GB-Ob MS. Mus. Sch. e. 380 (Forrest-Heather Partbooks)

Bodleian Library, Oxford, England

Bassus partbook: c. 1528-30, 1553-8, 1590s, 1615-25

Archive Bodleian Library, Oxford, England (GB-Ob)
Shelfmark MS. Mus. Sch. e. 380 (Forrest-Heather Partbooks)
Surface Paper
Numbering System Foliation
Format landscape
Measurements 190 x 245 mm
Other Identifiers
  • CCM: OxfBMS e.376-81
  • Other catalogues/source: MadanSC 26346
  • Other catalogues/source: Forest-Heyther
  • olim (Former shelfmark): Arch.F.e.23
Contents 90 pieces from 11 composers
General Description

A Bassus partbook from a set of 6 volumes. First layer (Masses 1-11) copied by an unidentified scribe. Second layer (Masses 12-18) copied mostly by William Forrest (see below); Masses 16-18 and end of Mass 15 in S book copied by John Baldwin, who also wrote LonBLM 24 d.2, OxfC 979-83, part of OxfC 984-8, and 'My Ladye Nevells Booke' (last-named manuscript not within scope of this catalogue). A fourth scribe added some accidentals (see BrayIM). In early 17th century, a fifth scribe (probably William Heyther or Richard Nicholson) added three English anthems in the Sextus book; other voices for these pieces copied in OxfBMS d.212-6.

First layer copied in Oxford, for use at Cardinal College (later Christ Church). Owned in 1530 by William Forrest, a petty canon at Cardinal College (inscription on f. 1 of A); Forrest copied second layer of Masses after becoming chaplain to Mary Tudor, Queen of England. There is no evidence to indicate that the partbooks were owned by John Baldwin of Windsor (c. 1581 – they were not part of his estate on his death) other than his 'professional' copying hand appearing towards the end, adding some works and completing missing parts for others. Baldwin copied some music from these books into his own collection (the 'Baldwin' partbooks). Later owned by William Heyther (d. 1627), gentleman of the Chapel Royal and founder of the Professorship of Music at Oxford University. Donated to Oxford University Music School in 1626; passed to Bodleian Library in 1885.

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Physical Description

All books in highly fragile condition; some folios damaged by ink corrosion, but most music still legible.

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DATBQ books bound in identical original covers of brown tooled leather, decorated with English royal arms supported by greyhound and dragon or griffin, Tudor rose, and pomegranate.

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(1) Main watermark in DATBQ: shield with initials "PS" (not in Briquet); (2) grape cluster with initials "AR", resembles Heawood #2174; (3) unidentified grape cluster.

(1)Main watermark in S is Heawood #2495, not found in other books of this set; two other unidentified watermarks, also unique to S book: (2) pot with initials "PK" or "PR"; (3) pot with three(?) indeterminate initials

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black void mensural

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Other numberings: original numbering of Masses, 1-18

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New pencil foliation 1-120

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Inked calligraphic initials; large initial at beginning of Taverner's Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas in each book (except S) decorated with portrait of the composer.

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Digitized with funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) for the Tudor Partbooks project at the Universities of Oxford and Newcastle.

DIAMM, 2023
Census Catalogue of Music Description

This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers. It is COPYRIGHT and copying/reproduction of this content without permission may result in legal action.

18 Masses, 3 anthems (later additions) = 21

Allwood-1, Ashwell-2, Aston-2, Bull-1, Burton-1, Byrd/(T. Mudd II)-1, Fayrfax-4, Merbecke-1, Nicholson [R N]/(Edward Smith)-1, Norman-1, Rasar-1, Shepherd-1, Taverner-3, Tye-1

6 paper partbooks (D-i + 135 folios, A-i + 137, T-i + 120, B-120, Q-iii + 120, S-67), 190 x 245 (S measures 145 x 195). All books in highly fragile condition; some folios damaged by ink corrosion, but most music still legible. New pencil foliation (D: 1-135; A: 1-137; T: 1109a + 1090-119; B: 1-120; Q: 1-120; S: 1-67); original numbering of Masses, 1-18. Blank folios or blank staves only-D: 2-3, 126'-135'; A: 1-3', 137-137'; T: 1-2, 3-3', 101'-109b, l09b'-119; B: 1-2, 3-3', 106'-120'; Q: 1-3', 115-120'; S: 1-4', 59'-60', 66-67'. DATBQ books bound in identical original covers of brown tooled leather, decorated with English royal arms supported by greyhound and dragon or griffin, Tudor rose, and pomegranate. Covers of S book (probably dating from late 16th century) also of brown tooled leather, but with different heraldic emblems (see BergsFH). Original indices of Masses at beginning of all books except Q: some indices list only the first 11 Masses.

