D-Rtt Freie Künste Musik 3/1

Fürst Thurn und Taxis Hofbibliothek, Regensburg, Germany

partbook: Mid 16th century

Archive Fürst Thurn und Taxis Hofbibliothek, Regensburg, Germany (D-Rtt)
Shelfmark Freie Künste Musik 3/1
Image Availability DIAMM does not have images of this source.
Surface Paper
Numbering System None
Measurements 97 x 153 mm
Other Identifiers
  • CCM: RegT 3/I
  • black void mensural
  • Bavaria, Germany
Contents 163 pieces from 42 composers
General Description

A single Bassus partbook. Copied by a single scribe, except for penultimate piece, added by a different hand. Probably of south German origin; once owned by Benedictine monastery in Neresheim. Became property of Thurn und Taxis family in connection with secularization in 1803; transferred to family's court library in Regensburg c. 1861.

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Original covers of black parchment; leather ties now missing

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crowned double eagle (not in Briquet)

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black void mensural

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Staff height 11mm

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No foliation or pagination

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Other numberings: Original ink numbering of pieces, 1-162 (last piece not numbered).

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Small red inked initials

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Census Catalogue of Music Description

This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers. It is COPYRIGHT and copying/reproduction of this content without permission may result in legal action.

1 motet, 1 German sacred piece, 104 French secular pieces, 50 Italian secular pieces, 2 Dutch secular pieces, 5 textless pieces = 163

Appenzeller [Benedictus]-1, Arcadelt-12, Baston-1 + 1?, (Baston/ Clemens non Papa/Janequin/Pathie?)-1, (Benoist)-1, (Berchem)-1, (Brandt)-1, (Certon)-3, Clemens non Papa-5, (Corteccia)-2, Courtois-1, (Crecquillon)-9 + 1?, (Crecquillon/Sandrin/Sermisy)-1, (Donato)-1, Du Tertre-1, (C. Festa/S. Festa)-1, Giulio da Reggio [Iulius Regiensis]-1, (Godard/Lortin)-1, Gombert-2, (Gombert/Sermisy)-1, (Hailland)-1, Josquin-1, (La Rue)-1, (La Rue/Sermisy)-1, (Lattre)-1, Lupi-3, Manchicourt-S, (Manchicourt/Sandrin)-1, (Mouton/Sermisy)-1, (Pathie)-1, (Phinot)-13, (G. Ponte)-1, Richafort-1, (Rocour)-2, (Sandrin)-1, (Sermisy)-10, Sermisy [Claudin]/(Sandrin)-1, (Sohier)-1, Susato-2, Verdelot-29, anon-39

1 paper partbook (B-125 folios), 97 x 153. No foliation or pagination. Original ink numbering of pieces, 1-162 (last piece not numbered). Ff. [1-11] and [94-125] are blank, or have blank staves only. Original covers of black parchment; leather ties now missing. No index. Copied by a single scribe, except for penultimate piece, added by a different hand. Staff height 11. Small red inked initials. Watermark: crowned double eagle (not in Briquet).

Mid 16th century. Probably of south German origin; once owned by Benedictine monastery in Neresheim. Became property of Thurn und Taxis family in connection with secularization in 1803; transferred to family's court library in Regensburg ca. 1861.

Vol 4

Composers: Change "Baston-1 + 1?" to "Baston-2"; change "(Crecquillon)-9 + 1?" to "(Crecquillon)-10"; change "(Donato)-1" to "(Donato/Willaert)-1."

