US-NYp Mus. Res. Drexel 4302 (Sambrook book)

Public Library, Music Division, New York, United States

manuscript of polyphony: 1613-9

Archive Public Library, Music Division, New York, United States (US-NYp)
Shelfmark Mus. Res. Drexel 4302 (Sambrook book)
Image Availability DIAMM does not have images of this source.
Surface Paper
Numbering System Pagination
Format portrait
Measurements 414 x 275 mm
Other Identifiers
  • CCM: NYorkP 4302
  • olim (Former shelfmark): Sambrook Manuscript
  • black void mensural
External Links
Contents 351 pieces from 54 composers
General Description

Organised in several distinct sections: motets, then madrigals a6 and a8, with sub-sections devoted to specific composers (e.g. "Motetti a 5 di Alfonso Ferabosco Figliulo", "Motetti di Alfonso Ferabosco il Padre a 6", "Madrigali a 6 di Luca Marenzio", "Madrigali a 6 di Pietro Philippi", etc) although works within the sections by 'diversi autori' are also often grouped by author.

Previously thought to have been copied at Fleet Prison in London by Francis Tregian the Younger, (1574?-1619), a Catholic recusant, who also wrote LonBLE 3665 and several other manuscripts not within scope of this catalogue; Ruby Reid Thompson and latterly Oliver Neighbour (New Grove) have shown that he was not (as thought) the copyist.

Belonged later in 17th century to Francis Sambrook of Salisbury. Other owners include the organist and composer John Alcock (1715-1806); Rev. John Parker, vicar of St. George's, London; and the antiquarian Edward F. Rimbault (1816-76). Purchased by the Philadelphia banker and philanthropist Joseph W. Drexel (1833-88) at a Sotheby's sale of Rimbault's library in 1877. Drexel collection bequeathed in 1888 to Lenox Library, incorporated since 1895 in New York Public Library.

DIAMM, 2022

Original covers of brown leather, tooled in gold with ornamental designs; blind-stamped initials 'F S' [= Francis Sambrook].

DIAMM, 2017
Liminary Note

Inscription on several folios: 'Francis Sambrooke his booke.'

DIAMM, 2017

black void mensural

DIAMM, 2017

each system of staves runs entirely across each opening

DIAMM, 2017

Original ink and new pencil pagination combined in single system, 1-570 (with many errors, omissions, and inconsistencies). (RISM uses a continuous foliation, also used in DIAMM invetory.)

DIAMM, 2022

Other numberings: Several sections (defined roughly by types of repertory or composers), each with its own system of original piece numbering; second, independent system of original piece numbers provides running count of works by some composers.

DIAMM, 2017

No initials or decoration.

DIAMM, 2017


DIAMM, 2017
Census Catalogue of Music Description

This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers. It is COPYRIGHT and copying/reproduction of this content without permission may result in legal action.

1 hymn, 2 Lamentations, 56 motets, 6 anthems, 1 carol, 190 Italian secular pieces, 1 English secular piece, 8 instrumental dances, 3 textless pieces (1 fragmentary) = 268

Agazzari-5, F. Anerio-10, G. Anerio-1, Baccusi-4, Bellasio-1, Bertani-3, G. Biffi-1, Byrd-4, Cavaccio-1, Clemens non Papa-1, Coperario-2, Croce-2, Daman-2, Dano-3, Eremita-6, A. Ferrabosco I-38, A. Ferrabosco II-10, A. Gabrieli-1, G. Gabrieli-1, Gastoldi-1, Giglio-2, Ingegneri-1, Lassus-7, Leoni-1, G. B. Locatello [Gio. Battista Lucatello]-1, T. Lupo-8, Macque-3, Marenzio-34, Massaini-1, Mel-7, Meldert-1, A. Milleville-1, (Morley)-1, Moscaglia-1, Orlandini-1, Pallavicino-21, V. Passerini-1, P. Philips-51, C. Portal, Rovigo-1, I. Sabino-1, Spaventa-1, Stabile-1, Striggio-8, Orazio Vecchi-1, (Verdelot?)-1, Verdonck-1, Verso-2, Victoria-5, Weelkes-1, Wert-1, R. White-1, anon-2

ii + ii + 26 + v + 11 + iii + 220 + ii paper folios, 414 x 275. Original ink and new pencil pagination combined in single system, 1-570 (with many errors, omissions, and inconsistencies). Several sections (defined roughly by types of repertory or composers), each with its own system of original piece numbering; second, independent system of original piece numbers provides running count of works by some composers. Original covers of brown leather, tooled in gold with ornamental designs; blind-stamped initials "F S" [= Francis Sambrook]. No index. Music in score format, with barlines; each system of staves runs entirely across each opening. Copied by Francis Tregian the Younger, who also wrote LonBLE 3665 and several other manuscripts not within scope of this catalogue. No initials or decoration. Inscription on several folios: "Francis Sambrooke his booke."

1613-9. Copied at Fleet Prison in London. The compiler, scribe, and original owner was Francis Tregian the Younger (1574?-1619), a Catholic recusant. Belonged later in 17th century to Francis Sambrook of Salisbury. Other owners include the organist and composer John Alcock (1715-1806); Rev. John Parker, vicar of St. George's, London; and the antiquarian Edward F. Rimbault (1816-76). Purchased by the Philadelphia banker and philanthropist Joseph W. Drexel (1833-88) at a Sotheby's sale of Rimbault's library in 1877. Drexel collection bequeathed in 1888 to Lenox Library, incorporated since 1895 in New York Public Library.

