F-Pnm Rothschild 2973 (Chansonnier Cordiforme; Chansonnier de Jean de Montchenu)

Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Paris, France

manuscript of polyphony: 1470-7

Archive Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Paris, France (F-Pnm)
Shelfmark Rothschild 2973 (Chansonnier Cordiforme; Chansonnier de Jean de Montchenu)
Image Availability The images on this record are linked using IIIF.
Surface Parchment
Numbering System Foliation
Measurements 185 x 160 mm
Other Identifiers
  • CCM: ParisBNR 2973
  • olim (Former shelfmark): shelf mark: 1.5.13
  • olim (Former shelfmark): F-Pn Coll. Roths, MS 2973
  • black void mensural
External Links
  • Savoy, France
Contents 45 pieces from 14 composers
General Description

In shape of a single heart when book is closed and of two joined hearts when book is open. Copied by a single scribe. Copied in Savoy; compiled for Jean de Montchenu, a soldier and priest (later Bishop of Viviers) serving as Vicar-General and Councillor to Jean-Louis de Savoie, Bishop of Geneva. Subsequently owned by 'Pucci,' a Maltese nobleman. Listed in 19th-century library catalogues of Chédeau and Baron Jérôme Pichon (PicotC). Later acquired by the Paris banker Nathan James Edouard, Baron de Rothschild (1844-81), whose library went to his son Henri; passed to Bibliothèque Nationale in 1933.

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Original red velvet covers; binding and folios edged with gold.

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black void mensural

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Original ink foliation, 1-68 (first four folios unnumbered; = 'A-D' in KottC).

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Illuminated miniatures, initials, and floral borders. Coat of arms of Jean de Montchenu on f. D; ex libris and coat of arms of later owner 'Pucci' inside front cover.

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Original index on ff. A-C'.

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DIAMM, 2017
Census Catalogue of Music Description

This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers. It is COPYRIGHT and copying/reproduction of this content without permission may result in legal action.

30 French secular pieces, 14 Italian secular pieces = 44

(Barbingant/Fedé)-1, (Bedingham)-1, (Bedingham/Dufay)-1, (Bedingham/Dunstable)-1, (Binchois)-1, (Binchois/Dufay)-1, (Binchois/Frye)-1, (Busnois)-2, (Busnois/Caron)-1, (Cornago)-2, (Dufay)-2 + 1?, (Hayne van Ghizeghem)-1, (Morton)-2, (Ockeghem)-2, (Vincenet)-1, anon-23

72 parchment folios in shape of a single heart when book is closed and of two joined hearts when book is open, 185 (along spine) x 160 (across lobes of heart). Original ink foliation, 1-68 (first four folios unnumbered; = "A-D" in KottC). Ff. 64'-68' blank. Original red velvet covers; binding and folios edged with gold. Original index on ff. A-C'. Copied by a single scribe. Illuminated miniatures, initials, and floral borders. Coat of arms of Jean de Montchenu (see below) on f. D; ex libris and coat of arms of later owner "Pucci" inside front cover.

1470-7 (KottU). Copied in Savoy; compiled for Jean de Montchenu, a soldier and priest (later Bishop of Viviers) serving as Vicar-General and Councillor to Jean-Louis de Savoie, Bishop of Geneva. Subsequently owned by "Pucci," a Maltese nobleman. Listed in 19th-century library catalogues of Chédeau and Baron Jérôme Pichon (PicotC). Later acquired by the Paris banker Nathan James Edouard, Baron de Rothschild (1844-81), whose library went to his son Henri; passed to Bibliothèque Nationale in 1933.

Vol 4

Composers: Add "(Regis)-1"; change "anon-23" to "anon-22."

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
[D]v–1r Hora cridar "Oime" posso ben io - Anonymous
Appears on: [D]v–1r
Genres: Chanson
1v–2r Ben lo sa Dio lauda - Anonymous
Appears on: 1v–2r
Genres: Italian secular
2v–3r Dona gentile belle come l'oro -
Appears on: 2v–3r
Genres: Italian secular
3v–5r Gentil madona de no me habandonare -
Appears on: 3v–5r
Genres: Italian secular
5v–6r Chiara fontana de' belli costumi - Anonymous
Appears on: 5v–6r
Genres: Italian secular
6v–8r O pellegrina o luce chiara stella - Anonymous
Appears on: 6v–8r
Genres: Italian secular

This version is concordant with I-MC 871; but not with Pavia MS Aldini 362 The following three are concordant with one or the other of these (to be determined): I-TRbc MS 1375 [88] I-Fn MS Magl. XIX.176 F-Pn Coll. Roths, MS 2973

8v–10r O rosa bella, o Deitatis cella (= O quam suavis est domina) -
Appears on: 8v–10r
Genres: Motet
10v–11r La gratia de voe - Anonymous

