GB-Lbl Add. MS 29987

British Library, London, England

manuscript of polyphony: 14th century

Archive British Library, London, England (GB-Lbl)
Shelfmark Add. MS 29987
Image Availability DIAMM has images of this manuscript but does not yet have permission to put them online. Please refer to the external links for image availability.
Surface Parchment
Numbering System Foliation
Measurements 260 x 195 mm
Other Identifiers
  • RISM: GB-Lbm29987
  • RISM: Lo, L, B
  • black full mensural
  • coloration in black void
  • coloration in red
External Links
  • Italy
Contents 123 pieces from 20 composers
General Description

11 fascicles, each with 4 bifolios. owned by the Medici in the 15th century (see coat of arms on f. 1r). In the 17th century it belonged to Carlo Tommaso Strozzi. Purchased by the British Museum in 1876. von Fischer placed it in Perugia (Umbria) or southern Tuscany; Reaney was unwilling to rule out Florence as a possible origin. The presence of the two estampies No. 79 (Isabella) and No. 86 (Principio di Virtu) among other things suggests a relationship with the Visconti family, who ruled in Perugia from 1400-1402 . The London MS is one of the most important sources of Italian Trecento music, despite its careless notation and many faulty readings.

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brown leather covering (1957), older wooden boards.

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black full mensural (isolated hollow black void notes; red marks only on f. 82v / 83)

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Pirrotta dated the MS to 1425, von Fischer and Reaney moved it into the early 15th century (No. 115-117 is probably a little later, No. 118 added substantially later.)

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8 red five-line systems per page

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Ink foliation (17th or 18th Century) of f. 1-84; errors from f. 84 on. Modern pencil foliation (1876) of f. 1-87, starts on the 1st front flyleaf, so for older foliation always added plus 1)

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88 ff

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f. 1r: Medici coat of arms; f. 85v/86r: scales and other additions in a much later hand (cf. No. 118).

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List of the composer names to be found in the manuscript on one of the old front flyleaves, by Carlo Tommaso Strozzi

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RISM Description

RISM B/IV 4: 14./15. Jh.; 88 Blätter Pergament + 6 Vorsatz- und 2 Nachstoßblätter, 260 x 195mm. Tintenfoliierung des 17. od. 18. Jh. von f. 1-84 (ab f. 84 fehlerhaft); moderne Bleistiftfoliierung (1876) von f. 1-87 (beginnt auf dem 1. Vorsatzblatt, daher ist zur älteren Foliierung stets plus 1 hinzuzuzählen. Je Seite 8 rote Fünfliniensysteme mit schwarzer Mensuralnotation (vereinzelt hohle weiße Noten; rote Noten nur auf f. 82v/ 83). - Einband: mit modernem, braunem Leder (1957) überzogene, ältere Holzdeckel.

Diese aus 11 Faszikeln zu je 4 Bogen bestehende Handschrift befand sich im 15. Jh. in Mediceer-Besitz (vergleiche Wappen auf f. 1r). Im 17. Jh. gehörte sie Carlo Tommaso Strozzi, der auf einem der älteren Vorsatzblätter eine Liste der in der Handschrift vorkommenden Komponistennamen anlegte. 1876 wurde der Codex vom Brit. Museum angekauft. Datierung und Herkunft der Handschrift sind umstritten. Während Pirrotta um 1425 datiert, verlegen v. Fischer und Reaney die Handschrift ins früheste 15. Jh. (Nr. 115-117 sind wohl etwas später, Nr. 118 wesentlich später beigefügt.) Als Herkunftsort nimmt v. Fischer Perugia (Umbrien) oder Süd-Toscana an; Reaney möchte auch Florenz als möglichen Herkunftsort nicht ausschließen. Das Vorhandensein der beiden Istampiten Nr. 79 (Isabella) und Nr. 86 (Principio di Virtù) unter anderem Erwägungen lassen vermutlich eine Beziehung der Handschrift zur Familie der Visconti, die von 1400-1402 in Perugia herrschte, annehmen. - Die Londoner Handschrift gehört trotz ihrer unsorgfältigen Notation und der vielen fehlerhaften Lesarten zu den wichtigsten Quellen italienischer Trecentomusik. - Leer sind f. 52r, 83r und 86v-88r; f. 1r Mediceer-Wappen; f. 85v/86r Tonleitern und weitere Nachträge von wesentlich jüngerer Hand (vergleiche Nr. 118).

[Translation] 14th/15th century. 88 sheets of parchment + 6 front and 2 back flyleaves, 260 x 195mm. Ink foliation of the 17th or 18th Century of f. 1-84 (from f. 84 errors); modern pencil foliation (1876) of f. 1-87 (starts on the 1st front flyleaf, so for older foliaition always added plus 1). 8 red five-line systems per page with black mensural notation (isolated void white notes; red coloration only on f. 82v / 83). - Binding: a modern, brown leather (1957) covering, older wooden boards.

