: 6
Genres: Anthem
6v This is my commandment -
Appears on: 6v
Genres: Anthem
6v–7 If ye be risen again -
Appears on: 6v–7
7v–8 Rejoice in the Lord always -
Appears on: 7v–8
Genres: Anthem
8v A new commandment -
Appears on: 8v
Genres: Anthem
9 Submit yourselves one to another -
Appears on: 9
Genres: Anthem
9v He that hath my commandments -
Appears on: 9v
Genres: Anthem
10 He that hath my commandments -
Appears on: 10
Genres: Anthem
10v Behold, it is Christ -
Appears on: 10v
Genres: Anthem
11 Praise the Lord, O my soul -
Appears on: 11
11v–12 O Lord from us - Anonymous

O Lord from us

Appears on: 11v–12
Genres: Anthem
12v I will always give thanks - Anonymous
Appears on: 12v
Genres: Anthem
13–13v This sweet and merry month of May -
Appears on: 13–13v
Genres: Madrigal (English)
14–14v Every singing bird (= Vezzosi augelli) -
Appears on: 14–14v
Genres: Contrafactum, Madrigal (English)
15 When first my heedless eyes beheld (= Non vidi mai) -
Appears on: 15
Genres: Contrafactum, Madrigal (English)
15v O merry world (= I lieti amanti) -
Appears on: 15v
Genres: Contrafactum, Madrigal (English)
16 Zephyrus breathing (= Zephiro torna, 1a pars) -
Appears on: 16
Genres: Contrafactum, Madrigal (English)
16v Fair shepherd's queen (= Madonna sua merce) -
Appears on: 16v
Genres: Contrafactum, Madrigal (English)
17–17v Circumdederunt me - 1a pars (of 2): Circumdederunt me -
Appears on: 17–17v
Genres: Motet
17v–18 Circumdederunt me - 2a pars (of 2): Quoniam tribulatio -
Appears on: 17v–18
Genres: Motet
18v Saint Marie now - 1a pars (of 3): Saint Marie now -
Appears on: 18v
Genres: Anthem
18v–19 Saint Marie now - 2a pars (of 3): At length to Christ -
Appears on: 18v–19
Genres: Anthem
19 Saint Marie now - 3a pars (of 3): But he the God of love -
Appears on: 19
Genres: Anthem
19v–20v Sweet are the thoughts -
Appears on: 19v–20v
Genres: Anthem
21 Come let us rejoice -
Appears on: 21
Genres: Anthem
21v–22 O griefe, if yet my griefe (= Dolor, se 'l mio dolor) -
Appears on: 21v–22
Genres: Madrigal (English)
22v My heart, why hast thou -
Appears on: 22v
Genres: Consort song
23 Still it frieth, yet my heart never dieth -
Appears on: 23
Genres: Madrigal (English)
23v O God give ear (5vv) -
Appears on: 23v
Genres: Anthem
24–24v O mortal man - Anonymous

O mortal man

Appears on: 24–24v
Genres: Anthem
25–25v O Lord, I bow the knees of my heart -
Appears on: 25–25v
Genres: Anthem
26 Grant unto us, O Lord -
Appears on: 26
Genres: Anthem
26v–27 Wipe away my sins [=Absterge Domine] -
Appears on: 26v–27
27v Deliver me from mine enemies -
Appears on: 27v
Genres: Quodlibet
28–29 Lord who shall dwell -
Appears on: 28–29
Genres: Anthem
29v Prevent us, O Lord -
Appears on: 29v
Genres: Anthem
30 Blessed be thy name (= Mihi autem nimis) -
Appears on: 30
Genres: Anthem, Contrafactum
30v Set up thyself -
Appears on: 30v
Genres: Anthem
31–31v Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom Mr Tomkins of Woster
Appears on: 31–31v
Source Attribution: Mr Tomkins of Woster
32 I will sing unto the Lord -
Appears on: 32
Genres: Anthem
32v The heavens stood all amazed -
Appears on: 32v
Genres: Anthem
33 He that descended -
Appears on: 33
Genres: Anthem
33v How doth the city -
Appears on: 33v
Genres: Anthem
34 When Israel came out - 1a pars (of 2): When Israel came out of Egypt -
Appears on: 34
Genres: Anthem
34–35 When Israel came out - 2a pars (of 2): What aileth thee -
Appears on: 34–35
Genres: Anthem
35v Rise, O my soul - 1a pars (of 3): Rise, O my soul -
Appears on: 35v
Genres: Anthem
36 Rise, O my soul - 2a pars (of 3): And thou, my soul -
Appears on: 36
Genres: Anthem
36v Rise, O my soul - 3a pars (of 3): To thee, O Jesus -
Appears on: 36v
Genres: Anthem
37–37v? Do not repine fair sun -
Appears on: 37–37v?
Genres: Song
40 Vergine bella -
Appears on: 40
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
40v Vergine saggia -
Appears on: 40v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
41 Vergine pura -
Appears on: 41
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
41v Vergine santa -
Appears on: 41v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
42 Vergine sol' al mondo -
Appears on: 42
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
42v Vergine chiara -
Appears on: 42v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
43 Vergine quante lagrime -
Appears on: 43
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
43v Fantasia a5 (I) -
Appears on: 43v
Genres: Fantasia
44 Fantasia a5 (II) -
Appears on: 44
Genres: Fantasia
44v Fantasia a5 (III) -
Appears on: 44v
Genres: Fantasia
45 Fantasia a5 (IV) -
Appears on: 45
Genres: Fantasia
45v The white delightful swan (= Il bianco e dolce cigno) -
Appears on: 45v
Genres: Contrafactum, Madrigal (English)
46 Cinthia thy song (= Cinthia el tuo dolce canto) -
Appears on: 46
Genres: Contrafactum, Madrigal (English)
46v Le rossignol plaisant et gratieux -
Appears on: 46v
Genres: Madrigal
General Note

