GB-Cp MS 39 [Decani Contratenor I] (Peterhouse Partbooks: Former Caroline Set)

Peterhouse, Perne Library, Cambridge, England

partbook: Copied c. 1625-40, assembled c. 1635-43

Archive Peterhouse, Perne Library, Cambridge, England (GB-Cp)
Shelfmark MS 39 [Decani Contratenor I] (Peterhouse Partbooks: Former Caroline Set)
Surface Paper
Numbering System None
Measurements 300 x 190 mm
Other Identifiers
  • CCM: CambriU Peter. 475-81
  • olim (Former shelfmark): Photocopy number 476
External Links
Contents 257 pieces from 53 composers
General Description

A Contratenor I Decani partbook from a set originally of ten volumes. The set is a collection of originally separate bifolios or other small gatherings, with some single leaves. Many scribal hands are present; among the identified scribes are William Smith, Henry Palmer, Henry Loosemore, Thomas Wilson, Robert Ramsey, and John Amner. A number of scribes remain unidentified; two of these also copied portions of various liturgical manuscripts at Durham Cathedral (MorehS). MSS 47, 48 and 49, previously unnumbered, were lost until c. 1948, when they were discovered behind a panel in the college library.

The Peterhouse Partbooks are not numbered consecutively as they were not all discovered and included in the library's collection at the same time. For some years they were also referred to by the numbers given to a set of photocopies of the books (which still exist), while three newly-discovered books did not have shelf-marks. The list below gives the sets in order and with the photocopy numbers for ease of cross-reference.

Former Caroline Set
Medius - MS. 47 - photocopy 475
Contratenor I - MS. 39 - photocopy 476
Contratenor II - MS. 48 - photocopy 477
Tenor - MS. 50 - LOST
Bass - MS. 38 - photocopy 478
Medius - MS. 34 - photocopy 479
Contratenor I - MS. 49 - photocopy 480
Contratenor II - MS. 51 - LOST
Tenor - MS. 52 - LOST
Bass - MS. 33 - photocopy 481

JCM, 2010

black leather, with the Peterhouse College arms and voice designations stamped on the side. The other books in this set were rebound in new covers in the 19th century

JCM, 2010

not indicated

JCM, 2010

Many leaves have page or folio numbers from the earlier collections to which they once belonged. The old numbers are mostly cancelled and replaced with 17th-century foliation.

JCM, 2010


JCM, 2010
Census Catalogue of Music Description

This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers. It is COPYRIGHT and copying/reproduction of this content without permission may result in legal action.

41 Services or Service sections, 125 anthems, 3 motets, 1 textless piece = 170

Amner-10, (Bath)-1, Batten-10, Bennet-1, Blancks-1, Boyce-1, Bull-1, Byrd-11, Child-8, [William or Thomas?] Cranford-2, Deering-1, Derrick-1, J. Farrant II-1, R. Farrant-1, A. Ferra-bosco I-1, Fido-1, Gibbons-8, Gibbons/W. Smith-1, N. Giles-5, Heath-1, Hilton the Elder-1, Hilton the Younger-2, Hinde-1, Hooper-8, Hughes-1, R. Hutchinson-1, M. Jeffries-1, Loosemore -10, Mace-1, J. Marson-1, Molle-3, Morley-2, J. Mundy-5, Palmer-2, Peerson-2, Portman-1, Ramsey-13, Edward Smith-3, J. Smith-1, W. Smith-6, Stevenson-1, Strogers-2, Tallis-3, Tomkins-10, Tye-2, Ward-1, Weelkes-3, R. White-1, W. White -1, T. Wilkinson-4, Wilson-4, Woodson-1, anon-5

7 paper partbooks of an original 10 (Médius Decani-166 folios, Contratenor I Decani-178, Contratenor II Decani-51, Bassus Decani-164, Médius Cantoris -163, Contratenor I Cantoris-141, Bassus Cantoris-151), 300 x 190. The manuscript is a collection of originally separate bifolios or other small gatherings, with some single leaves. Many of these have page or folio numbers from the earlier collections to which they once belonged. The old numbers are mostly cancelled and replaced with 17th-century foliation. MSS 475, 477, and 480, previously unnumbered, were lost until ca. 1948, when they were discovered behind a panel in the college library. They are bound in black leather, with the Peterhouse College arms and voice designations stamped on the side. The other books in this set were rebound in new covers in the 19th century. Many scribal hands are present; among the identified scribes are William Smith, Henry Palmer, Henry Loosemore, Thomas Wilson, Robert Ramsey, and John Amner. A number of scribes remain unidentified; two of these also copied portions of various liturgical manuscripts at Durham Cathedral (MorehS).

Copied ca. 1625-40. Assembled ca. 1635-43 at Peterhouse College in Cambridge, for use of the college chapel. The gathering and assembling of materials for the partbooks was probably directed by John Cosin, Master of Peterhouse from 1634, whose High Church-oriented liturgical innovations aroused vigorous controversy. Cosin himself commissioned the composition of some of the pieces, and the influence of his ideas is reflected in much of the repertory. Some of the gatherings were copied in Cambridge; others were probably copied at Durham and Ely, and then acquired by Cosin through friends and associates in those places. (Cosin had been a prebendary at Durham Cathedral before coming to Cambridge, and he was also a close friend of Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Ely, another supporter of the High Church movement). The books were later transferred from the Peterhouse College library to the Cambridge University Library.

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550


Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
front flyleaf 2–front flyleaf 4 index - -


Appears on: front flyleaf 2–front flyleaf 4
1–4v [blank staves] - -

[blank staves]

Appears on: 1–4v
05 Preces and Responses (I) Mr Tallis
Appears on: 05
Genres: Response
Source Attribution: Mr Tallis
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Preces and Responses
05v–06 Second Preces & Psalm for Whitsun evensong Orlando Gibbons
Appears on: 05v–06
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: Orlando Gibbons
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: First Preces; Psalm for [Whitsun?] (And I will pr)
General Note

Labelled "First Preces" in this book & MS 33; EECM identifies this set as the Second Preces

07v–08 Whole Service in Gamut: Venite Mr Child
Appears on: 07v–08
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: Mr Child
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Service in G] - Venite
General Note

This Venite setting belongs to the G major service on ff.77ff, not with the service immediately following here.

08v–09 Sharp Service: Te Deum Mr Child
Appears on: 08v–09
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Liturgical work, Te Deum
Source Attribution: Mr Child
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Sharp Service - Te Deum
09v–10 Sharp Service: Jubilate Child
Appears on: 09v–10
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Canticle, Jubilate, Liturgical work
Source Attribution: Child
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Sharp Service - Jubilate
10–10v Sharp Service: (Kyrie) Responses in the Communion Service Mr Child
Appears on: 10–10v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Communion, Response
Source Attribution: Mr Child
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Sharp Service - Kyrie [Resp to the Comm]
10–11 Sharp Service: Creed -
Appears on: 10–11
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Sharp Service - Creed
12v–13 Sharp Service: Magnificat Child
Appears on: 12v–13
Genres: Anglican Service Music, BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Child
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: - Magnificat
13 Sharp Service: Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 13
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Canticle, Liturgical work, Nunc Dimittis
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: - Nunc dimittis
13v–14v First (Old) Service for verses: Te Deum Giles
Appears on: 13v–14v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Liturgical work, Te Deum
Source Attribution: Giles
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Second] Service - Te Deum
14v–15 First (Old) Service for verses: Jubilate -
Appears on: 14v–15
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Second] Service - Jubilate
15–16 First (Old) Service for verses: Creed -
Appears on: 15–16
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Second] Service - Creed
General Note