This manuscript of 11 fascicles, each with 4 bifolios, was owned by the Medici in the 15th century (see coat of arms on f. 1r). In the 17th century it belonged to Carlo Tommaso Strozzi, who on one of the old front flyleaves attached a list of the composer names to be found in the manuscript. The manuscript was purchased by the British Museum in 1876. Dating and origin of the manuscript are controversial. While Pirrotta dated it to 1425, von Fischer and Reaney moved it into the early 15th century (No. 115-117 is probably a little later, No. 118 added substantially later.) As to origin, von Fischer placed it in Perugia (Umbria) or southern Tuscany; Reaney was unwilling to rule out Florence as a possible origin. The presence of the two estampies No. 79 (Isabella) and No. 86 (Principio di Virtu) among other things suggests a relationship with the Visconti family, who ruled in Perugia from 1400-1402 . The manuscript comes from London, despite its sloppy notation and the many erroneous interpretations of its origins due to it being one of the main sources of Italian Trecento music. ff. 52r, 83r and 86v-88r are empty; f. 1r Medici coat of arms; f. 85v/86r scales and other additions in a much later hand (cf. No. 118).

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Répertoire International des Sources Musicales

Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
1v–2 O dolce apresso un bel perlaro fiume - Anonymous
Appears on: 1v–2
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: O[h] dolç' apress' un bel perlaro fiume ...
2v–3 Di novo è guinto un chavalier errante Magistri Jacobi de Bolonia
Appears on: 2v–3
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Magistri Jacobi de Bolonia
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Di novo e giont' un cavalier errante ...
3v–4 O dolce apresso un bel perlaro fiume - Anonymous
Appears on: 3v–4
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: O[h] dolcie apresso un bel parlaro fiume ...
4v–5 O perlaro gentil gentil se dispoglato - Anonymous
Appears on: 4v–5
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: O[h] perlaro gentil gentil se dispoglato ...
5v–6 Apress'un fiume chiaro - Anonymous
Appears on: 5v–6
Genres: Chanson
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Apres' um fiume chiaro ...
6 Per allegreça del parlar d'amore -
Appears on: 6
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Per allegreça del parlar d'amore ...
6v–7 O tu cara scienza mia musica Magistri Johannis de Florentia
Appears on: 6v–7
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Magistri Johannis de Florentia
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: O[h] tu chara scientia mia musica ...
7v Si com' al canto della bella Iguana Magistri Jacobi de Bolonia
Appears on: 7v
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Magistri Jacobi de Bolonia
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Si chome al canto de la bella Iguana ...
8 Sedendo a l'ombra d'una bella mandorla Magistri Johannis de Frorentia
Appears on: 8
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Magistri Johannis de Frorentia
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Sedendo a l'ombra d'una bella mandorla ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: f2
Voice Text: Sedendo a l'ombra d'una bella mandorla ...


8v–9 Si dolce no sono con lir' Orfeo Magistri Francisci de Frorençia
Appears on: 8v–9
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Magistri Francisci de Frorençia
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Si dolce no sono con lir' Orfeo ...


9v–10 Musica son che mi dolgo piangendo / Già furon le dolceçe mie pregiate / Ciascun vuole narrar musical note Magistri Francisci de Frorençia
Appears on: 9v–10
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Magistri Francisci de Frorençia
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Gia furon le dolceççe mie pregiate ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Musican son che mi dolgho piaggendo ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Ciascun voli narrar musical note ...
10v–11 Una colomba candida e gentile Magistri Francisci de Frorençia
Appears on: 10v–11
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Magistri Francisci de Frorençia
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Una colomba candid' e genti[le]
11v–12 Alba colomba con sua verde rama Fratris Bartolini de Padova
Appears on: 11v–12
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Fratris Bartolini de Padova
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Alba cholumba con sua verde rama ...
12v–13 Prima virtute e costringer la lingua Magistri Jachobj de Bolonia
Appears on: 12v–13
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Magistri Jachobj de Bolonia
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Prima vertut' e chostringer la lingua ...
13 Mille merçe de amore che tratto m'ai - Anonymous
Appears on: 13
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Mille merçede amore che trato m'ay ...
13v–14 Quando la terra partorisce 'n verde Fratris Bartolini de Padova
Appears on: 13v–14
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Fratris Bartolini de Padova
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Quando l(l)a terra parturesse 'n verde ...
14v La douce ciere d'un fier animale Frate Bartolinj de Padova
Appears on: 14v
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Frate Bartolinj de Padova
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: La dolce cera d' u[n] fer animale ...
15 Non posso far buchato che non piova - Anonymous
Appears on: 15
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Non posso far buchato che non piova ...

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: f3


15v–16 Ogelletto silvagio / Si è piena la terra Magistrj Jachobj de Bolonia
Appears on: 15v–16
Genres: Caccia, Madrigal (trecento)
Source Attribution: Magistrj Jachobj de Bolonia
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Usseletto selvagio per istagione ...
16v–17 Un bel parlare vive sulla riva - Anonymous
Appears on: 16v–17
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: f2
Voice Text: Un bel parlare.

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: f2
Voice Text: Un bel parlare vive sulla riva ...


