GB-Odiamm Contratenor partbook in private ownership (contact DIAMM)

DIAMM Virtual Manuscript Archive, Oxford, England

Single partbook: early 17th century

Archive DIAMM Virtual Manuscript Archive, Oxford, England (GB-Odiamm)
Shelfmark Contratenor partbook in private ownership (contact DIAMM)
Numbering System None
  • black void mensural
  • England
Contents 100 pieces from 25 composers
General Description

Small-format paper partbook with music copied in a round hand in from both ends (with the book turned through 180 degrees for the copying at the back) towards a blank ruled middle section 66v-142 (apart from a cantus firmus written inverted on 94r), but foliated continuously from front to back ignoring the inversion of the latter copying. The latter images (from 142v) are therefore inverted for readability (so recto/verso appear on left and right pages respectively) and folio numbers after 142r run from the back of the book in reverse to end at 142v to make it easier to follow the pieces in the scroll view.

Inventory provided by John Morehen. No further information.

DIAMM, 2017

Inventory provided by John Morehen

DIAMM, 2017

Digitized with funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) for the Tudor Partbooks project at the Universities of Oxford and Newcastle.

DIAMM, 2023


Click an entry to see more information about that item.

Folio / Pages Composition / Item title Source attribution Composers (? Uncertain)
1–1v Short/Dorian Service: Venite Mr. Tallis
Appears on: 1–1v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Canticle, Venite exultemus [Anglican, Morning Service]
Source Attribution: Mr. Tallis
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr. Tallis 4 parts Venite exultemus. / Come let us sing vnto
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 parts' under the name of the composer.; Notes: EECM 13 etc.;

2–3v Short/Dorian Service: Te Deum Mr Tallis
Appears on: 2–3v
Genres: Liturgical work, Te Deum
Source Attribution: Mr Tallis
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Tallis 4 parts Te Deum. / Wee knowledg thee
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 parts.' under the name of the composer.;

4–4v Short/Dorian Service: Benedictus (Canticle) Mr. Tallis
Appears on: 4–4v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Benedictus [Anglican = 2nd canticle at Morning Prayer], Canticle
Source Attribution: Mr. Tallis
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Tallis 4 parts. Benedictus. / Blessed be the Lord God
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 parts.' under the name of the composer.;

5–5v Short/Dorian Service: Kyrie Mr Tallis
Appears on: 5–5v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Kyrie eleison, Response
Source Attribution: Mr Tallis
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Tallis 4 part Kyrie eleys. / Lord haue mercy vpon vs
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 parts' under the name of the composer.;

5v–6v Short/Dorian Service: Creed Mr Tallis
Appears on: 5v–6v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: Mr Tallis
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Tallis 4 parts Credo. / The Father Almighty
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 parts' under the name of the composer.;

7–8v Short/Dorian Service: Magnificat Mr Tallis
Appears on: 7–8v
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Tallis
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Tallis 4 parts Magnificat. / My soule doth magnify the Lord
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 parts' under the name of the composer. Corrections on f. 7 fourth line.;

8v–9 Short/Dorian Service: Nunc dimittis Mr Tallis
Appears on: 8v–9
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Canticle, Nunc Dimittis
Source Attribution: Mr Tallis
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Tallis 4 parts. Nunc dimittis. / Lord now lettest thou thy servant
9v–11 Dorian Service: Magnificat Mr Moules
Appears on: 9v–11
Source Attribution: Mr Moules
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Moules 4 parts. Magnificat. / My soule doth magnify the Lord
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 parts' under the name of the composer.; Notes: i.e. Henry Molle.;

11–11v Dorian Service: Nunc dimittis Mr Mouls
Appears on: 11–11v
Source Attribution: Mr Mouls
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Mouls 4 parts Nunc dimittis. / Lord now lettest thou thy servant
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 parts' under the name of the composer.;

12–13v Short Service: Te Deum Mr Birds
Appears on: 12–13v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Liturgical work, Te Deum
Source Attribution: Mr Birds
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Birds service for sides 4 parts. The Deum / Wee praise thee
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 parts' under the name of the composer.; Notes: BE 10a; note the description ‘for sides’ (indicating antiphony).;

13v–15 Short Service: Benedictus (Canticle) Mr Birds
Appears on: 13v–15
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Benedictus [Anglican = 2nd canticle at Morning Prayer], Canticle
Source Attribution: Mr Birds
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Birds 4 parts Benedictus. / Blessed be the Lord God
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 parts' under the name of the composer.;