First layer (Masses 1-11) copied by an unidentified scribe. Second layer (Masses 12-18) copied mostly by William Forrest (see below); Masses 16-18 and end of Mass 15 in S book copied by John Baldwin, who also wrote LonBLM 24 d.2, OxfC 979-83, part of OxfC 984-8, and "My Ladye Nevells Booke" (last-named manuscript not within scope of this catalogue). A fourth scribe added some accidentals (see BrayIM). In early 17th century, a fifth scribe (probably William Heyther or Richard Nicholson) added three English anthems in S book; other voices for these pieces copied in OxfBMS d.212-6.

Inked calligraphic initials; large initial at beginning of Taverner's Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas in each book (except S) decorated with portrait of the composer. Main watermark in DATBQ: shield with initials "PS" (not in Briquet); second watermark (grape cluster with initials "AR") resembles Heawood #2174; third watermark (grape cluster) unidentified. Main watermark in S is Heawood #2495, not found in other books of this set; two other unidentified watermarks, also unique to S book: (1) pot with initials "PK" or "PR"; (2) pot with three(?) indeterminate initials.

Ca. 1528-30 (first layer); ca. 1553-8 (second layer); some additions or recopying in S book during 1590's; other additions in S book (anthems) ca. 1615-25. First layer copied in Oxford, for use at Cardinal College (later Christ Church). Owned in 1530 by William Forrest, a petty canon at Cardinal College (inscription on f. 1 of A); Forrest copied second layer of Masses after becoming chaplain to Mary Tudor, Queen of England. Partbooks acquired by John Baldwin of Windsor ca. 1581; Baldwin completed or recopied several Masses in S book, and was probably responsible for having S book rebound in present covers. Later owned by William Heyther (d. 1627), gentleman of the Chapel Royal and founder of the Professorship of Music at Oxford University. Donated to Oxford University Music School in 1626; passed to Bodleian Library in 1885.

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550


Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
4r–6r Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas: Gloria Jhoi[nn]es Tau[er]ner
Appears on: 4r–6r
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Gloria (et in terra pax)
Source Attribution: Jhoi[nn]es Tau[er]ner
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Gloria tibi t[r]initas / Hominibus bone voluntatis
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: signum congruentiae in third line of f. 4v; Notes: Initial H has a face drawn into to;

6r–8v Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas: Credo -
Appears on: 6r–8v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: ffactorem celi et terre
8v–9r Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas: Sanctus -
Appears on: 8v–9r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Sanctus / Domin[us] deus
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 2' under two ligatures on f. 9;

9r–10r Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas: Benedictus -
Appears on: 9r–10r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Benedictus qui venit
10r–11v Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas: Agnus dei -
Appears on: 10r–11v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Agn[us] dei
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: on f. 10v, last two notes of section split in the octave;

11v–13r Missa Ut re mi fa sol la: Gloria Averye Burton; at end 'Mast auery' with 'burton' added later in a different hand
Appears on: 11v–13r
Source Attribution: Averye Burton; at end 'Mast auery' with 'burton' added later in a different hand
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: .Vt re. my. fa. sol. la. / Et in terra pax
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: At beginning '.v. parts'; in table of contents, this originally read 'vj pa[r]ts', then corr. to 'v';

13r–15r Missa Ut re mi fa sol la: Credo -
Appears on: 13r–15r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Patre[m] omnipotentem
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 2' under ligature near beginning, and twice on f. 14;

15r–16r Missa Ut re mi fa sol la: Sanctus -
Appears on: 15r–16r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Sanctus sanctus Sanctus
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 2' under ligature near beginning; note/stem corr. on f. 15v; Notes: final note split into two (G-C);

16r–16v Missa Ut re mi fa sol la: Benedictus -
Appears on: 16r–16v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Benedictus / In nomine
17r–18r Missa Ut re mi fa sol la: Agnus dei -
Appears on: 17r–18r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Agnus dei
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 2' under ligature near beginning;

