D-Kl 4° Ms. Mus. 142/2

Universitätsbibliothek Kassel Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel, Kassel, Germany

partbook: 16th century

Archive Universitätsbibliothek Kassel Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel, Kassel, Germany (D-Kl)
Shelfmark 4° Ms. Mus. 142/2
Image Availability DIAMM does not have images of this source. Please refer to the external links for image availability.
Surface Paper
Numbering System None / Unknown
Measurements 218 x 159 mm
Other Identifiers
  • CCM: KasL 142
  • black void mensural
External Links
Contents 20 pieces from 1 composers
General Description

An Altus partbook from a set originally of four volumes (four additional folios containing fifth ('Vagans') part for one piece were formerly kept loose in T book, but now have a separate shelfmark).are kept loose in T book). opied by Johannes Heugel (d. 1585), court composer for Philip of Hesse, who also wrote KasL 4, 9, 24, 38, 43, 53a, 53b, 91, 94, 118, and part of KasL 143. Copied in Kassel, for the court of Count Philip of Hesse. Present Landesbibliothek incorporates holdings of former court library.

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Original parchment covers.

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black void mensural

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Dates from 1540 to 1550 in manuscript; these are probably dates of composition or performance rather than copying,

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No foliation or pagination

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Other numberings: Original numbering of pieces, 1-11.

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Census Catalogue of Music Description

This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers. It is COPYRIGHT and copying/reproduction of this content without permission may result in legal action.

11 motets


3 paper partbooks of an original 4 (D-15 folios, A-14, T-12), 218 x 159. Four additional folios containing sixth ("Vagans") part for one piece are kept loose in T book. No foliation or pagination; original numbering of pieces, 1-11. Original parchment covers. No index. Copied by Johannes Heugel (d. 1585), court composer for Philip of Hesse, who also wrote KasL 4, 9, 24, 38, 43, 53/1, 53/2, 91, 94, 118, and part of KasL 143. Some initials and text incipits in red ink.

16th century (dates from 1540 to 1550 in manuscript; these are probably dates of composition or performance rather than copying). Copied in Kassel, for the court of Count Philip of Hesse. Present Landesbibliothek incorporates holdings of former court library.

