I-Fn MS II.I.122

Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Firenze (Florence), Italy

manuscript of polyphony: 14th century

Archive Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Firenze (Florence), Italy (I-Fn)
Shelfmark MS II.I.122
Image Availability DIAMM does not have images of this source. Please refer to the external links for image availability.
Surface Mixed Paper and Parchment
Numbering System Foliation
Measurements 395 x 285 mm
Other Identifiers
  • RISM: F 18
  • olim (Former shelfmark): Banco Rari 18
  • mensural
  • square
  • unmeasured
Inventory This MS has not yet been inventoried by DIAMM. If you would like to submit an inventory, please send it to diamm@music.ox.ac.uk
External Links
  • Italy
Contents 7 pieces from 1 composers
General Description

A book of 'Laudi e sequenze'. The corpus proper starts at f. 2v, and is written in a very careful script with humanist traits. The monophonic laudi extend from ff. 1-135, the motets (sequences), several of them polyphonic, from ff. 136-151; a final lauda follows (ff. 152-153). According to Liuzzi, the MS was formerly in the possession of the Confraternity of S. Maria at Santo Spirito, the Augustinian establishment in Florence.

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Physical Description

At least one page is missing from the motet section at the end before f. 144.

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Brown leather with simple tooling over wooden boards. There are 4 round studs both back and front, 2 clasps and at the front a medallion reproducing a cherub painted in white on blue.

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large square unmeasured notation; measured notation with longs, breves and semi-breves (f. 152v-153)

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5 red four-line staves per page; f. 152v-153 has red five-line staves

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possibly an old foliation at t.r.r.; two different foliations at b.m.r. One old foliation runs from 1-30 on the present f. 106-135. All are in brown ink. The modern flyleaves (1 at the front and 1 at the back) are unnumbered.

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a number of large and beautiful illuminations in several colours, among which blue, red and gold predominate.

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index on f. 1-2, begins neatly but ends roughly

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i paper + 153 parchment + i paper

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RISM Description

RISM B/IV 1: A parchment manuscript, interleaved with tissue, dating from the first half of the 14th century and meas. 395 x 285 mm. It contains 153 folios + 2 blank, unnumbered modern flyleaves (1 at the front and 1 at the back). Fol. 96a is also blank. This is one of the three big lauda manuscripts and it has a number of large and beautiful illuminations in several colours, among which blue, red and gold predominate. There is what appears to be an old foliation at t.r.r., but more certain are the two different foliations at b.m.r. One old foliation runs from 1-30 on the present f. 106-135. All are in brown ink. There is an index which starts in a careful hand, becoming rough later (f. 1-2). The corpus proper starts at f. 2v, and is written in a very careful script with humanist traits. The notation throughout is of large square unmeasured type on 5 red four-line staves per page, except at the end on f. 152v-153, where a different, measured notation on red five-line staves with longs, breves and semi-breves is employed. At least one page is obviously missing from the motet section at the end before f. 144. According to Liuzzi, the ms was formerly in the possession of the Confraternity of S. Maria at Santo Spirito, the Augustinian establishment in Florence. The binding is of brown leather with simple tooling over wooden boards. There are 4 round studs both back and front, 2 clasps and at the front a medallion reproducing a cherub painted in white on blue.

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Répertoire International des Sources Musicales

Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
142–144 Verbum bonum et suave - Anonymous
Appears on: 142–144
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Ave, Maria, gratia plena

Item Bibliography

Gallo, Franco Alberto, and Giuseppe Vecchi (editors). 1968. I più antichi monumenti sacri italiani. I: Edizione fotografica, Monumenta Lyrica Medii Aevi Italica, 3: Mensurabilia, 1.  Bologna: Universita degli studi di Bologna. Pages: [facs.] plates LXXIII-LXXIV.

144 …in partu nove prolis…Expl… - Anonymous
Appears on: 144
Genres: Sequence
Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: c3

Voice: Motetus
Languages: Latin
Clef: c2
Voice Text: …in partu nove prolis…Expl…
General Note

Mot ending and complete T



Item Bibliography

Gallo, Franco Alberto, and Giuseppe Vecchi (editors). 1968. I più antichi monumenti sacri italiani. I: Edizione fotografica, Monumenta Lyrica Medii Aevi Italica, 3: Mensurabilia, 1.  Bologna: Universita degli studi di Bologna. Pages: [facs.] plate LXVI.