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
[-] D'amour me plains et non de vous m'amie [Pathie]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Pathie]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Damours me plains [et non de vous m'amye]
[-] D'argent me plains non d'amours ou d'amie [Baston]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Baston]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Dargent me plains [non d'amours ou d'amye]
[-] Je prens en gre le dure mort (4vv) [Baston/Clemens non Papa/Janequin/Pathie?]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: [Baston/Clemens non Papa/Janequin/Pathie?]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Ie prens en grei le dure mort
[-] Toutes les nuits que sans vous je me couche [Crecquillon]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Crecquillon]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Toutes les nuitz [que sans vous je me couche]
[-] Morir me fault c'est chose clere [Clemens non Papa]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Clemens non Papa]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Morir me fault [c'est chose clere]
[-] O s'io potessi donna dir quel che nel mirar Archadelt/[Berchem]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular, Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: Archadelt/[Berchem]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Ossio pottessi dona [= O s'io potessi donna dir quel che nel mirar]
[-] J'ai le desir content et leffect resolu [Sermisy]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Sermisy]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Yela desir content [= J'ay le desir content et l'effect résolu]
[-] Doulce memoire en plaisir consommée [Manchicourt/Sandrin]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Manchicourt/Sandrin]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Doulze memoriae [= Doulce memoire en plaisir consommée]
[-] Fini le bien le mal soudain commence [Certon]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Certon]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Flini libien [= Fini le bien le mal soudain commence]
[-] Quanto fra voi mortali poss'un accort [Arcadelt]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: [Arcadelt]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Quanto fra voi mortali [poss'un accort
[-] Jean de Lagni mon bel amy vous m'avez abusée [Berchem]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Berchem]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Jean de Lagni [mon bel amy vous m'avez abusée]
[-] Pour un plaisir qui si peu dure [Crecquillon]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Crecquillon]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Poure ung plasir [qui si peu dure]
[-] Puisque j'ai perdu mes amours [Lupi]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Lupi]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Puis que iay [perdu mes amours]
[-] Un gay berger prioit une bergère [Crecquillon]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Crecquillon]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Ung gay bergier [prioit une bergiere]
[-] Si par fortuna = Si par fortune avez mon coeur acquis [Certon]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: [Certon]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Si par fortuna [= Si par fortune avez mon cueur acquis]
[-] Quanto sia lieto il giorno nel qual [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Quanto sia lieto [il giorno nel qual]
[-] La Battaglia Anon. Anonymous

La Battaglia

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: La Battaglia
[-] C'est a grant tort que moi povrette endure [Sermisy]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Sermisy]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Cesta grantort [= C'est à grand tort que moy povrette endure]
[-] A demi mort par maladie navre je suis [Clemens non Papa]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Clemens non Papa]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Ade mi mort [= A demy mort par maladie n'auray je suis]
[-] Le temps qui court requiert que l'on se taise [Crecquillon]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Crecquillon]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Le temps qui court [requiert que l'on se taise]
[-] Est ill ad'is qu'on doibve estimer d'elle [Arcadelt]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Arcadelt]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Est ill ad'is [qu'on doibve estimer d'elle]
[-] Donna fra i più bei volti honesti e chiari [Corteccia]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Corteccia]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Dona fra piu bei volti honesti e chari
[-] Ce mois de may sur la rousée jouer irons [Godard/Lortin]
Lortin (?)
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Godard/Lortin]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Ce moÿs ma sur la rose [= Ce moys de may sur la rousée]
[-] Il est jour dit l'alouette allons jouer [Sermisy]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Sermisy]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Ill est iure [= Il est jour dit l'alouette allons jouer]
[-] Jouissance vous donnerai, mon ami [La Rue/Sermisy]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [La Rue/Sermisy]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Ioÿsanze vous [= Joyssance vous donneray mon amy]
[-] Si j'ai pour vous mon avoir despendu [Sermisy]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Sermisy]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Si iay pour [vous mon avoir despendu]
[-] Ces facheux sots qui mesdisent d'aymer Anon. Anonymous
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Cess facheux sotz [qui mesdisent d'aymer]
[-] Dami damiorum! Anon. Anonymous

Dami damiorum!

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Dami damiorum(!)
[-] Mon seul espoir le plaisir de ma vie [Manchicourt]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Manchicourt]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Mon seul espoir [le plaisir de ma vie]
[-] Vous perdez temps de me dire mal d'elle [Crecquillon/Sandrin/Sermisy]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Crecquillon/Sandrin/Sermisy]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Vous perte temps [= Vous perdez temps de me dire mal d'elle]
[-] Ung dulx regard un parler amoureulx [Manchicourt]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Manchicourt]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Ung dulx regard ung [parler amoureulx]
[-] Pour pervenir bon bied = Pour parvenir bon pied bon oeil [Gombert]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Gombert]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Pour pervenir bon bied [= Pour parvenir bon pied bon oeil]
[-] Si ton amour ne gist fort en ton oeil Tilmon Sussato
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Tilmon Sussato
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Si ton amour [ne gist fort en ton oeil]
[-] A chi sola donno mia (=Ahi se la donna mia) [Arcadelt]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Arcadelt]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: A chi sola donno mia [= Ahi se la donna mia qual'hor lasso]
[-] Il bianco e dolce cigno cantando more [Arcadelt]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Arcadelt]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Ill pianco e doulze cigno [= Il bianco e dolce cigno cantando more]
[-] R. Anon. Anonymous