15 Short Service: Kyrie responses Mr Birds
Appears on: 15
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Kyrie eleison, Response
Source Attribution: Mr Birds
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Birds 4 parts Kyrie & Credo. / Lord haue mercy vpon vs
General Note

Notes: The title mentions both Kyrie and Credo, as they are both on this folio;

15–17 Short Service: Creed Mr Birds
Appears on: 15–17
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Credo (patrem omnipotentem)
Source Attribution: Mr Birds
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Birds 4 parts Kyrie & Credo. / The father Almighty
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 parts' under the name of the composer.; Notes: The title mentions both Kyrie and Credo, as they are both on this folio;

17–18v Short Service: Magnificat Mr Birds
Appears on: 17–18v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Birds
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Birds 4 parts. Magnificat. / My soule doth magnifie the Lord
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 parts.' under the name of the composer.;

18v–19 Short Service: Nunc dimittis Mr Bird
Appears on: 18v–19
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Canticle, Nunc Dimittis
Source Attribution: Mr Bird
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Bird 4 parts Nunc dimittis / Lord now lettest thou thy seruant
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 parts' under the name of the composer.;

19v–21 Short [First] Service: Te Deum Mr Gibbons
Appears on: 19v–21
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Liturgical work, Te Deum
Source Attribution: Mr Gibbons
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Gibbons short seruice. Te Deum / Wee praise thee
General Note

Notes: TCM IV;

21–22 Short [First] Service: Benedictus (Canticle) Mr Gibbons
Appears on: 21–22
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Benedictus [Anglican = 2nd canticle at Morning Prayer], Canticle
Source Attribution: Mr Gibbons
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Gibbons 4 parts. Benedictus. / Blessed be the Lord God
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 parts.' under the name of the composer.;

22v Short [First] Service: Kyrie responses Mr Gibbons
Appears on: 22v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Kyrie eleison, Response
Source Attribution: Mr Gibbons
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Gibbons short seruice 4 parts Kyrie & Credo / Lord haue mercy vpon vs
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 parts' under the name of the composer.; Notes: The title mentions both Kyrie and Credo, as they are both on this folio;

22v–23v Short [First] Service: Creed Mr Gibbons
Appears on: 22v–23v
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Credo (patrem omnipotentem)
Source Attribution: Mr Gibbons
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Gibbons short seruice 4 parts Kyrie & Credo / The father Almighty
General Note

Notes: The title mentions both Kyrie and Credo, as they are both on this folio;

24–25r Short [First] Service: Magnificat Mr Gibbons
Appears on: 24–25r
Genres: Anglican Service Music, BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Gibbons
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Gibbons Magnificat / My soule doth magnify the Lord
25v–26 Short [First] Service: Nunc dimittis Mr Gibbons
Appears on: 25v–26
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Canticle, Nunc Dimittis
Source Attribution: Mr Gibbons
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Gibbons 4 parts. Nunc dimittis. / Lord now lettest thou thy servant
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 parts.' under the name of the composer.;

26v–28v A Service for Men, 4 parts: Magnificat H H.
Appears on: 26v–28v
Source Attribution: H H.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-o
Clef: c3
Voice Text: A service for men 4 parts. Magnficat. / My soule doth magnify the Lord
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 parts.' under the name of the composer.;

28v–29v A Service for Men, 4 parts: Nunc dimittis H H.
Appears on: 28v–29v
Source Attribution: H H.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: A service for men 4 parts. Nunc dimittis / Lord now lettest thou thy seruant
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 parts.' under the name of the composer. Title originally 'Benedictus' but crossed out. At the end 'finis H H.';

29v–31 Short Service: Magnificat Mr Morleys
Appears on: 29v–31
Genres: Anglican Service Music, BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Morleys
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Morleys. And my spirit. Magnificat. / And my spirit reioyceth in God
General Note

Notes: ed. C.F. Simkins (London, 1956); EECM ii; EECM 41; The Magnificat has the alternative verse opening otherwise found only in Lbl 29289 and Och 1001.;

31–32 Short Service: Nunc dimittis Mr Morleys
Appears on: 31–32
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Canticle, Nunc Dimittis
Source Attribution: Mr Morleys
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Morleys Nunc dimittis. / Lord now lettest thou thy servant
32–33 Second Service ('Verse Service'): Magnificat Mr Birds
Appears on: 32–33
Source Attribution: Mr Birds
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Birds verses. Magnificat. / And my spirit rejoyceth in God
General Note