La gratia de voe

Appears on: 10v–11r
11v–12r Per la mya cara - Anonymous

Per la mya cara

Appears on: 11v–12r
Genres: Italian secular
12v–13r Morte mercé - 1a pars (of 2): Morte mercé gentile aquil'altera - Anonymous
Appears on: 12v–13r
Genres: Italian secular
13v–14r Finir vogl'io la vita mya - Anonymous
Appears on: 13v–14r
Genres: Italian secular
14v–15r Morte mercé - 2a pars (of 2): Amor con l'arco tesso - Anonymous
Appears on: 14v–15r
Genres: Italian secular
15v–17r O pellegrina o luce chiera stella - Anonymous
Appears on: 15v–17r
Genres: Chanson

This version is concordant with the version in Pavia MS Aldini 362; but not with I-MC 871 (= Chansonnier cordiforme no.1) The following three are concordant with one or the other of these (to be determined): I-TRbc MS 1375 [88] I-Fn MS Magl. XIX.176 F-Pn Coll. Roths, MS 2973

17v–19r O meschin' enamorati - Anonymous
Appears on: 17v–19r
Genres: Italian secular
19v–20r Comme ung homme desconforte - Anonymous
Appears on: 19v–20r
Genres: Chanson
20v–21r S'il vous plaist que vostre je soye - Anonymous
Appears on: 20v–21r
Genres: Chanson
21v–23r L'aultre jour, par un matin esbatre m'en aloye - Anonymous
Appears on: 21v–23r
Genres: Chanson
23v–24r J'ai pris amours - Anonymous

J'ai pris amours

Appears on: 23v–24r
Genres: Chanson
24v–25r L'aultre d'antan -
Appears on: 24v–25r
Genres: Chanson

Item Bibliography

Goldberg, Clemens. 1993. 'Text and Music as "Spiel" - Ockeghem's Chanson L'aultre d'antan'. International Journal of Musicology, 61-83.

Piccard, Gerhard. 1970. Die Turm-Wasserzeichen: Findbuch III der Wasserzeichenkartei im Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart.  Stuttgart.

25v–26r De tous biens plaine est ma maîtresse -
Appears on: 25v–26r
Genres: Chanson
26v–27r J'ai mains de biens - 1a pars (of 2): J'ai mains de biens que s'il n'en estoit nuls -
Appears on: 26v–27r
Genres: Chanson
27v–28r J'ai mains de biens - 2a pars (of 2): [untexted] -
Appears on: 27v–28r
Genres: Chanson
28v–29r Vostre bruit et vostre grant fame -
Appears on: 28v–29r
Genres: Chanson, Rondeau
29v–30r Cent mille escus quand je voldroie -
Appears on: 29v–30r
Genres: Chanson
30v–31r Le souvenir de vous me tue mon seul bien -
Appears on: 30v–31r
Genres: Chanson
31v–32r L'homme banny de sa plaisance -
Appears on: 31v–32r
Genres: Chanson
32v–33r N'aray je jamais mieux que j'ai -
Appears on: 32v–33r
Genres: Chanson
33v–34r Le serviteur hault guerdonné assovy -
Appears on: 33v–34r
Genres: Chanson, Rondeau
34v–36r Sancte speculum trinitatis (= Fortune par ta cruaulte) -
Appears on: 34v–36r
Genres: Contrafactum, Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Sancte speculum trinitatis [= Fortuna par ta cruaulte]
36v–38r Est-il merci de quoy -
Appears on: 36v–38r
Genres: Chanson
38v–40r Comme femme desconfortée -
Appears on: 38v–40r
Genres: Chanson
40v–42r Tout a par moi -
Appears on: 40v–42r
Genres: Chanson
42v–44r Ma bouche rit et ma pensée pleure -
Appears on: 42v–44r
Genres: Chanson
44v–46r Mon seul plaisir, ma douce joie -
Appears on: 44v–46r
Genres: Chanson
46v–48r Ma bouche plaint les pleurs de ma pensee - Anonymous
Appears on: 46v–48r
Genres: Chanson
48v–49r Vray dieu d'amours - Anonymous

Vray dieu d'amours

Appears on: 48v–49r
Genres: Chanson
49v–50r Helas, je n'ay pas osé dire - Anonymous
Appears on: 49v–50r
Genres: Chanson
50v–52r Or ay j'ay perdu mes amours - Anonymous
Appears on: 50v–52r
Genres: Chanson
52v–54r Adieu vous dy - Anonymous

