D-Kl 8° Ms. Mus. 53b

Universitätsbibliothek Kassel Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel, Kassel, Germany

partbook: 16th century

Archive Universitätsbibliothek Kassel Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel, Kassel, Germany (D-Kl)
Shelfmark 8° Ms. Mus. 53b
Image Availability DIAMM does not have images of this source. Please refer to the external links for image availability.
Surface Paper
Numbering System None / Unknown
Measurements 170 x 110 mm
Other Identifiers
  • CCM: KasL 53/2
  • Alternative names: 8° Ms. Mus. 53/2
  • black void mensural
External Links
Contents 76 pieces from 23 composers
General Description

A Discantus partbook from a set originally of three volumes. Copied by Johannes Heugel (d. 1585), court composer for Philip of Hesse, who also wrote KasL 4, 9, 24, 38, 43, 53a, 91, 94, 118, 142, and part of KasL 143. Copied in Kassel, for the court of Count Philip of Hesse. Present Landesbibliothek incorporates holdings of former court library.

DIAMM, 2017
Physical Description

In poor condition; folios extremely fragile

DIAMM, 2017

No covers; fascicles are loose.

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black void mensural

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Other numberings: Original numbering of pieces, 6-73 (first four pieces and beginning of fifth now missing; #21, #36-37, #55-56 also missing; #39 and #58 not numbered, but taken into account in enumeration; #42-43 are different parts for same piece).

DIAMM, 2017

No foliation or pagination

DIAMM, 2017

No initials or decoration

DIAMM, 2017


DIAMM, 2017
Census Catalogue of Music Description

This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers. It is COPYRIGHT and copying/reproduction of this content without permission may result in legal action.

4 hymns, 18 motets (1 without text), 6 German sacred pieces, 16 French secular pieces (2 without text), 11 German secular pieces, 3 Dutch secular pieces, 5 textless pieces = 63

(A. Agricola)-1, Apiarius-1, (Brumel)-1, (Büchner)-1, (Compère)-2, (Craen)-1, (A. Févin)-1, (Hayne van Ghizeghem)-1, (Heugel)-1 + 3?, (Isaac)-1, (Isaac/La Rue)-1, M.-1, (Moulu)-2, (Mouton)-1, Sporer or Stoltzer? [T.S.]-2, (Unterholtzer)-1, anon-41

1 paper partbook of an original 3 (D-56 folios), 170 x 110. In poor condition; folios extremely fragile. No foliation or pagination; original numbering of pieces, 6-73 (first four pieces and beginning of fifth now missing; #21, #36-37, #55-56 also missing; #39 and #58 not numbered, but taken into account in enumeration; #42-43 are different parts for same piece). Blank staves on f. [11] and f. [56']. No covers; fascicles are loose. No index. Copied by Johannes Heugel (d. 1585), court composer for Philip of Hesse, who also wrote KasL 4, 9, 24, 38, 43, 53/1, 91, 94, 118, 142, and part of KasL 143. No initials or decoration. Many pieces have text incipits only.

16th century (dates from November 1534 to October 1546 appear in manuscript; these are probably dates of composition or performance rather than copying). Copied in Kassel, for the court of Count Philip of Hesse. Present Landesbibliothek incorporates holdings of former court library.

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
1 [untexted] - Anonymous


Appears on: 1
Genres: fragment, textless
General Note

incomplete: the end of a piece begun on lost page

1v–2 In meinen sin - Anonymous

In meinen sin

Appears on: 1v–2
Genres: Lied
2v–3 In minen sin (= Myns herten troest) -
Appears on: 2v–3
Genres: Chanson, Song
3v–4 In meinen sin 'aequalium' - Anonymous
Appears on: 3v–4
Genres: Lied
4v Le grant desir daymer my tient -
Appears on: 4v
Genres: Chanson
4v–5 A qui dirai je - 1a pars (of 2): A qui dirai je ma penser -
Appears on: 4v–5
Genres: Chanson
5v A qui dirai je - 2a pars (of 2): Or sus donc -
Appears on: 5v
Genres: Chanson
6 Wer ich ein Falck - Anonymous

Wer ich ein Falck

Appears on: 6
Genres: Lied
6v–7 Ave ancilla trinitatis ave filia sempiterni -
Appears on: 6v–7
Genres: Motet
7v–8 De tous biens plein -
Appears on: 7v–8
Genres: Chanson
General Note

the copy follows Ghiselin's setting not Ghizeghem's (Gottwald) The CCM attribution is therefore wrong.