17v–18 Piu non mi curo Maestro Giovannj de Chascina
Appears on: 17v–18
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Maestro Giovannj de Chascina
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Piu no mi churo della tua ranpognia ...
18v–19 I' credo ch'i' dormia od a me parve Ser lorenço
Appears on: 18v–19
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Ser lorenço
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: I' credo ch'i' dormiva od a me parve ...
19v–20 Qual legge move la volubil rota Fratris Bartolinj de Padova
Appears on: 19v–20
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Fratris Bartolinj de Padova
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Qual legie move la volube rota ...
20v–21 Quando la terra partorisce 'n verde Fratris Bartolini de Padova
Appears on: 20v–21
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Fratris Bartolini de Padova
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Quando la terra parturesse 'n verde ...
21v–22 Per sparverare tolsi el mio - Anonymous
Appears on: 21v–22
Genres: Chace
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Per sparverare tolsi el mio ...

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Italian
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Per sparverare.


22v–23 Non avrà ma' pietà questa mia donna - Anonymous
Appears on: 22v–23
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Non avra' ma' pieta' questa mia dona ...
23 Donna s'i' t'ò fallito -
Appears on: 23
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Donna s' i' t' o falito ...
23v–24 Guard' una volta 'ncia verso 'l tuo servo -
Appears on: 23v–24
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Guard' una volta 'ncia verso 'l tuo servo ...
24 Io son' un pellegrin che vo cercando - Anonymous
Appears on: 24
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: I' son' un pellegrin che vo cerchando ...
24v Perche di novo sdegno el petto di mie donna / Vendetta far dovrei. Ma la ingiuria Francescho de Frorencia
Appears on: 24v
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Francescho de Frorencia
Voice: Contratenor
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Vendetta far dovrei ...

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Perche tu' servo sugetto ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Perche di novo sdegno ...


25 Tosto che l'alba del bel giorn appare Ser Gherardello
Appears on: 25
Genres: Chace
Source Attribution: Ser Gherardello
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Tosto che l'alba del bel gorn' apare ...
25v–26 L'aspido sordo e 'l tirello scorçone -
Appears on: 25v–26
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: L'aspido sord' e 'l tirello scorçone ...
26 La donna mia vol' esser - Anonymous
Appears on: 26
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: La don[n]a mia vol' esser ...
26v Non senti' donna piu piacer gia mai - Anonymous
Appears on: 26v
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: f2
Voice Text: Non senti' donna piu piacer gia may ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Non senti' donna piu pia[c]er gia may ...


27 Se pronto non sarà l'uom a ben fare -
Appears on: 27
Genres: Ballata
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Se pronto non sara' l'uom a 'n ben fare ...
27v Nella piu cara parte del mi chore Francisci de Frorençia
Appears on: 27v
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Francisci de Frorençia
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Nella piu chara parte del mi chore ...
28 Sia quel ch'esser po ben frasi Frate Andrea de' Servi
Appears on: 28
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Frate Andrea de' Servi
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Sia quel ch'esser po ben frasi ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: f2
Voice Text: Sia quel ch'esser po ben frasi ...


28v–29 Gran pianto a gli ochi Francis[c]i de Frorençia
Appears on: 28v–29
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Francis[c]i de Frorençia
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Gran piant' agli ochi e grieve dogli' a cuore ...
29 Adiu, douce dame jolie Francisci de Frorençia
Appears on: 29
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Francisci de Frorençia
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Adyou dous dame iolie ...
29v–30 Partesi con dolore el corpo vita mia Francisci de Frorençia
Appears on: 29v–30
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Francisci de Frorençia
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Partesi con dolore. El corpo vita mia ...
30 I' son tuo donna e tu se' 'l mi messere Ser Nicholo del proposto
Appears on: 30
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Ser Nicholo del proposto
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Clef: c5

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c3
Voice Text: I' son tuo donna e tu se' 'l mi messere ...


30v–31 La mantacha sera tututu lo primo / Cum martelli iincrudena - Anonymous
Appears on: 30v–31
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: Contratenor
Languages: Italian
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Cum martelli iincrudena ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c3
Voice Text: La mantacha sera tututu lo primo ...


31 In forma quasi tra 'l veghiare - Anonymous
Appears on: 31
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: I[n] forma quasi tra 'l veglar ...
General Note




31v Piu bella donn' al mondo ma' non sia Magister Francescho di Firençe
Appears on: 31v
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Magister Francescho di Firençe
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Piu bella donn' al mondo ma' non sia ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Piu bella donn' al mondo ma' non sia ...
General Note




32 Donna non fugia mai - Anonymous
Appears on: 32
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Donna non fu gia may ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: f3
Voice Text: Donna non fu gia may ...
General Note




32v–33 Vidi nell' ombra d'una bella luce Ser Lorenço prete
Appears on: 32v–33
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Ser Lorenço prete
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Vidi nell'o[m]bra d'una bela luce ...
General Note