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
2–3 Tristis est anima mea usque ad mortem Orlando di Lasso
Appears on: 2–3
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Orlando di Lasso
2v–3 Credidi propter - 1a pars (of 2): Credidi propter quod locutus sum ego Orlandi di Lasso
Appears on: 2v–3
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Orlandi di Lasso
3 Credidi propter - 2a pars (of 2): Vota mea Domino reddam coram omni -
Appears on: 3
Genres: Motet
3v–4v Veni in hortum meum Orlandi di Lasso
Appears on: 3v–4v
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Orlandi di Lasso
3v–5 Angelus ad pastores ait annuntio vobis Orlando di Lasso
Appears on: 3v–5
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Orlando di Lasso
4v–5 In me transierunt irae tuae Orlando di Lasso
Appears on: 4v–5
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Orlando di Lasso
4v–5v Pater noster Pietro Philippi
Appears on: 4v–5v
Genres: Motet, Pater noster
Source Attribution: Pietro Philippi
5v–6 Iste est Joannes Pietro Philippi
Appears on: 5v–6
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Pietro Philippi
5v–6v Ego sum panis - 1a pars (of 2): Ego sum panis vivus Pietro Philippi
Appears on: 5v–6v
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Pietro Philippi
6v–7v Ego sum panis - 2a pars (of 2): Et panis quam ego Pietro Philippi
Appears on: 6v–7v
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Pietro Philippi
7–8 Disciplinam et scientiam Pietro Philippi
Appears on: 7–8
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Pietro Philippi
7v–8 Ave verum corpus Pietro Philippi
Appears on: 7v–8
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Pietro Philippi
8–9 Maria Magdalena Pietro Philippi
Appears on: 8–9
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Pietro Philippi
8v–10 Viae Sion lugent eo Pietro Philippi
Appears on: 8v–10
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Pietro Philippi
9v–10v Surge Petre Pietro Philippi
Appears on: 9v–10v
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Pietro Philippi
10v–11 Gaude Maria virgo Pietro Philippi
Appears on: 10v–11
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Pietro Philippi
10v–12 Mulieres sedentes Pietro Philippi
Appears on: 10v–12
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Pietro Philippi
12–13 Alma redemptoris mater Pietro Philippi
Appears on: 12–13
Genres: Alma redemptoris mater, Motet
Source Attribution: Pietro Philippi
12–13v Beatus Laurentius Pietro Philippi
Appears on: 12–13v
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Pietro Philippi
12v–14 Domine Deus meus in te speravi Pietro Philippi
Appears on: 12v–14
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Pietro Philippi
13v–14 Lullaby - 1a pars (of 2): Lullaby, my sweet little baby William Bird
Appears on: 13v–14
Genres: Song
Source Attribution: William Bird
14v–15 Lullaby - 2a pars (of 2): Be still, my blessed babe -
Appears on: 14v–15
Genres: Song
14v–15 Why do I use my paper, ink and pen? William Bird
Appears on: 14v–15
Genres: Song
Source Attribution: William Bird
14v–15 Nil maius - 1a pars (of 2): Nil maius superi vident Ex libris Henry 8 circa a[nno] 1520
Appears on: 14v–15
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Ex libris Henry 8 circa a[nno] 1520
15v–16 Nil maius - 2a pars (of 2): Ille Musarum naufragos -
Appears on: 15v–16
Genres: Motet
15v–16 Ascendens Christus - 1a pars (of 2): Ascendens Christus in altum Ludovicus a Victoria
Appears on: 15v–16
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Ludovicus a Victoria
16v–17 Ascendens Christus - 2a pars (of 2): Ascendit Deus in jubilatione -
Appears on: 16v–17
Genres: Motet
17v–18 Dum complerentur (5vv) - 1a pars (of 2): Dum complerentur Ludovicus a Victoria
Appears on: 17v–18
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Ludovicus a Victoria
18–19 Gaude Maria virgo Ludovicus a Victoria
Appears on: 18–19
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Ludovicus a Victoria
18v–19v Alma redemptoris (5vv) - 1a pars (of 2): Alma redemptoris mater Ludovicus a Victoria
Appears on: 18v–19v
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Ludovicus a Victoria
19v–20v Cum beatus Ignatius - 1a pars (of 2): Cum beatus Ignatius Ludovicus a Victoria
Appears on: 19v–20v
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Ludovicus a Victoria
20v–22 Cum beatus Ignatius - 2a pars (of 2): Ignis crux bestiae -
Appears on: 20v–22
Genres: Motet
20v–21 Out of the deep Thomas Lupo
Appears on: 20v–21
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Thomas Lupo
20v–22 Jerusalem plantabis vineam Thomas Lupo
Appears on: 20v–22
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Thomas Lupo
21v–22 Salva nos Domine Thomas Lupo
Appears on: 21v–22
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Thomas Lupo
22–23 O vos omnes Thomas Lupo
Appears on: 22–23
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Thomas Lupo
22v–23 Miserere mei Domine (I) Thomas Lupo
Appears on: 22v–23
Source Attribution: Thomas Lupo
22v–23v Hear my prayer, O Lord Thomas Lupo
Appears on: 22v–23v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Thomas Lupo
23v–24 Heu mihi Domine Thomas Lupo
Appears on: 23v–24
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Thomas Lupo
23v–25 Miserere mei Domine (II) Thomas Lupo
Appears on: 23v–25
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Thomas Lupo
24v–25 When David heard - 1a pars (of 2): When David heard that Absalom Thomas Wilks
Appears on: 24v–25
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Thomas Wilks
25–25v When David heard - 2a pars (of 2): O my son Absalom -
Appears on: 25–25v
Genres: Anthem
25v Miserere nostri Domine William Daman
Appears on: 25v
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: William Daman
25v–26v [Christe qui lux es (I)] Precamur sancte Domine White
Appears on: 25v–26v
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: White
27–28 Ego sum resurrectio Alfonso Ferabosco Jun.
Appears on: 27–28
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Jun.
27v–28 O nomen Jesu Alf. Fer. Jun.
Appears on: 27v–28
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Alf. Fer. Jun.
27v–28 Ego dixi - 1a pars (of 2): Ego dixi Domine Alf. Fer. Jun.
Appears on: 27v–28
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Alf. Fer. Jun.
28v–29 Ego dixi - 2a pars (of 2): Convertere Domine -
Appears on: 28v–29
Genres: Motet
29–29v Ubi duo - 1a pars (of 2): Ubi duo vel tres Alf. Ferab. Jun.
Appears on: 29–29v
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Alf. Ferab. Jun.
29v–30v Ubi duo - 2a pars (of 2): Libera me Domine -
Appears on: 29v–30v
Genres: Motet
30v Domine Deus - 1a pars (of 2): Domine Deus meus in te speravi Alf. Fer. Jun.
Appears on: 30v
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Alf. Fer. Jun.
31 Domine Deus - 2a par (of 2): Noli me precerem -
Appears on: 31
Genres: Motet
31v–32 Laboravi in gemitu meo Alfonso Ferrabosco Jun.
Appears on: 31v–32
Genres: Madrigal
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferrabosco Jun.
32v–34 Incipit lamentatio Jeremiae Alfonso Ferrabosco Junior
Appears on: 32v–34
Genres: Lamentations
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferrabosco Junior
34–34v Tribulationem - 1a pars (of 2): Tribulationem et dolorem inveni Alfonso Ferabosco Jun.
Appears on: 34–34v
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Jun.
34v–35v Tribulationem - 2a pars (of 2): O Domine -
Appears on: 34v–35v
Genres: Motet
35v–36 Fortitudo mea Alfonso Ferrabosco Jun.
Appears on: 35v–36
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferrabosco Jun.
35v–37 Sustinuit anima mea Alfonso Ferrabosco Jun.
Appears on: 35v–37
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferrabosco Jun.
37v–38 Qui consolabatur me recessit a me Clemens non Papa
Appears on: 37v–38
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Clemens non Papa
39–40 E so come in un Marenzo
Appears on: 39–40
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
40 Chiaro segno Amor -
Appears on: 40
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
General Note