8v–9 Adieu fillette de regnon -
Appears on: 8v–9
Genres: Chanson
9v Myn gmiet und pliet T. S. (=Sporer?)
Appears on: 9v
Genres: Lied
Source Attribution: T. S. (=Sporer?)
10 Le grant desir daymer me tient -
Appears on: 10
Genres: Chanson
10v O Herre Gott begnade mich M (=Matthias Greiter?)
Appears on: 10v
Genres: Hymn
Source Attribution: M (=Matthias Greiter?)
11 [blank staves] - -

[blank staves]

Appears on: 11
11v–12 Tant que nostre argent dura - Anonymous
Appears on: 11v–12
Genres: Chanson
12v–13 Sicut malus inter ligna -
Appears on: 12v–13
Genres: Motet
13v [untexted] - Anonymous


Appears on: 13v
Genres: textless
14 Il my plains fort - Anonymous

Il my plains fort

Appears on: 14
Genres: Chanson
14v Ami souffrez que je vous aime -
Appears on: 14v
Genres: Chanson
15 [untexted - Anonymous


Appears on: 15
Genres: textless
15v Une pastore seant au vert buisson - Anonymous
Appears on: 15v
Genres: Chanson
16 Veci la mort - Anonymous

Veci la mort

Appears on: 16
Genres: Chanson
16v On n'en fait plus - Anonymous

On n'en fait plus

Appears on: 16v
Genres: Chanson

= RISM 1529-4, 1542-8

17 On [Tu] a mal dit de mon amy -
Appears on: 17
Genres: Chanson
17v [untexted] M Apiarius
Appears on: 17v
Genres: textless
Source Attribution: M Apiarius
18 Je suis amy [aime de la plus belle?] - Anonymous
Appears on: 18
Genres: Chanson
18v–19 C'est donc par moy que je suis fortune -
Appears on: 18v–19
Genres: Chanson
19v–20 Ecce video caelos apertos 19.2 -
Appears on: 19v–20
Genres: Motet
20v–21 Quae est ista que processit sicut sol -
Appears on: 20v–21
Genres: Motet
21v–22 Ave Maria - 1a pars (of 2): Ave Maria - Anonymous
Appears on: 21v–22
Genres: Ave Maria, Motet
22v–23 Ave Maria - 2a pars (of 2): O Maria - Anonymous
Appears on: 22v–23
Genres: Ave Maria, Motet
23v Gang mir aus den bonen - Anonymous
Appears on: 23v
Genres: Lied
Voice: Discantus
Languages: German
Voice Text: Gang mir uß den bonen
General Note

Possible composers include Sporer, Paul Wust, Arthopius (Gottwald)

24 Hoffnung thu mich reueren - Anonymous
Appears on: 24
Genres: Lied
24v Ach Gott wem soll ichs leiden - Anonymous
Appears on: 24v
Genres: Lied
Voice: Discantus
Languages: German
Voice Text: Ach got wem sol ichs lyden
25 [untexted] - Anonymous


Appears on: 25
Genres: textless
25v–26 Ich stund an einem Morgen - Anonymous
Appears on: 25v–26
Genres: Lied
Voice: Discantus
Languages: German
Voice Text: Ich stund an eynem morgen
26v Sind ihr der Vogt von plätzen - Anonymous
Appears on: 26v
Genres: Lied
Voice: Discantus
Languages: German
Voice Text: Syndt ir der Vogt von platzen
27 Seid ihr der Vogt von Plätzen T. S. (=Sporer?)
Appears on: 27
Genres: Lied
Source Attribution: T. S. (=Sporer?)
Voice: Discantus
Languages: German
Voice Text: Seit ir der vogt von placzen
27v–28 Si dormiero (O mitis mater Christi) 14.13 -
Appears on: 27v–28
Genres: Motet
28–28v [untexted] - Anonymous


Appears on: 28–28v
Genres: textless
General Note

identified as 2a pars of preceding piece

29 Venite exultemus - Anonymous

Venite exultemus

Appears on: 29
Genres: Motet
29v Cor meum contremiscit - Anonymous
Appears on: 29v
Genres: Motet
30 In Galilea Jesum videbitis - Anonymous
Appears on: 30
Genres: Motet
30v Es taget vor dem Walde - Anonymous
Appears on: 30v
Genres: Lied
31 Pange lingua gloriosi - Anonymous
Appears on: 31
Genres: Hymn
31v Ut queant laxis - Anonymous

Ut queant laxis

Appears on: 31v
Genres: Hymn
32 Veni creator spiritus (3vv) -
Appears on: 32
Genres: Hymn, Veni creator spiritus

= RISM 1551-17

32v–33 Corpus meum - 1a pars (of 2): Corpus meum dedi - Anonymous
Appears on: 32v–33
Genres: Motet
33v–34 Corpus meum - 2a pars (of 2): Sicut ovis ad occisionem - Anonymous
Appears on: 33v–34
Genres: Motet
34v Quia vidisti me Thoma - Anonymous
Appears on: 34v
Genres: Motet
35 O Thoma didyme - Anonymous

