E-Sc 5-2-25

Biblioteca Capitular y Colombina (housed in the Institución Colombina), Seville, Spain

theory treatises: 14th - 15th century

Archive Biblioteca Capitular y Colombina (housed in the Institución Colombina), Seville, Spain (E-Sc)
Shelfmark 5-2-25
Image Availability DIAMM does not have images of this source.
Surface Mixed Paper and Parchment
Numbering System Foliation
Measurements 220 x 150 mm
Other Identifiers
  • RISM: E-S25
  • CCM: SevC 5-2-25
  • black full mensural
  • black void mensural
External Links
  • Spain
Contents 21 pieces from 2 composers
General Description

Composite of many originally separate manuscripts bound together in present form by Juan de Loaisa during 17th century. Polyphony added later on spaces originally left blank on ff. 22', 48'-49, 57'-59', 80, and 138. Polyphony copied by several scribes. Probably copied mostly in Italy; one treatise copied in Spain (GalloAF). Components of present manuscript acquired separately, from different sources, by Fernando Colón (1488-1539), son of the navigator, in early 16th century. See SevC 5-1-43 for subsequent history of Colón collection.

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original parchment covers.

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black full mensural, except for textless fragment on f. 138, in black void mensural

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copied at various times between mid 14th century and early 15th century (GalloAF).

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22v, 48v-49, 57v-59, 80r, 138r

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Modern foliation, 1-138

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Inked initials, most in Gothic style.

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23 parchment + 15 paper + 2 parchment + 98 paper

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RISM Description

Miscellany of treatises collated in the 17th century. 138 folios in total. Modern foliation. Parchment binding.

RISM B/IV 3: 14./15. Jh.; 138 Blätter Papier und Pergament (f. 1-23, 39/40), 220 x 150 mm. Moderne Foliierung von f. 1-138 (zusätzliche moderne Foliierung von f. 1-16, die um eine Ziffer differiert). - Einband: Pergament.

Diese im 17. Jh. zusammengestellte Sammelhandschrift umfaßt mehrere im 14. und 15. Jh. geschriebene und von Ferdinando Colombo im frühen 16. Jh. gesammelte, hier teilweise anonym überlieferte Traktate von Marchettus de Padua, Johannes de Garlandia, Nicolo da Siena, Filipoctus de Caserta, Johannes de Muris, Egidio de Murino, sowie drei Traktate über italienische Notation und einen in kastilischer Sprache. Auf verschiedenen Seiten finden sich als Nachträge oder Einschiebungen vereinzelte mehrstimmige Stücke.

This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers. It is COPYRIGHT and copying/reproduction of any of this content without permission may result in legal action.

Répertoire International des Sources Musicales
Census Catalogue of Music Description

This information is reproduced here by kind permission of the publishers. It is COPYRIGHT and copying/reproduction of this content without permission may result in legal action.

Collection of treatises on music by Marchettus of Padua, Johannes de Garlandia, Filippo da Caserta, Jean de Muris, and others (see Gallo AF), with polyphony:

1 Kyrie, 4 Italian secular pieces, 3 textless fragments = 8

(Landini)-1, anon-7

23 parchment + 15 paper + 2 parchment + 98 paper folios, 220 x 150. Composite of many originally separate manuscripts bound together in present form by Juan de Loaisa during 17th century. Modern foliation, 1-138. Original parchment covers. Polyphony added later on spaces originally left blank on ff. 22', 48'-49, 57'-59', 80, and 138. Polyphony copied in black mensural notation, except for textless fragment on f. 138, in white mensural notation. Polyphony copied by several scribes. Inked initials, most in Gothic style.

Treatises and polyphony copied at various times between mid 14th century and early 15th century (GalloAF). Probably copied mostly in Italy; one treatise copied in Spain (GalloAF). Components of present manuscript acquired separately, from different sources, by Fernando Colón (1488-1539), son of the navigator, in early 16th century. See SevC 5-1-43 for subsequent history of Colón collection.

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
22 Fragment of a theological treatise - -

Fragment of a theological treatise

Appears on: 22
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: insufficient
Voice Text: Fragment of a theological treatise
23 “Liber cantus, id est rationum:” inscription possibly with some erased music below. - Anonymous
Appears on: 23
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Voice Text: “Liber cantus, id est rationum:” inscription possibly with some erased music below.
23v Illegible palimpsest of mensural music. - -

Illegible palimpsest of mensural music.

Appears on: 23v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Voice Text: Illegible palimpsest of mensural music.
39 Erased page of mensural music - Anonymous
Appears on: 39
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Voice Text: Erased page of mensural music
39v Two illegible 15th c. lines of text - Anonymous
Appears on: 39v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: insufficient
Voice Text: Two illegible 15th c. lines of text
40 Melodic formulae in three hexachords. Misc. texts - Anonymous
Appears on: 40
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Voice Text: Melodic formulae in three hexachords. Misc. texts
40v Moral or theological treatise (14th c., fragment) - Anonymous
Appears on: 40v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: insufficient
Voice Text: Moral or theological treatise (14th c., fragment)
57 Two voice Klangschrittlehre [interval teaching] - Anonymous
Appears on: 57
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: insufficient
Voice Text: Two voice Klangschrittlehre (continues onto f. 58r)
22v La?dura?… mi fa turnar - Anonymous
Appears on: 22v
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: La(?)dura(?)… mi fa turnar
General Note

On this folio also untexted Kyrie, Cunctipotens genitor chant.