18r–20r Missa Per Arma Justitiae: Gloria Jhoi[nn]es Merbeck; at end 'Jho[nn]es Merbecke'
Appears on: 18r–20r
Source Attribution: Jhoi[nn]es Merbeck; at end 'Jho[nn]es Merbecke'
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f5
Voice Text: P[er] arma iusticie / Hominib[us] bone voluntatis
20v–22r Missa Per Arma Justitiae: Credo -
Appears on: 20v–22r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f5
Voice Text: ffactore[m] celi et terre
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: signum congurentiae over ligature in top line of f. 21v;

22r–23r Missa Per Arma Justitiae: Sanctus -
Appears on: 22r–23r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f5
Voice Text: Sanctus Sanctus Domin[us]
23r–23v Missa Per Arma Justitiae: Benedictus -
Appears on: 23r–23v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f5
Voice Text: In nomine domini
General Note

Notes: final note drawn out in length and getting thinner towards end;

24r–25r Missa Per Arma Justitiae: Agnus dei -
Appears on: 24r–25r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f5
Voice Text: Agnus dei
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: signum congruentiae over last note of first phrase (top line of f. 24);

25v–27r Missa Regali ex progenie: Gloria Docter ffayrfox
Appears on: 25v–27r
Source Attribution: Docter ffayrfox
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: .Regali / Laudam[us] te
27r–29r Missa Regali ex progenie: Credo -
Appears on: 27r–29r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Visibilium omnium
29r–30r Missa Regali ex progenie: Sanctus -
Appears on: 29r–30r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Tus Sanctus Dominus
30v–31r Missa Regali ex progenie: Benedictus -
Appears on: 30v–31r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Benedictus Qui uenit
31v–33r Missa Regali ex progenie: Agnus dei -
Appears on: 31v–33r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Qui toll[is] p[ec]cata mu[n]di
33r–34v Missa Albanus: Gloria Doct ffayrfox
Appears on: 33r–34v
Source Attribution: Doct ffayrfox
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: c5
Voice Text: Albanus / Gracias agimus tibi
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: signum congruentiae over twice, over two notes in second line of f. 34v;

34v–36v Missa Albanus: Credo -
Appears on: 34v–36v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c5
Voice Text: Et in vnum dominu[m]
36v–37v Missa Albanus: Sanctus -
Appears on: 36v–37v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: c5
Voice Text: Sanctus Dominus deus
37v–38v Missa Albanus: Benedictus -
Appears on: 37v–38v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c5
Voice Text: Benedictus / In nomine
38v–39v Missa Albanus: Agnus dei -
Appears on: 38v–39v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: c5
Voice Text: Qui tollis p[ec]cata mu[n]di
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: signum congruentiae over note in bottom line of f. 38v; Notes: last note clearly drawn out in length; 'Albanus' at end;

40r–40v Missa Christe Jesu: Gloria W. Rasar
Appears on: 40r–40v
Source Attribution: W. Rasar
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Cristi Jhesu / Gracias agim[us] tibi
41r–42v Missa Christe Jesu: Credo -
Appears on: 41r–42v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Et ex patre natu[m]
42v–43v Missa Christe Jesu: Sanctus -
Appears on: 42v–43v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Domin[us] deus sabaoth
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: note/stem corr. in bottom line of f. 43;

44r Missa Christe Jesu: Benedictus -
Appears on: 44r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Benedictus / Osanna
44v–45r Missa Christe Jesu: Agnus dei -
Appears on: 44v–45r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Miserere nobis
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: over first notes: 'apo[n] the close';

45r–46v Missa Te Deum: Gloria hugo aston.; at end 'Hugo hastun'
Appears on: 45r–46v
Source Attribution: hugo aston.; at end 'Hugo hastun'
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Te deum / Laudam[us] te
General Note

Notes: on f. 45v and 46v several notes and ligatures filled/'coloured';

46v–48r Missa Te Deum: Credo -
Appears on: 46v–48r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Et in vnu[m] dominu[m]
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: '2' under second note of ligature in top line of f. 47; Notes: on f. 46v some notes filled; no final barline at the very end;

48r–49r Missa Te Deum: Sanctus -
Appears on: 48r–49r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Sanctus / Sanctus Domin[us]
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 2' under ligature in second line of f. 49; Notes: final note drawn out in length;