Notes: BE 10a. Time signature changes on f. 33 second line.;

33v–34 Second Service ('Verse Service'): Nunc dimittis Mr Birds
Appears on: 33v–34
Source Attribution: Mr Birds
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Birds verses Nunc dimittis. / According to thy word
34v–37 Third (First) Service: Te Deum Mr Amner
Appears on: 34v–37
Genres: Liturgical work, Te Deum
Source Attribution: Mr Amner
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Amner Te Deum / Wee knowledg thee
General Note

Notes: OCS;

37v–39v Third (First) Service: Benedictus (Canticle) Mr Amner
Appears on: 37v–39v
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: Mr Amner
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Amner Benedictus. / Blessed be the Lord
39v–40 Third (First) Service: Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service Mr Amner
Appears on: 39v–40
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Kyrie eleison, Response
Source Attribution: Mr Amner
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Amner. Kyrie / Lord have mercy vpon vs
40–42 Third (First) Service: Creed Mr Amner
Appears on: 40–42
Genres: Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
Source Attribution: Mr Amner
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Amner: Kyrie & Credo. / The father Almightie
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: Correction on f. 40v fourth line.; Notes: The title on f. 40 mentions the 'Kyrie' because its last section is on the top of the folio;

42v–44 Third (First) Service: Magnificat Mr Amner
Appears on: 42v–44
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Amner
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Amner Magnificat. / My soule doth magnify the Lord
44–45 Third (First) Service: Nunc dimittis Mr Amner
Appears on: 44–45
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: Mr Amner
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Amner Nunc dimittis / Lord now lettest thou thy seruant
45v–47 First [‘Short’] Service: Te Deum Mr Tomkins
Appears on: 45v–47
Genres: Liturgical work, Te Deum
Source Attribution: Mr Tomkins
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Tomkins Te Deum. / Wee knowledg thee
47–48v First [‘Short’] Service: Benedictus (Canticle) Mr Tomkins
Appears on: 47–48v
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: Mr Tomkins
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Tomkins Benedictus / Blessed be the Lord
49 First [‘Short’] Service: Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service Mr Tomkins
Appears on: 49
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Kyrie eleison, Response
Source Attribution: Mr Tomkins
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Tomkins Kyrie & Credo. / Lord haue mercy vpon vs
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: note/stem corr. in third line, followed by another note/stave corr.;

49–51 First [‘Short’] Service: Creed [Mr Tomkins]
Appears on: 49–51
Genres: Anglican Service Music, Credo (patrem omnipotentem)
Source Attribution: [Mr Tomkins]
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: [Mr Tomkins Kyrie & Credo.] / The father Almighty
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: note erased in second line of f. 50?;

51–52 First [‘Short’] Service: Magnificat Mr Tomkins
Appears on: 51–52
Genres: BVM, Canticle, Magnificat
Source Attribution: Mr Tomkins
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Tomkins Magnificat. / My soule doth magnify the Lord
52–53 First [‘Short’] Service: Nunc dimittis Mr Tomkins
Appears on: 52–53
Genres: Canticle
Source Attribution: Mr Tomkins
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Tomkins Nunc dimittis / Lord now lettest thou thy seruant
53–55v Full Service (4 parts): Te Deum Mr Ramsey
Appears on: 53–55v
Source Attribution: Mr Ramsey
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Mr Ramsey's 4 parts altogether. full Te Deum / Wee knowledg thee
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: Corrections on f. 53v fourth line.; Notes: EECM 7;

56–57 Full Service (4 parts): Jubilate Mr Ramsey
Appears on: 56–57
Source Attribution: Mr Ramsey
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: 4 parts. Mr Ramsey's full/ Jubilate. / O be Joyfull in the Lord
57–58v Full Service (4 parts): Magnificat Mr Ramsey
Appears on: 57–58v
Source Attribution: Mr Ramsey
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: 4 pa[r]ts. Mr Ramseys full Magnificat. / My soule doth magnify the Lord
58v–59v Full Service (4 parts): Nunc dimittis Mr Ramsey
Appears on: 58v–59v
Source Attribution: Mr Ramsey
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: 4 parts. Mr Ramseys full Nunc dimittis / Lord now lettest thou thy servant
59v–60v Full Service (4 parts): Litany Mr Ramsey
Appears on: 59v–60v
Source Attribution: Mr Ramsey
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: 4 parts. altogether. Mr Ramsey's Letany / O god the father of heav'n
60v Full Service (4 parts): Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service Mr Ramsey
Appears on: 60v
Source Attribution: Mr Ramsey
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: 4 parts altogether. Mr Ramsey's Kyrie & Credo. / Lord haue mercy vpon vs
General Note