Magnificat & Nunc dimittis from the First Service are copied at ff. 103 onwards

17–18 Service in F: Te Deum Mr Bird
Appears on: 17–18
Genres: Liturgical work, Te Deum
Source Attribution: Mr Bird
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Service in F] - Te Deum
18–19 Service in F: Benedictus Mr Child (incorrectly)
Appears on: 18–19
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Benedictus [Anglican = 2nd canticle at Morning Prayer]
Source Attribution: Mr Child (incorrectly)
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Service in F] - Benedictus
19v First Service: Magnificat Mr Mole
Appears on: 19v
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Mole
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [First] Service - Magnificat [also f.102v]
General Note

copied again at f. 102

20 First Service: Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 20
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [First] Service - Nunc dimittis
20v Second (Communion) Service: Kyrie [Palmer]
Appears on: 20v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Kyrie eleison, Response
Source Attribution: [Palmer]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Kyrie
20v Gospel Response [Palmer]
Appears on: 20v
Genres: Response
Source Attribution: [Palmer]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Gospel response
20 Second (Communion) Service: Creed [Palmer]
Appears on: 20
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: [Palmer]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Creed
21 Laudate Dominum a6 [Palmer?]
Appears on: 21
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: [Palmer?]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Laudate Dominum [one line of music only]
General Note

Only one line of music copied

21v Benedicite (Latin, shortened) Anon Anonymous
Appears on: 21v
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Anon
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Benedicite [Latin, shortened]
General Note

Possibly by Henry Palmer or Henry Loosemore (in the same hand as previous and following pieces in MS. 38)

22–22v Service a3 for men: Te Deum Mr Mundy
Appears on: 22–22v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Liturgical work, Te Deum
Source Attribution: Mr Mundy
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Service a3 for men] - Te Deum
23–24 Service a3 for men: Benedictus (Canticle) Mr Mundy
Appears on: 23–24
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: Mr Mundy
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Service a3 for men] - Benedictus
24v–25v Service a3 for men: Magnificat Mr Mundy
Appears on: 24v–25v
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Mundy
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Service a3 for men] - Magnificat
25–25v Service a3 for men: Nunc dimittis Mr Mundy
Appears on: 25–25v
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: Mr Mundy
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Service a3 for men] - Nunc dimittis
27–27v Second Preces (second version) & Psalms for Epiphany: When Israel came out, Hear my prayer O Lord and hide not, Teach me O Lord Mr Birde
Appears on: 27–27v
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: Mr Birde
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Second] Preces; [Psalm for Epiphany] (Judah was his sanctuary)
28–28v Second Preces (first version) & Psalm for Ascension Day evensong: Ps. 24, Lift up your heads [psalm adapted from Attollite portas] Mr Birde
Appears on: 28–28v
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: Mr Birde
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Psalm for Ascension Day evensong (Lift up)
29–29v Preces for Ascension Day Edward Smithe
Appears on: 29–29v
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: Edward Smithe
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Preces; Psalm for Ascension Day matins (Out of)
29–29v O Lord our Governor (Psalm for Ascension Day) -
Appears on: 29–29v
Genres: Anthem, Psalm
29v–30v Preces & Psalm for All Saints' And walk in the law; Let my complaint Edward Smithe
Appears on: 29v–30v
Genres: Psalm
Source Attribution: Edward Smithe
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Psalm for All Saints' (And walk in the law)
30v–31v Preces and Psalm for Christmas Day matins: Lord thou art become gracious William Smith
Appears on: 30v–31v
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: William Smith
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Preces; Psalm for Christmas Day (morning) (Thou hast turned away)
31v–32 Preces and Psalm for Christmas Day evensong: The Lord saith unto my Lord William Smith
Appears on: 31v–32
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: William Smith
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Psalm for Christmas Day (evening) (The Lord shall send the rod)
32v Preces; Psalm for Whitsun matins (God be merciful) William Smith
Appears on: 32v
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: William Smith
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Psalm for Whitsun (morning) (And shew us the light)
33–33v Preces & Psalm for Easter Day matins (I will give thanks) William Smith
Appears on: 33–33v
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: William Smith
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Psalm for Easter Day (morning) (Secretly among the faithful)
33v–34 First [TCM: 2nd] Preces & Psalm for Easter Day evensong: Awake up my glory Mr Orlando Gibbons
Appears on: 33v–34
Genres: Psalm
Source Attribution: Mr Orlando Gibbons
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Psalm for Easter Day evening (I will give thanks)
General Note

attributed to William Smith in MS 38. EECM calls this the First Preces; TCM & RISM the Second Preces.

34v–35 Preces & Psalm for Easter Day evensong: We will rejoice Henry Palmer
Appears on: 34v–35
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: Henry Palmer
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Preces; Psalm for Easter Day (evening) (We will rejoice)
35v–36 Behold, O Lord Mr Wilkinson
Appears on: 35v–36
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Wilkinson
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Behold O Lord
36 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel Mr Tomkins
Appears on: 36
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Tomkins
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Blessed be the Lord God
36v Help Lord Mr Wilkinson
Appears on: 36v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Wilkinson
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Help Lord
36v–37 O God, be merciful unto us (= Deus misereatur (canticle)) Mr Strogers
Appears on: 36v–37
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Strogers
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O God be merciful unto us
37v Give sentence with me, O God Mr Tomkins
Appears on: 37v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Tomkins
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Give sentence with me
38 Hear my cry, O God Mr Jo: Hilton
Appears on: 38
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Jo: Hilton
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Hear my cry O God
38v–39 When the Lord turned again the captivity of Sion Mr Stephenson
Appears on: 38v–39
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Stephenson
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: When the Lord turned again
41 Evening Service: Magnificat Anon Anonymous
Appears on: 41
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Anon
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service - Magnificat [incomplete]
General Note

last line of a Magnificat

41 Evening Service: Nunc dimittis Anon Anonymous
Appears on: 41
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: Anon
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service - Nunc dimittis
41v Service for trebles: Magnificat Mr Wiljks (=Weelkes)
Appears on: 41v
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Wiljks (=Weelkes)
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service for trebles - Magnificat [and f.57v]
General Note

The 4 Magnificat-Nunc dimittis pairs on ff. 41v-46 are repeated (with Hughes' service moved to the beginning) at ff. 56v-61

41v–42 Service for trebles: Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 41v–42
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service for trebles - Nunc dimittis
42–42v Third Service for verses: Magnificat Mr Hooper
Appears on: 42–42v
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Hooper
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Verse Service - Magnificat [also f.58v]
General Note

The 4 Magnificat-Nunc dimittis pairs on ff. 41v-46 are repeated (with Hughes' service moved to the beginning) at ff. 56v-61

42v–43 Third Service for verses: Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 42v–43
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Verse Service - Nunc dimittis
43–44 Ninth Service: Magnificat Mr Wilks (=Weelkes)
Appears on: 43–44
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Wilks (=Weelkes)
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Ninth] Service - Magnificat [also f.60]
General Note

The 4 Magnificat-Nunc dimittis pairs on ff. 41v-46 are repeated (with Hughes' service moved to the beginning) at ff. 56v-61 -- though in this Weelkes pair the other Ct part is copied later

44–44v Ninth Service: Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 44–44v
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Ninth] Service - Nunc dimittis
44v–45 Service 'to Derricks': Magnificat Mr Hewes (=Hughes)
Appears on: 44v–45
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Hewes (=Hughes)
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service 'to Derricks' - Magnificat [and f.56v]
General Note

The 4 Magnificat-Nunc dimittis pairs on ff. 41v-46 are repeated (with Hughes' service moved to the beginning) at ff. 56v-61

General Note

The 4 Magnificat-Nunc dimittis pairs on ff. 41v-46 are repeated (with Hughes' service moved to the beginning) at ff. 56v-61