49r–50r Missa Te Deum: Benedictus -
Appears on: 49r–50r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Benedictus qui uenit
50r–51r Missa Te Deum: Agnus dei -
Appears on: 50r–51r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Qui tollis p[ec]cata mu[n]di
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 2' under second note of ligature in second line of f. 50; note/stem corr. in sedond line of f. 51;

51v–52v Missa O Bone Jesu: Gloria Doct ffayrfox
Appears on: 51v–52v
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: Doct ffayrfox
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f5
Voice Text: O bone Jh[es]u / Hominib[us] bone voluntatis
General Note

Notes: final note distinctly drawn out in length;

53r–54r Missa O Bone Jesu: Credo -
Appears on: 53r–54r
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f5
Voice Text: Patre[m] omnipote[n]tem
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: ligature with two dots in first line of f. 53 and in second line of f. 53v; '2' under second note of ligature in second line of f. 53 and under single note in bottom line of f. 53v;

54v–55v Missa O Bone Jesu: Sanctus -
Appears on: 54v–55v
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f5
Voice Text: Sanctus / domin[us]
General Note

Notes: several filled notes throughout;

55v–56r Missa O Bone Jesu: Benedictus -
Appears on: 55v–56r
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: f5
Voice Text: In nomine domini
56r–57v Missa O Bone Jesu: Agnus dei -
Appears on: 56r–57v
Genres: Agnus Dei, Mass Ordinary
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f5
Voice Text: Agnus dei
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 2' under second note of ligature in bottom line of f. 56v (combined with dot on 'i' of text);

58r–59v Missa Tecum principium: Gloria doct ffayrfax
Appears on: 58r–59v
Source Attribution: doct ffayrfax
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Tecum p[ri]ncipium / Laudamus te
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: note/stem corr. in third line of f. 58v; Notes: several filled notes throughout;

60r–61v Missa Tecum principium: Credo -
Appears on: 60r–61v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Visibiliu[m] omniu[m]
General Note

Notes: several filled notes throughout;

62r–62v Missa Tecum principium: Sanctus -
Appears on: 62r–62v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Sanctus dominus deus
63r–63v Missa Tecum principium: Benedictus -
Appears on: 63r–63v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: In nomine domini
63v–65r Missa Tecum principium: Agnus dei -
Appears on: 63v–65r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: qui tollis peccata mu[n]di
65r–66v Missa Jesu Christe: Gloria T. ashwell.
Appears on: 65r–66v
Source Attribution: T. ashwell.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Jhesu Criste / Bone voluntatis
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: In table of contents, this originally read 'v p[ar]ts', then corr. to 'vj'; Notes: as in other parts of this mass, final note drawn out in length;

67r–69r Missa Jesu Christe: Credo -
Appears on: 67r–69r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: ffactore[m] celi et terre
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: Final bar line consistent with other writing, but then another to lines added in different ink (brown, not black, and broader);

69r–70r Missa Jesu Christe: Sanctus -
Appears on: 69r–70r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Sanctus Dominus deus
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: First note of 'Osanna' split in the octave (NB these two are separated from the rest by a barline on either side);

70r–70v Missa Jesu Christe: Benedictus -
Appears on: 70r–70v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Benedictus / In nomine
71r–72r Missa Jesu Christe: Agnus dei -
Appears on: 71r–72r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Dei / mundi
72r–74r Missa Resurrexit: Gloria J. Norma[n]
Appears on: 72r–74r
Source Attribution: J. Norma[n]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: .Resurrexit domin[us] / Et in terra pax
74r–76r Missa Resurrexit: Credo -
Appears on: 74r–76r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Patre[m] omnipotentem
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: note/stem corr. in bottom line of f. 74;

76r–77v Missa Resurrexit: Sanctus -
Appears on: 76r–77v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Sanctus Sanctus Sanctus
77v–78r Missa Resurrexit: Benedictus -
Appears on: 77v–78r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Benedictus qui uenit
78r–80r Missa Resurrexit: Agnus dei -
Appears on: 78r–80r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Agnus dei
General Note

Notes: final note drawn into the outer margin and no final barline;

80r–81r Missa Corona spinea: Gloria at end: 'John Tauernar.'
Appears on: 80r–81r
Source Attribution: at end: 'John Tauernar.'
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Corona spinea, Et in terra, / Laudam[us] te
General Note