Adieu vous dy

Appears on: 52v–54r
Genres: Chanson
54v–56r Terriblement suis fortunée - Anonymous
Appears on: 54v–56r
Genres: Chanson
56v–57r De mon povoir vous veul complaire - Anonymous
Appears on: 56v–57r
Genres: Chanson
57v–59r Helas, n'aray je jamais mieux? - Anonymous
Appears on: 57v–59r
Genres: Chanson

Porto 714, 67v-69r

59v–60r Quant du dire adieu me souvient - Anonymous
Appears on: 59v–60r
Genres: Chanson
60v–62r Je ne vis oncques la pareille de vous -
Appears on: 60v–62r
Genres: Chanson
62v–64r Faites moy scavoir de la belle - Anonymous
Appears on: 62v–64r
Genres: Chanson
Composer Compositions
Barbingant, Pierre (fl. c1445-60)
Bedingham, John (–ca. 1460)
Binchois, Gilles (ca. 1400–1460)
Busnoys, Antoine (ca. 1430–1492)
Caron, Firminus (ca. 1460–ca. 1475)
Du Fay, Guillaume (1397–1474)
Dunstaple, John (ca. 1390–1453)
Fede, Johannes
Frye, Walter (–ca. 1475)
Ghizeghem, Hayne van (ca. 1445–ca. 1497)
Morton, Robert
Ockeghem, Jean de (ca. 1410–1497)
Vincenet, Johannes (–ca. 1480)
Composition Composers (? Uncertain) Folios / Pages
Adieu vous dy Anonymous 52v–54r
Ben lo sa Dio lauda Anonymous 1v–2r
Cent mille escus quand je voldroie 29v–30r
Chiara fontana de' belli costumi Anonymous 5v–6r
Comme femme desconfortée 38v–40r
Comme ung homme desconforte Anonymous 19v–20r
De mon povoir vous veul complaire Anonymous 56v–57r
De tous biens plaine est ma maîtresse 25v–26r
Dona gentile belle come l'oro 2v–3r
Est-il merci de quoy 36v–38r
Faites moy scavoir de la belle Anonymous 62v–64r
Finir vogl'io la vita mya Anonymous 13v–14r
Gentil madona de no me habandonare 3v–5r
Helas, je n'ay pas osé dire Anonymous 49v–50r
Helas, n'aray je jamais mieux? Anonymous 57v–59r
Hora cridar "Oime" posso ben io Anonymous [D]v–1r
J'ai mains de biens - 1a pars (of 2): J'ai mains de biens que s'il n'en estoit nuls 26v–27r
J'ai mains de biens - 2a pars (of 2): [untexted] 27v–28r
J'ai pris amours Anonymous 23v–24r
Je ne vis oncques la pareille de vous 60v–62r
L'aultre d'antan 24v–25r
L'aultre jour, par un matin esbatre m'en aloye Anonymous 21v–23r
L'homme banny de sa plaisance 31v–32r
La gratia de voe Anonymous 10v–11r
Le serviteur hault guerdonné assovy 33v–34r
Le souvenir de vous me tue mon seul bien 30v–31r
Ma bouche plaint les pleurs de ma pensee Anonymous 46v–48r
Ma bouche rit et ma pensée pleure 42v–44r
Mon seul plaisir, ma douce joie 44v–46r
Morte mercé - 1a pars (of 2): Morte mercé gentile aquil'altera Anonymous 12v–13r
Morte mercé - 2a pars (of 2): Amor con l'arco tesso Anonymous 14v–15r
N'aray je jamais mieux que j'ai 32v–33r
O meschin' enamorati Anonymous 17v–19r
O pellegrina o luce chiara stella Anonymous 6v–8r
O pellegrina o luce chiera stella Anonymous 15v–17r
O rosa bella, o Deitatis cella (= O quam suavis est domina) 8v–10r
Or ay j'ay perdu mes amours Anonymous 50v–52r
Per la mya cara Anonymous 11v–12r
Quant du dire adieu me souvient Anonymous 59v–60r
S'il vous plaist que vostre je soye Anonymous 20v–21r
Sancte speculum trinitatis (= Fortune par ta cruaulte) 34v–36r
Terriblement suis fortunée Anonymous 54v–56r
Tout a par moi 40v–42r
Vostre bruit et vostre grant fame 28v–29r
Vray dieu d'amours Anonymous 48v–49r
These images are from an external IIIF service and are not hosted by DIAMM.

Images © Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris

denotes primary source study

Brown, Howard Mayer (editor). 1983. A Florentine Chansonnier from the Time of Lorenzo the Magnificent: Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale MS Banco Rari 229. Monuments of Renaissance Music.  Chicago and London. Pages: 192,219ff, Plate XXXIII. Notes: mention of MS; contents list (partial); concordances (partial); facsimile (partial).