33v Piata ti mova e non ese' rigrato Bonaiutus Chorsini pitor
Appears on: 33v
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Bonaiutus Chorsini pitor
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: f3
Voice Text: Piata ti mova e non ese' rigrato ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Mensuration: c-dot
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Piata ti mova e non ese' rigrato ...
General Note




34 Amor tu vedi ch'io per te Bonaiutus Chorsini pitor
Appears on: 34
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Bonaiutus Chorsini pitor
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Amor tu vedi ch'io per te ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: f2
Voice Text: Amor tu vedi ch'io per te ...
General Note




34v–35 Povero çappator in chiusa valle Ser Lorenço di Fir[ençe]
Appears on: 34v–35
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Ser Lorenço di Fir[ençe]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Povero çappator in chiusa valle ...
General Note


35v–36 I' fu' gia bianch' uccel con piuma d'oro Ser Donatto da Chascia
Appears on: 35v–36
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Ser Donatto da Chascia
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: I' fu' gia bianch' ucciel chon piuma d'oro ...
General Note


36 Po' che da te mi chonvien partir via - Anonymous
Appears on: 36
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Po' che da te mi chonvien partir via ...
36v–38 Cantano gl'angiolieti santus / Santus - Anonymous
Appears on: 36v–38
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c1
Voice Text: Cantano gl'angiolieti santus ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Santus ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c1
Voice Text: Cantano gl'angiolieti santus ...


38 Io vegio in gran dolo / I' vegio in gran pena Ser Nicholo del proposto
Appears on: 38
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Ser Nicholo del proposto
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Io vegio in gran dolo ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c4
Voice Text: I' vegio in gran pena.
General Note




38v–39 Chosi pensoso chom' or mi guida - Anonymous
Appears on: 38v–39
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Chosi pensoso chom' or mi guida ...


39 Chi 'l ben sofri non po - Anonymous
Appears on: 39
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Chi 'l ben sofri non po ...
39v–40 Nell'aqua chiara e dolcie peschando Frate Vincenço
Appears on: 39v–40
Genres: Chace
Source Attribution: Frate Vincenço
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Nell'aqua chiara e dolcie peschando ...
40v–41 Da poi che 'l sole in dolçie raçi Ser Nicholo del proposto
Appears on: 40v–41
Genres: Chace
Source Attribution: Ser Nicholo del proposto
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Dappoy che 'l sole in dolçie raçi ...
41v–42 State su, donne che dobbianno stare Ser Nichollo del proposto
Appears on: 41v–42
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Ser Nichollo del proposto
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c2
Voice Text: State su donne che dobbianno stare ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: f2
Voice Text: State su donne che ...
General Note




42v–43 Ita se n'era star nel Ser Lorenço
Appears on: 42v–43
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Ser Lorenço
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Itta se n'era star nel ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: f3
Voice Text: Itta se n'era itta se n'era star nel etc.
General Note




43v Non dispregiar virtu richo villano Ser Nicholo del proposto
Appears on: 43v
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Ser Nicholo del proposto
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: No dispregiar vi[r]tu richo villano
General Note


44 Ita se n'era star nel -
Appears on: 44
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Itta se n'era star nel paradiso ...
General Note


44v Sotto verdi fraschetti molt'augelli Ser Gherardello
Appears on: 44v
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Ser Gherardello
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Sot[t]o verdi frascettj molt'augellj ...
General Note


45 Mentre che vagho viso ochi dolenti Ser Nichollo del proposto
Appears on: 45
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Ser Nichollo del proposto
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Mentre che vagho viso ochi dolenti ...
General Note


45v–46 La neve e l'ghiaccio Fratte Guiglielmo di santo spirito
Appears on: 45v–46
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Fratte Guiglielmo di santo spirito
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Italian
Clef: c3
Voice Text: La neve e l'chiaccio ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c2
Voice Text: La neve e l'ghiaccio ...
General Note




46v–47 I' prego amor e la vostra bilta' -
Appears on: 46v–47
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: I' pregho amor e la vostra bilta' ...
47 Come tradir pensasti donna may Iachopo pianelaio de Firençe
Appears on: 47
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Iachopo pianelaio de Firençe
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Come tradi[r] pe[n]sasti donna may ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: f3
Voice Text: Come tradi[r] pe[n]sasti donna may ...
General Note




47v–48 Lasso per mie fortuno post'amore -
Appears on: 47v–48
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Lasso per mie fortuno post'amore ...
48v–49 Quanto più caro fai. Donna ghuardam' un pocho Francescho de Frorençia
Appears on: 48v–49
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Francescho de Frorençia
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Quanto piu charo fay. Donna ghuardam' u[n] pocho ...
General Note


49v–50 Per la 'nfluença di Saturn e Marte Francescho degli orghannj
Appears on: 49v–50
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Francescho degli orghannj
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Per (l)la 'nfruença di Saturn e Marte ...
50v–51 Se non ti piacque in ingrat' abitare Don Paghollo [=Don Paolo (da Firenze)]
Appears on: 50v–51
Genres: Italian secular, Madrigal (trecento)
Source Attribution: Don Paghollo [=Don Paolo (da Firenze)]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Se non ti piaque in 'ngrat' abitare ...
General Note