48v–49 Fortuna ria amor e crudel donna -
Appears on: 48v–49
Genres: Italian secular
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Voice Text: Fortuna ria ...
General Note

C, T, alius T, Ct

Item Bibliography

Cuthbert, Michael Scott. 2006. Trecento fragments and Polyphony beyond the codex. Harvard University, Ph.D. Pages: 473-75 (version as in Seville 5-2-25).

58v “Contratenor de monaco so tucto ziusu.” - Anonymous
Appears on: 58v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: insufficient
Voice Text: “Contratenor de monaco so tucto ziusu.”
58v Three miscellaneous religious texts - Anonymous
Appears on: 58v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: insufficient
Voice Text: Three miscellaneous religious texts
57v “Tenor de monacho so tucto ziusu” - Anonymous
Appears on: 57v
Genres: textless
Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: f2
58 untexted line of a probably polyphonic piece - Anonymous
Appears on: 58
Genres: textless
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Voice Text: textless line of a probably polyphonic piece
58v Counterpoint treatise, incipit, “Sciendum est, quod novem sunt species contrapunti.” - Anonymous
Appears on: 58v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: c-dot
Clef: f3
Voice Text: Patrem omnipotentem

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Mensuration: c-dot
Voice Text: Patrem omnipotentem


79–81 Treatises on discant - Anonymous
Appears on: 79–81
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: insufficient
Voice Text: Treatises on discant
59 Chi temp'a per amore - Anonymous
Appears on: 59
Genres: Ballade
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Italian
Mensuration: c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Chi temp'a per amore
59v untexted copy of La bella stella - Anonymous
Appears on: 59v
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: German
Voice Text: Vermutlich Einzelst. zu mehrst. Satz.
General Note


80 Kyrie Cunctipotens genitor - Anonymous
Appears on: 80
Genres: Kyrie eleison, Mass Ordinary
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Greek
Clef: c1
Voice Text: Kyrie leyson.

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Greek
Clef: c2
Voice Text: Kyrie leyson.

Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Greek
Clef: f2
Voice Text: Kyrie leyson.


137rv Fragment of a treatise on the church modes - Anonymous
Appears on: 137rv
Genres: textless
Voice: Contratenor
Languages: none
Clef: c3

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: c4


138 Untexted tenor of Mercé per Dio - Anonymous
Appears on: 138
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: German
Voice Text: Vermutlich Einzelst. zu mehrst. Satz.

denotes primary source study

Cook, Karen M. 2021. Music Theory in Late Medieval Avignon: Magister Johannes Pipardi.  New York: Routledge.

Cuthbert, Michael Scott. 2006. Trecento fragments and Polyphony beyond the codex. Harvard University, Ph.D. Notes: inventory on p. 460.

Schlager, Karlheinz (editor). 1971-. Répertoire International des Sources Musicales. Series A/I.  Kassel. Pages: B IV/3, 426-8. Notes: physical description; contents list; concordances; incipits; additional bibliography.

Gallo, Franco Alberto, and Giuseppe Vecchi (editors). 1968. I più antichi monumenti sacri italiani. I: Edizione fotografica, Monumenta Lyrica Medii Aevi Italica, 3: Mensurabilia, 1.  Bologna: Universita degli studi di Bologna. Pages: (Faks. von Nr. 7).

Gallo, Franco Alberto. 1961-1968. Alcune Fonti poco Note di Musica Teorica e Pratica. L 'Ars Nova Italiana del Trecento: Convegni di studio 1961-1967, 49-76. Certaldo. Pages: 59-73, Tav. I-III. Notes: physical description; contents list; facsimile (partial); mention of MS; discussion.

Reaney, Gilbert. 1952. A Chronology of the Ballades, Rondeaux and Virelais Set to Music by Guillaume de Machaut. Musica Disciplina, 33ff. Pages: 66, 73. Notes: mention of MS.

Anglès, Higinio. 1947. La música conservada en la Biblioteca Colombina y en la Catedral de Sevilla. Anuário Musical, 3ff. Pages: 8. Notes: mention of MS.

Anglès, Higinio. 1927. Die mehrstimmige Musik in Spanien vor dem 15. Jahrhundert. Beethoven-Zentenarfeier vom 26. bis 31. März 1927, 158–63. Vienna: Universal-Edition. Pages: 159-60. Notes: description of the contents.

Riaño, Juan F. 1887. Critical and Bibliographical Notes on Early Spanish Music.  London: Quaritch.

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Karen Cook

Friday, 10 November, 2023

Added bibliography entry

Karen Cook

Saturday, 29 June, 2019

Giuseppe Vecchi & 'mehrstimmige' re-spelled

DIAMM, 2016

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. General Description; Binding Note; Notation Note; Date Note; Foliation Note; Foliation Note; Decoration Note; Surface Note

Census-Catalogue of Manuscript Sources of Polyphonic Music 1400-1550

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. Census Catalogue of Music Description

Répertoire Internationale des Sources Musicales

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. RISM Description