incomplete - a fragment only

39v–40 L'aura che 'l verde - 1a pars (of 2): L'aura che 'l verde lauro e l'aureo crine Marenzo
Appears on: 39v–40
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
40–40v L'aura che 'l verde - 2a pars (of 2): Si ch' io no vegeia -
Appears on: 40–40v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
40v–41 Il vago e bello Armillo - 1a pars (of 2): Il vago e bello Armillo Marenzo
Appears on: 40v–41
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
41v–42 Il vago e bello Armillo - 2a pars (of 2): E dicea -
Appears on: 41v–42
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
41v–42 Solo e pensoso - 1a pars (of 2): Solo e pensoso i piu deserti campi Marenzo
Appears on: 41v–42
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
42v Solo e pensoso - 2a pars (of 2): Si ch' io mi credo -
Appears on: 42v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
42v Vivo in guerra mendico e son dolente Marenzo
Appears on: 42v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
43–43v Exaudi Deus - 1a pars (of 2): Exaudi Deus orationem meam (C34) Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 43–43v
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
43v–45 Exaudi Deus - 2a pars (of 2): Quoniam declinaverunt (C35) -
Appears on: 43v–45
44v–46 In monte Oliveti (C39) Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 44v–46
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
45v–47 Da pacem Domine (II) (C28) Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 45v–47
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
46v–47 Tibi soli peccavi - 1a pars (of 2): Tibi soli peccavi Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 46v–47
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
47–48 Tibi soli peccavi - 2a pars (of 2): Ecce enim (C60) Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 47–48
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
47v–51 Incipit lamentatio Jeremiae [III]: Lamed (6vv - C67) Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 47v–51
Genres: Lamentations
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
50v–51v Inclina Domine - 1a pars (of 6): Inclina Domine aurem (C41) Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 50v–51v
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
51v–53 Afflictus sum - 1a pars (of 2): Afflictus sum et humiliatus Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 51v–53
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
53–54 Afflictus sum - 2a pars (of 2): Ne derelinquas me, Domine -
Appears on: 53–54
Genres: Motet
53v–55 Heu mihi Domine (II) (C38) Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 53v–55
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
54v–56 Salva nos Domine (C54) Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 54v–56
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
55v–56 Timor et tremor - 1a pars (of 2): Timor et tremor (C61) Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 55v–56
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
56v–57 Timor et tremor - 2a pars (of 2): Exaudi Deus deprecationem meam (C62) -
Appears on: 56v–57
Genres: Motet
57–58v Domine non secundum peccata nostra (C32) Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 57–58v
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
59–60 Decantabat populus Israel Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 59–60
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
59v–61 Benedic anima mea - 11a pars (of 11): Cantabo Domino (C18) Alfonso Feraboso [sic] Sen.
Appears on: 59v–61
Genres: Psalm
Source Attribution: Alfonso Feraboso [sic] Sen.
60v–61 Dolce guerriera mia - 1a pars (of 2): Dolce guerriera mia Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 60v–61
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
61v–62 Dolce guerriera mia - 2a pars (of 2): Ma se con l'apre -
Appears on: 61v–62
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
61v–63 Grave pene in amor Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 61v–63
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
62v–64 Cosi m' e l'aspettar Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 62v–64
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
63v–65 Interdette speranze e van desio Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 63v–65
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
64v–66 Se lungi dal mio sol Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 64v–66
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
65v–66 Ecco che un' altra volta - 1a pars (of 2): Ecco che un' altra volta Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 65v–66
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
66v–67 Ecco che un' altra volta - 2a pars (of 2): E se di vero -
Appears on: 66v–67
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
66v–68 Vergine bella - 1a pars (of 11): Vergine bella che di sol vestita Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 66v–68
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
68v–69 Vergine bella - 2a pars (of 11): Vergine saggia e del bel numer' una -
Appears on: 68v–69
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
69v–70v Vergine bella - 3a pars (of 11): Vergine pura d'ogni parte intera -
Appears on: 69v–70v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
71 Vergine bella - 4a pars (of 11): Vergine santa d'ogni gratia piena -
Appears on: 71
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
71v Vergine bella - 5a pars (of 11): Vergine sola al mondo senza esempio -
Appears on: 71v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
71v–72 Vergine bella - 6a pars (of 11): Vergine chiara e stabile in eterno -
Appears on: 71v–72
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
72v–73v Vergine bella - 7a pars (of 11): Vergine quande lagrime ho gia sparte -
Appears on: 72v–73v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
74–75 Vergine bella - 8a pars (of 11): Vergine tal' e terra e post'ha -
Appears on: 74–75
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
75v–76 Vergine bella - 9a pars (of 11): Vergine in cui ho tutta mia speranza -
Appears on: 75v–76
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
76v–77 Vergine bella - 10a pars (of 11): Vergine humana e nemica d'orgogli -
Appears on: 76v–77
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
77v–78 Vergine bella - 11a pars (of 11): Il di s'appressa et non puote esser -
Appears on: 77v–78
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
78–78v Mentre che il cor - 1a pars (of 2): Mentre che il cor Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 78–78v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
79–80 Mentre che il cor - 2a pars (of 2): Quel foco e morto -
Appears on: 79–80
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
80–81 Se pur e ver che l'alma Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 80–81
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
81–82 Quel sempre acerbo et honorato giorno Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 81–82
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
82v Io vo piangendo - 1a pars (of 2): Io vo piangendo i miei passati tempi Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 82v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
82v–84 Io vo piangendo - 2a pars (of 2): Si che s'io vissi -
Appears on: 82v–84
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
83v–84 Valle che dei lamenti - 1a pars (of 2): Valle che dei lamenti Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 83v–84
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
84v–85 Valle che dei lamenti - 2a pars (of 2): Ben riconosco in lei -
Appears on: 84v–85
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
85v–86 Lasso me - 1a pars (of 2): Lasso me ch' ad un tempo Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 85v–86
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
86v–87 Lasso me - 2a pars (of 2): Cerco fermar il sol ardo -
Appears on: 86v–87
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
86v–87 Hor vedi Amor - 1a pars (of 2): Hor vedi Amor che giovinetta donna Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 86v–87
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
87v–88 Hor vedi Amor - 2a pars (of 2): Tu sei prigion ma se pieta Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 87v–88
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
87v–89 Non e lasso martire Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 87v–89
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
88v–90 Voi volete ch' io muoia Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 88v–90
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
89–91 Gia disfatt' ha le nevi intorno Alfonso Ferrabosco Sen.
Appears on: 89–91
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferrabosco Sen.
91 Esser non puo ch' al suon -
Appears on: 91
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
91–92 Benedetto di al giorno - 1a pars (of 2): Benedetto di al giorno Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
Appears on: 91–92
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferabosco Sen.
92v–93 Benedetto di al giorno - 2a pars (of 2): Benedette le voci -
Appears on: 92v–93
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
93v–94 Ogni loco m' attrista Alfonso Ferrabosco Sen.
Appears on: 93v–94
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferrabosco Sen.
94–95 O remember not our old sins Alfonso Ferrabosco Sen.
Appears on: 94–95
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferrabosco Sen.
94v–96 Questi ch' inditio fan del mio tormento Alfonso Ferrabosco Sen.
Appears on: 94v–96
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferrabosco Sen.
95v–97 Con lagrime ch' ogn' hor' da gli occhi Alfonso Ferrabosco Sen.
Appears on: 95v–97
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferrabosco Sen.
97v Sola voi no 'l sentite -
Appears on: 97v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
97v–99 Fui vicino - 1a pars (of 2): Fui vicino a cader' Alfonso Ferrabosco Sen.
Appears on: 97v–99
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferrabosco Sen.
99v Fui vicino - 2a pars (of 2): Hor com' augel -
Appears on: 99v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
98v–100v Fantasia a6 Alfonso Ferrabosco Sen.
Appears on: 98v–100v
Genres: Fantasia
Source Attribution: Alfonso Ferrabosco Sen.
100v–102 Fantasia a6 Guillermo Daman
Appears on: 100v–102
Genres: Fantasia
Source Attribution: Guillermo Daman
103–104 L'aura serena - 1a pars (of 2): L'aura serena che fra verdi fronde Marenzo
Appears on: 103–104
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
104v L'aura serena - 2a pars (of 2): Le quali ella spargea -
Appears on: 104v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
104–105 Cantai gia lieto - 1a pars (of 2): Cantai gia lieto il mio libero stato Marenzo
Appears on: 104–105
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
105v Cantai gia lieto - 2a pars (of 2): Che la mia donna altiera -
Appears on: 105v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
105–106 Baci soavi - 1a pars (pf 5): Baci soavi e cari Marenzo
Appears on: 105–106
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
106v–107 Baci soavi - 2a pars (pf 5): Baci amorosi e belli -
Appears on: 106v–107
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
107v–108 Baci soavi - 3a pars (pf 5): Baci affamati e regardi -
Appears on: 107v–108
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
107v–108v Baci soavi - 4a pars (pf 5): Baci cortesi e grave -
Appears on: 107v–108v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
109 Baci soavi - 5a pars (pf 5): Baci, ohime no mirate -
Appears on: 109
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
108–109 Vivro dunque lontano Marenzo
Appears on: 108–109
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
108v–109v Danzava con maniere - 1a pars (of 2): Danzava con maniere Marenzo
Appears on: 108v–109v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
109v–110 Per due coralli ardenti -
Appears on: 109v–110
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
109v–111 Arsi gran tempo - 1a pars (of 2): Arsi gran tempo e del mio foco indegno -
Appears on: 109v–111
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
112 Arsi gran tempo - 2a pars (of 2): Lasso e concosco hor ben -
Appears on: 112
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
110v–112 O dolorosa sorte Marenzo
Appears on: 110v–112
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
111v–113 Tutte sue squadre di miserie e stenti Marenzo
Appears on: 111v–113
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
112v–113v Ahime tal fu d'Amore Marenzo
Appears on: 112v–113v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
113v–114 Dice la mia bellissima Licori Marenzo
Appears on: 113v–114
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
113v–115 Occhi sereni e chiari Marenzo
Appears on: 113v–115
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
114–116 Ne fero sdegno mai donna mi mosse Marenzo
Appears on: 114–116
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
114v–116 Tal che dovunque vo tutte repente Marenzo
Appears on: 114v–116
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
115v–117 Del Cibo onde - 1a pars (of 2): Del Cibo onde il signor mio sempr' abonda Marenzo
Appears on: 115v–117
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
117v Del Cibo onde - 2a pars (of 2): Con quella man che tanto -
Appears on: 117v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
118 Con dolci sguardi - 2a pars (of 2): Di lagrime indi sparge -
Appears on: 118
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
117v–118 Vattene anima mia Marenzo
Appears on: 117v–118
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
118v–119 Nel piu fiorito Aprile Marenzo
Appears on: 118v–119
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
118v–119v La dipartita e amara Marenzo
Appears on: 118v–119v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
119–120 Crudel perche mi fuggi Marenzo
Appears on: 119–120
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
119v–120 Deh rinforzate il vostri largo pianto Marenzo
Appears on: 119v–120
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
120–121 Parto da voi mio sole Marenzo
Appears on: 120–121
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
120v–122 Non e questa la mano Marenzo
Appears on: 120v–122
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
121v–122 Come fuggir per selv' ombrosa e folta Marenzo
Appears on: 121v–122
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
122–123 Ecco che 'l ciel a noi chiar' e sereno Marenzo
Appears on: 122–123
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
122v–123v Ben mi credeti gia d'esser felice Marenzo
Appears on: 122v–123v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
123v–124 Vaneggio od' e pur vero Marenzo
Appears on: 123v–124
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
123v–125 Mentre fia caldo il sol fredda la neve Marenzo
Appears on: 123v–125
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marenzo
125v–127 Laboravi in gemitu meo T. M. incerto (=Morley)
Appears on: 125v–127
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: T. M. incerto (=Morley)
127v Pavana a6 Jacomo Aquilino Dano
Appears on: 127v
Genres: Pavan
Source Attribution: Jacomo Aquilino Dano
128–129 Lascian le fresche linfe Pietro Philippi
Appears on: 128–129
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Pietro Philippi
128v–129 Si me dicesti Pietro Philippi
Appears on: 128v–129
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Pietro Philippi
128–130 ll dolce mormorio Pietro Philippi
Appears on: 128–130
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Pietro Philippi
129v–132 Amor di propria man - 1a pars (of 3): Amor di propria man Philippi
Appears on: 129v–132
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
133v Amor di propria man - 2a pars (of 3): La Ninfa albor con voce -
Appears on: 133v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
133v Amor di propria man - 3a pars (of 3): Cosi con lieto gioco -
Appears on: 133v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
131v–132 Baciai per haver vita Philippi
Appears on: 131v–132
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
131v–133 Baciai ma che mi valse Philippi
Appears on: 131v–133
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
132v–134 Apra la porta - 1a pars (of 2): Apra la prta d'oro Philippi
Appears on: 132v–134
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
133v Apra la porta - 2a pars (of 2): Quel mentre gir in torno -
Appears on: 133v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
133v–134v Poi che voi non volete Philippi
Appears on: 133v–134v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
135v–136 Io son ferito - 1a pars (of 2): Io son ferito Philippi
Appears on: 135v–136
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
General Note

2a pars is copied at f. 153v

136v Ut re mi fa sol la Philippi
Appears on: 136v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
136v–137 Qui sott' ombrosi mirti Philippi
Appears on: 136v–137
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
136v–137v Scherza madonna e dice Philippi
Appears on: 136v–137v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
137v–139 Era in acquario il sole Philippi
Appears on: 137v–139
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
138v–139 Lasso non e morir Philippi
Appears on: 138v–139
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
139–140 Nero manto vi cinge Philippi
Appears on: 139–140
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
149v–141 Questa vita mortale Philippi
Appears on: 149v–141
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
140v–141 Porta nel viso - 1a pars (of 3): Porta nel viso Aprile Philippi
Appears on: 140v–141
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
141v–142 Porta nel viso - 2a pars (of 3): Quando Uranio -
Appears on: 141v–142
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
141v–142 Porta nel viso - 3a pars (of 3): E quando fra -
Appears on: 141v–142
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
142v–143v Correa vezzosamente Philippi
Appears on: 142v–143v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
143v–144 Deh ferma, ferm' il tuo rubello Pietro Philippi
Appears on: 143v–144
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Pietro Philippi
144–145 Non e piu cor Philippi
Appears on: 144–145
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
145–146 Non e ferro che punga Philippi
Appears on: 145–146
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
145v–146 Chi vuol veder - 1a pars (of 4): Chi vuol vedere un bosco Philippi
Appears on: 145v–146
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
146v–147 Chi vuol veder - 2a pars (of 4): Chi vuol vedere un mare -
Appears on: 146v–147
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
147v–148 Chi vuol veder - 3a pars (of 4): Chi vuol veder l'inferno -
Appears on: 147v–148
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
147v–149 Chi vuol veder - 4a pars (of 4): E chi saper desia -
Appears on: 147v–149
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
148v–149 Fece da voi partita Philippi
Appears on: 148v–149
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
149–150 Di perle lagrimose sparse Philippi
Appears on: 149–150
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
150–150v Chi vi mira e non sospira Philippi
Appears on: 150–150v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
150v–151v Mentre hor - 1a pars (of 2): Mentre hor humile Philippi
Appears on: 150v–151v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
150v–151v Mentre hor - 2a pars (of 2): Mentre di doglia -
Appears on: 150v–151v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
151v–152 Cantai mentre - 1a pars (of 2): Cantai mentre dispiacqu' al mio bel sole Philippi
Appears on: 151v–152
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Philippi
152v–153 Cantai mentre - 2a pars (of 2): Resto qual uom -
Appears on: 152v–153
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
153v–154 Io son ferito - 2a pars (of 2): S'io t' ho ferito -
Appears on: 153v–154
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
General Note