45v Service 'to Derricks': Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 45v
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service 'to Derricks' - Nunc dimittis
46–46v Short Service: Venite Mr Strogers
Appears on: 46–46v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Canticle, Venite exultemus [Anglican, Morning Service]
Source Attribution: Mr Strogers
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Venite
46v–47 Short Service: Te Deum -
Appears on: 46v–47
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Liturgical work, Te Deum
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Te Deum
47–47v Short Service: Benedictus (Canticle) -
Appears on: 47–47v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Benedictus [Anglican = 2nd canticle at Morning Prayer], Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Benedictus
47v Short Service: Kyrie (Responses in the Communion Service) -
Appears on: 47v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Kyrie eleison, Response
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Kyrie [Resp to the Comm]
48 Short Service: Creed -
Appears on: 48
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Credo (patrem omnipotentem)
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Creed
48v Short Service: Magnificat -
Appears on: 48v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Magnificat
49 Short Service: Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 49
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Canticle, Nunc Dimittis
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Nunc dimittis
49v–50 Second Service "Cesar's" (for verses): Venite Mr Amner
Appears on: 49v–50
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: Mr Amner
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service 'for verses' - Venite
50–50v Second Service "Cesar's" (for verses): Te Deum -
Appears on: 50–50v
Genres: Liturgical work, Te Deum
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service 'for verses' - Te Deum
50v–51 Second Service "Cesar's" (for verses): Jubilate -
Appears on: 50v–51
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service 'for verses' - Jubilate
51 Second Service "Cesar's" (for verses): Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service -
Appears on: 51
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Kyrie eleison, Response
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service 'for verses' - Kyrie [Resp to the Comm]
51–51v Second Service "Cesar's" (for verses): Creed -
Appears on: 51–51v
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service 'for verses' - Creed
51v–52 Second Service "Cesar's" (for verses): Magnificat -
Appears on: 51v–52
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service 'for verses' - Magnificat
52 Second Service "Cesar's" (for verses): Nunc dimittis Mr Amner
Appears on: 52
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: Mr Amner
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service 'for verses' - Nunc dimittis
52–52v Evening Service in medio chori: Magnificat Mr Mundi[e]
Appears on: 52–52v
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Mundi[e]
General Note

This is the second Contratenor part - the first Ct part follows immediately after

52v Evening Service in medio chori: Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 52v
Genres: Canticle
General Note

This is the second Contratenor part - the first Ct part follows immediately after. This service is listed as John Mundy by HughesC 1953; EECM is uncertain which Mundy.

53–53v Evening Service in medio chori: Magnificat Mundy
Appears on: 53–53v
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mundy
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service in medio chori - Magnificat
General Note

This is the first Contratenor part - the second Ct part is on the previous pages

53v–54 Evening Service in medio chori: Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 53v–54
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service in medio chori - Nunc dimittis
General Note

This is the first Contratenor part - the second Ct part is on the previous pages

54–55 Evening Service: Magnificat Mr Blankes
Appears on: 54–55
Genres: Anglican Service Music, BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Blankes
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Evening Service - Magnificat
55 Evening Service: Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 55
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Evening Service - Nunc dimittis
55v–56 Evening Service to Mr Parson's service of 5 parts: Magnificat Mr Mundy
Appears on: 55v–56
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Mundy
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Evening Service [to Mr Parson's service] - Magnificat
General Note

"that followes mr Parsons service of 5 parts" ie written to follow it… MS48 incomplete. Listed in HughesC 1953 as John Mundy

56–56v Evening Service to Mr Parson's service of 5 parts: Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 56–56v
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Evening Service [to Mr Parson's service] - Nunc dimittis
56v–57 Service 'to Derricks': Magnificat Mr Hughes
Appears on: 56v–57
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Hughes
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service 'to Derricks' - Magnificat [and f.44v]
General Note

"to [accompany] Derrick's short service" cf f. 88; ascribed to Thomas Hughes/Hewes, a lay clerk at Durham in 1627, by CrosbyD 1986.

General Note

The 4 Magnificat-Nunc dimittis pairs on ff. 56v-61 are repeated (with Hughes' service in a different position) from ff. 41v-46

57–57v Service 'to Derricks': Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 57–57v
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service 'to Derricks' - Nunc dimittis
57v–58 Service for trebles: Magnificat Mr Wilkes (=Weelkes)
Appears on: 57v–58
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Wilkes (=Weelkes)
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service for trebles - Magnificat [and f.41v]
General Note

The 4 Magnificat-Nunc dimittis pairs on ff. 56v-61 are repeated (with Hughes' service in a different position) from ff. 41v-46

58 Service for trebles: Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 58
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service for trebles - Nunc dimittis
58v–59 Third Service for verses: Magnificat Mr Hooper
Appears on: 58v–59
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Hooper
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Verse Service - Magnificat [also f.42]
General Note

The 4 Magnificat-Nunc dimittis pairs on ff. 56v-61 are repeated (with Hughes' service in a different position) from ff. 41v-46

59–59v Third Service for verses: Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 59–59v
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Verse Service - Nunc dimittis
60–60v Ninth Service: Magnificat Mr Wilkes (=Weelkes)
Appears on: 60–60v
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Wilkes (=Weelkes)
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Ninth] Service - Magnificat [also f.43]
General Note

The 4 Magnificat-Nunc dimittis pairs on ff. 56v-61 are repeated (with Hughes' service in a different position) from ff. 41v-46 -- though in this Weelkes pair the other Ct part is copied earlier

61–61v Ninth Service: Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 61–61v
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Ninth] Service - Nunc dimittis
61v–62 First [‘Short’] Service: Magnificat Mr Tomkins
Appears on: 61v–62
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Tomkins
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short [First] Service - Magnificat
General Note

The Venite from this service is copied at f. 69

62 First [‘Short’] Service: Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 62
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short [First] Service - Nunc dimittis
63–63v Second (Short) Service: Venite Mr John Farrant
Appears on: 63–63v
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: Mr John Farrant
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Venite
63v–64 Second (Short) Service: Te Deum -
Appears on: 63v–64
Genres: Liturgical work, Te Deum
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Te Deum
64–64v Second (Short) Service: Jubilate -
Appears on: 64–64v
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Jubilate
64v Second (Short) Service: Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service -
Appears on: 64v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Kyrie eleison, Response
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Kyrie [Resp to the Comm]
64v–65 Second (Short) Service: Magnificat -
Appears on: 64v–65
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Magnificat
65 Second (Short) Service: Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 65
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Nunc dimittis
65v–66 First (Short) Service: Te Deum Mr Boyce
Appears on: 65v–66
Genres: Liturgical work, Te Deum
Source Attribution: Mr Boyce
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Te Deum
66–66v First (Short) Service: Benedictus (Canticle) -
Appears on: 66–66v
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Benedictus
66v First (Short) Service: Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service -
Appears on: 66v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Kyrie eleison, Response
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Kyrie [Resp to the Comm]
66v–67 First (Short) Service: Creed -
Appears on: 66v–67
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Credo (patrem omnipotentem)
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Creed
67v First (Short) Service: Magnificat -
Appears on: 67v
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Magnificat
68 First (Short) Service: Nunc dimittis Mr Boyce
Appears on: 68
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: Mr Boyce
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Nunc dimittis
69 First [‘Short’] Service: Venite Mr Tomkins
Appears on: 69
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: Mr Tomkins
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short [First] Service - Venite
General Note

The Magnificat/Nunc dimittis from this service are copied at ff. 61v-62. Folios 71-72 are missing from this ms.

72–72v Short Service: Te Deum Mr Mundy
Appears on: 72–72v
Genres: Liturgical work, Te Deum
Source Attribution: Mr Mundy
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Te Deum
General Note

Listed as John Mundy in HughesC 1953

72v–73 Short Service: Jubilate -
Appears on: 72v–73
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Jubilate
73 Short Service: Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service -
Appears on: 73
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Kyrie eleison, Response
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Kyrie
73v–74 Short Service: Creed -
Appears on: 73v–74
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Credo (patrem omnipotentem)
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Creed
75–76 Great Service (to Parsons 'of Wells' flat service): Magnificat Mr Hooper
Appears on: 75–76
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Hooper
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Full [Great] Service - Magnificat
76 Great Service (to Parsons 'of Wells' flat service): Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 76
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Full [Great] Service - Nunc dimittis
77–78 Whole Service in Gamut: Benedicite Mr Childe
Appears on: 77–78
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: Mr Childe
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: [Service in G] - Benedicite
General Note

The Venite from this service is copied at f. 7v

78–78v Whole Service in Gamut: Jubilate -
Appears on: 78–78v
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Service in G] - Jubilate
78v Whole Service in Gamut: Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service -
Appears on: 78v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Kyrie eleison, Response
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Service in G] - Kyrie [Resp to the Comm]
78v–79 Whole Service in Gamut: Creed -
Appears on: 78v–79
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Service in G] - Creed
79v Whole Service in Gamut: Magnificat -
Appears on: 79v
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Service in G] - Magnificat
80 Whole Service in Gamut: Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 80
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Service in G] - Nunc dimittis
80v Hear my prayer, O Lord [attr Bath]
Appears on: 80v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [attr Bath]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Hear my prayer [for a bass]
General Note