Appears on: [-]
Genres: Secular
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: insufficient
Voice Text: R.
[-] De funde ma pensse = Du fond de ma pensée au fond de tous ennuyctz Petro de Manchicourt
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Petro de Manchicourt
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: De funde ma pensse [= Du fond de ma pensée au fond de tous ennuyctz]
[-] Escoutez tous gentilz galloys la victoire? Anon. (Related to, but not concordant with, the Janequin settings) Anonymous
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon. (Related to, but not concordant with, the Janequin settings)
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Es cautes tous gentilles [= Escoutez tous gentilz galloys la victoire?]
[-] Frais et gaillard [=Frisque et gaillard] un jour entre cent mille [Clemens non Papa]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Clemens non Papa]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Fraÿs et galliarda [= Frais et gaillard un jour entre cent mille]
[-] Si tu te plains d'amours tant seulement Tilmon Sussato
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Tilmon Sussato
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Si tu te plains [d'amours tant seullement]
[-] Amour et crainte esperance sont ensemble [Crecquillon]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Crecquillon]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Amour et crante [= Amour et crainte esperance sont ensemble]
[-] Si pur ti guardo dolce anima mia [Donato/Willaert]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: [Donato/Willaert]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Si purti quardo [= Si pur ti guardo dolce anima mia]
[-] Ic seg adiu wy twe wy moeten scheiden Anon. Anonymous
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Song
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Dutch
Voice Text: Ic seg adiu [wy twe wy moeten scheiden]
[-] Hors envieulx retirez vous d'ici Nicolaus Gamparti [= Gombert]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Nicolaus Gamparti [= Gombert]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Hors comeulx retires [= Hors envieulx retires vous d'icy]
[-] Lasso che mi Anon. Anonymous

Lasso che mi

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Lasso che mi
[-] Mille regrets et deslonger vostre fache [Rocour]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Rocour]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Mille regres [et deslonger vostre fache]
[-] O passi sparssi O pensier vagh'et pronti [C. Festa/S. Festa]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: [C. Festa/S. Festa]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: O passi sparssi [O pensier vagh'et pronti]
[-] Venez regrets venez il en est heure [Clemens non Papa]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Clemens non Papa]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Venes me serfz [et Bachus adorons]
[-] Possible n'est d'avoir plus de soulas Anon. Anonymous
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Possible nest [d'avoir plus de soulas]
[-] Entre vous filles de quinze ans ne venes Clemens non Papa
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Clemens non Papa
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Entre vous [filles de quinze ans ne venes]
[-] Un vraÿ amant doibt estre souffreteux Anon. Anonymous
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Un vraÿ amant [doibt estre souffreteux]
[-] Quand' io pens' al martire amor che tu [Arcadelt]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Arcadelt]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Quandio pens al martine [= Quand io pens'al martire amor che tu]
[-] Pungente dardo ch'el mio cor consumi [Arcadelt/Berchem]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Arcadelt/Berchem]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Pungete dardo chel mio cor consumi
[-] Amour veut Anon. Anonymous

Amour veut

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Amour veult
[-] Puis qui'il convient et sans nul contredict [Hailland]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Hailland]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Puis qui conveniunt [= Puis qu'il convient et sans nul contredict]
[-] A demi mort chacun me peut juger [J. Louys] Anonymous
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [J. Louys]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: A demi mort [chascung me peult juger]
[-] Toutes les nuits que sans vous je me couche [Crespel]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Crespel]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Toutes les nuiz [que sans vous je me couche]
[-] Voulente fut en ton amour esmüe [Certon]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Certon]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Voulente fut [en ton amour esmüe]
[-] Alix avoit aux dens la male rage [Crecquillon]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Crecquillon]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Alix ovoit [= Alix avoit au dens la male rage]
[-] Comment cela Anon. Anonymous

Comment cela

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Coment caela
[-] Qui veult son ceur en dieu d'amour offrir [Lattre]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Lattre]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Qui veult son ceur en dieu [d'amour offrir]
[-] Si faux rapport Anon. Anonymous

Si faux rapport

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Si faux rapport
[-] Mon pouvre coeur qui sans aulcun repos Jo: Baston
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Jo: Baston
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Mon pouvre ceur [qui sans aulcun repos]
[-] La ferme amour Anon. Anonymous

La ferme amour

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: La ferme amour
[-] Jusques ici Anon. Anonymous

Jusques ici

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Iusques ÿcy
[-] Vous me tenes Anon. Anonymous

Vous me tenes

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Vous me tenes
[-] Pluttuckh! Anon. Anonymous


Appears on: [-]
Genres: Secular
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Pluttuckh(!)
[-] Le mal quona Anon. Anonymous

Le mal quona

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Secular
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Le mal quona
[-] Le corps se plaint et maine grand tristesse [Crecquillon]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Crecquillon]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Le corps se plaint [et maine grand tristesse]
[-] Voici le mois Anon. Anonymous

Voici le mois

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Voicÿ le moÿs
[-] Avoir amour on ne det! desir Anon. Anonymous
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Avoir amour on ne det(!) desir
[-] Au point du dure Anon. Anonymous