Notes: The title mentions both Kyrie and Credo, as they are both on this folio;

60v–63 Full Service (4 parts): Creed Mr Ramsey
Appears on: 60v–63
Source Attribution: Mr Ramsey
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: 4 parts altogether. Mr Ramsey's Kyrie & Credo. / The father Almighty
General Note

Notes: The title mentions both Kyrie and Credo, as they are both on this folio;

63 Gospel Acclamation Mr. Rob: Ramsey:-
Appears on: 63
Source Attribution: Mr. Rob: Ramsey:-
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Before the Gospell. / Glory be to thee O Lord.
General Note

Notes: This setting of the Gospel acclamation would appear to be unique to this source.;

63v–65 Verse Service: Magnificat H. H. (at end)
Appears on: 63v–65
Source Attribution: H. H. (at end)
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: My soule doth magnify the Lord
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: Indications for verses and choruses entered throughout (one on top of f. 64 specifically indicating 'vers. 3 p[ar]ts' and on f. 64v 'ver 4 p[ar]ts'); on f. 63v, in fourth line major erasure of notes;

65v–66 Verse Service: Nunc dimittis -
Appears on: 65v–66
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: For mine eyes haue seene
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: Alternation between 'Cho:' and verses indicated throughout ('ver. 3 p[ar]ts]' on f. 65v);

66v–93v [blank staves] - -

[blank staves]

Appears on: 66v–93v
94 [untexted] - -


Appears on: 94
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: none
Clef: c4
General Note

Notes: Music noted upside down on page: all notes are plain breves (round note heads);

94v–142 [blank staves] - -

[blank staves]

Appears on: 94v–142
143–142v O clap your hands together all ye people - Anonymous
Appears on: 143–142v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: O Clap yo[u]r hands together
General Note

Notes: From here on, all the music noted upside down on the page (beginning from the other end of the book);

143v If ye be risen again with Christ - Anonymous
Appears on: 143v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: If ye be risen againe w[i]th christ
144v–144 Let my complaint -
Appears on: 144v–144
Genres: Anthem
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Let my Complaints &tc: / Give me vnderstanding
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: Cho: in bottom line of f. 144v; in top line of f. 144, 'rest' written under long rests; at beginning of penultimate line of f. 144 'Cho:';

145–144v I will love thee O Lord -
Appears on: 145–144v
Genres: Anthem
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: I will loue thee O Lord my strength: / I will loue thee O Lord my strength
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: ver:' and 'cho:' at beginning and in third line;

145v–145 Thou art my king, O God Mr Tho: Tomkins
Appears on: 145v–145
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Tho: Tomkins
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Thou art my King O God. / Send help vnto Jacob
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: Cho:' written over several sections on f. 145v - but not 'ver'; at end of bottom line of f. 145v, music and text corr.; Notes: EECM 9;

147v–146 The Lord, even the most mighty God -
Appears on: 147v–146
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: The Lord euen the most mighty God, &c, / Out of Sion hath god appeared
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: ver:' in second line of f. 147v; 'cho:' and 'ver:' on f. 147; Notes: EECM 3;

148v–148 O pray for the peace of Jerusalem (I - 6vv) Mr. Tomkins
Appears on: 148v–148
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr. Tomkins
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: O pray for the peace. &c. / O pray for the peace of Jerusalem
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: cho:' several times and once 'ver:'; Notes: EECM 14;

150–148v Christ rising again - 2a pars (of 2): Christ is risen again -
Appears on: 150–148v
Genres: Anthem
150–148v Christ rising again - 1a pars (of 2): Christ rising again -
Appears on: 150–148v
Genres: Anthem
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Christ riseing &c: / Death from henceforth
General Note

Notes: Christ is risen againe' section begins on f. 149v;

150v–150 Out of the deep (II) [verse anthem] -
Appears on: 150v–150
Genres: Anthem
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Out of the deepe / O Let thine eares consider well
General Note

