NL-Uu Hs. 6 E 37 (Cat. 1846)

Universiteitsbibliotheek, Utrecht, Netherlands

flyleaves collected in a modern portfolio: 14th century

Archive Universiteitsbibliotheek, Utrecht, Netherlands (NL-Uu)
Shelfmark Hs. 6 E 37 (Cat. 1846)
Numbering System None
Measurements 320 x 240 mm
Other Identifiers
  • RISM: NL-Uu 37
  • Other catalogues/source: Utr
  • Ars Nova
External Links
  • Low Countries
Contents 42 pieces from 7 composers
General Description

Different groups of leaves removed from other manuscripts. Group I is a quarto set, II an octavo set, and III consists of 1.5 pages from a 14th century Dutch Antiphonal. I and II are polyphonic. I is made up of 4 bifolios, 1 single sheet and a smaller fragment. The smaller fragment is f. IV. Both f. V (the single sheet) and f. VI are erased. The music comprises Glorias, often with Tro, Patrems (erased), and Dutch and French songs. The leaves in group I come from printed books L. fol. 54 and 56, and 106 C. 2 and 4. The old folio numbers on the first bifolio (f. 17 and 26) suggest these may have been the outer leaves of a quinio. Section II of Uu 37 is what appears to be a typical late 14th century French chansonnier, but its Netherlands origin is revealed by the music on f. 32.

Cuthbert and Fankauser, 2013

Ars Nova: dotted semibreve with descending tail at the left;

Cuthbert and Fankauser, 2013

11 or 12 red five-line staves per page; 9 red five-line staves per page, brown staves on f. 19v-20v and 25-26;

Cuthbert and Fankauser, 2013
RISM Description

RISM B/IV 2: A modern portfolio containing 3 different groups of leaves removed from other manuscripts. Group I is a quarto set, II an octavo set, and III consists of 1.5 pages from a 14th century Dutch Antiphonal. Both I and II, however, are polyphonic. I is made up of 4 bifolios, 1 single sheet and a smaller fragment, all meas. c. 320 x 240 mm. if full size. The smaller fragment is f. IV. Both f. V (the single sheet) and f. VI are erased. The Ars Nova notation dates from c.1400 and is written on 11 or 12 red five-line staves per page. An unusual note-form is the dotted semibreve with descending tail at the left. The music comprises Glorias, often with Tro, Patrems (erased), and Dutch and French songs. The leaves in group I come from printed books L. fol. 54 and 56, and 106 C. 2 and 4. The old folio numbers on the first bifolio (f. 17 and 26) suggest these may have been the outer leaves of a quinio. Section II of Uu 37 is what appears to be a typical late 14th century French chansonnier, but its Netherlands origin is revealed by the music on f. 32. The maximum page size here is 220 x 170 mm. Fortunately, an old foliation at t.m.r. is intact except on what I call f. 25-26 and on the last bifolio. This has been wrongly numbered 31 and 32 by a later hand (39-40 seems more reasonable). The Ars Nova notation usually employs 9 red five-line staves per page, but on f. 19v-20v and 25-26 the staves are brown. Red notes appear in the later pieces, which have concordances with F-CH 564 and the Codex Reina. As in section I of the source, initials are red or blue. It is interesting to find Machaut well represented here by 2 Ballades. The only composer named is the otherwise unknown Clericus de Landis bone memorie. J. Susay composed Uu 37 II 5, which is here anonymous.

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Répertoire International des Sources Musicales


Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
I A Et in terra pax [Gloria] [Tro] Spiritus et alme - Anonymous
Appears on: I A
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Troped Gloria
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c3
Voice Text: . . . patris. Amen

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Et in terra pax hominibus … [Tro] … Spiritus et alme
General Note

upper voice + second half of T; a very worn page also cut away vertically by a third at right



I Av Et in terra pax [Gloria] [Tro] Spiritus et alme -
Appears on: I Av
Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: no clef

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: no clef
Voice Text: [Et in terra] pax hominibus bone … [Tro] … Spiritus et alme
General Note

upper voice + first half of T; page cut away vertically by a third at left; not the same pieces as itemKey 1149



I B Et in terra [Tro] Armonizabit - Anonymous
Appears on: I B
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Troped Gloria
Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: c2
Voice Text: . . . carisma sanctum liberans. . . dei patris. Amen.

Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4
General Note

end of upper voice + all of T and ContraT of an 'Et in terra [Tro] Armonizabit'



Item Bibliography

Cattin, Giulio, and Francesco Facchin (editors). 1991. French Sacred Music (II). Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century.  Monaco: Éditions de l'Oiseau-Lyre. Pages: No. 118.

I Bv Et in terra pax [Gloria] - Anonymous
Appears on: I Bv
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Et in terra pax hominibus
General Note

complete untroped 'Et in terra'; page very worn



Item Bibliography

Cattin, Giulio, and Francesco Facchin (editors). 1991. French Sacred Music (II). Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century.  Monaco: Éditions de l'Oiseau-Lyre. Pages: no. 47.

II A Ave, Yesse, stirps regalis - Anonymous
Appears on: II A
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Ave, Yesse, stirps regalis
General Note

single upper voice; music of incipit, and text and music of Expl. cut away; page also cut away by a thrid at right



II A Salve, sancta parens - Anonymous
Appears on: II A
Genres: Motet
Voice: Solus Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Salve, sancta parens
General Note

one voicT and ContraT only, presumably of a Dutch song, for further stanzas appear below; cut away at righte only; page cut away by a third at right



II A untexted - Anonymous


Appears on: II A
Genres: Song, textless
Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: c3

Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: c3
General Note

T and ContraT only, presumably of a Dutch song, for further stanzas appear below; cut away at right



II Av–II B … goeden kaccharinc, drughen harinc! Brecken … en mach, hines gheenre duecht gewone - Anonymous
Appears on: II Av–II B
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Dutch
Clef: c2
Voice Text: [. . . go]eden [ ] kaccharinc, drughen harinc! Brecken. . . en mach, hines gheenre duecht gewone

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: f3
General Note

apparently a bifoliio forming the middle of a gathering; page cut away vertically by a third at left



II Bv Eya … Christus te vocavit coronam accipiens - Anonymous
Appears on: II Bv
Genres: Motet
Voice: Triplum
Languages: Latin
Clef: c2
Voice Text: [Eya]. . . Christus te vocavit coronam accipiens
General Note

top stave of music for this not very legible. Tr cut away



II Bv Och lief gesel, ic heb vernomen - Anonymous
Appears on: II Bv
Genres: Song
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Dutch
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Och lief gesel, ic heb ver[no]men
General Note

one voice of a Dutch song



III A Et in terra pax [Gloria] - Anonymous
Appears on: III A
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
Voice: Contratenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c4
Voice Text: Et in terra pax
General Note

probably a ContraT, though much cut away at right and at top stave; textless except for text incipits



Item Bibliography

Cattin, Giulio, and Francesco Facchin (editors). 1991. French Sacred Music (II). Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century.  Monaco: Éditions de l'Oiseau-Lyre. Pages: no. 119.

III A La grand doulcour, le plaisir et la joye - Anonymous
Appears on: III A
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: c3

Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: c3

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c1
Voice Text: La grand doulcour, le plaisir et la joye
General Note

page cut away at right by a third; position of notes on stave uncertain in each voice at beginning



Item Bibliography

Greene, Gordon Kay (editor). 1989. French Secular Music (V): Rondeaux and Miscellaneous Pieces. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century.  Monaco: Éditions de l'Oiseau-Lyre. Pages: no. 48.

