D-Mbs Mus. MS 31

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München (Munich), Germany

manuscript of polyphony: c. 1510

Archive Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München (Munich), Germany (D-Mbs)
Shelfmark Mus. MS 31
Image Availability DIAMM does not have images of this source. Please refer to the external links for image availability.
Surface Paper
Numbering System Foliation
Measurements 480 x 315 mm
Other Identifiers
  • CCM: MunBS 31
  • olim (Former shelfmark): H.C. 30; MaiM 71
  • black void mensural
External Links
External Authorities
Contents 34 pieces from 1 composers
General Description

Probably copied by Ludwig Senfl, with later restorations by Lucas Wagenrieder (BenteNW); see general index for other manuscripts copied by the same scribes. Some pieces in main corpus in a different script (perhaps the work of a second, unidentified scribe, or perhaps a variant form of Senfl's hand). Presumably copied in Vienna, for use by the imperial court chapel of Maximilian I (1459-1519). Probably taken to Munich by Ludwig Senfl c. 1523, when he began serving at the court chapel of Wilhelm IV, Duke of Bavaria (1493-1550). At Munich, fascicles assembled in present order, several lost folios replaced with newly copied leaves, and volume bound in present covers.

DIAMM, 2017

Original covers of white leather over boards, stamped with ornamental designs; binding and covers probably the work of Kaspar Schinnagl (BenteNW).

DIAMM, 2017

Main watermark: triangle surmounted by six-petalled flower; watermark on ff. 1-12, 19, 72a, 103-104, 141, 210b-211, and 249-250 is coat of arms of city of Kaufbeuren (generally resembles Briquet #1008ff).

DIAMM, 2017

black void mensural

DIAMM, 2017

Ca. 1510, with restorations ca. 1530-40 (BenteNW)

DIAMM, 2017

Modern pencil foliation, 1-272, by J. J. Maier ('72' applied to two consecutive folios; '210' applied to three consecutive folios).

DIAMM, 2017

No initials; some texts in red ink

DIAMM, 2017

Incomplete original index pasted inside front cover.

DIAMM, 2017


DIAMM, 2017

inventory provided by Christoph Burmester

DIAMM, 2020
Census Catalogue of Music Description

This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers. It is COPYRIGHT and copying/reproduction of this content without permission may result in legal action.

4 Masses, 14 Mass Proper sections, 1 motet, 1 German sacred piece = 20


275 paper folios, 480 x 315. Modern pencil foliation, 1-272, by J. J. Maier ("72" applied to two consecutive folios; "210" applied to three consecutive folios). Blank folios: 1-2, 71'-72, 103'-104, 141'-142, 210', 210a-210a', 210b-210b', 211, 250'-251, 272'. Original covers of white leather over boards, stamped with ornamental designs; binding and covers probably the work of Kaspar Schinnagl (BenteNW). Incomplete original index pasted inside front cover.

Probably copied by Ludwig Senfl, with later restorations by Lucas Wagenrieder (BenteNW); see general index for other manuscripts copied by the same scribes. Some pieces in main corpus in a different script (perhaps the work of a second, unidentified scribe, or perhaps a variant form of Senfl's hand). No initials; some texts in red ink. Main watermark: triangle surmounted by six-petalled flower; watermark on ff. 1-12, 19, 72a, 103-104, 141, 210b-211, and 249-250 is coat of arms of city of Kaufbeuren (generally resembles Briquet #1008ff).

Ca. 1510, with restorations ca. 1530-40 (BenteNW). Presumably copied in Vienna, for use by the imperial court chapel of Maximilian I (1459-1519). Probably taken to Munich by Ludwig Senfl ca. 1523, when he began serving at the court chapel of Wilhelm IV, Duke of Bavaria (1493-1550). At Munich, fascicles assembled in present order, several lost folios replaced with newly copied leaves, and volume bound in present covers. Kept in Hofkapelle library until end of 18th century, then transferred to ducal court library, whose holdings formed foundation of present Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
2v–12 Missa Virgo prudentissima (6vv): Kyrie Heinricus Izac
Appears on: 2v–12
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: Heinricus Izac
12v–27 Missa Virgo prudentissima (6vv): Gloria -
Appears on: 12v–27
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
27v–51 Missa Virgo prudentissima (6vv): Patrem omnipotentem [Credo] -
Appears on: 27v–51
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
51v–67 Missa Virgo prudentissima (6vv): Sanctus -
Appears on: 51v–67
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
67v–71 Missa Virgo prudentissima (6vv): Agnus Dei -
Appears on: 67v–71
Genres: Agnus Dei, Mass Ordinary
72v–81 Missa Solemnis a6: Kyrie Yzac
Appears on: 72v–81
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: Yzac
81v–92 Missa Solemnis a6: Gloria -
Appears on: 81v–92
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
Copying Style