Here called "Larissinall"

47 When I would thee embrace (= Quand' io voleva) -
Appears on: 47
Genres: Contrafactum, Madrigal (English)
47v When shall I cease lamenting (= Chi per voi non sospira) -
Appears on: 47v
Genres: Contrafactum, Madrigal (English)
48 I must depart (= Io partiro) -
Appears on: 48
Genres: Contrafactum, Madrigal (English)
48v Susanna fair (= Susanne un jour) -
Appears on: 48v
Genres: Contrafactum, Madrigal (English)
49 So gratious -
Appears on: 49
Genres: Contrafactum, Madrigal (English)
49v In paradise - Anonymous

In paradise

Appears on: 49v
Genres: Consort song
50 Delight is dead -
Appears on: 50
Genres: Consort song
50v Come pretty babe -
Appears on: 50v
Genres: Consort song
51 Abradad - Anonymous


Appears on: 51
Genres: Consort song
52–52v Farewell the bliss - Anonymous

Farewell the bliss

Appears on: 52–52v
Genres: Consort song
53–53v Come Charon come - Anonymous

Come Charon come

Appears on: 53–53v
Genres: Consort song
54 In fields abroad -
Appears on: 54
Genres: Song
54v Lullaby - 1a pars (of 2): Lullaby, my sweet little baby -
Appears on: 54v
Genres: Song
54v–55 Lullaby - 2a pars (of 2): Be still, my blessed babe -
Appears on: 54v–55
Genres: Song
55v Prostrate, O Lord, I lie -
Appears on: 55v
Genres: Anthem
55v–56 Constant Penelope -
Appears on: 55v–56
Genres: Consort song
56v–57 O sing unto the Lord a new song -
Appears on: 56v–57
Genres: Anthem
57v Sing we merrily - 1a pars (of 3): Sing we merrily -
Appears on: 57v
Genres: Anthem
57v–58 Sing we merrily - 2a pars (of 3): Take the psalm -
Appears on: 57v–58
Genres: Anthem
58–58v Sing we merrily - 3a pars (of 3): Blow up the trumpet -
Appears on: 58–58v
Genres: Anthem
59 Why dost thou shoot -
Appears on: 59
Genres: Madrigal (English)
59v Of joys and pleasing pains -
Appears on: 59v
Genres: Madrigal (English)
60 My throat is sore -
Appears on: 60
Genres: Madrigal (English)
60v–61 O ye little flocks - 1a pars (of 3): O ye little flocks -
Appears on: 60v–61
Genres: Anthem
61v O ye little flocks - 2a pars (of 3): Fear not -
Appears on: 61v
Genres: Anthem
62 O ye little flocks - 3a pars (of 3): And they cry -
Appears on: 62
Genres: Anthem
62v Lo how from heaven - 1a pars (of 2): Lo how from heaven -
Appears on: 62v
Genres: Anthem
63 Lo how from heaven - 2a pars (of 2): I bring you tidings -
Appears on: 63
Genres: Anthem
63v A stranger here -
Appears on: 63v
Genres: Anthem
64 My Lord is hence removed -
Appears on: 64
Genres: Anthem
64v Sing joyfully - 1a pars (of 2): Sing joyfully unto God our strength -
Appears on: 64v
Genres: Anthem
65 Sing joyfully - 2a pars (of 2): Blow the trumpet -
Appears on: 65
Genres: Anthem
65v O God, the proud are risen -
Appears on: 65v
Genres: Anthem
66–66v Christ rising again - 1a pars (of 2): Christ rising again -
Appears on: 66–66v
Genres: Anthem
66v–67 Christ rising again - 2a pars (of 2): Christ is risen -
Appears on: 66v–67
Genres: Anthem
67v–68 O Lord how long wilt thou forget - Anonymous
Appears on: 67v–68
Genres: Anthem
68v Salvator mundi (I) -
Appears on: 68v
Genres: Motet
69–69v Absterge Domine -
Appears on: 69–69v
70–71 Lamentations (I) : Incipit lamentatio Jeremiae - Aleph - Beth - Convertere Jerusalem -
Appears on: 70–71
Genres: Lamentations, Motet
71v In resurrectione tua -
Appears on: 71v
Genres: Motet
72–72v Adolescentulus sum ego -
Appears on: 72–72v
Genres: Motet
73 Jerusalem plantabis vineam (8vv) - Anonymous
Appears on: 73
Genres: Motet
73v Credo quod redemptor meus vivit -
Appears on: 73v
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
74 O sacrum convivium in quo Christus sumitur -
Appears on: 74
Genres: Motet
74v Homo quidam fecit caenam magnam et misit -
Appears on: 74v
Genres: Motet
75 In nomine (V) a5 -
Appears on: 75
Genres: In nomine, Viol piece
75v In nomine a5 -
Appears on: 75v
Genres: In nomine
[foliation re-starts at 58] In nomine a5 -
Appears on: [foliation re-starts at 58]
Genres: In nomine
58v In nomine a 5 -
Appears on: 58v
Genres: In nomine, Viol piece
59 De la court - 1a pars -
Appears on: 59
Genres: Chanson
59v De la court - 2a pars -
Appears on: 59v
Genres: Chanson
61v–62 Musica e lo mio core -
Appears on: 61v–62
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
62v [unidentified Italian madrigal] - Anonymous
Appears on: 62v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
63 Ma la fiamma de l'alma -
Appears on: 63
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
63v [unidentified Italian madrigal] - Anonymous
Appears on: 63v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
64 [unidentified Italian madrigal] - Anonymous
Appears on: 64
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
64v Care lagrime mie -
Appears on: 64v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
65 Dolorosi martir', fieri tormenti -
Appears on: 65
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
65v Now must I part (= Parto da voi) -