III Av Et in terra pax [Gloria] [Tro] Armonizabit - Anonymous
Appears on: III Av
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Troped Gloria
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Et in terra [Tro] Armonizabit
General Note

an illegible upper voice + first two staves of a second texted voice, also illegible; cut away at left

III B Et in terra pax [Gloria] [Tro (tenor)] Ad Mariae gloriam - Anonymous
Appears on: III B
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Troped Gloria
Voice: Tenor
Languages: Latin
Clef: c3
Voice Text: [Ad Marie gloriam]
General Note

an upper voice and T, both mainly illegible, of an 'Et in terra [Tro] Spiritus et alme



III Bv Et in terra pax [Gloria] - Anonymous
Appears on: III Bv
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Et in terra pax hominibus bone voluntatis

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4
General Note

upper voice and T of an untroped 'Et in terra'; top half of top stave cut away



Item Bibliography

Cuthbert, Michael Scott. 2006. Trecento fragments and Polyphony beyond the codex. Harvard University, Ph.D. Pages: p.184-5.

IV Ic beghinne mijn liedekijn: wel op end laet - Anonymous
Appears on: IV
Genres: Song
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Dutch
Clef: no clef
Voice Text: [Ic beghi]nne mijn liedekijn: wel op end laet
General Note

fragment of a Dutch song



IVv als ic di zach mijn zuete lief - Anonymous
Appears on: IVv
Genres: Song
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Dutch
Clef: no clef
Voice Text: [als ic di zach] mijn zuete lief
General Note

fragment of a Dutch song with changing mensuration signs



V unidentified mass movement - -

unidentified mass movement

Appears on: V
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: unidentified mass movement
V unidentified secular piece - -

unidentified secular piece

Appears on: V
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: insufficient
Voice Text: unidentified secular piece
Vv unknown composition - -

unknown composition

Appears on: Vv
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: insufficient
Voice Text: unknown composition
VI A Patrem omnipotentem [Credo]? - Anonymous
Appears on: VI A
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Credo?
VI Av Patrem omnipotentem [Credo] -
Appears on: VI Av
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Credo
VI B Patrem omnipotentem [Credo] - Anonymous
Appears on: VI B
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Credo
VI Bv–Bv unknown composition - -

unknown composition

Appears on: VI Bv–Bv
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: insufficient
Voice Text: unknown composition
19 Les gent deduit que tant font bien - Anonymous
Appears on: 19
Genres: Motet
Voice: Residuum
Languages: none
Clef: f3

Voice: Tenor
Languages: French
Clef: f3
Voice Text: Les gent deduit que tant font bien
General Note

T + end of ContraT only; the T is followed by a long theoretical discussion of this work



19v–20 Quant Jason, Jazon mist en mer la nef - Anonymous
Appears on: 19v–20
Genres: Ballade
Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Quant Jason, (Jazon) mist en mer la nef

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4
General Note

text sometimes red as well as black; ContraT cut away vertically at right



20 Filz, il te faut quoy / et je l'aray pas - Anonymous
Appears on: 20
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c1
Voice Text: Filz, il te faut quoy | et je l'aray pas

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: f3
General Note

text partly in red ink; cut away vertically at right



20v Adieu vous di, tres douce compaygnie / per Fortune qui per grant aranie -
Appears on: 20v
Genres: Motet
Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: f4

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: f5

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c4
Voice Text: [Adie]u vous di, tres douche compaignie | per Fortune qui per grant aranie
General Note

cut away vertically at left



21 Prophilias, un des nobles de Roume / car Dionas d’Athenes le nous noume -
Appears on: 21
Genres: Motet
Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Prophilias, un de[s] nobles de Romme | car Dionas d’Athenes le nous noume
General Note

ContraT omitted



21v–22r En un gardin noble et de tres hault pris / Des o perssilons y vi grans e petis - Anonymous
Appears on: 21v–22r
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: c3

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c1
Voice Text: En un gardin noble et de tres hault pris | Des o perssilons y vi grans e petis

Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: c3
General Note

ContraT cut away vertically at righ; this voice also uncertain at beg.



