I-Bc Q.24 [Discantus]

Museo Internazionale e Biblioteca della Musica di Bologna, Bologna, Italy

partbook: 1540-50 (John Brawley)

Archive Museo Internazionale e Biblioteca della Musica di Bologna, Bologna, Italy (I-Bc)
Shelfmark Q.24 [Discantus]
Image Availability DIAMM does not have images of this source. Please refer to the external links for image availability.
Surface Paper
Numbering System Foliation
Measurements 167 x 245 mm
Other Identifiers
  • CCM: BolC Q24
  • black void mensural
External Links
  • Italy
Contents 12 pieces from 4 composers
General Description

A Discantus partbook from a set of six volumes. Scribal concordance with BolC Q23. From northern Italy, possibly Bologna (Rifkin).

DIAMM, 2017

37 leaves

DIAMM, 2017

Modern cardboard covers.

DIAMM, 2017

no watermark

DIAMM, 2017

1540-50 (John Brawley)

DIAMM, 2022

Remnants of original ink foliation (mostly lost in trimming); modern pencil foliation.

DIAMM, 2017
Census Catalogue of Music Description

This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers. It is COPYRIGHT and copying/reproduction of this content without permission may result in legal action.

1 Mass, 4 Passions, 3 motets = 8

D.? Ferrabosco-1, (Hesdin/Willaert)-1, Jhan of Ferrara [Matre Jam]-1, Ruffo-1, Willaert-3, Willaert/(Rore)-1

6 paper partbooks (D-37 folios, A-44, T-41, B-41, Q-19, S-20), 167 x 245. Remnants of original ink foliation (mostly lost in trimming); modern pencil foliation. Modern cardboard covers. No index. Scribal concordance with BolC Q23. No watermarks.

1540-50 (John Brawley). From northern Italy, possibly Bologna (Rifkin).

Vol. 4

Contents: 1 Mass, 6 Passions, 3 motets = 10

Composers: D. Ferrabosco? [Feraboschi]-2, (Hesdin/Willaert)-1, Jhan of Ferrara [Matre Jan]-1, Ruffo-2, Willaert-3, Willaert/(Verdelot)-1

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
1v–11r Passio Domini secundum Matheum Matre Jain
Appears on: 1v–11r
Genres: Passion
Source Attribution: Matre Jain
11v–22v Passio Domini nostri secundum Joannem Adrian
Appears on: 11v–22v
Genres: Passion
Source Attribution: Adrian
23r O salutaris hostia Adrian W
Appears on: 23r
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Adrian W
23v–24r Domine Jesu Christe [B167] - 1a pars (of 2): Domine Jesu Christe amator benignissime -
Appears on: 23v–24r
Genres: Motet
24r–24v Domine Jesu Christe [B167] - 2a pars (of 2): O bone Jesu et dulcis spes -
Appears on: 24r–24v
Genres: Motet
24v–25r Missa Benedicta es caelorum regina a 5: Kyrie -
Appears on: 24v–25r
25v–26r Missa Benedicta es caelorum regina a 5: Gloria -
Appears on: 25v–26r
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax)
26v–27v Missa Benedicta es caelorum regina a 5: Credo -
Appears on: 26v–27v
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem)
28r–28v Missa Benedicta es caelorum regina a 5: Sanctus -
Appears on: 28r–28v
Genres: Sanctus [& Benedictus]
29r Missa Benedicta es caelorum regina a 5: Agnus Dei -
Appears on: 29r
Genres: Agnus Dei
29v–31v Passio Domini secundum Matthaeum (a3): Scitis quia post biduum pascha fiet Vincentii Ruffi
Appears on: 29v–31v
Genres: Passion
Source Attribution: Vincentii Ruffi
General Note

NB this is the Tenor of the 3vv setting

32r–33r Passio Domini nostri secundum Joannem (a4) Vincentii Ruffi
Appears on: 32r–33r
Genres: Passion
Source Attribution: Vincentii Ruffi
General Note

NB this is the Tenor of the 3vv setting

Set: Q.24

Type: Partbooks

No images available

I-Bc Q.24 [Altus]

No images available

I-Bc Q.24 [Bassus]

No images available

I-Bc Q.24 [Discantus]

No images available

I-Bc Q.24 [Quintus]

No images available

I-Bc Q.24 [Sextus]

No images available

I-Bc Q.24 [Tenor]

denotes primary source study

Lockwood, Lewis Henry. 1959. The Counter-Reformation and the Sacred Music of Vincenzo Ruffa. Princeton University, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Pages: 307-13. Notes: physical description; mention of MS; discussion.

Schmitz, Arnold (editor). 1955-. Musikalische Denkmäler.  Mainz. Pages: I, 9-10; I, passim. Notes: physical description; transcription (partial).

Torchi, Luigi. 1906. I Monumenti dell'antica musica francese a Bologna. Rivista Musicale Italiana, 451-505,575-615. Pages: 576. Notes: mention of MS.

Kade, Otto. 1893 R 1971. Die Altere Passionskomposition bis zum Jahre 1631.  Gütersloh: (1893) New York: (1971 reprint). Pages: 27, 37. Notes: mention of MS.

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Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. Census Catalogue of Music Description