Appears on: 65v
Genres: Contrafactum, Madrigal
66 So far from my delight - 1a pars (of 2): So far from my delight (= Se lungi dal mio sol) -
Appears on: 66
Genres: Contrafactum, Madrigal (English)
66v So far from my delight - 2a pars (of 2): She only doth not feel (= Sola voi no 'l sentite) -
Appears on: 66v
Genres: Madrigal (English)
67 I sang some time - 1a pars (of 2): I sang some time (= Cantai gia lieto) -
Appears on: 67
Genres: Contrafactum, Madrigal
67v I sang some time - 2a pars (of 2): Because my life (= Che la mia donna) -
Appears on: 67v
Genres: Contrafactum, Madrigal
68–69 Laudate pueri Dominum -
Appears on: 68–69
69v–70v Deus misereator nostri [2p. Ut cognoscamus; 3p. Confiteantur; 4p. Letentur; 5p. Benedicat] -
Appears on: 69v–70v
Genres: Motet
71–72 Deus misereatur nostri et benedicat nobis -
Appears on: 71–72
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Motet
72v–73 Domine non est exaltatum -
Appears on: 72v–73
Genres: Motet
73v Libera nos, salva nos [I] -
Appears on: 73v
Genres: Motet
74 Libera nos, salva nos [II] -
Appears on: 74
Genres: Motet
74 Magnificat a6: (exc) Esurientes -
Appears on: 74
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
74–74v Jerusalem surge - 1a pars (of 2): Jerusalem surge et sta in excelso et vide -
Appears on: 74–74v
Genres: Motet
75 Jerusalem surge - 2a pars (of 2): Leva in circuitu oculos tuos et vide -
Appears on: 75
Genres: Motet
75v Veni electa mea - 1a pars (of 2): Veni electa mea -
Appears on: 75v
Genres: Motet
76 Veni electa mea - 2a pars (of 2): Audi filia -
Appears on: 76
Genres: Motet
76v–77 Dum transisset sabbatum, Maria Magdalene / Aromata emerunt -
Appears on: 76v–77
Genres: Motet
77v Cantate Domino -
Appears on: 77v
Genres: Anthem
78–78v Blessed art thou that fearest God (II) - Anonymous
Appears on: 78–78v
79 Veni in hortum meum -
Appears on: 79
Genres: Motet
79v Angelus ad pastores ait annuntio vobis -
Appears on: 79v
Genres: Motet
80 Sermone blando [2p. Gloria Patri; 3p. Te iure laudant] -
Appears on: 80
Genres: Anthem
80v Cante cantate -
Appears on: 80v
Genres: Anthem
81–81v A knell -
Appears on: 81–81v
82 Alas, alack, my heart is woe - Anonymous
Appears on: 82
Genres: Song
82v–83 Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty -
Appears on: 82v–83
Genres: Anthem
83v All ye people clap your hands -
Appears on: 83v
Genres: Anthem
84 O Lord turn - 1a pars (of 2): O Lord, turn thy wrath (=Ne irascaris) -
Appears on: 84
Genres: Anthem, Contrafactum
84v–85 O Lord turn - 2a pars (of 2): Bow thine ear (= Civitatis sancti tui) -
Appears on: 84v–85
Genres: Anthem, Contrafactum
85v–86 Out of the deep (I) -
Appears on: 85v–86
Genres: Anthem
86v–87 Behold how good and joyful - Anonymous
Appears on: 86v–87
Genres: Anthem
87v–89 How long shall mine enemies triumph -
Appears on: 87v–89
Genres: Anthem
89v–90 O Lord, make thy servant, Elizabeth [or James, or King Charles] -
Appears on: 89v–90
Genres: Anthem
90v–91 O fools can you not -
Appears on: 90v–91
Genres: Madrigal (English)
91v–92 Alas what hope -
Appears on: 91v–92
Genres: Madrigal (English)
92v–93 Lady when I behold -
Appears on: 92v–93
Genres: Madrigal (English)
93v Thus saith my Cloris -
Appears on: 93v
Genres: Madrigal (English)
94 Adieu sweet Amaryllis -
Appears on: 94
Genres: Madrigal (English)
94v Die hapless man -
Appears on: 94v
Genres: Madrigal (English)
95 I fall, I fall, O stay me -
Appears on: 95
Genres: Madrigal (English)
95v Unkind o stay thy flying -
Appears on: 95v
Genres: Madrigal (English)
96 Flora gave me fairest flowers -
Appears on: 96
Genres: Madrigal (English)
96v–97 I sung sometimes my thoughts -
Appears on: 96v–97
Genres: Madrigal (English)
97v When David heard that Absalom -
Appears on: 97v
Genres: Anthem
98–98v O give thanks unto the Lord -
Appears on: 98–98v
Genres: Anthem
99–99v Behold, it is Christ -
Appears on: 99–99v
Genres: Anthem
100–101 Rejoice in the Lord O ye righteous -
Appears on: 100–101
Genres: Anthem
101v–102 God whom our offences -
Appears on: 101v–102
Genres: Anthem
102v–103v Hear my crying, O God (2p. O Lord, I will dwell) - Anonymous
Appears on: 102v–103v
Genres: Anthem
104–104v All people, clap your hands -
Appears on: 104–104v
Genres: Anthem
105–105v O Lord, rebuke me not in thine indignation - Anonymous
Appears on: 105–105v
Genres: Anthem
106 Christ rising - 1a pars (of 2): Christ rising again -
Appears on: 106
Genres: Anthem
106v Christ rising - 2a pars (of 2): Christ is risen -
Appears on: 106v
Genres: Anthem
107a v–109 The country cry 'God give you good morrow, sir rise' -
Appears on: 107a v–109
Genres: Song
109v–111 The cries of London - 1a pars (of 2): God give you good morrow, my masters -
Appears on: 109v–111
Genres: In nomine, Song
111–112 The cries of London - 2a pars (of 2): Will you go with me - A good sausage -
Appears on: 111–112
Genres: Song
112v–113v The cry of London - Anonymous

