V-CVbav MS Vat. lat. 10776

Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City, Rome, Italy

manuscript of polyphony: Second half of 16th century

Archive Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City, Rome, Italy (V-CVbav)
Shelfmark MS Vat. lat. 10776
Image Availability DIAMM does not have images of this source. Please refer to the external links for image availability.
Surface Paper
Numbering System Foliation
Measurements 390 x 270 mm
Other Identifiers
  • CCM: VatV 10776
  • olim (Former shelfmark): I-Rvat MS Vat. lat. 10776
  • black void mensural
External Links
  • Rome? Italy
Contents 16 pieces from 3 composers
General Description

Copied by one main scribe (identified by E Tambling as the scribe of Part II of SMM 32), with additions by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (JepPA) and one unidentified scribe. Blank folios, or blank staves only: 1, 3'-5, 9'-10, 11'-12, 15'-16, 20'-21, 23'-24, 27'-28, 31'-32, 35'-36, 42'-43, 49, 52'-53, 56'-57, 59'. Presumably copied in Rome. Once owned by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.

DIAMM, 2023

Rebound in modern covers of cream/brown cardboard.

DIAMM, 2017

(1) paschal lamb (not in Briquet, but see Briquet #47 for general pattern); (2) fleur-de-lis (not in Briquet); (3) man with staff (not in Briquet); (4) eagle? (not in Briquet).

DIAMM, 2017

black void mensural

DIAMM, 2017

Staff height 17

DIAMM, 2017

Modern stamped foliation, 1-59, on lower right rectos.

DIAMM, 2017

Inked calligraphic initials.

DIAMM, 2017


DIAMM, 2017
Census Catalogue of Music Description

This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers. It is COPYRIGHT and copying/reproduction of this content without permission may result in legal action.

1 psalm, 6 hymns, 9 motets = 16

C. Festa-1, (Palestrina)-1, anon-14

59 paper folios, 390 x 270. Modern stamped foliation, 1-59, on lower right rectos. Blank folios, or blank staves only: 1, 3'-5, 9'-10, 11'-12, 15'-16, 20'-21, 23'-24, 27'-28, 31'-32, 35'-36, 42'-43, 49, 52'-53, 56'-57, 59'. Rebound in modern covers of cream/brown cardboard. No index. Copied by one main scribe, with additions by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (JepPA) and one unidentified scribe. Staff height 17. Inked calligraphic initials. Watermarks: (1) paschal lamb (not in Briquet, but see Briquet #47 for general pattern); (2) fleur-de-lis (not in Briquet); (3) man with staff (not in Briquet); (4) eagle? (not in Briquet).

Second half of 16th century. Presumably copied in Rome. Once owned by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
1v–3 Petrus beatus cathenarum - Anonymous
Appears on: 1v–3
Genres: Hymn
5v–9 Viri Galilei quid admiramini - Anonymous
Appears on: 5v–9
Genres: Motet
10v–11 Petrus beatus cathenarum - Anonymous
Appears on: 10v–11
Genres: Motet
12v–15 Ave regina caelorum (6vv) - Anonymous
Appears on: 12v–15
Genres: Ave regina caelorum, Motet
16v–20 In te domine speravi - Anonymous
Appears on: 16v–20
Genres: Motet
21v–23 Surge propera amica mea - Anonymous
Appears on: 21v–23
Genres: Motet
24v–27 Cantantibus organis Cecilia - Anonymous
Appears on: 24v–27
Genres: Motet
28v–31 In craticula te Deum non negavi - Anonymous
Appears on: 28v–31
Genres: Motet
32v–35 O beatum virum - Anonymous

O beatum virum

Appears on: 32v–35
Genres: Motet
36v–38 Hostis Herodes impie - Anonymous
Appears on: 36v–38
Genres: Hymn
38v–42 Audi benigne conditor 2 Multum quidem 5 Praesta beata trinitas - Anonymous
Appears on: 38v–42
Genres: Hymn
43v–48v Christe redemptor omnium 2 Tu lumen tu splendor 4 Hic presens testatur 6 Nos quoque qui sancto tuo 7 Gloria tibi domine Const:s Festa
Appears on: 43v–48v
Genres: Hymn
Source Attribution: Const:s Festa
49v–52 Ave virginum gemma Catherina (6vv) - Anonymous
Appears on: 49v–52
Genres: Motet
53v–55 Beatus Nicholaus - Anonymous

Beatus Nicholaus

Appears on: 53v–55
Genres: Motet
55v–56 Dixit Dominus Donec ponam inimicos -
Appears on: 55v–56
Genres: Fauxbourdon/faburden, Hymn
General Note

probably autograph

57v–59 Tibi Christe splendor 2 Collaudamus venerantes 4 Gloria patri melodis - Anonymous
Appears on: 57v–59
Genres: Hymn

denotes primary source study

Jeppesen, Knud. 1958-61. Palestriniana: Ein unbekanntes Autogramm und einige unveröffentlichte Falsibordoni des Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. Miscelânea en Homenaje a Monsehor Higinio Angles, 417-32. Barcelona. Pages: 418-21, 431. Notes: physical description; contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial); facsimile (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Blume, Friedrich (editor). 1949-79. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik.  Kassel. Pages: X, 667; XI, 757. Notes: mention of MS; contents list (partial).

Casimiri, Raffaele (editor). 1930-1958. Vol. II: Constantius Festa, Sacrae cantiones. ed. Eduardo Dagnino. (1936) & Vol. III: Constantius Festa. Hymni per totum annum... transcr. Glen Haydon. (1958). Monumenta Polyphoniae Italicae.  Rome. Pages: III, 184-5. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial).

Bannister, Enrico Marriott (editor). 1913. Monumenti Vaticani di Paleografia Musicale Latina. Codices e Vaticanis Selecti. 2 vols. Leipzig. Pages: lviii, 189. Notes: mention of MS.

[No Author] 1902-59. Codices Vaticani Latini. Biblioteca Vaticani.  Vatican City. Pages: VI, 238-9. Notes: physical description; contents list.

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Edward Tambling

Friday, 5 January, 2024

The main scribe of this source identified as 'scribal concordance [22]'

DIAMM, 2016

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. General Description; Binding Note; Watermark Note; Notation Note; Ruling Note; Foliation Note; Decoration Note; Surface Note

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. Census Catalogue of Music Description