22v Il m’est avis que sans repris de lay -
Appears on: 22v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: no clef
Voice Text: [Il m'est] advis que sans repris de lay

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Clef: no clef

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Mensuration: c-dot
Clef: c4
General Note

cut away vertically at left



27 Des dont que part de moi -
Appears on: 27
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4

Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Des dont que part de moy
General Note

bottom stave of ContraT largely cut away



27 Pleurez, dame, pleurez vostre servant / corps et desir et penser en servant -
Appears on: 27
Genres: Ballade
Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4

Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4

Voice: Cantus
Languages: French
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Pleurés, dame[s, pleurés vostre servant | corps et desir et penser en servant]
General Note

T minus first 4 notes, and all ContraT; Cantus missing



27v L'ardant desier qui mon coeur art - Anonymous
Appears on: 27v
Genres: Motet
Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c2
Voice Text: L'ardant desier qui mon cuer art
General Note

only one line of text



27v Or tam va - Anonymous

Or tam va

Appears on: 27v
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Or tam va

Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4
General Note

no text except incipit



29 Merci ou mort / Merci oit mort at longtemps desiré - Anonymous
Appears on: 29
Genres: Motet
Voice: Triplum
Languages: French
Clef: no clef
Voice Text: [de Mersi oit]

Voice: Contratenor
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Merchi ou mort

Voice: Cantus
Languages: French
Clef: c2
Voice Text: [Mersi oit mort ay longtemps desiré]

Voice: Tenor
Languages: French
Clef: no clef
Voice Text: [Mersi oit mort]
General Note

isolated ContraT. For Cantus and T incipits see F-Pn 6771 f. 84



29 Beauté qui toutes autres pere envers moi / douceur fine a mon goust amere, corps digne -
Appears on: 29
Genres: Ballade
Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: c5

Voice: Cantus
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Biauté qui toutes autres pere envers moy | douceur fine a mon goust amere, corps digne

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: c5
General Note

cut away vertically at right



29v S'espoir n'estoit qui me donne confort… riant / car arivés suy a trop cruel port - Anonymous
Appears on: 29v
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: [S'espoir n'e]stoit qui me donne confort… [rian]t | [car arivés] suy a trop cruel port

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4

Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4
General Note

cut away vertically at left



30 Ane a ffagos qui suy asses car il n'est que d'autre mes - Anonymous
Appears on: 30
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: f3

Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: f3

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Ane a ffagos qui suy asses car il n'est que d'autre mes


30v En discort sunt Desir et Esperanche La sentra soient liquels a plus posanche - Anonymous
Appears on: 30v
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c3
Voice Text: En discort sunt Desir et Esperanche La sentra soient liquels a plus posanche

Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: f3

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: f3
General Note

T and ContraT uncertian, and red notes smeared



32 Ist mi bescheert, so moth ic liden / en can die const niet wederstriden - Anonymous
Appears on: 32
Genres: Motet
Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Dutch
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Ist mi bescheert, so moth ic liden | en can die const niet wederstriden

Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4
General Note

page cut away vertically by a third at right



32v Espoirs me fuit a mon plus grant besoin / Revieng, espoir, confort - Anonymous
Appears on: 32v
Genres: Rondeau
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c1
Voice Text: [Revien]g, espoir, confort. . . endormie.

Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: c3

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Clef: c1
Voice Text: [Espoirs] me duit a mon plus grant besoin