The cry of London

Appears on: 112v–113v
Genres: Consort song
114 O amica mea - 1a pars (of 2): O amica mea -
Appears on: 114
Genres: Motet
114v All at once well met -
Appears on: 114v
Genres: Madrigal (English)
115 To shorten winter's sadness -
Appears on: 115
Genres: Madrigal (English)
115v Whilst youthful sports are lasting -
Appears on: 115v
Genres: Madrigal (English)
116 On the plains, fairy trains -
Appears on: 116
Genres: Madrigal (English)
116v Hark all ye lovely saints above -
Appears on: 116v
Genres: Madrigal (English)
117 Say, dainty dames -
Appears on: 117
Genres: Madrigal (English)
117v In pride of May -
Appears on: 117v
Genres: Madrigal (English)
118 We shepherds sing -
Appears on: 118
Genres: Madrigal (English)
118v–119 I love and have my love -
Appears on: 118v–119
Genres: Madrigal (English)
119v Give me my heart -
Appears on: 119v
Genres: Consort song
120 Now is my Cloris fresh -
Appears on: 120
Genres: Consort song
120v–121 Cease now delight -
Appears on: 120v–121
Genres: Song
121v Come clap - 1a pars (of 2): Come clap thy hands -
Appears on: 121v
Genres: Consort song
122a Come clap - 2a pars (of 2): Phillis hath sworn -
Appears on: 122a
Genres: Consort song
122a v Give sentence with me -
Appears on: 122a v
Genres: Anthem
123v–124 Let God arise -
Appears on: 123v–124
Genres: Anthem
125 Too much I once lamented -
Appears on: 125
Genres: Consort song
125v–126 To the shady woods -
Appears on: 125v–126
Genres: Consort song
126v–127 Come shepherds sing with me -
Appears on: 126v–127
Genres: Consort song
127v–128 Cloris, why still repliest thou no? -
Appears on: 127v–128
Genres: Consort song
128v–129 See the shepherd's queen -
Appears on: 128v–129
Genres: Consort song
129v–130 Phillis now cease -
Appears on: 129v–130
Genres: Consort song
130v–131 When David heard that Absalom -
Appears on: 130v–131
Genres: Anthem
131v–132 Phillis, yet see him -
Appears on: 131v–132
Genres: Consort song
132v–133 Fusca, in thy starry eyes -
Appears on: 132v–133
Genres: Consort song
133v–134 Adieu ye city prisoning towers -
Appears on: 133v–134
Genres: Consort song
134v–135 When I observe those beauty's wonderments -
Appears on: 134v–135
Genres: Consort song
135v–136 Music divine, proceeding from above -
Appears on: 135v–136
Genres: Consort song
136v–137 Oft did I mar'l [marvel] -
Appears on: 136v–137
Genres: Madrigal (English)
137v Woe is me that I am constrained -
Appears on: 137v
Genres: Anthem
138 Turn unto the Lord our God -
Appears on: 138
Genres: Anthem
138v It is my well beloved's voice -
Appears on: 138v
Genres: Anthem
139v–140 A le guancie di rose -
Appears on: 139v–140
Genres: Canzon
140v–141 Ecco Vinegia bella -
Appears on: 140v–141
Genres: Canzon
141v–142 Sacri di Giove -
Appears on: 141v–142
Genres: Canzon
142v–143 O passi sparsi -
Appears on: 142v–143
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
143v–144 Addio dolce mia vita -
Appears on: 143v–144
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
144v–145 D'un si bel foco -
Appears on: 144v–145
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
145v–146 Quei, vinto dal furor -
Appears on: 145v–146
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
146v–147 Ecco l'alma beata -
Appears on: 146v–147
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
147v–148 Basti fin qui le pen' e i duri affanni (10vv) -
Appears on: 147v–148
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
148v Lieto godea sedendo -
Appears on: 148v
Genres: Canzon
149 O misero mio core -
Appears on: 149
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
149v–150 Hence stars, too dim of light -
Appears on: 149v–150
Genres: Madrigal (English)
150v–151 With angel's face -
Appears on: 150v–151
Genres: Consort song
151v–152 Lightly she whipped o'er the dales -
Appears on: 151v–152
Genres: Consort song
152v–153 Long live fair Oriana -
Appears on: 152v–153
Genres: Consort song
153v–154 All creatures now are merry minded -
Appears on: 153v–154
Genres: Madrigal (English)
154v–155 Fair Oriana, beauty's queen -
Appears on: 154v–155
Genres: Madrigal (English)
155v–156 Sing shepherds all and in your roundelays -
Appears on: 155v–156
Genres: Madrigal (English)
156v–157 Tutt' eri foco amore -
Appears on: 156v–157
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
157v–158 [untitled madrigal] - Anonymous
Appears on: 157v–158
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
158v–159v O sing unto the Lord a7 -
Appears on: 158v–159v
Genres: Anthem
160 Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty -
Appears on: 160
Genres: Anthem
160v–161v Out of the deep (II) -
Appears on: 160v–161v
162–162v Rejoice in the Lord O ye righteous -
Appears on: 162–162v
Genres: Anthem
163–164 O give thanks unto the Lord -
Appears on: 163–164
Genres: Anthem
164v–165v Awake up my glory Mr. Hugh Davies of Hereford
Appears on: 164v–165v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr. Hugh Davies of Hereford
166 Lord enter not into judgement -
Appears on: 166
Genres: Anthem
166v–167 O praise the Lord, all ye heathen -
Appears on: 166v–167
Genres: Anthem
167v–168 O Lord arise -
Appears on: 167v–168
Genres: Anthem
168v Fantasia a6 (III) -
Appears on: 168v
Genres: Fantasia
169v Fantasia a5 -
Appears on: 169v
Genres: Fantasia
169v Fantasia a5 - Anonymous