1a pars is copied at f. 135v

154v–155v Pavan passamezzo Philippi
Appears on: 154v–155v
Genres: Pavan
Source Attribution: Philippi

Concordances in GB-Ob Ms. Mus. Sch. E.437-42, and GB-Och MS 423-8

156–157 Nasce la pena mia non potendo mirar Alessandro Strigio
Appears on: 156–157
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Alessandro Strigio
156v–157 Questi ch' indicio fan Alessandro Strigio
Appears on: 156v–157
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alessandro Strigio
157–158 Partiro dunque e perche mi s'asconde Alessandro Striggio
Appears on: 157–158
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alessandro Striggio
157v–159 Dolce mio ben amor mio caro Alessandro Striggio
Appears on: 157v–159
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alessandro Striggio
158v–160 Alma che da celeste Alessandro Striggio
Appears on: 158v–160
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alessandro Striggio
159v–160 Amor m' impenna l'ale Alessandro Striggio
Appears on: 159v–160
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alessandro Striggio
160v–161 All' acqua sacra del novello fonte Alessandro Striggio
Appears on: 160v–161
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alessandro Striggio
160v–161 Hor se mi mostra - 1a pars (of 2): Hor se mi mostra Alessandro Striggio
Appears on: 160v–161
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alessandro Striggio
161v–162 Hor se mi mostra - 2a pars (of 2): Sento venir -
Appears on: 161v–162
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
161v–163 Ecco che pur vi lascio Joseppo Biffi
Appears on: 161v–163
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Joseppo Biffi
162v–163 Liete le muse a l'ombra Francesco Rivigo
Appears on: 162v–163
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Francesco Rivigo
163–164 Hor che l'aura tranquilla Felice Anerio
Appears on: 163–164
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Felice Anerio
163v–164 L'aura che noi circonda Felice Anerio
Appears on: 163v–164
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Felice Anerio
164v–165 Dolcissimo riposo Felice Anerio
Appears on: 164v–165
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Felice Anerio
164v–165v Questa che'l cor m'ancide Felice Anerio
Appears on: 164v–165v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Felice Anerio
165v–166 Riser le piagge - 1a pars (of 2): Riser le piagge Felice Anerio
Appears on: 165v–166
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Felice Anerio
166v–167 Riser le piagge - 2a pars (of 2): Non posso piu negar -
Appears on: 166v–167
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
166v–167v Non potean vinti dal soverchio lume Felice Anerio
Appears on: 166v–167v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Felice Anerio
167v–168 Come potro giammai finir Felice Anerio
Appears on: 167v–168
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Felice Anerio
167v–169 Pensai lasso ma invano Felice Anerio
Appears on: 167v–169
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Felice Anerio
168v–169v Come ne caldi estivi Felice Anerio
Appears on: 168v–169v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Felice Anerio
169v–170 Gia disfatto ha - 1a pars (of 7): Gia disfatto ha le nevi intorno Felice Anerio
Appears on: 169v–170
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Felice Anerio
170v–171 Gia disfatto ha - 2a pars (of 7): Esser non puo -
Appears on: 170v–171
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
170v–171v Gia disfatto ha - 3a pars (of 7): I' non hebbe giammai -
Appears on: 170v–171v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
171v–172 Gia disfatto ha - 4a pars (of 7): O belta senza esempio -
Appears on: 171v–172
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
171v–172v Gia disfatto ha - 5a pars (of 7): Corran da gl' occhi miei -
Appears on: 171v–172v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
172v–173 Gia disfatto ha - 6a pars (of 7): Ma di stara vedra -
Appears on: 172v–173
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
172v–173 Gia disfatto ha - 7a pars (of 7): Io mi distruggo -
Appears on: 172v–173
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
173–175 S'io esca vivo Orlando di Lassus
Appears on: 173–175
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Orlando di Lassus
174v–175 Io no piangendo i miei passati tempi Andrea Gabrieli
Appears on: 174v–175
Genres: Canzon
Source Attribution: Andrea Gabrieli
175–176 Tirsi morir volea - 1a pars (of 3): Tirsi morir volea Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 175–176
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
175v–176v Tirsi morir volea - 2a pars (of 3): Freno Tirsi -
Appears on: 175v–176v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
176v–177 Tirsi morir volea - 3a pars (of 3): Cosi moriro -
Appears on: 176v–177
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
176v–177v In dir che sete - 1a pars (of 2): In dir che sete bella scemo le vostre lode Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 176v–177v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
177v–178v In dir che sete - 2a pars (of 2): I capei de l'Aurora -
Appears on: 177v–178v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
177v–178 Occhi leggiadri e belli Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 177v–178
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
178–179 Chi vi bascia e vi morde Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 178–179
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
178v–179v Donna gentile e bella Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 178v–179v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
179v–180 Avventurose spoglie Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 179v–180
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
179v–180v Deh scema il foco Amore Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 179v–180v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
180v–181 Crudel perche mi fuggi Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 180v–181
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
180v–182 Parte la vita mia Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 180v–182
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
181v–182v I lieti amanti Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 181v–182v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
182v–183 In boschi Ninfa Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 182v–183
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
182v–184 Vaga scopre Diana Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 182v–184
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
183v Cosi fors' o mia Dea -
Appears on: 183v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
184–185 Partomi donna Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 184–185
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
184v–185v Gentil pastor che miei Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 184v–185v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
185v–196 Ohime e come puoi tu senza me morire Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 185v–196
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
185v–186v Rose gittomi al viso Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 185v–186v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
186v–187 Vorrei mostrar madonna Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 186v–187
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
187v–188 Bene mio tu m' hai lasciato Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 187v–188
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
187v–189 Deh perche lagrimar Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 187v–189
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
188v–189 Nel dolce seno - 1a pars (of 3): Nel dolce seno Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 188v–189
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
189–190 Nel dolce seno - 2a pars (of 3): Quand' ella ahime -
Appears on: 189–190
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
189v–190v Nel dolce seno - 3a pars (of 3): O fortunati -
Appears on: 189v–190v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
190v–191 Sedea fra gigli e rose Benedetto Pallavicino
Appears on: 190v–191
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Benedetto Pallavicino
190v–191 La bella chioma - 1a pars (of 2): La bella chioma d'or puro Rinaldo del Mel
Appears on: 190v–191
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Rinaldo del Mel
191v–192 La bella chioma - 2a pars (of 2): Le belle mani -
Appears on: 191v–192
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
191v–192v Sovra le verdi - 1a pars (of 2): Sovra le verdi chiome Rinaldo del Mel
Appears on: 191v–192v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Rinaldo del Mel
192v–193v Sovra le verdi - 2a pars (of 2): E l' altri vezzosetti -
Appears on: 192v–193v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
192v–193v Poi che del mio gran stratio Rinaldo del Mel
Appears on: 192v–193v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Rinaldo del Mel
193v–194v Stando in un giorno - 1a pars (of 7): Stando in un giorno solo a la fenestra Rinaldo del Mel
Appears on: 193v–194v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Rinaldo del Mel
194–194v Stando in un giorno - 2a pars (of 7): In di per altro mar -
Appears on: 194–194v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
194v–195 Stando in un giorno - 3a pars (of 7): In un boschett' -
Appears on: 194v–195
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
195v–196 Stando in un giorno - 4a pars (of 7): Chiara fontan' -
Appears on: 195v–196
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
196–196v Stando in un giorno - 5a pars (of 7): Una strania Fenice -
Appears on: 196–196v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
196v–197 Stando in un giorno - 6a pars (of 7): Al fin vid' io -
Appears on: 196v–197
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
197v–198v Stando in un giorno - 7a pars (of 7): Canzon tu puoi -
Appears on: 197v–198v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
197v–198 Infelice mio core - 1a pars (of 2): Infelice mio core Rinaldo del Mel
Appears on: 197v–198
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Rinaldo del Mel
198v–199 Infelice mio core - 2a pars (of 2): Ahi fiera e triste -
Appears on: 198v–199
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
198v–200 Assiso sovra un sasso giovenetto Rinaldo del Mel
Appears on: 198v–200
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Rinaldo del Mel
199v–200 Arsi del vostr' amor si dolcemente Giulio Heremita
Appears on: 199v–200
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Giulio Heremita
200v–201 I vaghi fiori e l' herbe Giulio Heremita
Appears on: 200v–201
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Giulio Heremita
200v–202 Donna felice e bella Giulio Heremita
Appears on: 200v–202
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Giulio Heremita
201v–202v Poi che 'l mio largo pianto Giulio Heremita
Appears on: 201v–202v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Giulio Heremita
201v–202v Amor se de begl' occhi Giulio Heremita
Appears on: 201v–202v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Giulio Heremita
202v–203v La mia stellina - 1a pars (of 2): La mia stellina d'oro Agostino Agazzari
Appears on: 202v–203v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Agostino Agazzari
203–203v La mia stellina - 2a pars (of 2): E mentre per uscir -
Appears on: 203–203v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
203v–204 Care lagrime mie Agostino Agazzari
Appears on: 203v–204
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Agostino Agazzari
204–204v Parto da voi mio ardore Agostino Agazzari
Appears on: 204–204v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Agostino Agazzari
204v–205v D'amoroso gioir avidi i petti Agostino Agazzari
Appears on: 204v–205v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Agostino Agazzari
205v–206 Hor benevenuto e maggio Agostino Agazzari
Appears on: 205v–206
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Agostino Agazzari
205v–206v Mentre dai vaghi fiori Gio. Francesco Anerio
Appears on: 205v–206v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Gio. Francesco Anerio
206v–207 Calda pioggia - 1a pars (of 2): Calda pioggia di perle lagrimose Thomaso Giglio
Appears on: 206v–207
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Thomaso Giglio
207v–208 Calda pioggia - 2a pars (of 2): Va in pace anima -
Appears on: 207v–208
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
207v–209 Quando fra belle ninfe Scipione Spavento
Appears on: 207v–209
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Scipione Spavento
208v–209 Deh se mostrar tue Antonio il Verso
Appears on: 208v–209
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Antonio il Verso
208v–209v Se qual dolor che va inanzi al morire Antonio il Verso
Appears on: 208v–209v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Antonio il Verso
209v–210 Ahi chi me porge Vincenzo Passerini
Appears on: 209v–210
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Vincenzo Passerini
209v–210v Che soave concento fa 'l mormorar de l' onde Tomaso Giglio
Appears on: 209v–210v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Tomaso Giglio
210v–211v Gia primavera di vari colori Gio. Battista Lucatello
Appears on: 210v–211v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Gio. Battista Lucatello
211v–212 Io vidi amor Giovanni di Marque
Appears on: 211v–212
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Giovanni di Marque
211v–213 La giovinetta scorza Lelio Bertani
Appears on: 211v–213
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Lelio Bertani
212v–214 Chi vuol vedere Antonio Orlandini
Appears on: 212v–214
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Antonio Orlandini
213v–214 Ninfe leggiadr' e voi almi pastori Giaches de Wert
Appears on: 213v–214
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Giaches de Wert
General Note