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
1–1v In principio erat sermo - 1a pars (of 2): In principio erat sermo -
Appears on: 1–1v
Genres: Motet
1v–2v In principio erat sermo - 2a pars (of 2): In mundo erat -
Appears on: 1v–2v
Genres: Motet
2v–3 Et erat pater et mater eius -
Appears on: 2v–3
Genres: Motet
3–3v Homo quidam - 1a pars (of 2): Homo quidam apparaverat cenam -
Appears on: 3–3v
Genres: Motet
3v–4v Homo quidam - 2a pars (of 2): Tunc iratus pater familias -
Appears on: 3v–4v
Genres: Motet
4v–5 Aegrotabat quidam - 1a pars (of 6): Aegrotabat quidam nomine Lazarus -
Appears on: 4v–5
Genres: Motet
5–6 Aegrotabat quidam - 2a pars (of 6): Ut ergo audivit -
Appears on: 5–6
Genres: Motet
6–6v Aegrotabat quidam - 3a pars (of 6): Tunc ergo Jesus dixit -
Appears on: 6–6v
Genres: Motet
7–8 Aegrotabat quidam - 4a pars (of 6): Martha ergo ut audivit -
Appears on: 7–8
Genres: Motet
8–9 Aegrotabat quidam - 5a pars (of 6): Maria ergo cum venisset -
Appears on: 8–9
Genres: Motet
9v–10v Aegrotabat quidam - 6a pars (of 6): Jesus ergo rursus fremens -
Appears on: 9v–10v
Genres: Motet
11 Attendite et discite quid sit -
Appears on: 11
Genres: Motet
11v–12 Nihil sodales tandem erit -
Appears on: 11v–12
Genres: Motet
12–12v O mors - 1a pars (of 2): O mors quam amara est -
Appears on: 12–12v
Genres: Motet
12v O mors - 2a pars (of 2): O saeva mors -
Appears on: 12v
Genres: Motet
12v–13 Defluentis instar - 1a pars (of 2): Defluentis instar unde -
Appears on: 12v–13
Genres: Motet
13 Defluentis instar - 2a pars (of 2): Corrigamus ergo -
Appears on: 13
Genres: Motet
13–14 Morte justus si occupetus -
Appears on: 13–14
Genres: Motet
14 Benedicite (II) - 1a pars (of 2): Benedicite. Oculi omnium -
Appears on: 14
Genres: Benedicite
14v Benedicite (II) - 2a pars (of 2): Gratias agimus tibi -
Appears on: 14v
Genres: Benedicite
Composition Composers (? Uncertain) Folios / Pages
Aegrotabat quidam - 1a pars (of 6): Aegrotabat quidam nomine Lazarus 4v–5
Aegrotabat quidam - 2a pars (of 6): Ut ergo audivit 5–6
Aegrotabat quidam - 3a pars (of 6): Tunc ergo Jesus dixit 6–6v
Aegrotabat quidam - 4a pars (of 6): Martha ergo ut audivit 7–8
Aegrotabat quidam - 5a pars (of 6): Maria ergo cum venisset 8–9
Aegrotabat quidam - 6a pars (of 6): Jesus ergo rursus fremens 9v–10v
Attendite et discite quid sit 11
Benedicite (II) - 1a pars (of 2): Benedicite. Oculi omnium 14
Benedicite (II) - 2a pars (of 2): Gratias agimus tibi 14v
Defluentis instar - 1a pars (of 2): Defluentis instar unde 12v–13
Defluentis instar - 2a pars (of 2): Corrigamus ergo 13
Et erat pater et mater eius 2v–3
Homo quidam - 1a pars (of 2): Homo quidam apparaverat cenam 3–3v
Homo quidam - 2a pars (of 2): Tunc iratus pater familias 3v–4v
In principio erat sermo - 1a pars (of 2): In principio erat sermo 1–1v
In principio erat sermo - 2a pars (of 2): In mundo erat 1v–2v
Morte justus si occupetus 13–14
Nihil sodales tandem erit 11v–12
O mors - 1a pars (of 2): O mors quam amara est 12–12v
O mors - 2a pars (of 2): O saeva mors 12v

Set: MSS 4° Mus. 142/1-4

Type: Partbooks

No images available

D-Kl 4° Ms. Mus. 142/1

No images available

D-Kl 4° Ms. Mus. 142/2

No images available

D-Kl 4° Ms. Mus. 142/3

No images available

D-Kl 4° Ms. Mus. 142/4

denotes primary source study

Gottwald, Clytus. 1997. Die Handschriften der Gesamthochschulbibliothek Kassel, Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel, Bd. 6: Manuscripta musica.  Wiesbaden.

Windh, John Ernfrid. 1971. Early Lutheran Masses. University of Illinois, Unpublished D.M.A. thesis. Pages: 140. Notes: mention of MS.

Blume, Friedrich (editor). 1949-79. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik.  Kassel. Pages: VI, 342. Notes: physical description (partial).

Lange, Wilhelm (compiler). 1920. Katalog der Musikalien der Landesbibliothek.  Kassel. Pages: 232. Notes: mention of MS.

Nagel, Wilibald. 1905-6. Johann Heugel (ca. 1500-1584/5). Sammelbande der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft, 80-110. Pages: 106-7. Notes: mention of MS.

Eitner, Robert. 1893), 149-55, 164-79, 183-204, 207-20; XXVI (1894. Das alte deutsche mehrstimmige Lied und seine Meister. Monatshefte für Musikgeschichte, 1-14,17-21,25-3. Pages: XXVI, 40. Notes: mention of MS.

Israël, Carl. 1881. Uebersichtlicher Katalog der Musikalien der ständischen Landesbibliothek zu Cassei.  Kassel. Pages: 16-7. Notes: contents list.

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DIAMM, 2016

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. General Description; Binding Note; Notation Note; Foliation Note; Foliation Note; Surface Note

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. Census Catalogue of Music Description