O Thoma didyme

Appears on: 35
Genres: Motet
Voice: Discantus
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: O Thoma didime
35v–36 Miserere Domine populo tuo - Anonymous
Appears on: 35v–36
Genres: Motet
36v–37 Cum ieiuniatis - 1a pars (of 2): Cum ieiuniatis nolite -
Appears on: 36v–37
Genres: Motet
37v–38 Cum ieiuniatis - 2a pars (of 2): Exterminent enim facies -
Appears on: 37v–38
Genres: Motet
38v–39 Mein Mutterlein (I) -
Appears on: 38v–39
Genres: Lied
Voice: Discantus
Languages: German
Voice Text: Mein Müterlin
39v–40 Mein Mutterlein (II) -
Appears on: 39v–40
Genres: Lied
Voice: Discantus
Languages: German
Voice Text: Mein Müterlin
40v–41 Ich hab mich rechtlich g'halten -
Appears on: 40v–41
Genres: Lied
Voice: Discantus
Languages: German
Voice Text: Ich hab mich retlich ghalten

= RISM [c1535]-14, Heilbronn X.2

41v–42 Oramus Domine conditor -
Appears on: 41v–42
Genres: Motet
42v [untexted] - Anonymous


Appears on: 42v
Genres: textless
43–43v [untexted] - Anonymous


Appears on: 43–43v
Genres: textless
44v–45 In te Christe - 1a pars (of 2): In te Christe speravi - Anonymous
Appears on: 44v–45
Genres: Motet
45v–46 In te Christe - 1a pars (of 2): Salve crux digne - Anonymous
Appears on: 45v–46
Genres: Motet
46v O Thoma didyme -
Appears on: 46v
Genres: Motet

= RISM 1541-2, with a different ending

47 Surrexit Christus hodie - Anonymous
Appears on: 47
Genres: Hymn
47v Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeit - Anonymous
Appears on: 47v
Genres: Hymn
Voice: Discantus
Languages: German
Voice Text: Gott sey gelobet und gebenedeiet
48–48v Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält - Anonymous
Appears on: 48–48v
Genres: Hymn
Voice: Discantus
Languages: German
Voice Text: Wo Gott de Her not bey uns helt
49 Verlei uns Friede gnädiglich - Anonymous
Appears on: 49
Genres: Hymn
Voice: Discantus
Languages: German
Voice Text: Verley uns fride gnediglich
49v–50 Es sind doch selig alle - Anonymous
Appears on: 49v–50
Genres: Hymn
Voice: Discantus
Languages: German
Voice Text: Es seind doch selig alle
50v–51 Christ ist erstanden - Anonymous
Appears on: 50v–51
Genres: Hymn
51v–52 Pater noster (with doxology) - 1a pars (of 2): Pater noster - Anonymous
Appears on: 51v–52
Genres: Motet, Pater noster
52v–53 Pater noster (with doxology) - 2a pars (of 2): Panem nostrum - Anonymous
Appears on: 52v–53
Genres: Motet, Pater noster
53v–54 Pater noster (without doxology) - 1a pars (of 2): Pater noster - Anonymous
Appears on: 53v–54
Genres: Motet, Pater noster
54v–55 Pater noster (without doxology) - 2a pars (of 2): Panem nostrum - Anonymous
Appears on: 54v–55
Genres: Motet, Pater noster
55v–56 Salva nos Domine vigilantes - Anonymous
Appears on: 55v–56
Genres: Motet
56v [blank staves] - -

[blank staves]

