GB-Cp MS 46 [Organ] (Peterhouse Partbooks: Former/Latter Caroline Set organ book)

Peterhouse, Perne Library, Cambridge, England

organ book: Copied c. 1625-40, assembled c. 1635-43

Archive Peterhouse, Perne Library, Cambridge, England (GB-Cp)
Shelfmark MS 46 [Organ] (Peterhouse Partbooks: Former/Latter Caroline Set organ book)
Surface Paper
Numbering System None
Format portrait
Measurements c. 295 x 188, with much variety mm
Other Identifiers
  • CCM: CambriU Peter. 485-91
  • olim (Former shelfmark): Photocopy number 493
  • black void mensural
External Links
Contents 40 pieces from 21 composers
General Description

Originally a collection of separate bifolios or other small gatherings, with some single leaves. Many scribal hands are present; among the identified scribes are William Smith, Henry Palmer, John Geeres, Henry Loosemore, Thomas Wilson, Robert Ramsey, John Amner, and John Lugge. A number of scribes remain unidentified; two of these also copied portions of various liturgical manuscripts at Durham Cathedral (MorehS). Assembled at Peterhouse College for use of the college chapel. The gathering and assembling of materials for the part-books was probably directed by John Cosin, Master of Peterhouse from 1634. Cosin commissioned the composition of some of the pieces. Some of the gatherings were copied in Cambridge; others were probably copied at Durham and Ely, and then acquired by Cosin through friends and associates in those places. The books were later transferred from the Peterhouse College library to the Cambridge University Library.

The Peterhouse Partbooks are not numbered consecutively as they were not all discovered and included in the library's collection at the same time. For some years they were also referred to by the numbers given to a set of photocopies of the books (which still exist), while three newly-discovered books did not have shelf-marks. The list below gives the sets in order and with the photocopy numbers for ease of cross-reference.

Latter Caroline Set
Medius - MS. 44 - photocopy 485
Contratenor - MS. 42 - photocopy 486
Tenor - MS. 35 - photocopy 487
Bass - MS. 37 - photocopy 488
Medius - MS. 45 - photocopy 489
Contratenor - MS. 53 - LOST
Tenor - MS. 43 - photocopy 490
Bass - MS. 36 - photocopy 491
Organ Book - MS. 46 - photocopy 493

JCM, 2010

Rebound in new covers in the 19th century; the original bindings were probably of black leather, with the Peterhouse College arms and voice designations stamped on the side.

JCM, 2010

black void mensural

JCM, 2010

Many leaves have page or folio numbers from the earlier collections to which they once belonged. Most of the old numbers are cancelled and replaced with foliation using letters and numerals (A, A1, A2, etc.)

JCM, 2010

Original index.

JCM, 2010


JCM, 2010
Census Catalogue of Music Description

This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers. It is COPYRIGHT and copying/reproduction of this content without permission may result in legal action.

1 Mass, 1 Kyrie-Credo pair, 8 Te Deums, 57 Services or Service sections, 120 anthems, 28 motets, 1 textless piece — 216

Amner-7, A. Batten-ll, Beck-l, Bennet-l, Boyce-l, Byrd-13, Child-8, Deering-2, Derrick-1, M. East-5, J. Farrant II-1, R. Far-rant-1, A. Ferrabosco 1-1, Fido-1, Geeres-2, Gibbons-11, N. Giles -4, Heath-1, Hinde-1, Hooper-3, J. Hutchinson-l, R. Hutchin-son-3, M. Jeffries-1, Juxon-1, R. Knight-1, Laud-1, Loosemore -6, J. Lugge-2, J. Marson-1, Molle-5, Morley-5, T. Mudd II-3, J. Mundy-11, Palmer-1, Parsley-1, R. Parsons II-3, Patrick-1, Philips-1, Portman-3, Ramsey-10, Shepherd-1, Edward Smith-1, W. Smith-1, Stonard-3, Strogers-2, Tallis-12, Taverner-1, Tom-kins-14, Tye-2, Ward-1, Warwick-1, Weelkes-1, R. White-1, W. White-1, T. Wilkinson-3, Wilson-15, anon-19

7 paper partbooks of an original 8 (Médius Decani-lbO folios, Contratenor De-cani-\4\, Tenor Decani-llá, Bassus Decani-169, Médius Cantoris-ltä, Tenor Cantoris-145, Bassus Cantoris-146), ca. 295 x 188 overall, but folios are of widely varying sizes. The manuscript is a collection of originally separate bifolios or other small gatherings, with some single leaves. Many of these have page or folio numbers from the earlier collections to which they once belonged. Most of the old numbers are cancelled and replaced with foliation using letters and numerals (A, Al, A2, etc.). Rebound in new covers in the 19th century; the original bindings were probably of black leather, with the Peterhouse College arms and voice designations stamped on the side. Original index. Many scribal hands are present; among the identified scribes are William Smith, Henry Palmer, John Geeres, Henry Loosemore, Thomas Wilson, Robert Ramsey, John Amner, and John Lugge. A number of scribes remain unidentified; two of these also copied portions of various liturgical manuscripts at Durham Cathedral (MorehS).