51v Povero pellegrin salit' e 'l monte Ser Nicholo del proposto
Appears on: 51v
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Ser Nicholo del proposto
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: [Povero pellegrin]
General Note


52v Donna i' prego amore il qual m'a fatto -
Appears on: 52v
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Donna i prego amor el qual m'a (f)facto ...
53 Benché partir da te molto doglia Ser Nicholo del proposto
Appears on: 53
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Ser Nicholo del proposto
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Benche' partir da te molto mi dolglia ...
General Note


53v Posando l'ombra delle verde fronde - Anonymous
Appears on: 53v
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: f3
Voice Text: Posando

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Posando l'onbra delle verde fronde ...
54 Bench' i' serva con fe' - Anonymous
Appears on: 54
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Bench' i' serva con fe' ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: f2
Voice Text: Bench' i' serva con fe' ...
54v Donna tu pur invechi - Anonymous
Appears on: 54v
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Don[n]a tu pur i vecchi ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Donna tu pur i(n) vecchi ...


55 Diligenter advertant chantores Ser Lor(er)enço
Appears on: 55
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Ser Lor(er)enço
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c3
Voice Text: [D]iligenter advertant chantores ...
General Note

L'antefana di Ser Lorenço



55v–56 Ghaetta - -
Appears on: 55v–56
Genres: Istampitta
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Clef: c3
General Note

Istanpitta - prima pars Ghaetta



56–56v Chominciamento di gioia - -
Appears on: 56–56v
Genres: Istampitta
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Clef: c4
General Note

Chominciamento di gioia - Prima pars



56v–57 Isabella - -
Appears on: 56v–57
Genres: Istampitta
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Clef: c4
General Note

Isabella - prima pars



57–58 Tre fontane - -
Appears on: 57–58
Genres: Istampitta
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Clef: c2
General Note

Tre fontane - prima pars



58–59v Belicha - -
Appears on: 58–59v
Genres: Istampitta
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Clef: c5
General Note

Belicha - prima pars.



58v Già perch' i' penso nella tuo partita -
Appears on: 58v
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Gia perch' i' pens(s)o nella tua partita ...
59 Bench'amar crudel don' amaro sia. - Anonymous
Appears on: 59
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Bench'amar crudel don' amaro sia.

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Clef: f2c4


60–60v Parlamento - -
Appears on: 60–60v
Genres: Istampitta
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Clef: c5
General Note

Parlamento - prima pars



60v–61 In pro - -

In pro

Appears on: 60v–61
Genres: Istampitta
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Clef: c4
General Note

In pro - Prima pars.



61–62 Principio di virtu - -
Appears on: 61–62
Genres: Istampitta
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Clef: c1
General Note

[P]rincipio di virtu. - prima pars



62 [Untitled Saltarello: la la sol la sol la] - -
Appears on: 62
Genres: Saltarello
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Mensuration: senaria .s.
Clef: c1
General Note

Salterello - prima pars.



62v [Untitled Trotto: re re la re la la] - -
Appears on: 62v
Genres: Trotto
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Mensuration: o-dot
Clef: c3
General Note

Trotto - Prima pars



62v [Untitled Saltarello: fa sol la re] - -
Appears on: 62v
Genres: Saltarello
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Clef: c3
General Note

Salterello - prima pars.



62v–63 [Untitled Saltarello: fa mi re do] - -
Appears on: 62v–63
Genres: Saltarello
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Clef: c3
General Note




63 Lamento di Tristano - La rotta - -
Appears on: 63
Genres: Dance
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
General Note

Lamento di Tristano



63–63v La Manfredina - La rotta della Manfredina - -
Appears on: 63–63v
Genres: Dance
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Clef: c4
General Note

La Manfredina - la rotta della Manfredina



63v [Untitled Saltarello: do re mi re mi fa mi] - -
Appears on: 63v
Genres: Saltarello
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Clef: f3
General Note

Salterello. - prima pars.



63v–66 Dies irae dies illa solvet saeculum - Anonymous
Appears on: 63v–66
Genres: Requiem, Sequence
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: f4
Voice Text: Dies ire dies illa


66–68 Surgit Christus cum tropheo jam ex agno - Anonymous
Appears on: 66–68
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: c5
Voice Text: Surgit Cristus cum tropheo ...


68v In forma quasi tra 'l veghiare -
Appears on: 68v
Genres: Chace
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: In forma quasi tra 'l veghiare ...
General Note


69 I' son c'a seguitar Seghu' a gentille - Anonymous
Appears on: 69
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: [I' son c'a seguitar ...] Seghu' a gentil(l)e
69v Ciascun faccia per se Ser Nichollo del proposto
Appears on: 69v
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Ser Nichollo del proposto
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Ciascun faccia per se ...
General Note


70 Je porte mi eblement / gi porte mie bramant -
Appears on: 70
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c3
Voice Text: [G]i porte. mie bamat.

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: f3
Voice Text: Gi porte. mie bamat.


