D-B MS Mus. 40613 (Lochamer-Liederbuch; Fundamentum organisandi of Conrad Paumann)

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, Germany

manuscript of polyphony & organ tablature: c. 1452-60

Archive Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, Germany (D-B)
Shelfmark MS Mus. 40613 (Lochamer-Liederbuch; Fundamentum organisandi of Conrad Paumann)
Image Availability DIAMM does not have images of this source. Please refer to the external links for image availability.
Surface Paper
Numbering System Pagination
Measurements c. 215 x 155 mm
Other Identifiers
  • CCM: BerlS 40613
  • olim (Former shelfmark): WERNIGERODE. Gräflich Stolbergsche Bibliothek. MS Zb 14
External Links
  • Nürnberg (Nuremberg), Bavaria, Germany
Contents 13 pieces from 3 composers
General Description

Copied by several scribes; the main scribe was probably Frater Judocus von Windsheim (PetzG). Copied in Nuremberg. The vocal and instrumental sections of the manuscript are related; both were probably copied by associates of Conrad Paumann. At one point owned by the music publisher Hans Ott.

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Physical Description

Some folios have been damaged by mildew.

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Enclosed in 2 parchment leaves (originally the covers). Brown tooled leather covers were added to the manuscript sometime after 1582; these have ornamental borders, several coats of arms associated with Nuremberg families, and the inscriptions 'Discantus' and '15 BA 82' ; some original leather covers were also retained when the manuscript was rebound and restored in modern times.

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black void mensural

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Modern pencil pagination, 1-92

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Red initials (one blue)

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DIAMM, 2017

Only the polyphonic pieces (and a handful of concordances in the tablature section) are inventoried here.

DIAMM, 2022
Census Catalogue of Music Description

This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers. It is COPYRIGHT and copying/reproduction of this content without permission may result in legal action.

9 German secular pieces

(Also in the manuscript: 32 monophonic German secular pieces, 3 monophonic Latin contrafacta of secular works, 1 monophonic textless piece, 3 texts with no music, and 32 keyboard pieces in tablature)

Anonymous [Attributions for monophony in "LochamerLiederbuch": (Binchois)-1 ballade tenor, here with the text "Ave duke," (Hermann der Mönch von Salzburg)-1, (Oswald von Wolkenstein)-1, anonymous. Attributions for "Fundamentum organisandi": (Ciconia)-1 tenor, G. Legrant-1, (Oswald von Wolkenstein)-1 tenor, Paumann-13 or more, Paumgartner-1, Putenheim-1, Walterus de Salice [W. d Sa.]-1 treatise, anonymous].

46 paper folios enclosed in 2 parchment leaves (originally the covers), ca. 215 x 155. Some folios have been damaged by mildew. Modern pencil pagination, 1-92. Brown tooled leather covers were added to the manuscript sometime after 1582; these have ornamental borders, several coats of arms associated with Nuremberg families, and the inscriptions "Discantus" and "15 BA 82" ; both the leather and the original parchment covers were retained when the manuscript was rebound and restored in modern times. Copied by several scribes; the main scribe was probably Frater Judocus von Windsheim (PetzG). Red initials (one blue).

Ca. 1452-60. Copied in Nuremberg. The vocal and instrumental sections of the manuscript are related; both were probably copied by associates of Conrad Paumann.

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
6–7 Der Winter will hini weichen - Anonymous
Appears on: 6–7
Genres: Lied
10 Ich het mir ausserkoren - Anonymous
Appears on: 10
Genres: Lied
14–15 Möcht ich dein Wegeren - Anonymous
Appears on: 14–15
Genres: Lied
16–17 Der Wallt hat sich entlawbet - Anonymous
Appears on: 16–17
Genres: Lied
18–19 Des Klaffers Neiden - Anonymous
Appears on: 18–19
Genres: Lied
20 Een vrauken edel van natueren - Anonymous
Appears on: 20
Genres: Secular, Secular song, Song

Item Bibliography

Petzsch, Christoph. 1974. Fragment mit acht dreistimmigen Chansons, darunter Lochamer Liederbuch Nr. 18. Die Musikforschung, 319-22. Pages: 57.