Copied ca. 1625-40, except for the Taverner Mass, which is in a mid-16th century hand, copied on paper identical to that found in the indices of CambriU Peter. 471-4. Assembled ca. 1635-43 at Peterhouse College in Cambridge, for use of the college chapel. The gathering and assembling of materials for the part-books was probably directed by John Cosin, Master of Peterhouse from 1634, whose High Church-oriented liturgical innovations aroused vigorous controversy. Cosin himself commissioned the composition of some of the pieces, and the influence of his ideas is reflected in much of the repertory. Some of the gatherings were copied in Cambridge; others were probably copied at Durham and Ely, and then acquired by Cosin through friends and associates in those places. (Cosin had been a prebendary at Durham Cathedral before coming to Cambridge, and he was also a close friend of Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Ely, another supporter of the High Church movement). The books were later transferred from the Peterhouse College library to the Cambridge University Library.

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

front cover

Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
1 Fragment of 4 bars in a Anon -

Fragment of 4 bars in a

Appears on: 1
Source Attribution: Anon
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: insufficient
Voice Text: [Fragment of 4 bars in a]
1v–2 G minor Service: Gloria Jo: Amner
Appears on: 1v–2
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Gloria (et in terra pax)
Source Attribution: Jo: Amner
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [G minor service] - Gloria
2v G minor Service: Gloria [Amner]
Appears on: 2v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Gloria (et in terra pax)
Source Attribution: [Amner]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [G minor service] - Gloria [opening passage, crossed out]
General Note

another copy - crossed out

3v–4v This is the record of John O. Gibbons
Appears on: 3v–4v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: O. Gibbons
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: This is the record of John
5v–6v Lord, what is man Henry Palmer
Appears on: 5v–6v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Henry Palmer
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Lord, what is man
7–8v O Lord, let me know mine end [Tozer]
Appears on: 7–8v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Tozer]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O Lord, let me know mine end ['Tozar' in JBClark]
9–10 Have mercy upon me O God Ad: Batten / [Giles]
Appears on: 9–10
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Ad: Batten / [Giles]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Have mercy upon me O God
General Note

The setting in the Latter set of books is by Giles; so, although the organ book clearly attributes this piec to Batten, it ought to be the accompaniment to the Giles setting

11–13 O sing unto the Lord a new song Rich: Hinde / Hind
Appears on: 11–13
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Rich: Hinde / Hind
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O sing unto the Lord
14–14v Hear O my people Stonnard
Appears on: 14–14v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Stonnard
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Hear O my people
14v–15v When the sorrows of hell Stonnard
Appears on: 14v–15v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Stonnard
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: When the sorrows of hell
15v–16v Sing unto God Stonnard
Appears on: 15v–16v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Stonnard
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Sing unto God
17 anthem in G, bass line only Tho: Wilson
Appears on: 17
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Tho: Wilson
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [anthem in G, bass line only]
18–19 Ponder my words O Lord Batten
Appears on: 18–19
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Batten
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Ponder my words O Lord
19v–21 Praise the Lord O my soul Batten
Appears on: 19v–21
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Batten
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Praise the Lord O my soul
21v Fragment, crossed out Anon -