Attributed by MorehenS 1969 to Bath

81v–82 Holy holy holy Lord God almighty (Anthem for Trinity Sunday) Mr Batten
Appears on: 81v–82
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Batten
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Holy holy holy [2 alto parts] [also 123, 144]
General Note

Two contratenors goven here on facing pages. Copied again at f. 123

82v–83 Almighty God which through thy only begotten Son (Collect for Easter Day) Mr Deeringe
Appears on: 82v–83
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: Mr Deeringe
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Collect for Easter Day (Almighty God which)
General Note

HughesC 1953 suggests this is an adaptation of a Latin original

84 Call to remembrance Mr Hilton
Appears on: 84
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Hilton
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Call to remembrance
84v O Lord give ear unto my prayer (6vv) (= Memento homo) Mr Bird
Appears on: 84v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Bird
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O Lord give ear
85–86 Great Service: Magnificat Mr Bird
Appears on: 85–86
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Bird
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Great Service - Magnificat
86v–87 Great Service: Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 86v–87
Genres: Canticle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Great Service - Nunc dimittis
87–87v We praise thee O father Mr Gibbons
Appears on: 87–87v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Gibbons
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: We praise thee O father [for Easter Day]
88 Communion Service : Kyrie Responses Mr Dirrrick
Derrick (?)
Appears on: 88
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Kyrie eleison, Response
Source Attribution: Mr Dirrrick
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service - Kyrie
88–88v Communion Service: Creed -
Derrick (?)
Appears on: 88–88v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Service - Creed
General Note

MS38 has 'Henry' at end

89–89v I will wash my hands W Smith
Appears on: 89–89v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: W Smith
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: I will wash my hands
90 Lord, I am not high-minded [Amner]
Appears on: 90
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Amner]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Lord, I am not high-minded
91 Out of the deep - 1a pars (of 2): Out of the deep Jo: Amner
Appears on: 91
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Jo: Amner
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Out of the deep a3 [Tenor]
91v Out of the deep - 2a pars (of 2): My soul flyeth Jo: Amner
Appears on: 91v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Jo: Amner
92 Communion Service: Glory be to God on high Jo: Amner
Appears on: 92
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Communion, Gloria (et in terra pax)
Source Attribution: Jo: Amner
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [D minor] Service - Gloria
General Note

(Though the following folio ius numbered 92a, it is this one which has been added into the book - the verso is unruled.)

92a Lift up your heads [Amner]
Appears on: 92a
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Amner]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Lift up your heads
General Note


92av O let my mouth be filled [Child]
Appears on: 92av
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Child]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O let my mouth be filled
93–93v Third (First) Service: Te Deum Jo: Amner
Appears on: 93–93v
Genres: Liturgical work, Te Deum
Source Attribution: Jo: Amner
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [D minor] Service - Te Deum
General Note

Described as 'First Service' in MS 38, f. 91r

94–94v Third (First) Service: Benedictus (Canticle) [Amner]
Appears on: 94–94v
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: [Amner]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [D minor] Service - Benedictus
94v Third (First) Service: Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service [Amner]
Appears on: 94v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Kyrie eleison, Response
Source Attribution: [Amner]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [D minor] Service - Kyrie [Resp to the Comm]
94v–95v Third (First) Service: Creed [Amner]
Appears on: 94v–95v
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: [Amner]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [D minor] Service - Creed
95v–96 Third (First) Service: Magnificat [Amner]
Appears on: 95v–96
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: [Amner]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [D minor] Service - Magnificat
96v Third (First) Service: Nunc dimittis [Amner]
Appears on: 96v
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: [Amner]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [D minor] Service - Nunc dimittis
97–98 First Service 'to the Organ': Te Deum Mr Morley
Appears on: 97–98
Genres: Liturgical work, Te Deum
Source Attribution: Mr Morley
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [First] Service - Te Deum
98–98v First Service 'to the Organ': Benedictus (Canticle) [Morley]
Appears on: 98–98v
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: [Morley]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [First] Service - Benedictus
99 First Service 'to the Organ': Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service [Morley]
Appears on: 99
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Kyrie eleison, Response
Source Attribution: [Morley]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [First] Service - Kyrie [Resp to the Comm]
99–99v First Service 'to the Organ': Creed [Morley]
Appears on: 99–99v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: [Morley]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [First] Service - Creed
100 Grant we beseech thee Almighty God (Collect for Ascension Day) [Ramsey]
Appears on: 100
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: [Ramsey]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Collect for Ascension Day (Grant we beseech) [and 117, 158]
General Note

copied again at ff. 117 & 158

100v, 102–102v First Service 'to the Organ': Magnificat [Morley]
Appears on: 100v, 102–102v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: [Morley]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [First] Service - Magnificat [no f.101, but nothing missing]
General Note

Molle's Magnificat & Nunc dimittis have been misbound, in between the 2 folios containing Morley's.

102v, 101 First Service 'to the Organ': Nunc dimittis Mr Morley
Appears on: 102v, 101
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Canticle
Source Attribution: Mr Morley
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [First] Service - Nunc dimittis
General Note

Molle's Service has been misbound between the folios containing Morley's; so the Nunc dimittis begins on f. 102v, then the last line is on f. 101 (which is here also numbered 102 but considered as 101)

101 First Service: Magnificat Mr Molle
Appears on: 101
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Molle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [First] Service - Magnificat [also f.19v]
General Note

This and next folio both numbered f. 102 but considered as f. 101, 102 here

101v First Service: Nunc dimittis Mr Molle
Appears on: 101v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Canticle
Source Attribution: Mr Molle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [First] Service - Nunc dimittis
General Note

This and next folio both numbered f. 102 but considered as f. 101, 102 here

102a–102av Verse Service: Te Deum John Smith
Appears on: 102a–102av
Genres: Liturgical work, Te Deum
Source Attribution: John Smith
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Verse Service - Te Deum
102b–102bv Verse Service: Benedictus (Canticle) John Smith
Appears on: 102b–102bv
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: John Smith
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Verse Service - Benedictus
103v–104 First (Old) Service for verses: Magnificat Giles
Appears on: 103v–104
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Giles
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Verse Service - Magnificat
104 First (Old) Service for verses: Nunc dimittis [Giles]
Appears on: 104
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: [Giles]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Verse Service - Nunc dimittis
105–105v Second Service: Magnificat Orlando Gibbons
Appears on: 105–105v
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Orlando Gibbons
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Second] Service - Magnificat
105v Second Service: Nunc dimittis [Gibbons]
Appears on: 105v
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: [Gibbons]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Second] Service - Nunc dimittis
106 Bow down thine ear Mr Martin Person
Appears on: 106
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Martin Person
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Bow down thine ear
106v Have ye no regard Alfonso Ferabosco
Appears on: 106v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Have ye no regard
107 Sweet Jesus which in crotch was laid John Hilton
Appears on: 107
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: John Hilton
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Sweet Jesus
107v Blow up the trumpet Mr Pearson
Appears on: 107v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Pearson
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Blow up the trumpet
108–108v If the Lord himself had not been on our side Mr Smith
Appears on: 108–108v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Smith
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: If the Lord himself
General Note

The MS attributes this piece to "W Smith" & it is listed by HughesC 1953 as William Smith; EECM attributes it to Edward Smith

109–109v Short Service: Magnificat Mr Hooper
Appears on: 109–109v
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Hooper
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Magnificat
109v–110 Short Service: Nunc dimittis [Hooper]
Appears on: 109v–110
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: [Hooper]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Short Service - Nunc dimittis
111 Let God arise Mr Ward
Appears on: 111
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Ward
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Let God arise
General Note

'Mr Frisney' added after composer name (perhaps a lay clerk), with the note he 'wore his hair long'!