Fantasia a5

Appears on: 169v
Genres: Fantasia
rear flyleaf (recto) Alack good John what may you please / John is sick and ill at ease -
Appears on: rear flyleaf (recto)
Genres: Song
rear flyleaf (verso) The red rose fair and sweet of scent - Anonymous
Appears on: rear flyleaf (verso)
Genres: Carol
Composer Compositions
Amner, John (1579–1641)
Bateson, Thomas (ca. 1570–1630)
Bennett, John (fl. 1599-1614)
Byrd, William (ca. 1540–1623)
Clemens non Papa, Jacob (ca. 1510–ca. 1556)
Coste, [Thomas?]
Croce, Giovanni (ca. 1557–1609)
Davies, Hugh
Davy, Richard
Dering, Richard
Donato, Baldassare (ca. 1529–1603)
East, Michael
Eremita, Giulio
Faignient, Noë
Ferrabosco, Alfonso (the elder) (1543–1588)
Ferrabosco, Alfonso (the younger) (ca. 1575–1628)
Ferretti, Giovanni
Ford, Thomas
Gabrieli, Andrea (ca. 1532–1585)
Gabrieli, Giovanni (ca. 1554–1612)
Gibbons, Ellis
Gibbons, Orlando (ca. 1583–1625)
Giles, Nathaniel (ca. 1558–1634)
Hassler, Hans Leo (1564–1612)
Hilton (Senior), John
Hooper, Edmund
Jeffries (Jeffreys), Matthew
Johnson (I), Robert (ca. 1500–ca. 1560)
Johnson (II), Robert
Lassus, Orlande de (ca. 1532–1594)
Lupo, Thomas (ca. 1571–1627)
Marenzio, Luca (ca. 1553–1599)
Morley, Thomas (ca. 1557–1602)
Mundy, John (ca. 1555–1630)
Mundy, William (ca. 1528–ca. 1591)
Nicholson, Richard (1563–1639)
Norcome, Daniel
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da (1525–1594)
Pallavicino, Benedetto
Parsons (I), Robert (ca. 1535–ca. 1572)
Pinello di Ghirardi, Giovanni Battista
Randall, William (I)
Sheppard, John (ca. 1515–1558)
Simmes, William
Smith of Gloucester
Smith of Salop
Smith, (W. ?)
Striggio, Alessandro (ca. 1536–1592)
Strogers, Nicholas
Tallis, Thomas (ca. 1505–1585)
Tomkins, Thomas (1572–1656)
Tucker, Edmund
Tye, Christopher (ca. 1505–ca. 1573)
Vecchi, Orazio (1550–1605)
Weelkes, Thomas (ca. 1576–1623)
White, Robert (ca. 1538–1574)
Wilbye, John (1574–1638)
Composition Composers (? Uncertain) Folios / Pages
[unidentified Italian madrigal] Anonymous 62v
[unidentified Italian madrigal] Anonymous 63v
[unidentified Italian madrigal] Anonymous 64
[untitled madrigal] Anonymous 157v–158
A knell 81–81v
A le guancie di rose 139v–140
A new commandment 6
A new commandment 8v
A stranger here 63v
Abradad Anonymous 51
Absterge Domine 69–69v
Addio dolce mia vita 143v–144
Adieu sweet Amaryllis 94
Adieu ye city prisoning towers 133v–134
Adolescentulus sum ego 72–72v
Alack good John what may you please / John is sick and ill at ease rear flyleaf (recto)
Alas what hope 91v–92
Alas, alack, my heart is woe Anonymous 82
All at once well met 114v
All creatures now are merry minded 153v–154
All people, clap your hands 104–104v
All ye people clap your hands 83v
Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom 31–31v
Angelus ad pastores ait annuntio vobis 79v
Awake up my glory 164v–165v
Basti fin qui le pen' e i duri affanni (10vv) 147v–148
Behold how good and joyful Anonymous 86v–87
Behold, it is Christ 10v
Behold, it is Christ 99–99v
Blessed art thou that fearest God (II) Anonymous 78–78v
Blessed be thy name (= Mihi autem nimis) 30
Cantate Domino 77v
Cante cantate 80v
Care lagrime mie 64v
Cease now delight 120v–121
Christ rising - 1a pars (of 2): Christ rising again 106
Christ rising - 2a pars (of 2): Christ is risen 106v
Christ rising again - 1a pars (of 2): Christ rising again 66–66v
Christ rising again - 2a pars (of 2): Christ is risen 66v–67
Cinthia thy song (= Cinthia el tuo dolce canto) 46
Circumdederunt me - 1a pars (of 2): Circumdederunt me 17–17v
Circumdederunt me - 2a pars (of 2): Quoniam tribulatio 17v–18
Cloris, why still repliest thou no? 127v–128
Come Charon come Anonymous 53–53v
Come clap - 1a pars (of 2): Come clap thy hands 121v
Come clap - 2a pars (of 2): Phillis hath sworn 122a
Come let us rejoice 21
Come pretty babe 50v
Come shepherds sing with me 126v–127
Constant Penelope 55v–56
Credo quod redemptor meus vivit 73v
D'un si bel foco 144v–145
De la court - 1a pars 59
De la court - 2a pars 59v
Delight is dead 50