Fragment, crossed out

Appears on: 21v
Source Attribution: Anon
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: insufficient
Voice Text: [Fragment, crossed out]
21v O Lord, our governor [Batten]
Appears on: 21v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Batten]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O Lord our governor [inc]
22–23 Jesus came when the doors were shut [Tomkins]
Appears on: 22–23
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Tomkins]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Jesus came when the doors were shut 'to my loving scholar Thomas Wilson at Cambridge'
24–25v Hear my cry, O God Hilton
Appears on: 24–25v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Hilton
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Hear my cry O God
26–28 O God of gods Hooper
Appears on: 26–28
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Hooper
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O God of gods
28–29 Almighty God, which hast given us (Collect for Christmas Day) [Hooper]
Appears on: 28–29
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: [Hooper]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Collect for Christmas Day (Almighty God, which hast given us)
29v–30v Thou art worthy, O Lord Loosmor
Appears on: 29v–30v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Loosmor
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Thou art worthy O Lord
31–34 Great Service: Magnificat Bird
Appears on: 31–34
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Bird
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Great Service - Magnificat
34–35v Great Service: Nunc dimittis Bird
Appears on: 34–35v
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: Bird
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Great Service - Nunc dimittis
35v–37 We praise thee O father Orlando Gibbons
Appears on: 35v–37
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Orlando Gibbons
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: We praise thee O father [for Easter Day]
37v–38 I will wash my hands William Smith
Appears on: 37v–38
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: William Smith
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: I will wash my hands
39 Behold, it is Christ [Hooper]
Appears on: 39
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Hooper]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Behold it is Christ
39v–40 O praise God in his holiness (II) [White]
Appears on: 39v–40
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [White]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O praise God in his holiness
40v O Lord, make thy servant, Elizabeth [or James, or King Charles] Birde
Appears on: 40v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Birde
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O Lord make thy servant [Charles]
41–41v Sing joyfully unto God our strength (2p. Blow the trumpet) Bird
Appears on: 41–41v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Bird
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Sing joyfully
42–42v O God the proud are risen against me [Byrd]
Appears on: 42–42v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Byrd]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O God, the proud are risen
43–44v Thou art become gracious - Thou hast turned (Psalm for Christmas Day matins) Tho: Wilson
Appears on: 43–44v
Genres: Psalm
Source Attribution: Tho: Wilson
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Lord thou art become gracious
45–46 Christ rising again [Wilson]
Appears on: 45–46
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Wilson]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Christ rising again] [2+ only bass line]
46–46v O God, be merciful unto us (= Deus misereatur (canticle)) Strogers
Appears on: 46–46v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Strogers
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O God be merciful unto us
47–47v Almighty God which dost see (Collect for 2nd Sunday in Lent) Thomas Wilson
Appears on: 47–47v
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: Thomas Wilson
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Collect for 2nd Sunday in Lent (Almighty God which dost see)
48 Grant we beseech thee (Collect for 4th Sunday in Lent) Wilson
Appears on: 48
Genres: Anglican Service Music
Source Attribution: Wilson
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Collect for 4th Sunday in Lent (Grant we beseech thee)
49–50 Call to remembrance [Hilton snr]
Appears on: 49–50
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Hilton snr]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Call to remembrance
50–50v O Lord give ear unto my prayer (6vv) (= Memento homo) [Byrd]
Appears on: 50–50v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Byrd]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: O God [Lord] give ear [Memento homo 1575]
51–52 Rejoice in the Lord O ye righteous Jefferies
Appears on: 51–52
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Jefferies
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Rejoice in the Lord
52v–53v Behold now praise the Lord White
Appears on: 52v–53v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: White
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: Behold now praise the Lord
54–54v Truly God is loving [Loosemore]
Appears on: 54–54v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: [Loosemore]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Voice Text: [Truly God is loving unto Israel]
Composer Compositions
Amner, John (1579–1641)
Batten, Adrian (1591–1637)
Byrd, William (ca. 1540–1623)
Gibbons, Orlando (ca. 1583–1625)
Giles, Nathaniel (ca. 1558–1634)
Hilton (Junior), John
Hilton (Senior), John
Hinde, Henry or Richard
Hooper, Edmund
Jeffries (Jeffreys), Matthew
Loosemore, Henry (1607–1670)
Palmer, Henry (ca. 1590–1640)
Smith (I), William (1603–1645)
Stonard, William
Strogers, Nicholas
Tomkins, Thomas (1572–1656)
Tozer, Solomon
White, Robert (ca. 1538–1574)
White, William
Wilson, Thomas
Composition Composers (? Uncertain) Folios / Pages
Almighty God which dost see (Collect for 2nd Sunday in Lent) 47–47v
Almighty God, which hast given us (Collect for Christmas Day) 28–29
anthem in G, bass line only 17
Behold now praise the Lord 52v–53v
Behold, it is Christ 39
Call to remembrance 49–50
Christ rising again 45–46
G minor Service: Gloria 1v–2
G minor Service: Gloria 2v
Grant we beseech thee (Collect for 4th Sunday in Lent) 48
Great Service: Magnificat 31–34
Great Service: Nunc dimittis 34–35v
Have mercy upon me O God 9–10
Hear my cry, O God 24–25v
Hear O my people 14–14v
I will wash my hands 37v–38
Jesus came when the doors were shut 22–23
Lord, what is man 5v–6v
O God of gods 26–28
O God the proud are risen against me 42–42v
O God, be merciful unto us (= Deus misereatur (canticle)) 46–46v
O Lord give ear unto my prayer (6vv) (= Memento homo) 50–50v
O Lord, let me know mine end 7–8v
O Lord, make thy servant, Elizabeth [or James, or King Charles] 40v
O Lord, our governor 21v
O praise God in his holiness (II) 39v–40
O sing unto the Lord a new song 11–13
Ponder my words O Lord 18–19
Praise the Lord O my soul 19v–21
Rejoice in the Lord O ye righteous 51–52
Sing joyfully unto God our strength (2p. Blow the trumpet) 41–41v
Sing unto God 15v–16v
This is the record of John 3v–4v
Thou art become gracious - Thou hast turned (Psalm for Christmas Day matins) 43–44v
Thou art worthy, O Lord 29v–30v
Truly God is loving 54–54v
We praise thee O father 35v–37
When the sorrows of hell 14v–15v

Images © Perne Library, Peterhouse, Cambridge

denotes primary source study

Payne, Ian. 1993. The provision and practice of sacred music at Cambridge colleges and selected cathedrals, c. 1547-c. 1646: a comparative study of the archival evidence.  Garland.

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Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. Census Catalogue of Music Description