Notes: from this mass on, different writing; several filled notes throughout;

81r–82r Missa Corona spinea: Credo -
Appears on: 81r–82r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Patrem, / filiu[m] Dei vnigenitu[m[
General Note

Notes: several filled notes throughout;

82r–83r Missa Corona spinea: Sanctus -
Appears on: 82r–83r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Sanctus. Sanctus, D[omi]nus
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 2' under second note of ligatures in second and third lines of f. 82v; in in fourth line of f. 82v signum congruentiae, some blackened notes/ligatures;

83r Missa Corona spinea: Benedictus -
Appears on: 83r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Benedictus / In no[m]i[n]e
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: two dots under 'In';

83v–84r Missa Corona spinea: Agnus dei -
Appears on: 83v–84r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Agnus Dei
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 2' under second note of ligature in third line of f. 83v; Notes: several filled notes throughout;

84r–85r Missa Ave Maria: Gloria -
Appears on: 84r–85r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: c5
Voice Text: Aue maria, / B onedicim[us] te [sic]
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: .vj. parts.' at top; '32' under a cut-O at end of midde line of f. 84v; Notes: many filled/blackened notes on f. 84v;

85r–86r Missa Ave Maria: Credo -
Appears on: 85r–86r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: c5
Voice Text: ffactore[m] ce[li] et terrae
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 2' under middle note of ligature near beginning and under ligature in top line of f. 85v; on f. 85v, middle line: '.83.' on the stave, with the music, and beneath '.dupla sup[er] bip[?]ciens.;

86r–86v Missa Ave Maria: Sanctus -
Appears on: 86r–86v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: c5
Voice Text: Sanctus. D[omin]us
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 2' under second note of ligature near beginning; stems erased at end of penultimate line of f. 86v;

86v–87r Missa Ave Maria: Benedictus -
Appears on: 86v–87r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c5
Voice Text: Qui venit
87r–87v Missa Ave Maria: Agnus dei -
Appears on: 87r–87v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: c5
Voice Text: Agnus / dei, Q[u]i tollis
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: line erased at beginning of fourt line of f. 87; '2' under ligature in fourth line of f. 87; stem/note corr. in bottom line of f. 87 and in top line of f. 87v; in second line of f. 87v: '32' under a cut-O and later '94' under a full circle with dot, at end of line '98. sesquioctaua.'; Notes: lots of filled/blackened notes towards end/f. 87v;

87v–89r Missa Videte manus meas: Gloria -
Appears on: 87v–89r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Videte man[us] meas, / Bone volu[n]tatis
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: signum congruentiae in secon line of f. 89;

89r–90v Missa Videte manus meas: Credo -
Appears on: 89r–90v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: ffactore[m] celi et terrae
90v–91r Missa Videte manus meas: Sanctus -
Appears on: 90v–91r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Sanctus, Sancus. D[omin]us
General Note

Notes: penultimate line of f. 91 drawn out into outer margin;

91r–91v Missa Videte manus meas: Benedictus -
Appears on: 91r–91v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Benedictus q[ui] venit
91v–93r Missa Videte manus meas: Agnus dei -
Appears on: 91v–93r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Agnus dei
93r–94r Missa O Michael: Gloria at end: 'Tau[er]nar,'
Appears on: 93r–94r
Source Attribution: at end: 'Tau[er]nar,'
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: O Michael, / HOminib[us] bonae volu[n]tatis
94r–95v Missa O Michael: Credo -
Appears on: 94r–95v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Patre[m], / ffactore[m] celi et terrae
95v–96r Missa O Michael: Sanctus -
Appears on: 95v–96r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Sanctus, Sanctus, / D[omin]us
96r Missa O Michael: Benedictus -
Appears on: 96r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Benedictus, Qui venit
General Note

Notes: the time signature has a slight line through, but not as clear as the one two lines further down;

96r–97r Missa O Michael: Agnus dei -
Appears on: 96r–97r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Agnus dei
General Note

Canon/Gimels: .Gimel.' in bottom line of f. 96v and top line of f. 97 (beginning of 'Dona nobis pacem'); Annotations/Corrections: middle line of f. 96v: '.ij. parts i one, rest. vj. after hym,'; signum congruentiae near beginning of bottom line of f. 96v;