text ends at 'tu solus altissimus Jesu Christe' - omitting 'cum Sancto Spiritu: in gloria Dei Patris. Amen'

92v–100 Missa Solemnis a6: Sanctus -
Appears on: 92v–100
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
100v–103 Missa Solemnis a6: Agnus Dei -
Appears on: 100v–103
Genres: Agnus Dei, Mass Ordinary
104v–116 Missa de Apostolis a6: Kyrie Yzac
Appears on: 104v–116
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: Yzac
116v–128 Missa de Apostolis a6: Gloria -
Appears on: 116v–128
Genres: Gloria (et in terra pax), Mass Ordinary
General Note

text ends at 'tu solus altissimus Jesu Christe' - omitting 'cum Sancto Spiritu: in gloria Dei Patris. Amen'

128v–136 Missa de Apostolis a6: Sanctus -
Appears on: 128v–136
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
136v–141 Missa de Apostolis a6: Agnus Dei -
Appears on: 136v–141
Genres: Agnus Dei, Mass Ordinary
142v–148 Puer natus est nobis (6vv) Et filius datus est Vs: Cantate Domino Quia mirabilia fecit Yzac
Appears on: 142v–148
Genres: Introit
Source Attribution: Yzac
General Note

(De nativiitate Christi)

148v–155 Vultum tuum (6vv) Deprecabuntur omnes divites Vs: Eructavit cor meum Dico ego opera mea -
Appears on: 148v–155
Genres: Introit
General Note

(In octava nativitatis Domini)

155v–160 Ecce advenit dominator (6vv) Dominus et regnum Vs: Deus juditium tuum Et justitiam tuam filio regis -
Appears on: 155v–160
Genres: Introit
General Note

(In festo Epiphaniae)

160v–167 Suscepimus (6vv) Deus misericordiam tuam in medio Vs: Magnus Dominus In civitate Dei nostri -
Appears on: 160v–167
Genres: Introit
General Note

(Purificationis Mariae)

167v–171 Rorate (6vv) Caeli desuper et nubes pluant Vs: Caeli enarrant Et opera manuum eius -
Appears on: 167v–171
Genres: Introit
General Note

(In adventu Domini)

171v–180 Resurrexi (6vv) Et adhuc tecum sum alleluia / Christ ist erstanden Vs: Domine probasti me Tu cognovisti -
Appears on: 171v–180
Genres: Introit
General Note

(De resurrect: Christi)

180v–189 Victimae paschali (6vv) (Sequence) -
Appears on: 180v–189
Genres: Sequence
189v–192 Christ ist erstanden (6vv) -
Appears on: 189v–192
Genres: Motet
192v–196 Regina caeli laetare (5vv) - 1a pars (of 3): Regina caeli laetare -
Appears on: 192v–196
Genres: BVM, Marian antiphon, Regina caeli laetare
196v–198 Regina caeli laetare (5vv) - 2a pars (of 3): Resurrexit sicut dixit -
Appears on: 196v–198
Genres: BVM, Marian antiphon, Regina caeli laetare
198v–201 Regina caeli laetare (5vv) - 3a pars (of 3): Ora pro nobis -
Appears on: 198v–201
Genres: BVM, Marian antiphon, Regina caeli laetare
210v–210 Viri Galilaei (6vv) Quid admiramini aspicientes Vs: Omnes gentes plaudite Jubilate deo -
Appears on: 210v–210
Genres: Introit
General Note