Deliver me from mine enemies 27v
Deus misereator nostri [2p. Ut cognoscamus; 3p. Confiteantur; 4p. Letentur; 5p. Benedicat] 69v–70v
Deus misereatur nostri et benedicat nobis 71–72
Die hapless man 94v
Do not repine fair sun 37–37v?
Dolorosi martir', fieri tormenti 65
Domine non est exaltatum 72v–73
Dum transisset sabbatum, Maria Magdalene / Aromata emerunt 76v–77
Ecco l'alma beata 146v–147
Ecco Vinegia bella 140v–141
Every singing bird (= Vezzosi augelli) 14–14v
Fair Oriana, beauty's queen 154v–155
Fair shepherd's queen (= Madonna sua merce) 16v
Fantasia a5 169v
Fantasia a5 Anonymous 169v
Fantasia a5 (I) 43v
Fantasia a5 (II) 44
Fantasia a5 (III) 44v
Fantasia a5 (IV) 45
Fantasia a6 (III) 168v
Farewell the bliss Anonymous 52–52v
Flora gave me fairest flowers 96
Fusca, in thy starry eyes 132v–133
Give alms unto the poor Anonymous 1v–2
Give me my heart 119v
Give sentence with me 122a v
God whom our offences 101v–102
Grant unto us, O Lord 26
Hark all ye lovely saints above 116v
He that descended 33
He that hath my commandments 9v
He that hath my commandments 10
Hear my crying, O God (2p. O Lord, I will dwell) Anonymous 102v–103v
Hear the voice and prayer 4v–5
Hence stars, too dim of light 149v–150
Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty 160
Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty 82v–83
Homo quidam fecit caenam magnam et misit 74v
How doth the city 33v
How long shall mine enemies triumph 87v–89
I fall, I fall, O stay me 95
I give you a new commandment 3–4
I love and have my love 118v–119
I must depart (= Io partiro) 48
I sang some time - 1a pars (of 2): I sang some time (= Cantai gia lieto) 67
I sang some time - 2a pars (of 2): Because my life (= Che la mia donna) 67v
I sung sometimes my thoughts 96v–97
I will always give thanks Anonymous 12v
I will sing unto the Lord 32
If ye be risen again 6v–7
If ye love me keep my commandments 3v
In a slumber late as I was Anonymous front flyleaf (recto)–front flyleaf (verso)
In fields abroad 54
In nomine (V) a5 75
In nomine a 5 58v
In nomine a5 75v
In nomine a5 [foliation re-starts at 58]
In paradise Anonymous 49v
In pride of May 117v
In resurrectione tua 71v
It is my well beloved's voice 138v
Jerusalem plantabis vineam (8vv) Anonymous 73
Jerusalem surge - 1a pars (of 2): Jerusalem surge et sta in excelso et vide 74–74v
Jerusalem surge - 2a pars (of 2): Leva in circuitu oculos tuos et vide 75
Lady when I behold 92v–93
Lamentations (I) : Incipit lamentatio Jeremiae - Aleph - Beth - Convertere Jerusalem 70–71
Laudate pueri Dominum 68–69
Le rossignol plaisant et gratieux 46v
Let God arise 123v–124
Let us now laud and magnify 5–5v
Libera nos, salva nos [I] 73v
Libera nos, salva nos [II] 74
Lieto godea sedendo 148v
Lightly she whipped o'er the dales 151v–152
Lo how from heaven - 1a pars (of 2): Lo how from heaven 62v
Lo how from heaven - 2a pars (of 2): I bring you tidings 63
Long live fair Oriana 152v–153
Lord enter not into judgement 166
Lord who shall dwell 28–29
Lullaby - 1a pars (of 2): Lullaby, my sweet little baby 54v
Lullaby - 2a pars (of 2): Be still, my blessed babe 54v–55
Ma la fiamma de l'alma 63
Magnificat a6: (exc) Esurientes 74
Music divine, proceeding from above 135v–136
Musica e lo mio core 61v–62
My God, my God, look upon me 2v–3
My heart, why hast thou 22v
My Lord is hence removed 64
My mode is changed / A blessed Jesu front flyleaf (verso)
My throat is sore 60
Now is my Cloris fresh 120
Now must I part (= Parto da voi) 65v
O amica mea - 1a pars (of 2): O amica mea 114
O fools can you not 90v–91
O give thanks unto the Lord 98–98v
O give thanks unto the Lord 163–164
O God give ear (5vv) 23v
O God, the proud are risen 65v
O griefe, if yet my griefe (= Dolor, se 'l mio dolor) 21v–22
O Lord arise 167v–168
O Lord from us Anonymous 11v–12
O Lord how long wilt thou forget Anonymous 67v–68
O Lord the maker of all things 0v
O Lord turn - 1a pars (of 2): O Lord, turn thy wrath (=Ne irascaris) 84
O Lord turn - 2a pars (of 2): Bow thine ear (= Civitatis sancti tui) 84v–85