Au point du dure

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Au point du dure
[-] Un gross mignon espousa une fille [Sohier]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Sohier]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Un gross mignon [espousa une fille]
[-] Le dieu daÿmer Deibon Du Tertre
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Du Tertre
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Le dieu daÿmer deibon
[-] Possibit Anon. Anonymous


Appears on: [-]
Genres: Secular
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Possibit
[-] Quanta belta quanda gratia e splendore [Arcadelt]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: [Arcadelt]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Quanta bellta quanta gratia e splendore
[-] Io dico che fra voi potenti Dei convien [Arcadelt]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Arcadelt]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Io dico che fra voi(!) potenti dei
[-] Poss'io morir di mala morte s'io non v'amo [Arcadelt]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Arcadelt]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Possio morir di mala morte [s'io non v'amo]
[-] Ragion' e ben ch' alcuna volta io canti [Arcadelt]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Arcadelt]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Ragion e ben che alcuna [volt'io canti]
[-] Bella Fiorretta io vorrei pur lodar [Arcadelt]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: [Arcadelt]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Bella Fiorretta [io vorrei pur lodar]
[-] O combien est malheurex le desir dont Claudin [de Sermisy]/[Sandrin]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Claudin [de Sermisy]/[Sandrin]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Or combienn est malheureulx [le désir]
[-] A uster Anon. Anonymous

A uster

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Song
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: A uster
[-] Languir me fais sans t'avoir offensé [Mouton/Sermisy]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Mouton/Sermisy]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Languir me faiz [sans t'avoir offensé]
[-] Fidel e bel canguolo che tanto spesso [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Fideli [= Fidel e bel canguolo che tanto spesso]
[-] Amy souffrez que je vous ayme Anon. Anonymous
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: A missu frei [= Amy souffrez que je vous ayme]
[-] R. Anon. Anonymous


Appears on: [-]
Genres: Secular
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: insufficient
Voice Text: R.
[-] Cest boucanntes = c'est boucané de se tenir a une le changer Anon. Anonymous
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Cest boucanntes [= C'est boucané de se tenir a une le changer]
[-] Quanti Hispanni Anon. Anonymous

Quanti Hispanni

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Quannti Hispanni
[-] La bella marin mi por se = La bella man mi porse madonna per dar [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: La bella marin mi por se [= La bella man mi porse madonna per dar]
[-] Deh perche si veloce passo madonna [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Dech per che [= Deh perche si veloce passo madonna]
[-] Madonna il tuo bel viso che nel gran mar [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Madonna il tuo bel viso [che nel gran mar]
[-] Vita della mia vita quando gran tort [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Vita della mia vita [quanto gran tort]
[-] Sio penssasse madonna che mia morte [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Sio penssasse madonna che mia morte
[-] Bona muteta! Anon. Anonymous

Bona muteta!

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Bona muteta(!)
[-] Mauldicte soit la mondaine richesse [Sermisy]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Sermisy]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Mauldite che fantasia [= Mauldicte soit la mondaine richesse]
[-] Un gross prieur son petit filz baisoit [Phinot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Phinot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Un gross prieur [son petit filz baisoit]
[-] Dame Margot à son ami Brandouille [Phinot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Phinot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Dame Margot [à son amy Brandouille]
[-] Une fillete à son vicaire alla se confesser [Phinot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Phinot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Une fillete [à son vicaire alla se confesser]
[-] Frerot un juro = Frèrot un jour aux cordeliers [Phinot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson, Italian secular
Source Attribution: [Phinot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Frerot un juro [= Frèrot un jour aux cordeliers]
[-] Pürchus le roy = Pyrrhus le roy d'Epire ou Albanie [Phinot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: [Phinot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Pürchus le roy [= Pyrrhus le roy d'Epire ou Albanie]
[-] Catin ma gentile brunette tu t'es faicte [Phinot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Phinot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Catin ma gentile [brunette tu t'es faicte]
[-] Catin veult que souvent la voye que tousjours [Phinot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Phinot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Catin veult [que souvent la voye que tousjours]
[-] Bouche de satin cramoysi qui as doulceur [Phinot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Phinot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Bouche de satin [cramoysi qui as doulceur]
[-] Doÿ ie esperer d'avoir en ce seul bien [Phinot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Phinot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Doÿ ie esperer [d'avoir en ce seul bien]
[-] Si ie mouroyss m'amye de le faire [Phinot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Phinot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Si ie mouroyss [m'amye de le faire]
[-] Lespirit vouloit mois = L'esprit vouloit mais la bouche ne peut prendre congé [Phinot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Phinot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Lespirit vouloit moys [= L'esprit vouloit mais la bouche ne peut prendre congé]
[-] De ton amours j'espérois autre issue [Phinot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Phinot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: De ton amours [j'espérois autre yssue]
[-] Possible n'est d'être amoureux et d'avoir bon ad'is [Phinot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Phinot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Possible nest [d'estre amoureux et d'avoir bon ad'is]
[-] Anzi non pur amour lo! vage stelle [G. Ponte]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [G. Ponte]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Anzi non pur amour lo(!) vage [stelle]
[-] Iane craindraÿ Anon. Anonymous