Not clear whether this is Wert's setting (as attributed in the ms) or Pallavicino's

214–215 Verde lauro gentil Annibal Stabile
Appears on: 214–215
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Annibal Stabile
General Note

Not clear whether this is Wert's setting (as attributed in the ms) or Pallavicino's

214–216 Cresci bel verde Leonardo Meldert
Appears on: 214–216
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Leonardo Meldert
215v–216 Mentre io fuggia schernito Alessandro Milleville
Appears on: 215v–216
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Alessandro Milleville
216–217 Del secco incolto lauro fuggite Gio. Battista Moscaglia
Appears on: 216–217
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Gio. Battista Moscaglia
216–217 Amor che vude Paolo Bellasio
Appears on: 216–217
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Paolo Bellasio
217v–218 Fuggendo i rai colenti Hippolito Baccusio
Appears on: 217v–218
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Hippolito Baccusio
217v–219 Siede negl' occhi amore d'Uranio et arde ad Amaranta il cor Lelio Bertani
Appears on: 217v–219
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Lelio Bertani
218v–219 La vaga pastorella Marc'Antonio Ingengeri
Appears on: 218v–219
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Marc'Antonio Ingengeri
219–219v Laura con armonia Cornelio Verdoncg
Appears on: 219–219v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Cornelio Verdoncg
219v–221 Chi crederia ch' al varco Giovanni Croce
Appears on: 219v–221
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Giovanni Croce
220v–221v Son questi ohime dal core Gio. Giacomo Gastoldi
Appears on: 220v–221v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Gio. Giacomo Gastoldi
221v–222 Sorgea l'aurora - 1a pars (of 2): Sorgea l'aurora e l'herbe Rinaldo del Mel
Appears on: 221v–222
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Rinaldo del Mel
222–223 Sorgea l'aurora - 2a pars (of 2): Fillida mea -
Appears on: 222–223
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
222v–223v Solo e pensoso - 1a pars (of 2): Solo e pensoso i piu deserti campi Hippolito Baccusi
Appears on: 222v–223v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Hippolito Baccusi
223–224 Solo e pensoso - 2a pars (of 2): Si ch' io mi credo -
Appears on: 223–224
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
223v–225 Gia fu mia dolce speme Lelio Bertani
Appears on: 223v–225
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Lelio Bertani
224v–225 Occhi miei - 1a pars (of 2): Occhi miei che vedesti Hippolito Baccusi
Appears on: 224v–225
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Hippolito Baccusi
225v–226 Occhi miei - 2a pars (of 2): Care lagrime mie -
Appears on: 225v–226
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
225v–227 Ahi crud' amor se 'l pianto Hippolito Sabino
Appears on: 225v–227
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Hippolito Sabino
226v–227v Deh non piu stral' amor Giovanni di Macque
Appears on: 226v–227v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Giovanni di Macque
226v–227v Amor io sent' un respirar si dolce Giovanni di Macque
Appears on: 226v–227v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Giovanni di Macque
227v–228 Un giorno a pale sacro Hippolito Baccusi
Appears on: 227v–228
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Hippolito Baccusi
227v–228v Hor ch' ogni vento tace Horatio Vecchi
Appears on: 227v–228v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Horatio Vecchi
228v–229 Su le fiorite sponde Tiburtio Massaino
Appears on: 228v–229
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Tiburtio Massaino
228v–230 Se cantano gl' augelli Gio. Gabrieli
Appears on: 228v–230
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Gio. Gabrieli
229v–230v Smerald' eran le rive Giulio Eremita
Appears on: 229v–230v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Giulio Eremita
230v–231 Ove tra l'herbe e i fiori Giovanni Croce
Appears on: 230v–231
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Giovanni Croce
230v–232 Di pastorali accenti Leon Leoni
Appears on: 230v–232
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Leon Leoni
231v–232 Da lo spuntar de matutini albori Costanzo Porta
Appears on: 231v–232
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Costanzo Porta
232–233 Giunta qui Dori e pastorelli Giovanni Cavaccio
Appears on: 232–233
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Giovanni Cavaccio
232v–233v Al folgorante sguardo Giovanni Coprario
Appears on: 232v–233v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Giovanni Coprario
233v–234v Ah quella labbra Giovanni Coprario
Appears on: 233v–234v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Giovanni Coprario
234–235 Christ rising again - 1a pars (of 2): Christ rising again William Byrd
Appears on: 234–235
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: William Byrd
234v–236 Christ rising again - 2a pars (of 2): Christ is risen again William Byrd
Appears on: 234v–236
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: William Byrd
237–238 Questa che co' begl' occhi P. Philippi
Appears on: 237–238
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: P. Philippi
237v–239v Come potro giammai P. Philippi
Appears on: 237v–239v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: P. Philippi
239v–240v Hor che dal sonno vinta P. Philippi
Appears on: 239v–240v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: P. Philippi
240v–242v Donna mi fugg' ogn' hora P. Philippi
Appears on: 240v–242v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: P. Philippi
242v–244 Se per gridar ohime P. Philippi
Appears on: 242v–244
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: P. Philippi
243v–244v Filli leggiadra - 1a pars (of 8): Filli leggiadra e bella P. Philippi
Appears on: 243v–244v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: P. Philippi
244v–245v Filli leggiadra - 2a pars (of 8): Mesta qui l'aria appare senza et Filli -
Appears on: 244v–245v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
246–247 Filli leggiadra - 3a pars (of 8): Deh torna Filli, torna -
Appears on: 246–247
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
247v–248v Filli leggiadra - 5a pars (of 8): Ben restaro le piante -
Appears on: 247v–248v
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
249 Passando con pensier P. Philippi
Appears on: 249
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: P. Philippi
General Note

incomplete: 1 line of top 4 parts only (& untexted)

249v–251 Basti fin qui le pen' e i duri affanni (10vv) -
Appears on: 249v–251
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
General Note

incomplete - ff. 249-251 damaged

251v Laus honor - Anonymous

Laus honor

Appears on: 251v
Genres: Motet
General Note

on a piece of paper pasted, upside down, on rear cover

251–259v Amarilli mia bella -
Appears on: 251–259v
Genres: Canzona
General Note

a 3vv version of Caccini's 6vv canzone, made from the 'canto', 'sesto' & 'basso' parts (see also 'Tregian ms 3665'