97r–98r Missa Cantate Domino: Gloria -
Appears on: 97r–98r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Cantate / Laudam[us] te
General Note

Notes: flat not marked at very beginning; final note split into two (F-A);

98r–99v Missa Cantate Domino: Credo -
Appears on: 98r–99v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Patre, / Et in vnu[m] dominu[m]
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: signum congruentiae in top line of f. 99; a later added '+' (in different ink) before botto line of f. 99;

99v Missa Cantate Domino: Sanctus -
Appears on: 99v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: S[an]ctus. / D[omin]us deus sabaoth
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: occasionally two dots under syllables;

99v–100r Missa Cantate Domino: Benedictus -
Appears on: 99v–100r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: In no[m]i[n]e domini
General Note

Notes: at beginning 'B[ene]dict[us]' under long pauses;

100r–100v Missa Cantate Domino: Agnus dei -
Appears on: 100r–100v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Agnus. / miserere nobis
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: two dots under first syllable of 'misere' at beginning, and again on f. 100v;

100v–101r Missa Euge bone: Gloria at end: 'Doctor Tye,'
Appears on: 100v–101r
Source Attribution: at end: 'Doctor Tye,'
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Euge bone, / Laudam[us] te
101r–102r Missa Euge bone: Credo -
Appears on: 101r–102r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Visibiliu[m] omniu[m]
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: two dots under some few syllables; Notes: no notable gap before Credo, merely three barlines;

102r Missa Euge bone: Sanctus -
Appears on: 102r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: S[an]ctus, sanct[us], sanct[us]
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: two dots under some few syllables;

102r Missa Euge bone: Benedictus -
Appears on: 102r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Benedictus q[ui] venit
General Note

Notes: line through cut-C very pale;

102v Missa Euge bone: Agnus dei -
Appears on: 102v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Agn[us] / q[u]i tollis peccata mu[n]di
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: two dots under some few syllables;

102v–103r Missa Praise him praiseworthy: Gloria at end: 'Mr Alwoodde,'
Appears on: 102v–103r
Source Attribution: at end: 'Mr Alwoodde,'
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Bone volu[n]tatis
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: on f. 103v: additional section of stave (split parts?) entered in bottom margin and its position in the top line clarified by a '+'; seemingly some note corr. in top tow lines of f. 103v;

103v–105r Missa Praise him praiseworthy: Credo -
Appears on: 103v–105r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: ffactore[m] celi et terrae
105r Missa Praise him praiseworthy: Sanctus -
Appears on: 105r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: S[an]ctus [Sanctus] [Sanctus]
105r–105v Missa Praise him praiseworthy: Benedictus -
Appears on: 105r–105v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Benedictus [...] q[ui] venit
105v–106r Missa Praise him praiseworthy: Agnus dei -
Appears on: 105v–106r
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Agn[us] Dei
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: first syllable of 'misere' has two dots beneath, both times;