Lenaerts, René Bernard. 1933. Het Nederlands Polifonies Lied in de Zestiende Eeuw.  Amsterdam. Pages: 72. Notes: edition of text.

Arnold, Friedrich Wilhelm, and Heinrich Bellerman (editors). 1926. Das Locheimer Liederbuch nebst der Ars Organisandi von Conrad Paumann.  Leipzig. Pages: p. 121. Notes: edition (facing facsimile).

Wolf, Johannes. 1913-9; Reprinted: Hildesheim, 1963. Handbuch der Notationskunde.  Leipzig. Pages: i, facing p. 384. Notes: facsimile.

22–23 Kan ich nit über werden - Anonymous
Appears on: 22–23
Genres: Lied
38–39 Mein trawt Geselle und mein liebster - Anonymous
Appears on: 38–39
Genres: Lied
40 Der Summer - Anonymous

Der Summer

Appears on: 40
Genres: Lied
44 Je loy (loe, loue) amours et ma dame mercye -
Appears on: 44
Genres: Ballade, Chanson
General Note

organ tablature

69 Magnificat tone 6 [K.508] - Anonymous
Appears on: 69
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat, Organ piece, Tablature
General Note

organ tablature

70 Une foys avant que morir (Tenor Anavois) - Anonymous
Appears on: 70
General Note

organ tablature anonymous 'tenor Anavois' on f. 70 (not 'Tenor Enavois', the initial "A" was misread as "E" in Apel's keyboard edition). 'Anavois' corrupted from "Une fois [avant que morir]". Not by Ciconia. For a corrected version see: Lewon, Marc: Das Lochamer-Liederbuch in neuer Übertragung und mit ausführlichem Kommentar, Brensbach/Deutschland: Verlag der Spielleute, 2010 (vol. 3)

Item Bibliography

Lewon, Marc (editor). 2007/2008/2010. Das Lochamer-Liederbuch in neuer Übertragung und mit ausführlichem Kommentar. 3 vols. Brensbach: Verlag der Spielleute. Pages: (vol 3).

73 Con lagrime bagnandome el viso -
Appears on: 73
Genres: Italian secular
General Note

organ tablature

denotes primary source study

Lewon, Marc (editor). 2007/2008/2010. Das Lochamer-Liederbuch in neuer Übertragung und mit ausführlichem Kommentar. 3 vols. Brensbach: Verlag der Spielleute.

Korth, Hans-Otto, Helmut Hell, and Jutta Lambrecht. 1997. Die Signaturengruppe Mus ms. 40000 ff. Folge 1: Handschriften des 15. - 19. Jahrhunderts in mensuraler und neuerer Notation. Katalog. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Kataloge der Musikabteilung, Erste Reihe.  München. Pages: 665-668.

Böker-Heil, Norbert, Harald Heckmann, and Ilse Kindermann. 1982. Das Tenorlied: Mehrstimmige Lieder in deutschen Quellen 1450-1580. (Band 2: Handschriften). Catalogus Musicus.  Kassel, Basel, and London. Pages: 79-81. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial).

Sadie, Stanley (editor). 1980. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians.  London. Pages: XVII,725. Notes: facsimile (partial).

Petzsch, Christoph. 1974. Fragment mit acht dreistimmigen Chansons, darunter Lochamer Liederbuch Nr. 18. Die Musikforschung, 319-22. Notes: concordances (partial).

Ameln, Konrad (editor). 1972. Lochamer-Liederbuch und das Fundamentum organisandi von Conrad Paumann.  Kassel. Notes: physical description; contents list; F.

Apel, Willi. 1972. The History of Keyboard Music to 1700.  Bloomington, Indiana. Pages: 48-55. Notes: concordances (partial); transcription (partial).

Petzsch, Christoph. 1970. Unbekannte Überlieferung von LochamerLiederbuch Nr. 4. Die Musikforschung, 38. Notes: mention of MS; concordances (partial).

Petzsch, Christoph. 1968. Geistliche Kontrafakta des späten Mittelalters. Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, 19-29. Notes: mention of MS; concordances (partial).

Southern, Eileen. 1968. Foreign Music in German Manuscripts of the 15th Century. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 258-85. Pages: 258ff, 279ff. Notes: mention of MS; concordances (partial).