70v–71 Con levrieri e mastini segugi e bracchi Ser Gherardello
Appears on: 70v–71
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Ser Gherardello
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Con levrier e mastini seghagi e brachi ...
General Note


71v–72 Tremando piu che foglia Rosso. de Chollegrana
Appears on: 71v–72
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Rosso. de Chollegrana
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c3
Voice Text: [T]remando piu che foglia ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c4
Voice Text: [T]remando piu che foglia ...
General Note




72v–73 Cosa non e ch'a se tanto mi tiri - Anonymous
Appears on: 72v–73
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: f3

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c3
Voice Text: [C]hosa non e ch'a se tanto mi tiri ...

Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: c3


73 Non piu no piu diro gia Ser Nicholo del proposto
Appears on: 73
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Ser Nicholo del proposto
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: f3
Voice Text: Non piu no piu diro gia ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Non piu no piu diro gia ...
General Note




73v–74 El gran disio e la dolce sperança - Anonymous
Appears on: 73v–74
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: El gra[n] disio et la dolcie sperança ...
74 untexted - -


Appears on: 74
Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: f2
General Note

Chançoneta. tedescha.



74 untexted - -


Appears on: 74
Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: f2
General Note

Chançona tedesca



74 untexted - -


Appears on: 74
Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: f2
General Note

Chançona tedescha.



74 untexted - -


Appears on: 74
Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: f2
General Note

Chançona tedescha.



74v–75 L’alma mie piang’e ma’ non può aver pace -
Appears on: 74v–75
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Italian
Clef: f3
Voice Text: L'alma mia pia[n]gie ma' non puo aver pace ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c3
Voice Text: L'alma mia pia[n]gie ma' non puo aver pace ...

Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: f3c5


75v–76 Nessum pongha sperança nella suo giovineçça - Anonymous
Appears on: 75v–76
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Nessum pongha sperança nella suo giovineçça ...
76v–77 Or sus, vous dormez trop, ma dame - Anonymous
Appears on: 76v–77
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Or sus vous dormet.
77v Segugi a corta e can per la foresta / Segugi a usque - Anonymous
Appears on: 77v
Genres: Chace
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Segugi a cord' e can pella foresta ...
78 Contemplar le gran chose c'e onesto .b. difrancescho.
Appears on: 78
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: .b. difrancescho.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Comtenplar le gran chose c'e onesto ...
78v Dolcie signore poich'ai le degnie greggie .b. difrancescho.
Appears on: 78v
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: .b. difrancescho.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Dolcie signiore poich'ai le degnie greggie ...

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Clef: f2
Voice Text: Dolce signore poich'ai ...
General Note




79 La dolce vista .b. difrancescho.
Appears on: 79
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: .b. difrancescho.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: La dolcie vista.
General Note


79v–80 Lucea nel prato d'amorosi fiori .N. difrancescho.
Appears on: 79v–80
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: .N. difrancescho.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Lucea nel prato d'amorosi fiori ...
General Note


80v–81 Per um verde boscheto fra Bartolino
Appears on: 80v–81
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: fra Bartolino
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Per um verde boscheto ...
General Note


81v Kyrie eleison - Anonymous

Kyrie eleison

Appears on: 81v
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin, Greek
Clef: f2c4
Voice Text: Kyrie eleyson ...


82v–83 Et in terra pax [Gloria] (II) -
Appears on: 82v–83
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Et in terra pax hominibus ...

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c4
Voice Text: laudamus.

Voice: Contratenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: f2c4
Voice Text: laudamus te.


83v–85 Patrem omnipotentem [Credo] - Anonymous
Appears on: 83v–85
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: c1
Voice Text: Patrem omnipotentem ...

Voice: Contratenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c3
Voice Text: patrem.

Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c3
Voice Text: patrem factorem.


86 Tibi Christe splendor Patris / Collaudamus venerantes omnes caeli - Anonymous
Appears on: 86
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: f2c4
Voice Text: Tibi Christe splendor Patris ...