112 Great and marvellous Mr Molle
Appears on: 112
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Molle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Great and marvellous
113 Sing joyfully unto God our strength (2p. Blow the trumpet) [Byrd]
Appears on: 113
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Byrd]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Sing joyfully
113v O God the proud are risen against me [Byrd]
Appears on: 113v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Byrd]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O God, the proud are risen
114–114v Behold, it is Christ [Hooper]
Appears on: 114–114v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Hooper]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Behold it is Christ
114v–115 O praise God in his holiness (II) [White]
Appears on: 114v–115
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [White]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O praise God in his holiness
115–115v O Lord, make thy servant, Elizabeth [or James, or King Charles] [Byrd]
Appears on: 115–115v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Byrd]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O Lord make thy servant Charles
115v–116 O Lord make thy servant Charles [Cranford]
Appears on: 115v–116
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Cranford]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O Lord make thy servant Charles
General Note

In MS. 38 and 33 the title or underlay has been replaced with the words 'The King shall rejoice in thy strength'

116v Behold thou hast made my days Mr Gibbons
Appears on: 116v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Gibbons
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Behold, thou hast made my days (1618)
117 Grant we beseech thee Almighty God (Collect for Ascension Day) Mr Ramsey
Appears on: 117
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: Mr Ramsey
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Collect for ?Easter Day (Grant we beseech) [and 100 and 158]
General Note

copied also at f. 100 & 158

118 Behold I bring you glad tidings Mr Orlando Gibbons
Appears on: 118
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Orlando Gibbons
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Behold, I bring you glad tidings
118v Almighty God, which madest thy blessed son (Collect for the Circumcision) Mr Hooper
Appears on: 118v
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: Mr Hooper
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Collect for the Circumcision (Almighty God, which madst thy blessed son)
119–119v Almighty God, who by the leading of a star (Almighty God who didst manifest) Dr Bull
Appears on: 119–119v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Dr Bull
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Almighty God, who by the leading of a star [and 154v inc]
120 If ye then be risen with Christ / If ye be risen again with Christ (Anthem for Easter Day) Mr Orlando Gibbons
Appears on: 120
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Orlando Gibbons
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: If ye then be risen with Christ [Anthem for East D]
120v Christ rising again (2p. Christ is risen) (Anthem for Easter Day) Mr Batten
Appears on: 120v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Batten
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Christ rising again [Anthem for Easter Day]
121–121v The blessed lamb (Anthem for Good Friday) Mr Hooper
Appears on: 121–121v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Hooper
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: The blessed lamb [Anthem for Good Friday]
General Note

erroneous attributions to Dr Bull and to Mr Batten crossed out

122 God which as on this day (or, God which as at this time; or, God which from time to time) (Collect for Whitsun) Dr Gyles
Appears on: 122
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: Dr Gyles
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Collect for Whitsun (God which as on this day)
122v Jesus said unto Peter (Anthem for St Peter's day) Mr Batten
Appears on: 122v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Batten
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Jesus said unto Peter] [Anthem for St Peter's day]
123 Holy holy holy Lord God almighty (Anthem for Trinity Sunday) Mr Batten
Appears on: 123
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Batten
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Holy holy holy [Anthem for Trinity Sunday] [also 81v, 144]
123v Turn thou us o good Lord (Anthem for Ash Wednesday) Mr Batten
Appears on: 123v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Batten
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Turn thou us [Anthem for Ash Wednesday]
124 I heard a voice saying (Anthem for Michaelmas day) Mr Batten
Appears on: 124
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Batten
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [I heard a voice] [Anthem for Michaelmas day]
124v Glory to God (Gloria) fragment Anon Anonymous
Appears on: 124v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Gloria (et in terra pax)
Source Attribution: Anon
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Gloria [exc, in score a 5, 9 bars]
General Note

fragment in score for 5vv, 9 bars

125–125v Unto thee lift I up mine eyes Henry Loosemore
Appears on: 125–125v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Henry Loosemore
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Unto thee lift I up mine eyes
126–126v O God my heart is ready Henry Loosemore
Appears on: 126–126v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Henry Loosemore
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O God my heart is ready
127–127v Behold now praise the Lord Henry Loosemore
Appears on: 127–127v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Henry Loosemore
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Behold now praise the Lord a8
128–128v Turn thee again, O Lord Henry Loosemore
Appears on: 128–128v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Henry Loosemore
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Turn thee again O Lord
129–129v O God of gods Mr Hooper
Appears on: 129–129v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Hooper
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O God of gods
129v To Jesus Christ the faithful witness [verse-anthem setting] [Loosemore]
Appears on: 129v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Loosemore]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: To Jesus Christ the faithful witness
130 Praise the Lord O my soul Henry Loosemore
Appears on: 130
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Henry Loosemore
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Praise the Lord O my soul
130v Tell the daughter of Zion Henry Loosemore
Appears on: 130v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Henry Loosemore
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Tell the daughter of Zion
131–131v Have mercy upon me O God (II) [Batten]
Appears on: 131–131v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Batten]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Have mercy upon me O God
132–132v Almighty God which hast knit together [Tomkins]
Appears on: 132–132v
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: [Tomkins]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Collect for All Saints' (Almighty God which)
133 O Lord, let me know mine end [Tozer]
Appears on: 133
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Tozer]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O Lord let me know mine end
General Note

in other books in the set, this is mistakenly attributed to Batten

133v Thou art worthy, O Lord Henry Loosemore
Appears on: 133v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Henry Loosemore
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Thou art worthy O Lord
135 Hear my prayer, O Lord Mr Wilkinson
Appears on: 135
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Wilkinson
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Hear my prayer O Lord
135v Almighty God which hast given us (Collect for Christmas Day) Rob: Ramsey
Appears on: 135v
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: Rob: Ramsey
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Collect for Christmas Day (Almighty God which hast given us)
136 Almighty God which hast knit together Mr Ramsey
Appears on: 136
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: Mr Ramsey
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Collect for All Saints' (Almighty God which hast knit together)
137–137v Almighty God, which hast given us (Collect for Christmas Day) Mr Hooper
Appears on: 137–137v
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: Mr Hooper
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Collect for Christmas Day (Almighty God, which hast given us)
General Note

Copied in an archaic hand, with lozenge-shaped notes

138–138v Ye that fear the Lord [Hutchinson]
Appears on: 138–138v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Hutchinson]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Ye that fear the Lord
139–139v Have mercy upon me O God [Giles]
Appears on: 139–139v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Giles]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Have mercy upon me O God
140 O Lord I have loved the habitation of thy house [Tomkins]
Appears on: 140
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Tomkins]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O Lord I have loved
141 Give the king thy judgements Mr Leonard Woodsone
Appears on: 141
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Leonard Woodsone
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Give the king thy judgements
142 O how amiable are thy dwellings [Weelkes]
Appears on: 142
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Weelkes]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O how amiable
142v Rejoice in the Lord O ye righteous [Jeffries]
Appears on: 142v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Jeffries]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Rejoice in the Lord
143 Behold now praise the Lord [W White]
Appears on: 143
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [W White]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Behold now, praise the Lord
144 Holy holy holy Lord God almighty (Anthem for Trinity Sunday) Adrian Batten
Appears on: 144
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Adrian Batten
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Holy holy holy [2 alto parts] [also 81v, 123]
General Note

Also copied at f. 81v & 123; various different Alto parts are copied in MS39, 48

144v O how happy a thing it is Adrian Batten
Appears on: 144v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Adrian Batten
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O how happy a thing it is
General Note

(There are 3 versions of the chorus parts, in the Peterhouse books, RCM 1045-51 and the Gostling books.)