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: no clef
General Note

page cut away vertically by a third at left



Composer Compositions
Landis, Clericus de
Machaut, Guillaume de (ca. 1300–1377)
Solage (fl. late 14th century)
Suzoy, Johannes
Composition Composers (? Uncertain) Folios / Pages
Adieu vous di, tres douce compaygnie / per Fortune qui per grant aranie 20v
als ic di zach mijn zuete lief Anonymous IVv
Ane a ffagos qui suy asses car il n'est que d'autre mes Anonymous 30
Ave, Yesse, stirps regalis Anonymous II A
Beauté qui toutes autres pere envers moi / douceur fine a mon goust amere, corps digne 29
Des dont que part de moi 27
En discort sunt Desir et Esperanche La sentra soient liquels a plus posanche Anonymous 30v
En un gardin noble et de tres hault pris / Des o perssilons y vi grans e petis Anonymous 21v–22r
Espoirs me fuit a mon plus grant besoin / Revieng, espoir, confort Anonymous 32v
Et in terra [Tro] Armonizabit Anonymous I B
Et in terra pax [Gloria] Anonymous I Bv
Et in terra pax [Gloria] Anonymous III A
Et in terra pax [Gloria] Anonymous III Bv
Et in terra pax [Gloria] [Tro (tenor)] Ad Mariae gloriam Anonymous III B
Et in terra pax [Gloria] [Tro] Armonizabit Anonymous III Av
Et in terra pax [Gloria] [Tro] Spiritus et alme Anonymous I A
Et in terra pax [Gloria] [Tro] Spiritus et alme I Av
Eya … Christus te vocavit coronam accipiens Anonymous II Bv
Filz, il te faut quoy / et je l'aray pas Anonymous 20
Ic beghinne mijn liedekijn: wel op end laet Anonymous IV
Il m’est avis que sans repris de lay 22v
Ist mi bescheert, so moth ic liden / en can die const niet wederstriden Anonymous 32
L'ardant desier qui mon coeur art Anonymous 27v
La grand doulcour, le plaisir et la joye Anonymous III A
Les gent deduit que tant font bien Anonymous 19
Merci ou mort / Merci oit mort at longtemps desiré Anonymous 29
Och lief gesel, ic heb vernomen Anonymous II Bv
Or tam va Anonymous 27v
Patrem omnipotentem [Credo] VI Av
Patrem omnipotentem [Credo] Anonymous VI B
Patrem omnipotentem [Credo]? Anonymous VI A
Pleurez, dame, pleurez vostre servant / corps et desir et penser en servant 27
Prophilias, un des nobles de Roume / car Dionas d’Athenes le nous noume 21
Quant Jason, Jazon mist en mer la nef Anonymous 19v–20
S'espoir n'estoit qui me donne confort… riant / car arivés suy a trop cruel port Anonymous 29v
Salve, sancta parens Anonymous II A
untexted Anonymous II A
… goeden kaccharinc, drughen harinc! Brecken … en mach, hines gheenre duecht gewone Anonymous II Av–II B

denotes primary source study

Fankhauser, Eliane. 2014. A Collection of Collections: New Insights into the Origins and Making of the Utrecht Fragments, NL-Uu 37.I. Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis, 3-29. Notes: description; discussion; facsimile (partial); contents; physical description; concordances (partial).

Earp, Lawrence M. 1995. Guillaume de Machaut: A Guide to Research.  New York and London: Garland.

Schreurs, Eugeen. 1995. An Anthology of Music Fragments from the Low Countries (Middle Ages-Renaissance).  Leuven. Pages: 30-44.

Delft, Metha-Machteld van. 1960-61. Een Gloria-Fragment in de Universiteits-Bibliotheek te Utrecht. Tijdschrift der Vereeniging voor Nederlandsche Muziekgeschiedenis, 84–85. Pages: 85 (partial transcription of Uu 37 I, 3); 84.

Schrade, Leo (editor). 1954 -1956. The Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century. 3 vols. Pages: III, (transcription of Uu 37 II, 8 and 14 after other sources).

Ludwig, Friedrich (editor). 1926-9. Guillaume de Machaut: Musikalische Werke, 1-3.  Leipzig: Publikationen älterer Musik. Pages: I, 4, 37f (transcription of Uu 37 II, 8 and 14 after other sources).

Muller, J W. 1906. Brokstukken van Middeleeuwsche meerstemmige liederen. Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche Taal- en Letterkunde, . Pages: 1ff.

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David Wyatt

Friday, 3 July, 2020

Added attribution of 'Prophilias' to Suzoy - as noted in the RISM description.

Répertoire Internationale des Sources Musicales

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. RISM Description