88v untexted - -


Appears on: 88v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Clef: c2

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Clef: c4


Composer Compositions
Assisi, Bartolucci d' (ca. 1490–ca. 1532)
Bologna, Jacopo da
Cascia, Donato da (fl. c1350)
Cascia, Giovanni da (fl. 1340–50)
Chollegrana, Rosso de (fl. 14th century)
Corsino, Bonaiuto di
Firence, Jacopo Pianelaio de
Firenze, Andrea da
Firenze, Gherardello da (ca. 1320–ca. 1363)
Firenze, Lorenzo da (–ca. 1373)
Firenze, Paolo da (ca. 1355–ca. 1436)
Francia, Gulielmus de
Landini, Francesco (ca. 1325–1397)
Padua, Bartolinus de (fl. 1365-1405)
Perugia, Nicolo da
Rimini, Vincenzo da
Vincenet, Johannes (–ca. 1480)
Zacara da Teramo, Antonio (ca. 1350–ca. 1413)
Composition Composers (? Uncertain) Folios / Pages
[Untitled Saltarello: do re mi re mi fa mi] - 63v
[Untitled Saltarello: fa mi re do] - 62v–63
[Untitled Saltarello: fa sol la re] - 62v
[Untitled Saltarello: la la sol la sol la] - 62
[Untitled Trotto: re re la re la la] - 62v
Adiu, douce dame jolie 29
Alba colomba con sua verde rama 11v–12
Amor tu vedi ch'io per te 34
Apress'un fiume chiaro Anonymous 5v–6
Belicha - 58–59v
Bench' i' serva con fe' Anonymous 54
Bench'amar crudel don' amaro sia. Anonymous 59
Benché partir da te molto doglia 53
Cantano gl'angiolieti santus / Santus Anonymous 36v–38
Chi 'l ben sofri non po Anonymous 39
Chominciamento di gioia - 56–56v
Chosi pensoso chom' or mi guida Anonymous 38v–39
Ciascun faccia per se 69v
Come tradir pensasti donna may 47
Con levrieri e mastini segugi e bracchi 70v–71
Contemplar le gran chose c'e onesto 78
Cosa non e ch'a se tanto mi tiri Anonymous 72v–73
Da poi che 'l sole in dolçie raçi 40v–41
Di novo è guinto un chavalier errante 2v–3
Dies irae dies illa solvet saeculum Anonymous 63v–66
Diligenter advertant chantores 55
Dolcie signore poich'ai le degnie greggie 78v
Donna i' prego amore il qual m'a fatto 52v
Donna non fugia mai Anonymous 32
Donna s'i' t'ò fallito 23
Donna tu pur invechi Anonymous 54v
El gran disio e la dolce sperança Anonymous 73v–74
Et in terra pax [Gloria] (II) 82v–83
Ghaetta - 55v–56
Già perch' i' penso nella tuo partita 58v
Gran pianto a gli ochi 28v–29
Guard' una volta 'ncia verso 'l tuo servo 23v–24
I' credo ch'i' dormia od a me parve 18v–19
I' fu' gia bianch' uccel con piuma d'oro 35v–36
I' prego amor e la vostra bilta' 46v–47
I' son c'a seguitar Seghu' a gentille Anonymous 69
I' son tuo donna e tu se' 'l mi messere 30
In forma quasi tra 'l veghiare Anonymous 31
In forma quasi tra 'l veghiare 68v
In pro - 60v–61
Io son' un pellegrin che vo cercando Anonymous 24
Io vegio in gran dolo / I' vegio in gran pena 38
Isabella - 56v–57
Ita se n'era star nel 42v–43
Ita se n'era star nel 44
Je porte mi eblement / gi porte mie bramant 70
Kyrie eleison Anonymous 81v
L'aspido sordo e 'l tirello scorçone 25v–26
La dolce vista 79
La donna mia vol' esser Anonymous 26
La douce ciere d'un fier animale 14v
La Manfredina - La rotta della Manfredina - 63–63v
La mantacha sera tututu lo primo / Cum martelli iincrudena Anonymous 30v–31
La neve e l'ghiaccio 45v–46
Lamento di Tristano - La rotta - 63
Lasso per mie fortuno post'amore 47v–48
Lucea nel prato d'amorosi fiori 79v–80
L’alma mie piang’e ma’ non può aver pace 74v–75
Mentre che vagho viso ochi dolenti 45
Mille merçe de amore che tratto m'ai Anonymous 13
Musica son che mi dolgo piangendo / Già furon le dolceçe mie pregiate / Ciascun vuole narrar musical note 9v–10
Nell'aqua chiara e dolcie peschando 39v–40
Nella piu cara parte del mi chore 27v
Nessum pongha sperança nella suo giovineçça Anonymous 75v–76
Non avrà ma' pietà questa mia donna Anonymous 22v–23
Non dispregiar virtu richo villano 43v
Non piu no piu diro gia 73
Non posso far buchato che non piova Anonymous 15
Non senti' donna piu piacer gia mai Anonymous 26v
O dolce apresso un bel perlaro fiume Anonymous 1v–2
O dolce apresso un bel perlaro fiume Anonymous 3v–4
O perlaro gentil gentil se dispoglato Anonymous 4v–5
O tu cara scienza mia musica 6v–7
Ogelletto silvagio / Si è piena la terra 15v–16
Or sus, vous dormez trop, ma dame Anonymous 76v–77
Parlamento - 60–60v
Partesi con dolore el corpo vita mia 29v–30
Patrem omnipotentem [Credo] Anonymous 83v–85
Per allegreça del parlar d'amore 6
Per la 'nfluença di Saturn e Marte 49v–50
Per sparverare tolsi el mio Anonymous 21v–22
Per um verde boscheto 80v–81
Perche di novo sdegno el petto di mie donna / Vendetta far dovrei. Ma la ingiuria 24v
Piata ti mova e non ese' rigrato 33v
Piu bella donn' al mondo ma' non sia 31v
Piu non mi curo 17v–18
Po' che da te mi chonvien partir via Anonymous 36
Posando l'ombra delle verde fronde Anonymous 53v
Povero pellegrin salit' e 'l monte 51v
Povero çappator in chiusa valle 34v–35
Prima virtute e costringer la lingua 12v–13
Principio di virtu - 61–62
Qual legge move la volubil rota 19v–20
Quando la terra partorisce 'n verde 13v–14
Quando la terra partorisce 'n verde 20v–21
Quanto più caro fai. Donna ghuardam' un pocho 48v–49
Se non ti piacque in ingrat' abitare 50v–51
Se pronto non sarà l'uom a ben fare 27
Sedendo a l'ombra d'una bella mandorla 8
Segugi a corta e can per la foresta / Segugi a usque Anonymous 77v
Si com' al canto della bella Iguana 7v
Si dolce no sono con lir' Orfeo 8v–9
Sia quel ch'esser po ben frasi 28
Sotto verdi fraschetti molt'augelli 44v
State su, donne che dobbianno stare 41v–42
Surgit Christus cum tropheo jam ex agno Anonymous 66–68
Tibi Christe splendor Patris / Collaudamus venerantes omnes caeli Anonymous 86
Tosto che l'alba del bel giorn appare 25
Tre fontane - 57–58
Tremando piu che foglia 71v–72
Un bel parlare vive sulla riva Anonymous 16v–17
Una colomba candida e gentile 10v–11
Vidi nell' ombra d'una bella luce 32v–33