Iane craindraÿ

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Iane craindraÿ
[-] Si mon travail vous peult donner plaisir [Sandrin/Sermisy]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Sandrin/Sermisy]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Simon travail [= Si mon travail vous peult donner plaisir]
[-] Fuggi cor mio l'ingrat'e crud'amore [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Fuggi cor mio [l'ingrat'e crud'amore]
[-] Quando amor il begli ochi a terra inchina Verdelot
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Verdelot
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Quando amor il begli ochi a terra inchina
[-] Madona qual certeza haver si può maggior [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Madona qual certeza [haver si può maggior]
[-] Con lachrime et suspir negando porge [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Con lachrime et suspir [negando porge]
[-] Igno suave ov'il mio foco alento [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Igno suave ov'il mio foco alento
[-] Amor se d'hor in hor la doglia cresce [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Amor se d'hor in hor la doglia cresce
[-] Se mai provasti donna qual sia amore [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Se maÿ provasti donna qual sia amore
[-] Donna che sete tra le donne bella [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Donna che sette tra [le] bella(!) bella
[-] Se lietta e grata morte da gl'occhi [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Se lietta e grata morte [da gl'occhi]
[-] Madonna io sol vorrei che volesti voler [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Madonna io sol vorrei [che volesti voler]
[-] Non vi fidate o simplicetti amanti [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Non vi fidate o simplicetti amanti
[-] Divini occhi sereni occhi sempre di gratia [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Divini ochi sereni [occhi sempre di gratia]
[-] Piove da gli occhi della donna mia [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Piove da gli ochi dela donna mia
[-] Se voi porgesti una sol fiatta donna [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Se voi porgesti una sol fiatta [donna]
[-] Lasso che se creduto havesse a qualch'amante [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Lasso che se creduto havesse a qualch'amante
[-] Lasso che mal accorto fui da prima [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Lasso che mal accorto fui da prima
[-] Con l'angelico riso a me negasti [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Con l'angelico riso a me negasti
[-] Gloriarmi poss' io donna d'haver un sì [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Gloriar mi possio donna [dvhaver un sì]
[-] Ben che 'l misero cor lasso tal' hora porga [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Ben chel misero [cor lasso tal'hora porga]
[-] Madonna, per voi ardo e voi non me 'l credete [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Madonna per voi ardo [et voi non mel credete]
[-] Afflicti spiriti mei non sperate giamai [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Afflitti spirti mei [non sperate giamai]
[-] Donna leggiadra e bella che con le vostre [Verdelot]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Madrigal (Italian)
Source Attribution: [Verdelot]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Ma donna legiadra [= Donna leggiadra e bella che con le vostre luci]
[-] A moi plasir Anon. Anonymous

A moi plasir

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: A moÿ plasir
[-] Plus nulz regrets grand moiens 28.28 Josquin
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Josquin
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Plus nultz regretz [grans moyens] 28.27
[-] Se dire je l'osoie d'ou me vient le souffrir Benedictus [Appenzeller]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Benedictus [Appenzeller]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Se dire ie iosoie dont me vient [= Se dire je lvosoie dvou me vient le souffrir]
[-] Si par souffrir on peult vaincre fortune Ioannes Courtois
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Ioannes Courtois
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Si par seffrir [= Si par souffrir on peult vaincre fortune]
[-] Loil amant nay plutz = Loyal amant naye plus de soucy [Benoist]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Benoist]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Loil amant nay plutz [= Loyal amant naye plus de soucy]
[-] Vous savez bien ma dame souveraine Lupÿ
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Lupÿ
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Vous scaves bien [ma dame souveraine]
[-] Sur tous regrets les miens plus piteulz Richefort
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Richefort
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Sour tous regretz [= Sur tous regretz les miens plus piteulz]
[-] Musae dal basso centro alzate'l canto sotto dolce Iulius Regiensis [= Giulio da Reggio]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Iulius Regiensis [= Giulio da Reggio]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Muse del passo centro [= Musae dal basso centro alzate'l canto sotto dolce]
[-] Dito dito non dito Anon. Anonymous

