E-Mn 19421

Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, Spain

chant book with added polyphony: 12-13th century

Archive Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, Spain (E-Mn)
Shelfmark 19421
Image Availability DIAMM does not have images of this source. Please refer to the external links for image availability.
Surface Parchment
Numbering System None
Measurements 285 x 175 mm
Other Identifiers
  • RISM: Ma 19421
  • Aquitanian diastematic neumes
  • square
External Links
  • Italy
Contents 4 pieces from 1 composers

neumatic but semi-quadratic Aquitanian

DIAMM, 2017


DIAMM, 2017
RISM Description

RISM B/IV 1: A 12th-13th century parchment Troper meas. 285 x 175 mm. and containing 119 folios. Fol. 1-2 are more recent paper flyleaves, the first of which bears some remarks in Barbieri's hand. The foliation itself, which begins at f. 2, dates from the 18th century and is in ink at t.r.r. Fol. 118v-119 are blank. The binding of fine skin bears the arms of Philip V, and gilt lettering on the spine spells out the words "Liber cantu[s] chori". The Aquitanian notation is neumatic but semi-quadratic on 14 four-line staves per page in dry point, f or c clefs are always present as well as the custos. The neat minuscule script has red rubrics and many initials in red, blue, green and yellow. Known as the Troparium de Catania after the researches of Misset and Weale, this ms was at least written in Sicily. Formerly in the library of Philip V of Spain, it was brought to Spain with other Sicilian mss by Giovanni Francesco Pacheco, duke of Uceda and viceroy of Sicily from 1687-1696. Later it became part of the ms holdings of the Biblioteca Nacional, but was missed in 1868. Barbieri acquired it from Pereda on April 9, 1869, the latter having himself bought it from a bookseller named Lezcano. While in Barbieri's possession it was examined by Misset and Weale, who published 90 sequence incipits from it in Thesaurus hymnologicus II (1892). The contents of the ms, which is now back safely in the Biblioteca Nacional, consist of 24 troped Kyries of the Regnum and 2 of the Sceptrum, 92 sequences, 21 troped and 1 untroped Sanctus, 8 troped Hosannas, 15 troped and 16 untroped Agnus, 14 troped and 16 untroped Benedicamus, and 5 untroped Ites, together with a set of antiphons at the end of the ms. The polyphony too appears at the end, and consists of 4 two-part organa in score with a notation very like that of Roma, Bibl. Vaticana, ms Ottoboni lat. 3025. Bar-lines appear in nos. 1 and 4, and they are particularly interesting in the latter because they link up the corresponding duplum and T notes. According to Angles, no. 4 is different from the Notre Dame composition F 59. This composition has a set of lines drawn continuously one after the other as a stave. The use of a c clef in the duplum and an f clef in the T is standard in all 4 compositions.

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Répertoire International des Sources Musicales

Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
115v–116 Ave, virgo singularis, porta vite - Anonymous
Appears on: 115v–116
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: [A]ve, virgo singularis, porta vite
116 Benedicamus Domino - Anonymous

Benedicamus Domino

Appears on: 116
Genres: Benedicamus Domino
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: [B]enedicamus domino
117 Affirmavit eius - Anonymous

Affirmavit eius

Appears on: 117
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Affirmavit eius
General Note

opening only

118 Crucifixum in carne laudate - Anonymous
Appears on: 118
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: Latin
Voice Text: Crucifixum in carne laudate

Voice: Tenor
Languages: none
Clef: no clef
General Note

T melody complete, but duplum to "propter nos" only

Composer Compositions
Composition Composers (? Uncertain) Folios / Pages
Affirmavit eius Anonymous 117
Ave, virgo singularis, porta vite Anonymous 115v–116
Benedicamus Domino Anonymous 116
Crucifixum in carne laudate Anonymous 118

denotes primary source study

Anglès, Higinio. 1955. La musica sacra medievale in Sicilia. Bollettino del Centro di Studi Filologici e Linguistici Siciliani, 25ff. Pages: 30, 32f.

Anglès, Higinio. 1946. Catálogo Musical de la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid. Pages: 66ff, 153f.

Anglès, Higinio. 1931. El Còdex musical de las Huelgas. 3 vols. Pages: I, 80f and passim.

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Répertoire Internationale des Sources Musicales

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. RISM Description