Composer Compositions
Agazzari, Agostino (ca. 1579–ca. 1642)
Anerio, Felice (ca. 1560–1614)
Anerio, Giovanni Francesco (ca. 1567–1630)
Baccusi, Ippolito (ca. 1550–1609)
Bellasio, Paolo (1554–1594)
Bertani, Lelio
Biffi, Gioseffo
Byrd, William (ca. 1540–1623)
Caccini, Giulio Romano (1551–1618)
Cavaccio, Giovanni (ca. 1556–1626)
Clemens non Papa, Jacob (ca. 1510–ca. 1556)
Coprario, Giovanni (=John Cooper) (ca. 1575–1626)
Croce, Giovanni (ca. 1557–1609)
Daman, William
Dano, Giacomo Aquilino
Eremita, Giulio
Ferrabosco, Alfonso (the elder) (1543–1588)
Ferrabosco, Alfonso (the younger) (ca. 1575–1628)
Gabrieli, Andrea (ca. 1532–1585)
Gabrieli, Giovanni (ca. 1554–1612)
Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo (ca. 1554–1609)
Giglio, Tommaso
Ingegneri, Marc'Antonio
Lassus, Orlande de (ca. 1532–1594)
Leoni, Leone
Locatello, Giovanni Battista
Lupo, Thomas (ca. 1571–1627)
Macque, Giovanni de
Marenzio, Luca (ca. 1553–1599)
Massaino, Tiburzio
Mel, Rinaldo del
Meldert, Lienhart
Milleville, Alessandro
Morley, Thomas (ca. 1557–1602)
Moscaglia, Giovanni Battista
Orlandini, Antonio
Pallavicino, Benedetto
Passerini, Vincenzo
Philips, Peter (ca. 1560–1628)
Porta, Costanzo
Rovigo, Francesco
Sabino, Ippolito
Spaventa, Scipione
Stabile, Annibale (ca. 1535–1595)
Striggio, Alessandro (ca. 1536–1592)
Vecchi, Orazio (1550–1605)
Verdelot, Philippe (ca. 1480–ca. 1532)
Verdonck, Cornelis
Victoria, Tomas Luis de (1548–1611)
Weelkes, Thomas (ca. 1576–1623)
Wert, Giaches [Jaches] de (1535–1596)
White, Robert (ca. 1538–1574)
il Verso, Antonio (ca. 1560–1621)
Composition Composers (? Uncertain) Folios / Pages
[Christe qui lux es (I)] Precamur sancte Domine 25v–26v
Afflictus sum - 1a pars (of 2): Afflictus sum et humiliatus 51v–53
Afflictus sum - 2a pars (of 2): Ne derelinquas me, Domine 53–54
Ah quella labbra 233v–234v
Ahi chi me porge 209v–210
Ahi crud' amor se 'l pianto 225v–227
Ahime tal fu d'Amore 112v–113v
Al folgorante sguardo 232v–233v
All' acqua sacra del novello fonte 160v–161
Alma che da celeste 158v–160
Alma redemptoris (5vv) - 1a pars (of 2): Alma redemptoris mater 18v–19v
Alma redemptoris mater 12–13
Amarilli mia bella 251–259v
Amor che vude 216–217
Amor di propria man - 1a pars (of 3): Amor di propria man 129v–132
Amor di propria man - 2a pars (of 3): La Ninfa albor con voce 133v
Amor di propria man - 3a pars (of 3): Cosi con lieto gioco 133v
Amor io sent' un respirar si dolce 226v–227v
Amor m' impenna l'ale 159v–160
Amor se de begl' occhi 201v–202v
Angelus ad pastores ait annuntio vobis 3v–5
Apra la porta - 1a pars (of 2): Apra la prta d'oro 132v–134
Apra la porta - 2a pars (of 2): Quel mentre gir in torno 133v
Arsi del vostr' amor si dolcemente 199v–200
Arsi gran tempo - 1a pars (of 2): Arsi gran tempo e del mio foco indegno 109v–111
Arsi gran tempo - 2a pars (of 2): Lasso e concosco hor ben 112
Ascendens Christus - 1a pars (of 2): Ascendens Christus in altum 15v–16
Ascendens Christus - 2a pars (of 2): Ascendit Deus in jubilatione 16v–17
Assiso sovra un sasso giovenetto 198v–200
Ave verum corpus 7v–8
Avventurose spoglie 179v–180
Baci soavi - 1a pars (pf 5): Baci soavi e cari 105–106
Baci soavi - 2a pars (pf 5): Baci amorosi e belli 106v–107
Baci soavi - 3a pars (pf 5): Baci affamati e regardi 107v–108
Baci soavi - 4a pars (pf 5): Baci cortesi e grave 107v–108v
Baci soavi - 5a pars (pf 5): Baci, ohime no mirate 109
Baciai ma che mi valse 131v–133
Baciai per haver vita 131v–132
Basti fin qui le pen' e i duri affanni (10vv) 249v–251
Beatus Laurentius 12–13v
Ben mi credeti gia d'esser felice 122v–123v
Bene mio tu m' hai lasciato 187v–188
Benedetto di al giorno - 1a pars (of 2): Benedetto di al giorno 91–92
Benedetto di al giorno - 2a pars (of 2): Benedette le voci 92v–93
Benedic anima mea - 11a pars (of 11): Cantabo Domino (C18) 59v–61
Calda pioggia - 1a pars (of 2): Calda pioggia di perle lagrimose 206v–207
Calda pioggia - 2a pars (of 2): Va in pace anima 207v–208
Cantai gia lieto - 1a pars (of 2): Cantai gia lieto il mio libero stato 104–105
Cantai gia lieto - 2a pars (of 2): Che la mia donna altiera 105v
Cantai mentre - 1a pars (of 2): Cantai mentre dispiacqu' al mio bel sole 151v–152
Cantai mentre - 2a pars (of 2): Resto qual uom 152v–153
Care lagrime mie 203v–204
Che soave concento fa 'l mormorar de l' onde 209v–210v
Chi crederia ch' al varco 219v–221
Chi vi bascia e vi morde 178–179
Chi vi mira e non sospira 150–150v
Chi vuol veder - 1a pars (of 4): Chi vuol vedere un bosco 145v–146
Chi vuol veder - 2a pars (of 4): Chi vuol vedere un mare 146v–147
Chi vuol veder - 3a pars (of 4): Chi vuol veder l'inferno 147v–148
Chi vuol veder - 4a pars (of 4): E chi saper desia 147v–149
Chi vuol vedere 212v–214
Chiaro segno Amor 40
Christ rising again - 1a pars (of 2): Christ rising again 234–235
Christ rising again - 2a pars (of 2): Christ is risen again 234v–236
Come fuggir per selv' ombrosa e folta 121v–122
Come ne caldi estivi 168v–169v
Come potro giammai 237v–239v
Come potro giammai finir 167v–168
Con dolci sguardi - 2a pars (of 2): Di lagrime indi sparge 118
Con lagrime ch' ogn' hor' da gli occhi 95v–97
Correa vezzosamente 142v–143v
Cosi fors' o mia Dea 183v
Cosi m' e l'aspettar 62v–64
Credidi propter - 1a pars (of 2): Credidi propter quod locutus sum ego 2v–3
Credidi propter - 2a pars (of 2): Vota mea Domino reddam coram omni 3
Cresci bel verde 214–216
Crudel perche mi fuggi 119–120
Crudel perche mi fuggi 180v–181
Cum beatus Ignatius - 1a pars (of 2): Cum beatus Ignatius 19v–20v
Cum beatus Ignatius - 2a pars (of 2): Ignis crux bestiae 20v–22
D'amoroso gioir avidi i petti 204v–205v
Da lo spuntar de matutini albori 231v–232
Da pacem Domine (II) (C28) 45v–47
Danzava con maniere - 1a pars (of 2): Danzava con maniere 108v–109v
Decantabat populus Israel 59–60
Deh ferma, ferm' il tuo rubello 143v–144
Deh non piu stral' amor 226v–227v
Deh perche lagrimar 187v–189
Deh rinforzate il vostri largo pianto 119v–120
Deh scema il foco Amore 179v–180v
Deh se mostrar tue 208v–209
Del Cibo onde - 1a pars (of 2): Del Cibo onde il signor mio sempr' abonda 115v–117
Del Cibo onde - 2a pars (of 2): Con quella man che tanto 117v
Del secco incolto lauro fuggite 216–217
Di pastorali accenti 230v–232
Di perle lagrimose sparse 149–150
Dice la mia bellissima Licori 113v–114
Disciplinam et scientiam 7–8
Dolce guerriera mia - 1a pars (of 2): Dolce guerriera mia 60v–61
Dolce guerriera mia - 2a pars (of 2): Ma se con l'apre 61v–62
Dolce mio ben amor mio caro 157v–159
Dolcissimo riposo 164v–165
Domine Deus - 1a pars (of 2): Domine Deus meus in te speravi 30v
Domine Deus - 2a par (of 2): Noli me precerem 31
Domine Deus meus in te speravi 12v–14
Domine non secundum peccata nostra (C32) 57–58v
Donna felice e bella 200v–202
Donna gentile e bella 178v–179v
Donna mi fugg' ogn' hora 240v–242v
Dum complerentur (5vv) - 1a pars (of 2): Dum complerentur 17v–18
E so come in un 39–40
Ecco che 'l ciel a noi chiar' e sereno 122–123
Ecco che pur vi lascio 161v–163
Ecco che un' altra volta - 1a pars (of 2): Ecco che un' altra volta 65v–66
Ecco che un' altra volta - 2a pars (of 2): E se di vero 66v–67
Ego dixi - 1a pars (of 2): Ego dixi Domine 27v–28
Ego dixi - 2a pars (of 2): Convertere Domine 28v–29
Ego sum panis - 1a pars (of 2): Ego sum panis vivus 5v–6v
Ego sum panis - 2a pars (of 2): Et panis quam ego 6v–7v
Ego sum resurrectio 27–28
Era in acquario il sole 137v–139
Esser non puo ch' al suon 91
Exaudi Deus - 1a pars (of 2): Exaudi Deus orationem meam (C34) 43–43v
Exaudi Deus - 2a pars (of 2): Quoniam declinaverunt (C35) 43v–45
Fantasia a6 98v–100v
Fantasia a6 100v–102
Fece da voi partita 148v–149
Filli leggiadra - 1a pars (of 8): Filli leggiadra e bella 243v–244v
Filli leggiadra - 2a pars (of 8): Mesta qui l'aria appare senza et Filli 244v–245v
Filli leggiadra - 3a pars (of 8): Deh torna Filli, torna 246–247
Filli leggiadra - 5a pars (of 8): Ben restaro le piante 247v–248v
Fortitudo mea 35v–36
Fuggendo i rai colenti 217v–218
Fui vicino - 1a pars (of 2): Fui vicino a cader' 97v–99
Fui vicino - 2a pars (of 2): Hor com' augel 99v
Gaude Maria virgo 10v–11
Gaude Maria virgo 18–19
Gentil pastor che miei 184v–185v
Gia disfatt' ha le nevi intorno 89–91
Gia disfatto ha - 1a pars (of 7): Gia disfatto ha le nevi intorno 169v–170
Gia disfatto ha - 2a pars (of 7): Esser non puo 170v–171
Gia disfatto ha - 3a pars (of 7): I' non hebbe giammai 170v–171v
Gia disfatto ha - 4a pars (of 7): O belta senza esempio 171v–172
Gia disfatto ha - 5a pars (of 7): Corran da gl' occhi miei 171v–172v
Gia disfatto ha - 6a pars (of 7): Ma di stara vedra 172v–173
Gia disfatto ha - 7a pars (of 7): Io mi distruggo 172v–173
Gia fu mia dolce speme 223v–225
Gia primavera di vari colori 210v–211v
Giunta qui Dori e pastorelli 232–233
Grave pene in amor 61v–63
Hear my prayer, O Lord 22v–23v
Heu mihi Domine 23v–24
Heu mihi Domine (II) (C38) 53v–55
Hor benevenuto e maggio 205v–206
Hor ch' ogni vento tace 227v–228v
Hor che dal sonno vinta 239v–240v
Hor che l'aura tranquilla 163–164