Dito dito non dito

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Dito dito non dito
[-] De retourner mon ami je te prie Anon. Anonymous
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: De retourner [mon amy je te prie]
[-] Las que crains tu amy de quoy as déffiance [Sermisy]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Sermisy]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Las que grans [= Las que crains tu amy de quoy as déffiance]
[-] Ma bouche rit et mon coeur pleure Anon.
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Ma buscherit [= Ma bouche rit et mon cueur pleure]
[-] Mijns liefkens brun ooghen en harren Anon. Anonymous
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Song
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: German
Voice Text: Mein lieffennic brun [= Mijns liefkens brun ooghen en harren]
[-] Le content est riche en ce monde [Gombert/Sermisy]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Gombert/Sermisy]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Le content [est riche en ce monde]
[-] D'ou [dont] vient cela belle je vous supply [Sermisy]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: [Sermisy]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Dont vientzela [= Dont vient cela belle je vous supply]
[-] Voyez le tort d'amour et de fortune [Crecquillon]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Crecquillon]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Voys le court [= Voyez le tort d'amour et de fortune]
[-] Je me contente d'avoir aimé sans avoir joyssance [Rocour]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Rocour]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Je me contente [sans avoir joyssance]
[-] Le tamne triste Anon. Anonymous

Le tamne triste

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Le tamne triste
[-] Inte sament! Anon. Anonymous

Inte sament!

Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Inte sament(!)
[-] Secourez moi ma dame par amours ou autrement [Sermisy]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Sermisy]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Sicoures mei [= Secourez-moy ma dame par amours]
[-] R. Anon. Anonymous