144v–146v Amor vincens omnia potentia / Marie preconio devotio / Aptatur - Anonymous
Appears on: 144v–146v
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Amor vincit omnia pote[n]tia

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: f2
Voice Text: Marie preconio devotio

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: f3
Voice Text: [Aptatur]


Item Bibliography

Gallo, Franco Alberto, and Giuseppe Vecchi (editors). 1968. I più antichi monumenti sacri italiani. I: Edizione fotografica, Monumenta Lyrica Medii Aevi Italica, 3: Mensurabilia, 1.  Bologna: Universita degli studi di Bologna. Pages: [facs.] plates LXVII-LXIX.

146v–148 Ortorum virentium fons / Virga Yesse, flos virginum / Victime - Anonymous
Appears on: 146v–148
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Virga Yesse, flos virginum

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: f3
Voice Text: [Victime]

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: f2
Voice Text: Ortorum virentium fons


Item Bibliography

Gallo, Franco Alberto, and Giuseppe Vecchi (editors). 1968. I più antichi monumenti sacri italiani. I: Edizione fotografica, Monumenta Lyrica Medii Aevi Italica, 3: Mensurabilia, 1.  Bologna: Universita degli studi di Bologna. Pages: [facs.] plates LXIX-LXX.

148v–149v Dulcis Jesu memoria dans vera - Anonymous
Appears on: 148v–149v
Genres: Sequence
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: c3
Voice Text: [D]ulcis Ihesu memoria dans vera

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: f2


Item Bibliography

Gallo, Franco Alberto, and Giuseppe Vecchi (editors). 1968. I più antichi monumenti sacri italiani. I: Edizione fotografica, Monumenta Lyrica Medii Aevi Italica, 3: Mensurabilia, 1.  Bologna: Universita degli studi di Bologna. Pages: [facs.] plates LXXI-LXXII.

150 Dulcis Jesu memoria dans vera - Anonymous
Appears on: 150
Genres: Sequence
Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: c2

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Dulcis Ihesu memoria dans vera


150v–151v Ave Maria gratia plena - Anonymous
Appears on: 150v–151v
Genres: Ave Maria, Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: f3
Voice Text: Ave, Maria gratia plena

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: f3


Item Bibliography

Gallo, Franco Alberto, and Giuseppe Vecchi (editors). 1968. I più antichi monumenti sacri italiani. I: Edizione fotografica, Monumenta Lyrica Medii Aevi Italica, 3: Mensurabilia, 1.  Bologna: Universita degli studi di Bologna. Pages: [facs.] plates LXXIII-LXXIV.

Composition Composers (? Uncertain) Folios / Pages
Amor vincens omnia potentia / Marie preconio devotio / Aptatur Anonymous 144v–146v
Ave Maria gratia plena Anonymous 150v–151v
Dulcis Jesu memoria dans vera Anonymous 148v–149v
Dulcis Jesu memoria dans vera Anonymous 150
Ortorum virentium fons / Virga Yesse, flos virginum / Victime Anonymous 146v–148
Verbum bonum et suave Anonymous 142–144
…in partu nove prolis…Expl… Anonymous 144

denotes primary source study

Reaney, Gilbert (editor). 1966. Répertoire international des sources musicales. Series B IV.  Munich-Duisburg: G. Henle Verlag. Pages: 789-790.

Handschin, Jacques. 1949. The Summer Canon and its Background. Musica Disciplina, 55-94, volume 5 (1951), 65-113. Pages: II, 85, 87.

Rokseth, Y. 1935+1939. Les Polyphonies du XIVe siecle. 4 vols. Pages: I and III, no. 283 (facsimile and transcription of no. 2 after Mo); IV, 80, 292.

Liuzzi, Fernando. 1935. La Lauda e i primordi della melodia italiana II. Pages: (complete facsimile and transcription of the laude in the present source, but the motets are om.); I, 73ff.

Anglès, Higinio. 1931. El Còdex musical de las Huelgas. 3 vols. Pages: II—III, no. 127 (facsimile and transcription of no. 2 after Hú); I, 287.

Besseler, Heinrich. 1926. Studien zur Musik des Mittelalters: II. Die Motette von Franko von Köln bis Philipp van Vitry. Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, 137-258. Pages: II, 179.

Ludwig, Friedrich. 1923. Die Quellen der Motetten ältesten Stils. Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, 185-222, Vol. 5 (1924) 273-315. Pages: 213, 220, 292, 299, 307.

Aubry, Pierre. 1908. Cent Motets du XIIIe siècle. 3 vols. Pages: I—II, no. 59 (facsimile and transcription of no. 2 after Bo); III, 91.

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Michael Stone

Sunday, 13 February, 2022

image link added

Répertoire Internationale des Sources Musicales

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. RISM Description