Hor se mi mostra - 1a pars (of 2): Hor se mi mostra 160v–161
Hor se mi mostra - 2a pars (of 2): Sento venir 161v–162
Hor vedi Amor - 1a pars (of 2): Hor vedi Amor che giovinetta donna 86v–87
Hor vedi Amor - 2a pars (of 2): Tu sei prigion ma se pieta 87v–88
I lieti amanti 181v–182v
I vaghi fiori e l' herbe 200v–201
Il vago e bello Armillo - 1a pars (of 2): Il vago e bello Armillo 40v–41
Il vago e bello Armillo - 2a pars (of 2): E dicea 41v–42
In boschi Ninfa 182v–183
In dir che sete - 1a pars (of 2): In dir che sete bella scemo le vostre lode 176v–177v
In dir che sete - 2a pars (of 2): I capei de l'Aurora 177v–178v
In me transierunt irae tuae 4v–5
In monte Oliveti (C39) 44v–46
Incipit lamentatio Jeremiae 32v–34
Incipit lamentatio Jeremiae [III]: Lamed (6vv - C67) 47v–51
Inclina Domine - 1a pars (of 6): Inclina Domine aurem (C41) 50v–51v
Infelice mio core - 1a pars (of 2): Infelice mio core 197v–198
Infelice mio core - 2a pars (of 2): Ahi fiera e triste 198v–199
Interdette speranze e van desio 63v–65
Io no piangendo i miei passati tempi 174v–175
Io son ferito - 1a pars (of 2): Io son ferito 135v–136
Io son ferito - 2a pars (of 2): S'io t' ho ferito 153v–154
Io vidi amor 211v–212
Io vo piangendo - 1a pars (of 2): Io vo piangendo i miei passati tempi 82v
Io vo piangendo - 2a pars (of 2): Si che s'io vissi 82v–84
Iste est Joannes 5v–6
Jerusalem plantabis vineam 20v–22
L'aura che 'l verde - 1a pars (of 2): L'aura che 'l verde lauro e l'aureo crine 39v–40
L'aura che 'l verde - 2a pars (of 2): Si ch' io no vegeia 40–40v
L'aura che noi circonda 163v–164
L'aura serena - 1a pars (of 2): L'aura serena che fra verdi fronde 103–104
L'aura serena - 2a pars (of 2): Le quali ella spargea 104v
La bella chioma - 1a pars (of 2): La bella chioma d'or puro 190v–191
La bella chioma - 2a pars (of 2): Le belle mani 191v–192
La dipartita e amara 118v–119v
La giovinetta scorza 211v–213
La mia stellina - 1a pars (of 2): La mia stellina d'oro 202v–203v
La mia stellina - 2a pars (of 2): E mentre per uscir 203–203v
La vaga pastorella 218v–219
Laboravi in gemitu meo 31v–32
Laboravi in gemitu meo 125v–127
Lascian le fresche linfe 128–129
Lasso me - 1a pars (of 2): Lasso me ch' ad un tempo 85v–86
Lasso me - 2a pars (of 2): Cerco fermar il sol ardo 86v–87
Lasso non e morir 138v–139
Laura con armonia 219–219v
Laus honor Anonymous 251v
Liete le muse a l'ombra 162v–163
ll dolce mormorio 128–130
Lullaby - 1a pars (of 2): Lullaby, my sweet little baby 13v–14
Lullaby - 2a pars (of 2): Be still, my blessed babe 14v–15
Maria Magdalena 8–9
Mentre che il cor - 1a pars (of 2): Mentre che il cor 78–78v
Mentre che il cor - 2a pars (of 2): Quel foco e morto 79–80
Mentre dai vaghi fiori 205v–206v
Mentre fia caldo il sol fredda la neve 123v–125
Mentre hor - 1a pars (of 2): Mentre hor humile 150v–151v
Mentre hor - 2a pars (of 2): Mentre di doglia 150v–151v
Mentre io fuggia schernito 215v–216
Miserere mei Domine (I) 22v–23
Miserere mei Domine (II) 23v–25
Miserere nostri Domine 25v
Mulieres sedentes 10v–12
Nasce la pena mia non potendo mirar 156–157
Ne fero sdegno mai donna mi mosse 114–116
Nel dolce seno - 1a pars (of 3): Nel dolce seno 188v–189
Nel dolce seno - 2a pars (of 3): Quand' ella ahime 189–190
Nel dolce seno - 3a pars (of 3): O fortunati 189v–190v
Nel piu fiorito Aprile 118v–119
Nero manto vi cinge 139–140
Nil maius - 1a pars (of 2): Nil maius superi vident 14v–15
Nil maius - 2a pars (of 2): Ille Musarum naufragos 15v–16
Ninfe leggiadr' e voi almi pastori 213v–214
Non e ferro che punga 145–146
Non e lasso martire 87v–89
Non e piu cor 144–145
Non e questa la mano 120v–122
Non potean vinti dal soverchio lume 166v–167v
O dolorosa sorte 110v–112
O nomen Jesu 27v–28
O remember not our old sins 94–95
O vos omnes 22–23
Occhi leggiadri e belli 177v–178
Occhi miei - 1a pars (of 2): Occhi miei che vedesti 224v–225
Occhi miei - 2a pars (of 2): Care lagrime mie 225v–226
Occhi sereni e chiari 113v–115
Ogni loco m' attrista 93v–94
Ohime e come puoi tu senza me morire 185v–196
Out of the deep 20v–21
Ove tra l'herbe e i fiori 230v–231
Parte la vita mia 180v–182
Partiro dunque e perche mi s'asconde 157–158
Parto da voi mio ardore 204–204v
Parto da voi mio sole 120–121
Partomi donna 184–185
Passando con pensier 249
Pater noster 4v–5v
Pavan passamezzo 154v–155v
Pavana a6 127v
Pensai lasso ma invano 167v–169
Per due coralli ardenti 109v–110
Poi che 'l mio largo pianto 201v–202v
Poi che del mio gran stratio 192v–193v
Poi che voi non volete 133v–134v
Porta nel viso - 1a pars (of 3): Porta nel viso Aprile 140v–141
Porta nel viso - 2a pars (of 3): Quando Uranio 141v–142
Porta nel viso - 3a pars (of 3): E quando fra 141v–142
Quando fra belle ninfe 207v–209
Quel sempre acerbo et honorato giorno 81–82
Questa che co' begl' occhi 237–238
Questa che'l cor m'ancide 164v–165v
Questa vita mortale 149v–141
Questi ch' indicio fan 156v–157
Questi ch' inditio fan del mio tormento 94v–96
Qui consolabatur me recessit a me 37v–38
Qui sott' ombrosi mirti 136v–137
Riser le piagge - 1a pars (of 2): Riser le piagge 165v–166
Riser le piagge - 2a pars (of 2): Non posso piu negar 166v–167
Rose gittomi al viso 185v–186v
S'io esca vivo 173–175
Salva nos Domine 21v–22
Salva nos Domine (C54) 54v–56
Scherza madonna e dice 136v–137v
Se cantano gl' augelli 228v–230
Se lungi dal mio sol 64v–66
Se per gridar ohime 242v–244
Se pur e ver che l'alma 80–81
Se qual dolor che va inanzi al morire 208v–209v
Sedea fra gigli e rose 190v–191
Si me dicesti 128v–129
Siede negl' occhi amore d'Uranio et arde ad Amaranta il cor 217v–219
Smerald' eran le rive 229v–230v
Sola voi no 'l sentite 97v
Solo e pensoso - 1a pars (of 2): Solo e pensoso i piu deserti campi 41v–42
Solo e pensoso - 1a pars (of 2): Solo e pensoso i piu deserti campi 222v–223v
Solo e pensoso - 2a pars (of 2): Si ch' io mi credo 42v
Solo e pensoso - 2a pars (of 2): Si ch' io mi credo 223–224
Son questi ohime dal core 220v–221v
Sorgea l'aurora - 1a pars (of 2): Sorgea l'aurora e l'herbe 221v–222
Sorgea l'aurora - 2a pars (of 2): Fillida mea 222–223
Sovra le verdi - 1a pars (of 2): Sovra le verdi chiome 191v–192v
Sovra le verdi - 2a pars (of 2): E l' altri vezzosetti 192v–193v
Stando in un giorno - 1a pars (of 7): Stando in un giorno solo a la fenestra 193v–194v
Stando in un giorno - 2a pars (of 7): In di per altro mar 194–194v
Stando in un giorno - 3a pars (of 7): In un boschett' 194v–195
Stando in un giorno - 4a pars (of 7): Chiara fontan' 195v–196
Stando in un giorno - 5a pars (of 7): Una strania Fenice 196–196v
Stando in un giorno - 6a pars (of 7): Al fin vid' io 196v–197
Stando in un giorno - 7a pars (of 7): Canzon tu puoi 197v–198v
Su le fiorite sponde 228v–229
Surge Petre 9v–10v
Sustinuit anima mea 35v–37
Tal che dovunque vo tutte repente 114v–116
Tibi soli peccavi - 1a pars (of 2): Tibi soli peccavi 46v–47
Tibi soli peccavi - 2a pars (of 2): Ecce enim (C60) 47–48
Timor et tremor - 1a pars (of 2): Timor et tremor (C61) 55v–56
Timor et tremor - 2a pars (of 2): Exaudi Deus deprecationem meam (C62) 56v–57
Tirsi morir volea - 1a pars (of 3): Tirsi morir volea 175–176
Tirsi morir volea - 2a pars (of 3): Freno Tirsi 175v–176v
Tirsi morir volea - 3a pars (of 3): Cosi moriro 176v–177
Tribulationem - 1a pars (of 2): Tribulationem et dolorem inveni 34–34v
Tribulationem - 2a pars (of 2): O Domine 34v–35v
Tristis est anima mea usque ad mortem 2–3
Tutte sue squadre di miserie e stenti 111v–113
Ubi duo - 1a pars (of 2): Ubi duo vel tres 29–29v
Ubi duo - 2a pars (of 2): Libera me Domine 29v–30v
Un giorno a pale sacro 227v–228
Ut re mi fa sol la 136v
Vaga scopre Diana 182v–184
Valle che dei lamenti - 1a pars (of 2): Valle che dei lamenti 83v–84
Valle che dei lamenti - 2a pars (of 2): Ben riconosco in lei 84v–85
Vaneggio od' e pur vero 123v–124
Vattene anima mia 117v–118
Veni in hortum meum 3v–4v
Verde lauro gentil 214–215
Vergine bella - 10a pars (of 11): Vergine humana e nemica d'orgogli 76v–77
Vergine bella - 11a pars (of 11): Il di s'appressa et non puote esser 77v–78
Vergine bella - 1a pars (of 11): Vergine bella che di sol vestita 66v–68
Vergine bella - 2a pars (of 11): Vergine saggia e del bel numer' una 68v–69
Vergine bella - 3a pars (of 11): Vergine pura d'ogni parte intera 69v–70v
Vergine bella - 4a pars (of 11): Vergine santa d'ogni gratia piena 71
Vergine bella - 5a pars (of 11): Vergine sola al mondo senza esempio 71v
Vergine bella - 6a pars (of 11): Vergine chiara e stabile in eterno 71v–72
Vergine bella - 7a pars (of 11): Vergine quande lagrime ho gia sparte 72v–73v
Vergine bella - 8a pars (of 11): Vergine tal' e terra e post'ha 74–75
Vergine bella - 9a pars (of 11): Vergine in cui ho tutta mia speranza 75v–76
Viae Sion lugent eo 8v–10
Vivo in guerra mendico e son dolente 42v
Vivro dunque lontano 108–109
Voi volete ch' io muoia 88v–90
Vorrei mostrar madonna 186v–187
When David heard - 1a pars (of 2): When David heard that Absalom 24v–25
When David heard - 2a pars (of 2): O my son Absalom 25–25v
Why do I use my paper, ink and pen? 14v–15