Appears on: [-]
Genres: Secular
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: insufficient
Voice Text: R.
[-] Oime mort il bel viso ch'in parte'l cor [Corteccia]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Italian secular
Source Attribution: [Corteccia]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Oÿme mort il bel viso [ch'in parte'l cor]
[-] Mort m'a prive par sa cruelle ennuy [Crecquillon]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Crecquillon]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Mort ma prive [par sa cruelle ennuye]
[-] Je ne fais riens que plaindre et souspirer [Crecquillon]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Crecquillon]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Je ne fais riens [que plaindre et souspirer]
[-] Content desir qui cause ma douleur [Sermisy]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Sermisy]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Content desir [qui cause ma douleur]
[-] Plus revenir ne puis vers toy ma dame [Lupi]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Lupi]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Plus revenir [ne puis vers toy ma dame]
[-] Le coeur est bon et le vouloir aussi [Sermisy]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [Sermisy]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Lemer me bous [= Le cueur de vous ma présence désire]
[-] Sic Deus dilexit mundum ut filium suum Anon. Anonymous
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Anon.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Sic deus dilexit mundum [ut filium suum]
[-] Trop plus secret que ma partie suis [La Rue]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Chanson
Source Attribution: [La Rue]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: French
Voice Text: Trop plus secret [que ma partie suis]
[-] Frisch auf in Gottes namen du werde [Brandt]
Appears on: [-]
Genres: Song
Source Attribution: [Brandt]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: German
Voice Text: Frisch auf in Gottes namen [du werde]
Composer Compositions
Appenzeller, Benedictus (ca. 1480–ca. 1558)
Arcadelt, Jacques (ca. 1507–1568)
Baston, Josquin (fl. 1542–63)
Benoist, Nicolaus (fl. 1538–40)
Berchem, Jacques (ca. 1505–1567)
Brandt, Jobst vom
Certon, Pierre (–ca. 1572)
Clemens non Papa, Jacob (ca. 1510–ca. 1556)
Corteccia, (Pier) Francesco
Courtois, Jean (fl. 1530-1545)
Crecquillon, Thomas (ca. 1505–ca. 1557)
Crespel, Jean
Despres, Josquin (ca. 1450–1521)
Donato, Baldassare (ca. 1529–1603)
Du Pont, Jacques
Dubois, François
Festa, Costanzo (ca. 1485–1545)
Festa, Sebastiano (ca. 1490–1524)
Godard, Robert
Gombert, Nicolas (ca. 1495–ca. 1560)
Hailland, Petrus
Janequin, Clement (ca. 1485–ca. 1558)
Lupi, Johannes (ca. 1506–1539)
Manchicourt, Pierre de
Mouton, Jean (ca. 1459–1522)
Pathie, Rogier (ca. 1510–ca. 1564)
Petit (de Latre), Jehan
Phinot, Dominique
Reggio, Giulio da
Richafort, Jean (ca. 1480–ca. 1550)
Rocourt, Pierre de (fl. c1540–1550)
Rue, Pierre de la (ca. 1452–1518)
Sandrin, Pierre (ca. 1490–ca. 1560)
Sermisy, Claudin de (ca. 1490–1562)
Silva, Andreas de (ca. 1475–ca. 1522)
Sohier, Mathieu
Susato, Tylman
Tertre, Estienne du
Verdelot, Philippe (ca. 1480–ca. 1532)
Willaert, Adrian (ca. 1490–1562)
Composition Composers (? Uncertain) Folios / Pages
A chi sola donno mia (=Ahi se la donna mia) [-]
A demi mort chacun me peut juger Anonymous [-]
A demi mort par maladie navre je suis [-]
A moi plasir Anonymous [-]
A uster Anonymous [-]
Afflicti spiriti mei non sperate giamai [-]
Alix avoit aux dens la male rage [-]
Amor se d'hor in hor la doglia cresce [-]
Amour et crainte esperance sont ensemble [-]
Amour veut Anonymous [-]
Amy souffrez que je vous ayme Anonymous [-]
Anzi non pur amour lo! vage stelle [-]
Au point du dure Anonymous [-]
Avoir amour on ne det! desir Anonymous [-]
Bella Fiorretta io vorrei pur lodar [-]
Ben che 'l misero cor lasso tal' hora porga [-]
Bona muteta! Anonymous [-]
Bouche de satin cramoysi qui as doulceur [-]
C'est a grant tort que moi povrette endure [-]
Catin ma gentile brunette tu t'es faicte [-]
Catin veult que souvent la voye que tousjours [-]
Ce mois de may sur la rousée jouer irons
Lortin (?)
Ces facheux sots qui mesdisent d'aymer Anonymous [-]
Cest boucanntes = c'est boucané de se tenir a une le changer Anonymous [-]
Comment cela Anonymous [-]
Con l'angelico riso a me negasti [-]
Con lachrime et suspir negando porge [-]
Content desir qui cause ma douleur [-]
D'amour me plains et non de vous m'amie [-]
D'argent me plains non d'amours ou d'amie [-]
D'ou [dont] vient cela belle je vous supply [-]
Dame Margot à son ami Brandouille [-]
Dami damiorum! Anonymous [-]
De funde ma pensse = Du fond de ma pensée au fond de tous ennuyctz [-]
De retourner mon ami je te prie Anonymous [-]
De ton amours j'espérois autre issue [-]
Deh perche si veloce passo madonna [-]
Dito dito non dito Anonymous [-]
Divini occhi sereni occhi sempre di gratia [-]
Donna che sete tra le donne bella [-]
Donna fra i più bei volti honesti e chiari [-]
Donna leggiadra e bella che con le vostre [-]
Doulce memoire en plaisir consommée [-]
Doÿ ie esperer d'avoir en ce seul bien [-]
Entre vous filles de quinze ans ne venes [-]
Escoutez tous gentilz galloys la victoire? Anonymous [-]
Est ill ad'is qu'on doibve estimer d'elle [-]
Fidel e bel canguolo che tanto spesso [-]
Fini le bien le mal soudain commence [-]