Images © The British Library

denotes primary source study

Campagnolo, Stefano. 2017. Il Frammento Brescia 5 e le relazioni di copista tra i codici fiorentini dell’Ars nova. Studi musicali, .

Long, Michael P. 2008. Singing through the Looking Glass: Child's Play and Learning in Medieval Italy. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 253-306.

Gozzi, Marco. 2004. La notazione del codice Add.29987 di Londra. «Et facciam dolçi canti». Studi in onore di Agostino Ziino in occasione del suo 65° compleanno, Pages: 207-261.

Di Bacco, Giuliano, and John Nadas. 1998. The Papal Chapels and Italian Sources of Polyphony during the Great Schism. Papal Music and Musicians in Late Medieval and Renaissance Rome, edited by Giuliano Di Bacco and John Nadas, 44-92. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Carsaniga, Giovanni. 1994. An Additional Look at London Additional 29987. Musica Disciplina, 283-297.

Gozzi, Marco. 1993. Alcune postille sul codice Add. 29987 della British Library. Studi Musicali, 249-278.

Di Bacco, Giuliano. 1991. Alcune nuove osservazioni sul codice di Londra (London, British Library, Additional 29987). Studi Musicali, 181–234.

Nadas, John. 1985. The Transmission of Trecento Secular Polyphony: Manuscript Production and Scribal Practices in Italy at the End of the Middle Ages. Ph.D. Diss., New York University.

Gozzi, Marco. 1984-1985. Il Manoscritto Londra, British Library, Additional 29987. Scuola di Paleografia Musicale e Filologia , University of Pavia, Cremona, Tesi di Laurea, 2 vols.

Long, Michael P. 1981. Musical Tastes in Fourteenth-Century Italy: Notational Styles, Scholarly Traditions and Historical Circumstances. Princeton University, Ph.D. dissertation. Pages: 161-177.

Crane, Frederick. 1979. On performing the "Lo estampies". Early Music, 24-33.

Fischer, Kurt von, and Max Lütolf (editors). 1972. Répertoire international des sources musicales. Series B IV. 2 vols. Munich-Duisburg: G. Henle Verlag. Pages: 631-653.

Harris, Brian Lorne. 1969. A Study and Transcription of Music from the Trecento Manuscript British Museum, Add. 29987. University of Alberta, Ph.D. dissertation.

Bokum, Jan ten (editor). 1967. De dansen van het Trecento. Critische uitgave van de instrumentale dansen uit hs. London BM add. 29987. Scripta Musicologica Ultrajectina, ed. by the Institut voor Muziekwetenschap der Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht.  Utrecht: Stichting voor Muziekhistorische Uitvoeringspraktijk.

Reaney, Gilbert (editor). 1965. The Manuscript London, British Museum Add. 29987. Musicological Studies and Documents.  [n.p.]: American Institute of Musicology.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1958. The manuscript London, British Museum, Additional 29987 (Lo). Musica Disciplina, 67-91.

Moser, Hans Joachim. 1919-1920. Stantipes und Ductia. Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 194-206.

Wolf, Johannes. 1918. Die Tänze des Mittelalters. Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, 10ff.

Public Comments

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cornelis boeke

Sunday, 13 October, 2024

foglio 68v: In forma quasi is not a composition by Vincenet (too late) but by Vincenzo da Rimini

Kees Boeke

Contributions to this record are recorded here. If you wish to contribute information or a correction to this record, use the "Contribute a Change" link. This will then be reviewed by DIAMM staff and, if accepted, your contribution will be acknowledged here.

Julia Craig-McFeely

Thursday, 15 March, 2018

bibliography updated.

Répertoire Internationale des Sources Musicales

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. RISM Description