(In festo ascenscionis Domini)

211v–217 Spiritus Domini (6vv) Replevit orbem terrarum Vs: Confirma hoc Deus -
Appears on: 211v–217
Genres: Introit
General Note

(In festo Penthecostes)

217v–222 Benedicta sit (6vv) Sancta trinitas atque Vs: Benedicamus patrem Laudemus atque -
Appears on: 217v–222
Genres: Introit
General Note

(In festo Trinitatis)

222v–240 Pater filius cum sancto spiritu tria sunt (6vv) -
Appears on: 222v–240
Genres: Sequence
240v–245 Cibavit eos (6vv) Ex adipe frumenti -
Appears on: 240v–245
Genres: Introit
General Note

(Corpus Christi)

245v–250 Salve sancta parens (6vv) Vs: Sentiant omnes Quicunque celebrant -
Appears on: 245v–250
Genres: Introit
General Note

(De veneratione S. Mariae.)

251v–254 Missa de Beata Virgine a6: Kyrie H. Yzac
Appears on: 251v–254
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: H. Yzac
254v–264 Missa de Beata Virgine a6: Gloria [tro: Spiritus et alme] -
Appears on: 254v–264
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Troped Gloria
264v–269 Missa de Beata Virgine a6: Sanctus -
Appears on: 264v–269
Genres: Mass Ordinary, Sanctus [& Benedictus]
269v–272 Missa de Beata Virgine a6: Agnus Dei -
Appears on: 269v–272
Genres: Agnus Dei, Mass Ordinary
Composer Compositions
Isaac, Heinrich (ca. 1450–1517)
Composition Composers (? Uncertain) Folios / Pages
Benedicta sit (6vv) Sancta trinitas atque Vs: Benedicamus patrem Laudemus atque 217v–222
Christ ist erstanden (6vv) 189v–192
Cibavit eos (6vv) Ex adipe frumenti 240v–245
Ecce advenit dominator (6vv) Dominus et regnum Vs: Deus juditium tuum Et justitiam tuam filio regis 155v–160
Missa de Apostolis a6: Agnus Dei 136v–141
Missa de Apostolis a6: Gloria 116v–128
Missa de Apostolis a6: Kyrie 104v–116
Missa de Apostolis a6: Sanctus 128v–136
Missa de Beata Virgine a6: Agnus Dei 269v–272
Missa de Beata Virgine a6: Gloria [tro: Spiritus et alme] 254v–264
Missa de Beata Virgine a6: Kyrie 251v–254
Missa de Beata Virgine a6: Sanctus 264v–269
Missa Solemnis a6: Agnus Dei 100v–103
Missa Solemnis a6: Gloria 81v–92
Missa Solemnis a6: Kyrie 72v–81
Missa Solemnis a6: Sanctus 92v–100
Missa Virgo prudentissima (6vv): Agnus Dei 67v–71
Missa Virgo prudentissima (6vv): Gloria 12v–27
Missa Virgo prudentissima (6vv): Kyrie 2v–12
Missa Virgo prudentissima (6vv): Patrem omnipotentem [Credo] 27v–51
Missa Virgo prudentissima (6vv): Sanctus 51v–67
Pater filius cum sancto spiritu tria sunt (6vv) 222v–240
Puer natus est nobis (6vv) Et filius datus est Vs: Cantate Domino Quia mirabilia fecit 142v–148
Regina caeli laetare (5vv) - 1a pars (of 3): Regina caeli laetare 192v–196
Regina caeli laetare (5vv) - 2a pars (of 3): Resurrexit sicut dixit 196v–198
Regina caeli laetare (5vv) - 3a pars (of 3): Ora pro nobis 198v–201
Resurrexi (6vv) Et adhuc tecum sum alleluia / Christ ist erstanden Vs: Domine probasti me Tu cognovisti 171v–180
Rorate (6vv) Caeli desuper et nubes pluant Vs: Caeli enarrant Et opera manuum eius 167v–171
Salve sancta parens (6vv) Vs: Sentiant omnes Quicunque celebrant 245v–250
Spiritus Domini (6vv) Replevit orbem terrarum Vs: Confirma hoc Deus 211v–217
Suscepimus (6vv) Deus misericordiam tuam in medio Vs: Magnus Dominus In civitate Dei nostri 160v–167
Victimae paschali (6vv) (Sequence) 180v–189
Viri Galilaei (6vv) Quid admiramini aspicientes Vs: Omnes gentes plaudite Jubilate deo 210v–210
Vultum tuum (6vv) Deprecabuntur omnes divites Vs: Eructavit cor meum Dico ego opera mea 148v–155