Composer Compositions
Alwood, Richard (fl. 16th century)
Ashwell, Thomas (ca. 1478–ca. 1513)
Aston, Hugh (ca. 1485–1558)
Fayrfax, Robert (1464–1521)
Master Avery [= David Burton?]
Merbecke, John
Norman, John
Rasar, William
Sheppard, John (ca. 1515–1558)
Taverner, John
Tye, Christopher (ca. 1505–ca. 1573)
Composition Composers (? Uncertain) Folios / Pages
Missa Albanus: Agnus dei 38v–39v
Missa Albanus: Benedictus 37v–38v
Missa Albanus: Credo 34v–36v
Missa Albanus: Gloria 33r–34v
Missa Albanus: Sanctus 36v–37v
Missa Ave Maria: Agnus dei 87r–87v
Missa Ave Maria: Benedictus 86v–87r
Missa Ave Maria: Credo 85r–86r
Missa Ave Maria: Gloria 84r–85r
Missa Ave Maria: Sanctus 86r–86v
Missa Cantate Domino: Agnus dei 100r–100v
Missa Cantate Domino: Benedictus 99v–100r
Missa Cantate Domino: Credo 98r–99v
Missa Cantate Domino: Gloria 97r–98r
Missa Cantate Domino: Sanctus 99v
Missa Christe Jesu: Agnus dei 44v–45r
Missa Christe Jesu: Benedictus 44r
Missa Christe Jesu: Credo 41r–42v
Missa Christe Jesu: Gloria 40r–40v
Missa Christe Jesu: Sanctus 42v–43v
Missa Corona spinea: Agnus dei 83v–84r
Missa Corona spinea: Benedictus 83r
Missa Corona spinea: Credo 81r–82r
Missa Corona spinea: Gloria 80r–81r
Missa Corona spinea: Sanctus 82r–83r
Missa Euge bone: Agnus dei 102v
Missa Euge bone: Benedictus 102r
Missa Euge bone: Credo 101r–102r
Missa Euge bone: Gloria 100v–101r
Missa Euge bone: Sanctus 102r
Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas: Agnus dei 10r–11v
Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas: Benedictus 9r–10r
Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas: Credo 6r–8v
Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas: Gloria 4r–6r
Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas: Sanctus 8v–9r
Missa Jesu Christe: Agnus dei 71r–72r
Missa Jesu Christe: Benedictus 70r–70v
Missa Jesu Christe: Credo 67r–69r
Missa Jesu Christe: Gloria 65r–66v
Missa Jesu Christe: Sanctus 69r–70r
Missa O Bone Jesu: Agnus dei 56r–57v
Missa O Bone Jesu: Benedictus 55v–56r
Missa O Bone Jesu: Credo 53r–54r
Missa O Bone Jesu: Gloria 51v–52v
Missa O Bone Jesu: Sanctus 54v–55v
Missa O Michael: Agnus dei 96r–97r
Missa O Michael: Benedictus 96r
Missa O Michael: Credo 94r–95v
Missa O Michael: Gloria 93r–94r
Missa O Michael: Sanctus 95v–96r
Missa Per Arma Justitiae: Agnus dei 24r–25r
Missa Per Arma Justitiae: Benedictus 23r–23v
Missa Per Arma Justitiae: Credo 20v–22r
Missa Per Arma Justitiae: Gloria 18r–20r
Missa Per Arma Justitiae: Sanctus 22r–23r
Missa Praise him praiseworthy: Agnus dei 105v–106r
Missa Praise him praiseworthy: Benedictus 105r–105v
Missa Praise him praiseworthy: Credo 103v–105r
Missa Praise him praiseworthy: Gloria 102v–103r
Missa Praise him praiseworthy: Sanctus 105r
Missa Regali ex progenie: Agnus dei 31v–33r
Missa Regali ex progenie: Benedictus 30v–31r
Missa Regali ex progenie: Credo 27r–29r
Missa Regali ex progenie: Gloria 25v–27r
Missa Regali ex progenie: Sanctus 29r–30r
Missa Resurrexit: Agnus dei 78r–80r
Missa Resurrexit: Benedictus 77v–78r
Missa Resurrexit: Credo 74r–76r
Missa Resurrexit: Gloria 72r–74r
Missa Resurrexit: Sanctus 76r–77v
Missa Te Deum: Agnus dei 50r–51r
Missa Te Deum: Benedictus 49r–50r
Missa Te Deum: Credo 46v–48r
Missa Te Deum: Gloria 45r–46v
Missa Te Deum: Sanctus 48r–49r
Missa Tecum principium: Agnus dei 63v–65r
Missa Tecum principium: Benedictus 63r–63v
Missa Tecum principium: Credo 60r–61v
Missa Tecum principium: Gloria 58r–59v
Missa Tecum principium: Sanctus 62r–62v
Missa Ut re mi fa sol la: Agnus dei 17r–18r
Missa Ut re mi fa sol la: Benedictus 16r–16v
Missa Ut re mi fa sol la: Credo 13r–15r
Missa Ut re mi fa sol la: Gloria 11v–13r
Missa Ut re mi fa sol la: Sanctus 15r–16r
Missa Videte manus meas: Agnus dei 91v–93r
Missa Videte manus meas: Benedictus 91r–91v
Missa Videte manus meas: Credo 89r–90v
Missa Videte manus meas: Gloria 87v–89r
Missa Videte manus meas: Sanctus 90v–91r

Images © Bodleian Library, Oxford


Type: Project Collection

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GB-Lcm [pr. bk.] B190 [Bassus]

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GB-Lcm [pr. bk.] B190 [Discantus]

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GB-Lcm [pr. bk.] B190 [Tenor]

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GB-Ob MS. Tenbury 807

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GB-Ob MS. Tenbury 808

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GB-Ob MS. Tenbury 809

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GB-Ob MS. Tenbury 810

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GB-Ob MS. Tenbury 811

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GB-Och Mus. 45

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IRL-Dm [pr. bk.] Z4. 3. 1-5

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US-NYp Mus. Res. Drexel 4182

denotes primary source study

Milsom, John (editor). 1986. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MSS Music School e. 376381 ("The Forrest-Heather part books"). Renaissance Music in Facsimile.  New York. Notes: physical description; contents list; facsimile; discussion.