145 Hear my prayer O God and hide not (II) Adrian Batten
Appears on: 145
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Adrian Batten
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Hear my prayer O God
146 O praise God in his holiness Smith
Appears on: 146
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Smith
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O praise God in his holiness
General Note

attributed by Clifford to H. Smith

146v O God of gods - 1a pars (of 2): O God of gods, O King of kings Bennet
Appears on: 146v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Bennet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O God of gods
146v O God of gods - 2a pars (of 2): To the almighty Trinity -
Appears on: 146v
Genres: Anthem
147–147v Hear me, O Lord Fido
Appears on: 147–147v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Fido
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Hear me O Lord
148 Thou art my king, O God Tomkins
Appears on: 148
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Tomkins
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Thou art my king, O God
148–148v How long wilt thou forget me [Morley]
Appears on: 148–148v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Morley]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: How long wilt thou forget me
148v Deliver us, O Lord Mr Battens
Appears on: 148v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Battens
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Deliver us O Lord
149v Almighty and everlasting God we humbly beseech thee (Collect for the Purification) [Ramsey]
Appears on: 149v
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: [Ramsey]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Collect for the Purification
150 Behold I bring you - 1a pars (of 2): Behold I bring you glad tidings (= Ne irascaris) [Byrd]
Appears on: 150
Genres: Anthem, Contrafactum
Source Attribution: [Byrd]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Behold, I bring you glad tidings [Ne irascaris]
150v Behold I bring you - 2a pars (of 2): And there was with the angel (= Civitatis sancti tui) -
Appears on: 150v
Genres: Anthem
152 Sanctus (Holy holy holy) a8 Mr Child
Appears on: 152
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
Source Attribution: Mr Child
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Sanctus a8
152–152v Gloria (II) a 8 Mr Child
Appears on: 152–152v
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: Mr Child
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Gloria a 8
153–153v Sing we merrily Mr Child
Appears on: 153–153v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Child
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Sing we merrily
154 O pray for the peace of Jerusalem (I - 6vv) Mr Tomkins
Appears on: 154
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Tomkins
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O pray for the peace of Jerusalem
154v–155 Almighty God, who by the leading of a star (Almighty God who didst manifest) Bull
Appears on: 154v–155
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Bull
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Almighty God, who didst manifest thy onely begotten Sonne [incomplete, and 119 compl]
General Note

incomplete - underlay on both pages but only 4 staves of music. Copied complete at f. 119

155v–156 Give the king thy judgements Mr Child
Appears on: 155v–156
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Child
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Give the king thy judgements
156v Almighty God which hast knit together Mr Child
Appears on: 156v
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: Mr Child
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Collect for All Saints (Almighty God)
General Note

Note: the numbering goes wrong here, ff. 156-159 are followed by another group of folios numbered 156-159 (here 156a-159a)

157 Out of the Deep (I) [Giles]
Appears on: 157
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Giles]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Out of the deep
157v Turn thou us, good Lord Mr Child
Appears on: 157v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Child
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Turn thou us, good Lord
158 Grant we beseech thee Almighty God (Collect for Ascension Day) [Ramsey]
Appears on: 158
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: [Ramsey]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Collect for Ascension Day (Grant we beseech) [and 100, 117]
158v God which as upon this day (Collect for Whitsun) [Ramsey]
Appears on: 158v
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: [Ramsey]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Collect for Whitsun (God which as upon this day)
159 Almighty and everlasting God which has given us thine only begotten Son (Collect for Trinity) [Ramsey]
Appears on: 159
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: [Ramsey]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Collect for Trinity Sunday (Almighty and everlasting God)
159v Sanctus (Holy holy holy Lord God) [Wilson]
Appears on: 159v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
Source Attribution: [Wilson]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Sanctus
General Note

Note: the numbering goes wrong here, ff. 156-159 are followed by another group of folios numbered 156-159 (here 156a-159a)

157a Verily I say unto you Mr Tallis
Appears on: 157a
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Tallis
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Verily I say unto you
157av–158a Service a4: Te Deum Mr Ramsay
Appears on: 157av–158a
Genres: Liturgical work, Te Deum
Source Attribution: Mr Ramsay
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service a4 - Te Deum
158av Service a4: Jubilate [Ramsey]
Appears on: 158av
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: [Ramsey]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service a4 - Jubilate
158av Service a4: Kyrie [Ramsey]
Appears on: 158av
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Kyrie eleison, Response
Source Attribution: [Ramsey]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service a4 - Kyrie
159a–159av Service a4: Creed [Ramsey]
Appears on: 159a–159av
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: [Ramsey]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Service a4 - Creed
159av Service a4: Litany [Ramsey]
Appears on: 159av
Genres: Litany
Source Attribution: [Ramsey]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service a4 - Litany
160 Service a4: Magnificat [Ramsey]
Appears on: 160
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: [Ramsey]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service a4 - Magnificat
160v Service a4: Nunc dimittis [Ramsey]
Appears on: 160v
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: [Ramsey]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Service a4 - Nunc dimittis
161 My song shall be alway Mr Ramsey
Appears on: 161
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Ramsey
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: My song shall be alway
161v O Lord God of my salvation Mr Wilkinson
Appears on: 161v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Wilkinson
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O Lord God of my salvation
162 Call to remembrance Lord thy tender mercies Mr Farrant
Appears on: 162
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Farrant
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Call to remembrance
162v–163 O sing unto the Lord a new song Mr Hind
Appears on: 162v–163
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Hind
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O sing unto the Lord
163–163v Glorious and powerful God [Gibbons]
Appears on: 163–163v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Gibbons]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Glorious and powerful God [words only]
General Note

Only the text underlay provided, the music has not been copied

164 Remember not Lord our offences Mr Amner
Appears on: 164
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Amner
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Remember not Lord
164 How doth the city -
Appears on: 164
Genres: Anthem
General Note

Texted here, and in the other books, as "Now doth..." rather than "How doth..."

164v A stranger here Mr Amner
Appears on: 164v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Amner
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: A stranger here [1615]
General Note

ff. 165-166 are missing

167–167v First Service (Whole Service for sides): Te Deum Mr Loosmore
Appears on: 167–167v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Liturgical work, Te Deum
Source Attribution: Mr Loosmore
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: First Service - Te Deum
167v First Service (Whole Service for sides): Jubilate [Loosemore]
Appears on: 167v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Canticle
Source Attribution: [Loosemore]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: First Service - Jubilate
167v–168 First Service (Whole Service for sides): Litany [Loosemore]
Appears on: 167v–168
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Litany
Source Attribution: [Loosemore]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: First Service - Litany
168 First Service (Whole Service for sides): Kyrie [Loosemore]
Appears on: 168
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Kyrie eleison, Response
Source Attribution: [Loosemore]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: First Service - Kyrie
168–168v First Service (Whole Service for sides): Creed [Loosemore]
Appears on: 168–168v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: [Loosemore]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: First Service - Creed
168v–169 First Service (Whole Service for sides): Magnificat [Loosemore]
Appears on: 168v–169
Genres: Anglican Service Music, BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: [Loosemore]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: First Service - Magnificat
169 First Service (Whole Service for sides): Nunc dimittis Mr Loosmore
Appears on: 169
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Canticle
Source Attribution: Mr Loosmore
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: First Service - Nunc dimittis
169v–170v Second Service: Benedicite Loosmore
Appears on: 169v–170v
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: Loosmore
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Second Service - Benedicite
170v Second Service: Jubilate [Loosemore]
Appears on: 170v
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: [Loosemore]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Second Service - Jubilate
171v I will love thee O Lord Mr Cranford
Appears on: 171v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Cranford
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: I will love thee O Lord
172 O Jerusalem [Wilson]
Appears on: 172
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Wilson]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O Jerusalem
General Note

Attributed to Wilson by MorehenS 1969 [Sources of English Cathedral Music]

172v I heard a voice of a great multitude Mr Tho: Mace
Appears on: 172v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Tho: Mace
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: I heard a voice
173–177,186-192,197 [blank staves] - -

[blank staves]

Appears on: 173–177,186-192,197
General Note

the remainder of the pages are ruled but blank. Folios 178-185, 193-196 are apparently missing.