Appears on: 56v
Composer Compositions
Agricola, Alexander (ca. 1445–1506)
Apiarius, Mathias (ca. 1500–1554)
Brumel, Antoine (ca. 1460–ca. 1513)
Compère, Loyset (ca. 1445–1518)
Craen, Nicolaus (ca. 1440–1502)
Despres, Josquin (ca. 1450–1521)
Fage, Jean de la
Fevin, Antoine de (ca. 1470–ca. 1512)
Ghiselin (Verbonnet), Johannes
Greiter, Matthias
Heugel, Johannes
Heurteur, Guillaume le (fl. 1530-1545)
Isaac, Heinrich (ca. 1450–1517)
Janequin, Clement (ca. 1485–ca. 1558)
Moulu, Pierre (ca. 1484–ca. 1550)
Mouton, Jean (ca. 1459–1522)
Petit, Nino le (fl. c1500)
Rue, Pierre de la (ca. 1452–1518)
Sermisy, Claudin de (ca. 1490–1562)
Sporer, Thomas
Unterholzer, Rupertus
Willaert, Adrian (ca. 1490–1562)
Composition Composers (? Uncertain) Folios / Pages
[untexted Anonymous 15
[untexted] Anonymous 1
[untexted] Anonymous 13v
[untexted] 17v
[untexted] Anonymous 25
[untexted] Anonymous 28–28v
[untexted] Anonymous 42v
[untexted] Anonymous 43–43v
A qui dirai je - 1a pars (of 2): A qui dirai je ma penser 4v–5
A qui dirai je - 2a pars (of 2): Or sus donc 5v
Ach Gott wem soll ichs leiden Anonymous 24v
Adieu fillette de regnon 8v–9
Ami souffrez que je vous aime 14v
Ave ancilla trinitatis ave filia sempiterni 6v–7
Ave Maria - 1a pars (of 2): Ave Maria Anonymous 21v–22
Ave Maria - 2a pars (of 2): O Maria Anonymous 22v–23
C'est donc par moy que je suis fortune 18v–19
Christ ist erstanden Anonymous 50v–51
Cor meum contremiscit Anonymous 29v
Corpus meum - 1a pars (of 2): Corpus meum dedi Anonymous 32v–33
Corpus meum - 2a pars (of 2): Sicut ovis ad occisionem Anonymous 33v–34
Cum ieiuniatis - 1a pars (of 2): Cum ieiuniatis nolite 36v–37
Cum ieiuniatis - 2a pars (of 2): Exterminent enim facies 37v–38
De tous biens plein 7v–8
Ecce video caelos apertos 19.2 19v–20
Es sind doch selig alle Anonymous 49v–50
Es taget vor dem Walde Anonymous 30v
Gang mir aus den bonen Anonymous 23v
Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeit Anonymous 47v
Hoffnung thu mich reueren Anonymous 24
Ich hab mich rechtlich g'halten 40v–41
Ich stund an einem Morgen Anonymous 25v–26
Il my plains fort Anonymous 14
In Galilea Jesum videbitis Anonymous 30
In meinen sin Anonymous 1v–2
In meinen sin 'aequalium' Anonymous 3v–4
In minen sin (= Myns herten troest) 2v–3
In te Christe - 1a pars (of 2): In te Christe speravi Anonymous 44v–45
In te Christe - 1a pars (of 2): Salve crux digne Anonymous 45v–46
Je suis amy [aime de la plus belle?] Anonymous 18
Le grant desir daymer me tient 10
Le grant desir daymer my tient 4v
Mein Mutterlein (I) 38v–39
Mein Mutterlein (II) 39v–40
Miserere Domine populo tuo Anonymous 35v–36
Myn gmiet und pliet 9v
O Herre Gott begnade mich 10v
O Thoma didyme Anonymous 35
O Thoma didyme 46v
On [Tu] a mal dit de mon amy 17
On n'en fait plus Anonymous 16v
Oramus Domine conditor 41v–42
Pange lingua gloriosi Anonymous 31
Pater noster (with doxology) - 1a pars (of 2): Pater noster Anonymous 51v–52
Pater noster (with doxology) - 2a pars (of 2): Panem nostrum Anonymous 52v–53
Pater noster (without doxology) - 1a pars (of 2): Pater noster Anonymous 53v–54
Pater noster (without doxology) - 2a pars (of 2): Panem nostrum Anonymous 54v–55
Quae est ista que processit sicut sol 20v–21
Quia vidisti me Thoma Anonymous 34v
Salva nos Domine vigilantes Anonymous 55v–56
Seid ihr der Vogt von Plätzen 27
Si dormiero (O mitis mater Christi) 14.13 27v–28
Sicut malus inter ligna 12v–13
Sind ihr der Vogt von plätzen Anonymous 26v
Surrexit Christus hodie Anonymous 47
Tant que nostre argent dura Anonymous 11v–12
Une pastore seant au vert buisson Anonymous 15v
Ut queant laxis Anonymous 31v
Veci la mort Anonymous 16
Veni creator spiritus (3vv) 32
Venite exultemus Anonymous 29
Verlei uns Friede gnädiglich Anonymous 49
Wer ich ein Falck Anonymous 6
Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält Anonymous 48–48v

denotes primary source study

Gottwald, Clytus. 1997. Die Handschriften der Gesamthochschulbibliothek Kassel, Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel, Bd. 6: Manuscripta musica.  Wiesbaden.

Siegele, Ulrich. 1967. Die Musiksammlung der Stadt Heilbronn.  Heilbronn. Pages: 47. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial).

Blume, Friedrich (editor). 1949-79. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik.  Kassel. Pages: VI, 342. Notes: physical description (partial).

Lange, Wilhelm (compiler). 1920. Katalog der Musikalien der Landesbibliothek.  Kassel. Pages: 358. Notes: mention of MS.

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Friday, 9 April, 2021

image link added

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. Census Catalogue of Music Description