Wolff, Christoph. 1968. Conrad Paumanns Fundamentum organisandi und seine verschiedenen Fassungen. Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, 196-222. Notes: physical description; mention of MS; discussion; concordances (partial).

Schmidt, Hans (editor). 1967-. Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Bayern: Neue Folge.  Wiesbaden. Pages: II. Notes: physical description; contents list; concordances; texts; transcription; e.

Petzsch, Christoph. 1967. Das Lochamer-Liederbuch: Studien.  Munich. Notes: physical description; contents list; incipitsst of contents (partial); facsimile (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Kirsch, Winfried. 1966. Die Quellen der mehrstimmigen Magnificat- und Te Deum-Vertonungen bis zur Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts.  Tutzing. Pages: 123. Notes: mention of MS.

Apel, Willi (editor). 1963. Keyboard Music of the Fourteenth & Fifteenth Centuries. Corpus of Early Keyboard Music.  American Institute of Musicology. Pages: vi-vii, 32-51. Notes: concordances; transcriptions.

Fischer, Kurt von. 1956. Studien zur italienischen Musik des Trecento und frühen Quattrocento. Publikationen der Schweizerischen Musikforschenden Gesellschaft.  Bern: Paul Haupt. Pages: 46-7. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial).

Rohloff, Ernst. 1956. Mit ganzem Willen wünsch ich dir: Neuer Vorschlag zur Textdeutung der einstimmigen Weise im Lochamer Liederbuch. Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, 236-42. Notes: mention of MS.

Salmen, Walter. 1951. Das Lochamer Liederbuch: Eine musikgeschichtliche Studie.  Leipzig. Notes: physical description; contents list; transcription (partial); additional bibliography.

Blume, Friedrich (editor). 1949-79. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik.  Kassel. Pages: I, 1459, 1855; IV, 1149-50; VIII, 1080-3. Notes: physical description; facsimile (partial).

Besseler, Heinrich. 1948. Das Lochamer Liederbuch aus Nürnberg. Die Musikforschung, 220-5. Notes: physical description; mention of MS; discussion.

Lehmann, Günther. 1940. Neue Beiträge zur Erforschung des Lochamer Liederbuchs. Archiv für Musikforschung, 1-11. Notes: physical description; mention of MS; discussion.

Müller-Blattau, Joseph. 1938. Die Weisen des Locheimer Liederbuchs. Archiv für Musikforschung , 277-301. Notes: concordances (partial); transcription (partial).

Funck, Heinz. 1933. Eine Chanson von Binchois im Buxheimer Orgelund Locheimer Liederbuch. Acta Musicologica, 3-13. Notes: concordances (partial); transcription (partial).

Rosenberg, Herbert. 1931. Übertragungen einiger bisher nicht aufgelöster Melodienotierungen des Locheimer Liederbuchs. Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 67-88. Notes: concordances (partial); transcription (partial).

Arnold, Friedrich Wilhelm. 1926, 1969. Das Locheimer Liederbuch nebst der Ars Organisandi von Conrad Paumann als Dokumente des Deutschen Liedes.  Leipzig. Notes: physical description; concordances (partial); texts; facsimile (partial).

Ameln, Konrad. 1925. Das Locheimer Liederbuch. Teil I: Die mehrstimmigen Sätze.  Augsburg. Notes: transcription (partial).

Ursprung, Otto. 1922), 413-9; V (1923), 11-30, 316-26; VI (1924. Vier Studien zur Geschichte des deutschen Liedes. Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, 262-323.

Schering, Arnold. 1914. Studien zur Musikgeschichte der Frührenaissance.  Leipzig. Pages: 15ff. Notes: mention of MS; concordances (partial); transcription (partial).

Kade, Otto. 1872. Berichtigungen zu dem 'Locheimer Liederbuche' von 1450. Monatshefte für Musikgeschichte, 233-48. Notes: contents list (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

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Marc Lewon

Tuesday, 8 March, 2022

'Tenor Enavois' corrected to "Tenor Anavois" (the initial "A" was misread as "E" in Apel's keyboard edition). Bibliography link to Marc Lewon's new edition added.

DIAMM, 2016

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. General Description; Physical Description Note; Binding Note; Notation Note; Foliation Note; Decoration Note; Surface Note

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. Census Catalogue of Music Description