Composer Compositions
Amner, John (1579–1641)
Bath, George (fl. c1625)
Batten, Adrian (1591–1637)
Bennett, John (fl. 1599-1614)
Blancks (Blankes), Edward
Boyce, Thomas
Bull, John (ca. 1562–1628)
Byrd, William (ca. 1540–1623)
Child, William (1607–1697)
Cranford, William (–ca. 1645)
Dering, Richard
Farrant (I), John
Farrant (II), John (1575–1618)
Farrant, Richard (ca. 1525–1580)
Ferrabosco, Alfonso (the younger) (ca. 1575–1628)
Fido, John
Gerarde, Derrick (fl. c1540–1580)
Gibbons, Orlando (ca. 1583–1625)
Giles, Nathaniel (ca. 1558–1634)
Hilton (Junior), John
Hilton (Senior), John
Hinde, Henry or Richard
Hooper, Edmund
Hughes, (Thomas?)
Hutchinson, Richard
Jeffries (Jeffreys), Matthew
Loosemore, Henry (1607–1670)
Mace, Thomas
Molle, Henry
Morley, Thomas (ca. 1557–1602)
Mundy, John (ca. 1555–1630)
Mundy, William (ca. 1528–ca. 1591)
Palmer, Henry (ca. 1590–1640)
Peerson, Martin
Ramsey, Robert
Smith (I), William (1603–1645)
Smith, Edward (1587–1612)
Smith, John
Stevenson, Robert
Strogers, Nicholas
Tallis, Thomas (ca. 1505–1585)
Tomkins, Thomas (1572–1656)
Tozer, Solomon
Ward, John (ca. 1589–ca. 1638)
Weelkes, Thomas (ca. 1576–1623)
White, Robert (ca. 1538–1574)
White, William
Wilkinson, T(homas?)
Wilkinson, William
Wilson, Thomas
Woodson, Leonard (ca. 1565–ca. 1641)
Composition Composers (? Uncertain) Folios / Pages
A stranger here 164v
Almighty and everlasting God we humbly beseech thee (Collect for the Purification) 149v
Almighty and everlasting God which has given us thine only begotten Son (Collect for Trinity) 159
Almighty God which hast given us (Collect for Christmas Day) 135v
Almighty God which hast knit together 132–132v
Almighty God which hast knit together 136
Almighty God which hast knit together 156v
Almighty God which through thy only begotten Son (Collect for Easter Day) 82v–83
Almighty God, which hast given us (Collect for Christmas Day) 137–137v
Almighty God, which madest thy blessed son (Collect for the Circumcision) 118v
Almighty God, who by the leading of a star (Almighty God who didst manifest) 119–119v
Almighty God, who by the leading of a star (Almighty God who didst manifest) 154v–155
Behold I bring you - 1a pars (of 2): Behold I bring you glad tidings (= Ne irascaris) 150
Behold I bring you - 2a pars (of 2): And there was with the angel (= Civitatis sancti tui) 150v
Behold I bring you glad tidings 118
Behold now praise the Lord 127–127v
Behold now praise the Lord 143
Behold thou hast made my days 116v
Behold, it is Christ 114–114v
Behold, O Lord 35v–36
Benedicite (Latin, shortened) Anonymous 21v
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel 36
Blow up the trumpet 107v
Bow down thine ear 106
Call to remembrance 84
Call to remembrance Lord thy tender mercies 162
Christ rising again (2p. Christ is risen) (Anthem for Easter Day) 120v
Communion Service : Kyrie Responses
Derrick (?)
Communion Service: Creed
Derrick (?)
Communion Service: Glory be to God on high 92
Deliver us, O Lord 148v
Evening Service in medio chori: Magnificat 52–52v
Evening Service in medio chori: Magnificat 53–53v
Evening Service in medio chori: Nunc dimittis 52v
Evening Service in medio chori: Nunc dimittis 53v–54
Evening Service to Mr Parson's service of 5 parts: Magnificat 55v–56
Evening Service to Mr Parson's service of 5 parts: Nunc dimittis 56–56v
Evening Service: Magnificat Anonymous 41
Evening Service: Magnificat 54–55
Evening Service: Nunc dimittis Anonymous 41
Evening Service: Nunc dimittis 55
First (Old) Service for verses: Creed 15–16
First (Old) Service for verses: Jubilate 14v–15
First (Old) Service for verses: Magnificat 103v–104
First (Old) Service for verses: Nunc dimittis 104
First (Old) Service for verses: Te Deum 13v–14v
First (Short) Service: Benedictus (Canticle) 66–66v
First (Short) Service: Creed 66v–67
First (Short) Service: Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service 66v
First (Short) Service: Magnificat 67v
First (Short) Service: Nunc dimittis 68
First (Short) Service: Te Deum 65v–66
First [TCM: 2nd] Preces & Psalm for Easter Day evensong: Awake up my glory 33v–34
First [‘Short’] Service: Magnificat 61v–62
First [‘Short’] Service: Nunc dimittis 62
First [‘Short’] Service: Venite 69
First Service 'to the Organ': Benedictus (Canticle) 98–98v
First Service 'to the Organ': Creed 99–99v
First Service 'to the Organ': Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service 99
First Service 'to the Organ': Magnificat 100v, 102–102v
First Service 'to the Organ': Nunc dimittis 102v, 101
First Service 'to the Organ': Te Deum 97–98
First Service (Whole Service for sides): Creed 168–168v
First Service (Whole Service for sides): Jubilate 167v
First Service (Whole Service for sides): Kyrie 168
First Service (Whole Service for sides): Litany 167v–168
First Service (Whole Service for sides): Magnificat 168v–169
First Service (Whole Service for sides): Nunc dimittis 169
First Service (Whole Service for sides): Te Deum 167–167v
First Service: Magnificat 19v
First Service: Magnificat 101
First Service: Nunc dimittis 20
First Service: Nunc dimittis 101v
Give sentence with me, O God 37v
Give the king thy judgements 141
Give the king thy judgements 155v–156
Gloria (II) a 8 152–152v
Glorious and powerful God 163–163v
Glory to God (Gloria) fragment Anonymous 124v
God which as on this day (or, God which as at this time; or, God which from time to time) (Collect for Whitsun) 122
God which as upon this day (Collect for Whitsun) 158v
Gospel Response 20v
Grant we beseech thee Almighty God (Collect for Ascension Day) 100
Grant we beseech thee Almighty God (Collect for Ascension Day) 117
Grant we beseech thee Almighty God (Collect for Ascension Day) 158
Great and marvellous 112
Great Service (to Parsons 'of Wells' flat service): Magnificat 75–76
Great Service (to Parsons 'of Wells' flat service): Nunc dimittis 76
Great Service: Magnificat 85–86
Great Service: Nunc dimittis 86v–87
Have mercy upon me O God 139–139v
Have mercy upon me O God (II) 131–131v
Have ye no regard 106v
Hear me, O Lord 147–147v
Hear my cry, O God 38
Hear my prayer O God and hide not (II) 145
Hear my prayer, O Lord 80v
Hear my prayer, O Lord 135
Help Lord 36v
Holy holy holy Lord God almighty (Anthem for Trinity Sunday) 81v–82
Holy holy holy Lord God almighty (Anthem for Trinity Sunday) 123
Holy holy holy Lord God almighty (Anthem for Trinity Sunday) 144
How doth the city 164
How long wilt thou forget me 148–148v
I heard a voice of a great multitude 172v
I heard a voice saying (Anthem for Michaelmas day) 124
I will love thee O Lord 171v
I will wash my hands 89–89v
If the Lord himself had not been on our side 108–108v
If ye then be risen with Christ / If ye be risen again with Christ (Anthem for Easter Day) 120
Jesus said unto Peter (Anthem for St Peter's day) 122v
Laudate Dominum a6 21
Let God arise 111
Lift up your heads 92a
Lord, I am not high-minded 90
My song shall be alway 161
Ninth Service: Magnificat 43–44
Ninth Service: Magnificat 60–60v
Ninth Service: Nunc dimittis 44–44v
Ninth Service: Nunc dimittis 61–61v
O God my heart is ready 126–126v
O God of gods 129–129v
O God of gods - 1a pars (of 2): O God of gods, O King of kings 146v
O God of gods - 2a pars (of 2): To the almighty Trinity 146v
O God the proud are risen against me 113v
O God, be merciful unto us (= Deus misereatur (canticle)) 36v–37
O how amiable are thy dwellings 142
O how happy a thing it is 144v
O Jerusalem 172
O let my mouth be filled 92av
O Lord give ear unto my prayer (6vv) (= Memento homo) 84v
O Lord God of my salvation 161v
O Lord I have loved the habitation of thy house 140
O Lord make thy servant Charles 115v–116
O Lord our Governor (Psalm for Ascension Day) 29–29v
O Lord, let me know mine end 133
O Lord, make thy servant, Elizabeth [or James, or King Charles] 115–115v
O praise God in his holiness 146
O praise God in his holiness (II) 114v–115
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem (I - 6vv) 154
O sing unto the Lord a new song 162v–163
Out of the Deep (I) 157
Out of the deep - 1a pars (of 2): Out of the deep 91
Out of the deep - 2a pars (of 2): My soul flyeth 91v
Praise the Lord O my soul 130
Preces & Psalm for All Saints' And walk in the law; Let my complaint 29v–30v
Preces & Psalm for Easter Day evensong: We will rejoice 34v–35
Preces & Psalm for Easter Day matins (I will give thanks) 33–33v
Preces and Psalm for Christmas Day evensong: The Lord saith unto my Lord 31v–32
Preces and Psalm for Christmas Day matins: Lord thou art become gracious 30v–31v
Preces and Responses (I) 05
Preces for Ascension Day 29–29v
Preces; Psalm for Whitsun matins (God be merciful) 32v
Rejoice in the Lord O ye righteous 142v
Remember not Lord our offences 164
Sanctus (Holy holy holy Lord God) 159v
Sanctus (Holy holy holy) a8 152
Second (Communion) Service: Creed 20
Second (Communion) Service: Kyrie 20v
Second (Short) Service: Jubilate 64–64v
Second (Short) Service: Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service 64v
Second (Short) Service: Magnificat 64v–65
Second (Short) Service: Nunc dimittis 65
Second (Short) Service: Te Deum 63v–64
Second (Short) Service: Venite 63–63v
Second Preces & Psalm for Whitsun evensong 05v–06
Second Preces (first version) & Psalm for Ascension Day evensong: Ps. 24, Lift up your heads [psalm adapted from Attollite portas] 28–28v
Second Preces (second version) & Psalms for Epiphany: When Israel came out, Hear my prayer O Lord and hide not, Teach me O Lord 27–27v
Second Service "Cesar's" (for verses): Creed 51–51v
Second Service "Cesar's" (for verses): Jubilate 50v–51
Second Service "Cesar's" (for verses): Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service 51
Second Service "Cesar's" (for verses): Magnificat 51v–52
Second Service "Cesar's" (for verses): Nunc dimittis 52
Second Service "Cesar's" (for verses): Te Deum 50–50v
Second Service "Cesar's" (for verses): Venite 49v–50
Second Service: Benedicite 169v–170v
Second Service: Jubilate 170v
Second Service: Magnificat 105–105v
Second Service: Nunc dimittis 105v
Service 'to Derricks': Magnificat 44v–45
Service 'to Derricks': Magnificat 56v–57
Service 'to Derricks': Nunc dimittis 45v
Service 'to Derricks': Nunc dimittis 57–57v
Service a3 for men: Benedictus (Canticle) 23–24
Service a3 for men: Magnificat 24v–25v
Service a3 for men: Nunc dimittis 25–25v
Service a3 for men: Te Deum 22–22v
Service a4: Creed 159a–159av
Service a4: Jubilate 158av
Service a4: Kyrie 158av
Service a4: Litany 159av
Service a4: Magnificat 160
Service a4: Nunc dimittis 160v
Service a4: Te Deum 157av–158a
Service for trebles: Magnificat 41v
Service for trebles: Magnificat 57v–58
Service for trebles: Nunc dimittis 41v–42
Service for trebles: Nunc dimittis 58
Service in F: Benedictus 18–19
Service in F: Te Deum 17–18
Sharp Service: (Kyrie) Responses in the Communion Service 10–10v
Sharp Service: Creed 10–11
Sharp Service: Jubilate 09v–10
Sharp Service: Magnificat 12v–13
Sharp Service: Nunc dimittis 13
Sharp Service: Te Deum 08v–09
Short Service: Benedictus (Canticle) 47–47v
Short Service: Creed 48
Short Service: Creed 73v–74
Short Service: Jubilate 72v–73
Short Service: Kyrie (Responses in the Communion Service) 47v
Short Service: Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service 73
Short Service: Magnificat 48v
Short Service: Magnificat 109–109v
Short Service: Nunc dimittis 49
Short Service: Nunc dimittis 109v–110
Short Service: Te Deum 46v–47
Short Service: Te Deum 72–72v
Short Service: Venite 46–46v
Sing joyfully unto God our strength (2p. Blow the trumpet) 113
Sing we merrily 153–153v
Sweet Jesus which in crotch was laid 107
Tell the daughter of Zion 130v
The blessed lamb (Anthem for Good Friday) 121–121v
Third (First) Service: Benedictus (Canticle) 94–94v
Third (First) Service: Creed 94v–95v
Third (First) Service: Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service 94v
Third (First) Service: Magnificat 95v–96
Third (First) Service: Nunc dimittis 96v
Third (First) Service: Te Deum 93–93v
Third Service for verses: Magnificat 42–42v
Third Service for verses: Magnificat 58v–59
Third Service for verses: Nunc dimittis 42v–43
Third Service for verses: Nunc dimittis 59–59v
Thou art my king, O God 148
Thou art worthy, O Lord 133v
To Jesus Christ the faithful witness [verse-anthem setting] 129v
Turn thee again, O Lord 128–128v
Turn thou us o good Lord (Anthem for Ash Wednesday) 123v
Turn thou us, good Lord 157v
Unto thee lift I up mine eyes 125–125v
Verily I say unto you 157a
Verse Service: Benedictus (Canticle) 102b–102bv
Verse Service: Te Deum 102a–102av
We praise thee O father 87–87v
When the Lord turned again the captivity of Sion 38v–39
Whole Service in Gamut: Benedicite 77–78
Whole Service in Gamut: Creed 78v–79
Whole Service in Gamut: Jubilate 78–78v
Whole Service in Gamut: Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service 78v
Whole Service in Gamut: Magnificat 79v
Whole Service in Gamut: Nunc dimittis 80
Whole Service in Gamut: Venite 07v–08
Ye that fear the Lord 138–138v