denotes primary source study

Hell, Helmut. 1983. Zwei weitere Blätter zum Fragment Mus. ms. 3224 in der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek aus der Dufay-Zeit. Musik in Bayern, 43-9. Notes: physical description; contents list (partial); concordances (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Kirsch, Winfried. 1977. Die Motetten des Andreas de Silva: Studien zur Geschichte der Motette im 16. Jahrhundert. Frankfurter Beiträge zur Musikwissenschaft.  Tutzing. Pages: 124. Notes: contents list (partial).

Staehelin, Martin. 1977. Die Messen Heinrich Isaacs. Publikationen der Schweizerischen Musikforschenden Gesellschaft Serie II.  Bern and Stuttgart. Pages: I, xxxi-xxxii, 27, 42, 75, 83, 7*-8*, 44*-47*; III, 114-5. Notes: physical description; contents list (partial); concordances (partial); incipits (partial).

Lerner, Edward R (editor). 1974-. Henrici Isaac (ca. 1450-1517): Opera Omnia. Corpus mensurabilis musicae.  Neuhausen nr. Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology. Pages: I, xiii-xv, 27-95; IV, xvii-xviii. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial).

Staehelin, Martin. 1971. Der Grüne Codex der Viadrina: Eine wenig beachtete Quelle zur Musik des späten 15. und frühen 16. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland. Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur (Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse) Jahrgang 1970.  Mainz. Pages: 32. Notes: contents list (partial); concordances (partial).

Bente, Martin. 1968. Neue Wege der Quellenkritik und die Biographie Ludwig Senfls.  Wiesbaden. Pages: 25ff, 33ff, 49-56, 214ff, 227, passim. Notes: physical description; contents list; discussion.

Bente, Martin. 1966. Senfls Musik im Heidelberger Kapellkatalog. Ein Beitrag zur Repertoire-Überlieferung im 16. Jahrhundert. GMKB, 186-90. Leipzig. Pages: 188. Notes: mention of MS.

Pätzig, Gerhard-Rudolf. 1956. Liturgische Grundlagen und handschriftliche Überlieferung von Heinrich Isaacs "Choralis Constantinus". Eberhard-Karls-Universität (Tübingen), Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Pages: II, 165ff. Notes: contents list (partial); incipits (partial).

Schmitz, Arnold (editor). 1955-. Musikalische Denkmäler.  Mainz. Pages: VII, 60-79, 91, 95; VIII, 75-115, 144, 160ff. Notes: physical description; contents list (partial); concordances (partial); transcriptions (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Riedel, Johannes. 1951. Leisen Formulae: Their Polyphonic Settings in the Renaissance and Reformation. University of Southern California, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Pages: 33-4, 461-2, 679, 682, 938-45. Notes: physical description (partial); contents list (partial); transcriptions (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Blume, Friedrich (editor). 1929-. Das Chorwerk.  Berlin/Wolfenbüttel. Pages: LXXXI, passim; C, vii, 28-36; CXIX, passim. Notes: contents list (partial); transcription (partial).

Wagner, Peter. 1913. Geschichte der Messe. Pages: 306-9. Notes: contents list (partial); transcriptions (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Maier, Jul Jos. 1879. Die Musikalischen Handschriften der K. Hof-und Staatsbibliothek in Muenchen.  Munich. Pages: 48-9. Notes: physical description; contents list; concordances (partial).

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Christoph Burmester

Sunday, 26 April, 2020

Inventory added

DIAMM, 2016

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. General Description; Binding Note; Watermark Note; Notation Note; Date Note; Foliation Note; Decoration Note; Contents Note; Surface Note

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. Census Catalogue of Music Description