O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit 1
O Lord, I bow the knees of my heart 25–25v
O Lord, make thy servant, Elizabeth [or James, or King Charles] 89v–90
O Lord, rebuke me not in thine indignation Anonymous 105–105v
O merry world (= I lieti amanti) 15v
O misero mio core 149
O mortal man Anonymous 24–24v
O passi sparsi 142v–143
O praise the Lord, all ye heathen 166v–167
O sacrum convivium in quo Christus sumitur 74
O sing unto the Lord a new song 56v–57
O sing unto the Lord a7 158v–159v
O ye little flocks - 1a pars (of 3): O ye little flocks 60v–61
O ye little flocks - 2a pars (of 3): Fear not 61v
O ye little flocks - 3a pars (of 3): And they cry 62
Of joys and pleasing pains 59v
Oft did I mar'l [marvel] 136v–137
On the plains, fairy trains 116
Out of the deep (I) 85v–86
Out of the deep (II) 160v–161v
Phillis now cease 129v–130
Phillis, yet see him 131v–132
Praise the Lord, O my soul 11
Prevent us, O Lord 29v
Prostrate, O Lord, I lie 55v
Quei, vinto dal furor 145v–146
Rejoice in the Lord always 7v–8
Rejoice in the Lord O ye righteous 100–101
Rejoice in the Lord O ye righteous 162–162v
Rise, O my soul - 1a pars (of 3): Rise, O my soul 35v
Rise, O my soul - 2a pars (of 3): And thou, my soul 36
Rise, O my soul - 3a pars (of 3): To thee, O Jesus 36v
Sacri di Giove 141v–142
Saint Marie now - 1a pars (of 3): Saint Marie now 18v
Saint Marie now - 2a pars (of 3): At length to Christ 18v–19
Saint Marie now - 3a pars (of 3): But he the God of love 19
Salvator mundi (I) 68v
Say, dainty dames 117
See the shepherd's queen 128v–129
Sermone blando [2p. Gloria Patri; 3p. Te iure laudant] 80
Set up thyself 30v
Sing joyfully - 1a pars (of 2): Sing joyfully unto God our strength 64v
Sing joyfully - 2a pars (of 2): Blow the trumpet 65
Sing shepherds all and in your roundelays 155v–156
Sing we merrily - 1a pars (of 3): Sing we merrily 57v
Sing we merrily - 2a pars (of 3): Take the psalm 57v–58
Sing we merrily - 3a pars (of 3): Blow up the trumpet 58–58v
So far from my delight - 1a pars (of 2): So far from my delight (= Se lungi dal mio sol) 66
So far from my delight - 2a pars (of 2): She only doth not feel (= Sola voi no 'l sentite) 66v
So gratious 49
Still it frieth, yet my heart never dieth 23
Submit yourselves one to another 9
Susanna fair (= Susanne un jour) 48v
Sweet are the thoughts 19v–20v
The country cry 'God give you good morrow, sir rise' 107a v–109
The cries of London - 1a pars (of 2): God give you good morrow, my masters 109v–111
The cries of London - 2a pars (of 2): Will you go with me - A good sausage 111–112
The cry of London Anonymous 112v–113v
The heavens stood all amazed 32v
The red rose fair and sweet of scent Anonymous rear flyleaf (verso)
The white delightful swan (= Il bianco e dolce cigno) 45v
This is my commandment 6v
This sweet and merry month of May 13–13v
Thus saith my Cloris 93v
To shorten winter's sadness 115
To the shady woods 125v–126
Too much I once lamented 125
Turn unto the Lord our God 138
Tutt' eri foco amore 156v–157
Unkind o stay thy flying 95v
Veni electa mea - 1a pars (of 2): Veni electa mea 75v
Veni electa mea - 2a pars (of 2): Audi filia 76
Veni in hortum meum 79
Vergine bella 40
Vergine chiara 42v
Vergine pura 41
Vergine quante lagrime 43
Vergine saggia 40v
Vergine santa 41v
Vergine sol' al mondo 42
We shepherds sing 118
When David heard that Absalom 97v
When David heard that Absalom 130v–131
When first my heedless eyes beheld (= Non vidi mai) 15
When I observe those beauty's wonderments 134v–135
When I would thee embrace (= Quand' io voleva) 47
When Israel came out - 1a pars (of 2): When Israel came out of Egypt 34
When Israel came out - 2a pars (of 2): What aileth thee 34–35
When shall I cease lamenting (= Chi per voi non sospira) 47v
Whilst youthful sports are lasting 115v
Why dost thou shoot 59
Wipe away my sins [=Absterge Domine] 26v–27
With angel's face 150v–151
Woe is me that I am constrained 137v
Zephyrus breathing (= Zephiro torna, 1a pars) 16