Images © Perne Library, Peterhouse, Cambridge

denotes primary source study

Payne, Ian. 1993. The provision and practice of sacred music at Cambridge colleges and selected cathedrals, c. 1547-c. 1646: a comparative study of the archival evidence.  Garland.

Sandon, Nicholas. 1976-77. The Henrician Partbooks at Peterhouse, Cambridge. Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association, 106-40. Notes: mention of MS.

Daniel, Ralph T, and Peter Le Huray. 1972. The Sources of English Church Music 1549-1660. Early English Church Music.  London. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial).

Morehen, John. 1969. The Sources of English Cathedral Music, c. 1617-c. 1644. Cambridge University, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Pages: 19-200 Ex. 18,36,43,54,56. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list (partial); concordances (partial); facsimile (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Le Huray, Peter. 1967. Music and the Reformation in England 1549-1660.  London. Pages: 92. Notes: mention of MS.

Buttrey, John. 1962. William Smith of Durham. Music and Letters, 248-55. Notes: physical description; mention of MS; discussion.

Le Huray, Peter. 1960. Towards A Definitive Study of Pre-Restoration Anglican Service Music. Musica Disciplina, 167-95. Pages: 170,180-1. Notes: physical description; mention of MS; discussion.

Ford, Wyn K. 1959. An English Liturgical Partbook of the 17th Century. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 144-60. Notes: mention of MS; contents list (partial); concordances (partial).

Hughes, Dom Anselm. 1953. Catalogue of the Musical Manuscripts at Peterhouse, Cambridge.  Cambridge. Pages: x-xiv, 7-47. Notes: physical description; contents list; concordances (partial).

Fellowes, Edmund H (editor). 1923-48. Tudor Church Music.  London, Oxford et al. Pages: II.xxiii-ff see also following vols., passim. Notes: physical description; contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial).

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Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. Census Catalogue of Music Description