Frais et gaillard [=Frisque et gaillard] un jour entre cent mille [-]
Frerot un juro = Frèrot un jour aux cordeliers [-]
Frisch auf in Gottes namen du werde [-]
Fuggi cor mio l'ingrat'e crud'amore [-]
Gloriarmi poss' io donna d'haver un sì [-]
Hors envieulx retirez vous d'ici [-]
Iane craindraÿ Anonymous [-]
Ic seg adiu wy twe wy moeten scheiden Anonymous [-]
Igno suave ov'il mio foco alento [-]
Il bianco e dolce cigno cantando more [-]
Il est jour dit l'alouette allons jouer [-]
Inte sament! Anonymous [-]
Io dico che fra voi potenti Dei convien [-]
J'ai le desir content et leffect resolu [-]
Je me contente d'avoir aimé sans avoir joyssance [-]
Je ne fais riens que plaindre et souspirer [-]
Je prens en gre le dure mort (4vv) [-]
Jean de Lagni mon bel amy vous m'avez abusée [-]
Jouissance vous donnerai, mon ami [-]
Jusques ici Anonymous [-]
La Battaglia Anonymous [-]
La bella marin mi por se = La bella man mi porse madonna per dar [-]
La ferme amour Anonymous [-]
Languir me fais sans t'avoir offensé [-]
Las que crains tu amy de quoy as déffiance [-]
Lasso che mal accorto fui da prima [-]
Lasso che mi Anonymous [-]
Lasso che se creduto havesse a qualch'amante [-]
Le coeur est bon et le vouloir aussi [-]
Le content est riche en ce monde [-]
Le corps se plaint et maine grand tristesse [-]
Le dieu daÿmer Deibon [-]
Le mal quona Anonymous [-]
Le tamne triste Anonymous [-]
Le temps qui court requiert que l'on se taise [-]
Lespirit vouloit mois = L'esprit vouloit mais la bouche ne peut prendre congé [-]
Loil amant nay plutz = Loyal amant naye plus de soucy [-]
Ma bouche rit et mon coeur pleure [-]
Madona qual certeza haver si può maggior [-]
Madonna il tuo bel viso che nel gran mar [-]
Madonna io sol vorrei che volesti voler [-]
Madonna, per voi ardo e voi non me 'l credete [-]
Mauldicte soit la mondaine richesse [-]
Mijns liefkens brun ooghen en harren Anonymous [-]
Mille regrets et deslonger vostre fache [-]
Mon pouvre coeur qui sans aulcun repos [-]
Mon seul espoir le plaisir de ma vie [-]
Morir me fault c'est chose clere [-]
Mort m'a prive par sa cruelle ennuy [-]
Musae dal basso centro alzate'l canto sotto dolce [-]
Non vi fidate o simplicetti amanti [-]
O combien est malheurex le desir dont [-]
O passi sparssi O pensier vagh'et pronti [-]
O s'io potessi donna dir quel che nel mirar [-]
Oime mort il bel viso ch'in parte'l cor [-]
Piove da gli occhi della donna mia [-]
Plus nulz regrets grand moiens 28.28 [-]
Plus revenir ne puis vers toy ma dame [-]
Pluttuckh! Anonymous [-]
Poss'io morir di mala morte s'io non v'amo [-]
Possibit Anonymous [-]
Possible n'est d'avoir plus de soulas Anonymous [-]
Possible n'est d'être amoureux et d'avoir bon ad'is [-]
Pour pervenir bon bied = Pour parvenir bon pied bon oeil [-]
Pour un plaisir qui si peu dure [-]
Puis qui'il convient et sans nul contredict [-]
Puisque j'ai perdu mes amours [-]
Pungente dardo ch'el mio cor consumi [-]
Pürchus le roy = Pyrrhus le roy d'Epire ou Albanie [-]
Quand' io pens' al martire amor che tu [-]
Quando amor il begli ochi a terra inchina [-]
Quanta belta quanda gratia e splendore [-]
Quanti Hispanni Anonymous [-]
Quanto fra voi mortali poss'un accort [-]
Quanto sia lieto il giorno nel qual [-]
Qui veult son ceur en dieu d'amour offrir [-]
R. Anonymous [-]
R. Anonymous [-]
R. Anonymous [-]
Ragion' e ben ch' alcuna volta io canti [-]
Se dire je l'osoie d'ou me vient le souffrir [-]
Se lietta e grata morte da gl'occhi [-]
Se mai provasti donna qual sia amore [-]
Se voi porgesti una sol fiatta donna [-]
Secourez moi ma dame par amours ou autrement [-]
Si faux rapport Anonymous [-]
Si ie mouroyss m'amye de le faire [-]
Si j'ai pour vous mon avoir despendu [-]
Si mon travail vous peult donner plaisir [-]
Si par fortuna = Si par fortune avez mon coeur acquis [-]
Si par souffrir on peult vaincre fortune [-]
Si pur ti guardo dolce anima mia [-]
Si ton amour ne gist fort en ton oeil [-]
Si tu te plains d'amours tant seulement [-]
Sic Deus dilexit mundum ut filium suum Anonymous [-]
Sio penssasse madonna che mia morte [-]
Sur tous regrets les miens plus piteulz [-]
Toutes les nuits que sans vous je me couche [-]
Toutes les nuits que sans vous je me couche [-]
Trop plus secret que ma partie suis [-]
Un gay berger prioit une bergère [-]
Un gross mignon espousa une fille [-]
Un gross prieur son petit filz baisoit [-]
Un vraÿ amant doibt estre souffreteux Anonymous [-]
Une fillete à son vicaire alla se confesser [-]
Ung dulx regard un parler amoureulx [-]
Venez regrets venez il en est heure [-]
Vita della mia vita quando gran tort [-]
Voici le mois Anonymous [-]
Voulente fut en ton amour esmüe [-]
Vous me tenes Anonymous [-]
Vous perdez temps de me dire mal d'elle [-]
Vous savez bien ma dame souveraine [-]
Voyez le tort d'amour et de fortune [-]

denotes primary source study

Haberkamp, Gertraut. 1981. Die Musikhandschriften der Fürst Thurn und Taxis Hofbibliothek Regensburg. Kataloge Bayerischer Musiksammlungen.  Munich. Pages: 417-22. Notes: physical description; contents list; concordances (partial); inventory.

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DIAMM, 2016

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. General Description; Binding Note; Watermark Note; Notation Note; Ruling Note; Foliation Note; Foliation Note; Decoration Note; Surface Note

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. Census Catalogue of Music Description