denotes primary source study

Smith, David J. 2002. A legend? Francis Tregian the Younger as music copyist. Musical Times, 7-16. Notes: attempts to counter Thompson's rejection of Tregian as copyist.

Thompson, Ruby Reid. 2001. Francis Tregian the Younger as Music Copyist: a Legend and an Alternative View. Music and Letters, 1-31. Notes: rejecting Tregian as copyist; analysis of paper, watermarks, scripts, etc.

Thompson, Ruby Reid. 1992. The 'Tregian' manuscripts: A Study of Their Compilation. British Library Journal, 202-204.

Charteris, Richard. 1984. Alfonso Ferrabosco the Elder (1543-1588): A Thematic Catalogue of his Music with a Biographical Calendar.  New York. Pages: 58ff, 194. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial).

Charteris, Richard (editor). 1984. Alfonso Ferrabosco the Elder (1543-1588): Opera Omnia. Corpus mensurabilis musicae.  Neuhausen nr. Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology. Pages: I-II, passim. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial).

Duffy, John. 1980. The Songs and Motets of Alfonso Ferrabosco, the Younger (1575-1628).  Ann Arbor. Pages: 215-48, 253-66,304-6,310-443. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial); texts (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Morris, Christopher (compiler). 1978. The Oxford Book of Tudor Anthems.  London. Pages: 351. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial).

Slim, H Colin. 1978. A Royal Treasure at Sutton Coldfield. Early Music, 57-74. Pages: 57. Notes: mention of MS.

Daniel, Ralph T, and Peter Le Huray. 1972. The Sources of English Church Music 1549-1660. Early English Church Music.  London. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial).

Slim, H Colin. 1972. A Gift of Madrigals and Motets.  Chicago and London. Pages: I, 6-8, 111-2, 223; II, 309-16. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Persons, Jerry C. 1969. The Sambrooke Book: Drexel 4302. Unpublished Master's thesis, Wichita State University. Notes: physical description; contents list; concordances; incipits; facsimile (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Thiemann, Susan. 1968. Musical Treasures in American Libraries: An Exhibition in the Vincent Astor Gallery. Bulletin of The New York Public Library, 428-41. Pages: 434. Notes: physical description.

Le Huray, Peter. 1967. Music and the Reformation in England 1549-1660.  London. Pages: 96-7, 99. Notes: mention of MS.

Brett, Philip. 1965. The Songs of William Byrd. Cambridge University, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Pages: 275-6. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list (partial).

Kerman, Joseph. 1961. Byrd's Motets: Chronology and Canon. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 359-82. Pages: 365. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial).

Lowinsky, Edward E. 1960. Early Scores in Manuscript. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 126-73. Pages: 155. Notes: mention of MS.

Reese, Gustave. 1959. Music in the Renaissance.  New York. Pages: 428-9, 795. Notes: mention of MS; transcription (partial).

Cole, Elizabeth. 1955. L'Anthologie de Madrigaux et de Musique Instrumentale pour Ensembles de Francis Tregian. La Musique Instrumentale de la Renaissance,  Paris. Pages: 125-6. Notes: physical description; mention of MS; discussion.

Cole, Elizabeth. 1952-53. Seven Problems of the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book. Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association, 51-63. Pages: 60. Notes: mention of MS.

Cole, Elizabeth. 1952. In Search of Francis Tregian. Music and Letters, 28-32. Notes: mention of MS.

Kerman, Joseph. 1952. Master Alfonso and the English Madrigal. The Musical Quarterly, 222-44. Pages: 226-7. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list (partial); concordances (partial); facsimile (partial).

Lewis, Anthony (editor). 1951-. Musica Britannica: A National Collection of Music.  London. Pages: XXIII, 129, XLIV, 128-33,193-4. Notes: contents list (partial); transcription (partial).

Schofield, Bertram, and Thurston Dart. 1951. Tregian's Anthology. Music and Letters, 205-16. Notes: contents list (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Blume, Friedrich (editor). 1949-79. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik.  Kassel. Pages: XV, 1847. Notes: physical description.

Botstiber, Hugo. 1902-3. Musicalia in der New York Public Library. Sammelbande der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft, 738-50. Pages: 741-6. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list.

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Monday, 23 January, 2017

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Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. Census Catalogue of Music Description