Brett, Philip. 1981. Homage to Taverner in Byrd's Masses. Early Music, 169-76. Pages: 174-5. Notes: contents list (partial); facsimile (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Brothers, Lester D. 1978. New Light on an Early Tudor Mass: Avery Burton's Missa Ut re mi fa sol la. Musica Disciplina, 111-26. Notes: contents list (partial); transcriptions (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Benham, Hugh Raymond. 1977. Latin Church Music in England c. 1460-1575.  London. Pages: 24-6, 134, 158-60, passim; Plate 5. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list (partial); facsimile (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Bray, Roger W. 1975. John Baldwin. Music and Letters, 55-9. Notes: physical description; mention of MS; discussion.

Bray, Roger W. 1969. The Interpretation of Musica Ficta in English Music, C. 1490-C. 1580 [dissertation]. Oxford University, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Pages: I, 32-41, 94-114, 140-55; II, 27-42, 46, 58, 61-6. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Warren, Edwin B. 1969. Life and Works of Robert Fayrfax. Musicological Studies and Documents.  American Institute of Musicology. Pages: 51, 59. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list (partial); concordances (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Harrison, Frank Llewellyn (editor). 1963-. Early English Church Music.  London: Stainer & Bell. Pages: I, passim; XVI, passim; XVIII, 1-59; XX, passim, XXIV.xiv, 105-56,163. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Bergsagel, John D. 1963. The Date and Provenance of the Forrest-Heyther Collection of Tudor Masses. Music and Letters, 240-8. Notes: physical description (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Lamont, Herbert Harry. 1963. John Shepherd: His Life and Music. University of Southern California, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Pages: I, 82, 108-9, 221; II, 41-71. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list (partial); transcription (partial).

Bergsagel, John D. 1962. On the Performance of Ludford's Alternatim Masses. Musica Disciplina, 35-55. Pages: 38ff, 49-55. Notes: facsimile (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Warrem, Edwin B (editor). 1959-66. Robert Fayrfax (ca. 1464-1521): Collected Works. Corpus mensurabilis musicae.  Neuhausen nr. Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology. Pages: Critical Notes to Vol. I. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list (partial); concordances (partial).

Westrup, Jack A (editor). 1954-. New Oxford History of Music.  London, New York, and Toronto. Pages: III, 332-5. Notes: contents list (partial); transcriptions (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Hughes, Dom Anselm. 1951. Medieval Polyphony in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Pages: 43-6. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list; concordances.

Blume, Friedrich (editor). 1949-79. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik.  Kassel. Pages: IX, 112; X, 515. Notes: contents list (partial); facsimile (partial).

Blume, Friedrich (editor). 1929-. Das Chorwerk.  Berlin/Wolfenbüttel. Pages: XCVII, iii. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial).

Fellowes, Edmund H (editor). 1923-48. Tudor Church Music.  London, Oxford et al. Pages: I, frontispiece, lix, lxii-lxiii, passim; X, xviii, 162, passim. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial); facsimile (partial).

Davey, Henry. 1921. History of English Music.  London. Pages: 89ff, 129, 132, 137. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list (partial).

Madan, Falconer (editor). 1895-1953. A Summary Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford.  Oxford. Pages: V, 210-1. Notes: physical description; contents list.

Frere, Walter Howard. 1894-1932, repr. Hildesheim, 1967. Bibliotheca Musico-Liturgica: A Descriptive Handlist of the Musical and Latin-Liturgical Mss. of the Middle Ages Preserved in the Libraries of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols. London: The Plainsong and Medieval Music Society. Pages: I, 134. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list.

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Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. General Description; Physical Description Note; Binding Note; Watermark Note; Notation Note; Foliation Note; Foliation Note; Decoration Note; Surface Note

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. Census Catalogue of Music Description