Images © Public Library, Music Division, New York


Type: Project Collection

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GB-Lcm [pr. bk.] B187

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GB-Lcm [pr. bk.] B190 [Altus]

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GB-Lcm [pr. bk.] B190 [Bassus]

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GB-Lcm [pr. bk.] B190 [Discantus]

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GB-Lcm [pr. bk.] B190 [Tenor]

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GB-Ob MS. Tenbury 807

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GB-Ob MS. Tenbury 808

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GB-Ob MS. Tenbury 809

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GB-Ob MS. Tenbury 810

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GB-Ob MS. Tenbury 811

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GB-Och Mus. 45

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IRL-Dm [pr. bk.] Z4. 3. 1-5

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US-NYp Mus. Res. Drexel 4182

denotes primary source study

Fallows, David. 1993. The Drexel Fragments of Early Tudor Song. Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle, 5-18. Notes: discussion; contents list (partial); description of MS.

Charteris, Richard. 1984. Alfonso Ferrabosco the Elder (1543-1588): A Thematic Catalogue of his Music with a Biographical Calendar.  New York. Pages: 159,194. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial).

Monson, Craig. 1982. Voices and Viols in England, 1600-1650: The Sources and the Music.  Ann Arbor. Pages: 133-58. Notes: discussion (with inventory).

Daniel, Ralph T, and Peter Le Huray. 1972. The Sources of English Church Music 1549-1660. Early English Church Music.  London.

Bray, Roger W. 1969. The Interpretation of Musica Ficta in English Music, C. 1490-C. 1580 [dissertation]. Oxford University, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Pages: I:172,176; II:76,79,86.

Warren, Edwin B. 1969. Life and Works of Robert Fayrfax. Musicological Studies and Documents.  American Institute of Musicology. Pages: 56,61,156-7. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Brett, Philip. 1965. The Songs of William Byrd. Cambridge University, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Pages: 33-4, 110,135-43,235-7.

Harrison, Frank Llewellyn (editor). 1963-. Early English Church Music.  London: Stainer & Bell. Pages: ll, 218; XII,115-7,120-1; XIII.206; XIX,326; XXI, 94-105,203; XXIII,146; XXIX,128,134; XXX, 178. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list (partial); concordances (partial).

Kerman, Joseph. 1961. Byrd's Motets: Chronology and Canon. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 359-82. Pages: 363, 365. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial).

Stevens, John E. 1961. Music & Poetry in the Early Tudor Court.  Cambridge. Pages: 362,375,378, 426-8.

Lewis, Anthony (editor). 1951-. Musica Britannica: A National Collection of Music.  London. Pages: IX,228; XVIII,110; XXII,6-8,46-7, 53-5, 114-32, 173, 177-8, 181, 185-7; XXIII, 126, 128, 133; XXXVI, xix, 160ff; XLIV, 184,186,188-91,194. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial).

Blume, Friedrich (editor). 1949-79. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik.  Kassel. Pages: XV,1847.

Fellowes, Edmund H (editor). 1937-50, 1962. The Collected Works of William Byrd. Pages: XV, 59-62, 107-10, 166, 172, 175; XVII, 150-3, 158, 162. Notes: mention of MS; contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial).

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DIAMM, 2016

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. General Description; Binding Note; Notation Note; Ruling Note; Foliation Note; Decoration Note; Surface Note

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. Census Catalogue of Music Description