Atlas, Allan W. 1981. Conflicting Attributions in Italian Sources of the Franco-Netherlandish Chanson, c. 1465-c. 1505: A Progress Report on a New Hypothesis. Music in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Patronage, Sources and Texts,  Cambridge. Pages: 269-72. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Atlas, Allan W (editor). 1981. Robert Morton: The Collected Works. Masters and Monuments of the Renaissance.  New York. Pages: xxiii-xxvi, 70-85. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Perkins, Leeman L, and Howard Garey (editors). 1979. The Mellon Chansonnier.  New Haven and London. Pages: I, 15; II, 169-70, 210ff, passim. Notes: physical description; contents list (partial); concordances (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Thompson, James (editor). 1976. Les Oeuvres Completes de Philippe (?) Caron. Transcription et Notes Critiques de James Thomson.  Brooklyn: Institute of Mediaeval Music. Pages: II, II, x, 167-9. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial).

Atlas, Allan W. 1975-6. The Cappella Giulia Chansonnier (Rome, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, C. G.XIII.27). Musicological Studies.  Brooklyn. Pages: I, 95ff, 240, passim. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Schavran, Henrietta. 1970. Review of KottM. Current Musicology, 92-101. Pages: [includes corrections of KottM]. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Kottick, Edward Leon (editor). 1967. The Unica in the Chansonnier Cordiforme (Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rothschild 2973). Corpus mensurabilis musicae. 42. Neuhausen nr. Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list (partial); transcriptions (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Kottick, Edward Leon. 1967. The Chansonnier Cordiforme. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 10-27. Notes: physical description; contents list; concordances; transcription (partial); facsimile (partial).

[No Author] 1964. The Bad Bishop's Book of Love Songs. Horizon: A Magazine of the Arts, 26-31. Pages: [color reproductions of three openings]. Notes: facsimile (partial).

Kottick, Edward Leon. 1962. The Music of the Chansonnier Cordiforme: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale Rothschild 2973. University of North Carolina, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Pages: I-II. Notes: physical description; contents list; concordances; texts; transcription; efacsimile (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Blume, Friedrich (editor). 1949-79. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik.  Kassel. Pages: X, 801; XI, Tafel 12; XV, 1584-5, Tafel 59. Notes: physical description; contents list; incipitsst of contents (partial); facsimile (partial).

de Van, Guillaume, and Heinrich Besseler (editors). 1948-66. Guillaume Dufay: Opera Omnia. Corpus mensurabilis musicae.  Neuhausen nr. Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology. Pages: VI. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial); texts (partial).

Bukofzer, Manfred F. 1942. An Unknown Chansonnier of the 15th Century (the Mellon Chansonnier). The Musical Quarterly, 14-49. Pages: 15, opp. 22. Notes: mention of MS; facsimile (partial).

Porcher, Jean, and Eugénie Droz. 1934. Le Chansonnier de Jean de Montchenu. Les Trésors des Bibliothèques de France. 100-10. Notes: physical description (partial); facsimile (partial); texts (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Jeppesen, Knud (editor). 1927. New York, 1965 (reprint, with new remarks by the editor). Der Kopenhagener Chansonnier: Das Manuskript Thott 291s der Königlichen Bibliothek Kopenhagen. Copenhagen and Leipzig.  Copenhagen and Leipzig. Pages: lxv, lxxi, lxxviii-xcvi. Notes: physical description; contents list (partial); concordances (partial).

Picot, Emile. 1884-1920. Catalogue des Livres Composant la Bibliothèque de Feu M. le Baron James de Rothschild.  Paris. Pages: IV, 314-7. Notes: physical description; contents list; concordances (partial); facsimile (partial).

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Clemens Goldberg

Thursday, 1 February, 2024

Added concnordance for "Faites moy scavoir" (f. 62v) in Buxheimer orgelbuch

Clemens Goldberg

Thursday, 1 February, 2024

Added concordance for "N'aray je jamais", in Oporto 714

Clemens Goldberg

Monday, 22 January, 2024

Conconcordance of 'Jay mains de bien' (fols. 26v-28r), i.e. the 1a pars, with Dijon Chansonnier fols 153v-155v; and new literature for all of Busnois' chansons.

Clemens Goldberg

Thursday, 18 January, 2024

Bibliography updated.

Clemens Goldberg

Monday, 15 January, 2024

Pointed out that the setting of Morte merce (both partes, on fols 12v-13r and 14v-15r) is a version unique to this source that shares with Montecassino and Escorial B only a resembling version of the cantus and of the tenor of the first part. According to David Fallows this could be an "adaptation" of Cornago's supposed original in the other sources.

Clemens Goldberg

Friday, 12 January, 2024

Concordances for the 2 versions of 'O pellegrina' (f. 6v-8r, f. 15v-17) were reversed. This is now corrected.

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. Census Catalogue of Music Description