Notes: EECM 38;

152–151 If ye then be risen with Christ / If ye be risen again with Christ (Anthem for Easter Day) -
Appears on: 152–151
Genres: Anthem
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: If yee be risen &c. / If yee be risen againe w[i]th Christ
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: cho:' and 'ver:' throughout; Notes: EECM 3;

152v–152 Behold, how good and joyful a thing it is R G:-
Appears on: 152v–152
Source Attribution: R G:-
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Behold how good. / Brethren do dwell together
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: Cho:' at beginning over music; Notes: –;

153v–153 Teach me thy way, O Lord -
Appears on: 153v–153
Genres: Anthem
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Teach me thy way O Lord. &c. / Teach mee thy way O Lord
General Note

Notes: CMSR 21a;

155–153v Wipe away my sins [=Absterge Domine] -
Appears on: 155–153v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Wipe away my sinnes. &c. / Wipe away my sinnes
General Note

Notes: EECM 12; Contrafactum of the motet Absterge Domine.;

156v–155v Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom Mr Tho. Tomkins
Appears on: 156v–155v
Source Attribution: Mr Tho. Tomkins
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Almighty God &c / Almighty God the fountaine of all wisdome
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 5 p[ar]ts.' at top; throughout the piece sharps entered over or beneath notes; possibly some corr and end of bottom line of first page; Notes: EECM 37;

157v–157 O how glorious art thou Mr White
Appears on: 157v–157
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr White
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: O how glorious &c. / O how glorious art thou O God
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: stave lines 'improved' at very beginning; Notes: TCM V (also published by OUP, ed. Anthony Magness (1964)); Attributed in some sources to Edmund Hooper.;

158–157v Do well, O Lord, unto those that be good - Anonymous
Appears on: 158–157v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Do well O Lord. &c. / Doe well O Lord unto those yt be good
General Note

Notes: possibly unicum;

159v–158 O Lord, rebuke me not in thine indignation - Anonymous
Appears on: 159v–158
Genres: Anthem
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: O Lord rebuke me not &c: / O Lord rebuke mee not [...] in thine Indignation
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: on f. 159, in outer margin, next to third line, an 'i' (of 'j');

160v–159v I will magnify thee, O God my King - Anonymous
Appears on: 160v–159v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: I will magnify thee &c: / I will magnify thee O Lord
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: several reminding accidentals entered throughout;

161 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts [= Sanctus (1552-1662 Prayer Book versions)] - Anonymous
Appears on: 161
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Holy Holy: &c. / Holy holy holy Lord god of hosts
161v–161 Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake - Anonymous
Appears on: 161v–161
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Lord for thy tender mercy sake: &c: / Lord for thy tender mercy sake
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 voc:' at top;

162v–162 Hear us, O heavenly God - Anonymous
Appears on: 162v–162
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Heare vs &: / Heare vs O heavenly God
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: text crossed out and replaced with 'A=men' in final section, on f. 162; Notes: possibly unicum;

163v–162 Blessed art thou that fearest God and walkest in his ways -
Appears on: 163v–162
Genres: Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Blessed art thou. / Blessed art thou yt fearest God
General Note

Notes: AECM;

166–163v O Lord, I bow the knees of my heart -
Appears on: 166–163v
Genres: Anthem
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: O Lord I bow the knees of my heart
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: ffinis' at end (the other pieces here do not normally have that); Notes: Fols 164v and 165 have just blank ruled staves;

167–166 Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty -
Appears on: 167–166
Genres: Anthem
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Holy, Holy, Holy: &c: / Holy holy holy Holy Lord God Almightie
General Note

Notes: NB The text does not correspond with any of the Prayer Book versions of the Sanctus.;

168v–167v O give thanks unto the Lord -
Appears on: 168v–167v
Genres: Anthem
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: O giue thanks vnto the Lord for he is gracious
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 5.voc:' at top;

169v–168v O Lord our God, why art thou absent - Anonymous
Appears on: 169v–168v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: O Lord our God: &c. / O Lord our god why art thou absent
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: several text corr. in top line of f. 168v; note/stem corr. in second line of f. 169; text corr. in bottom line of f. 169v;

171–169v Out of the deep (II) -
Appears on: 171–169v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Out of the deepe. &c. / Out of the deep have I called vnto thee
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 6. voc.' at top; Notes: EECM 21 / BE 11; Variously attributed to William Byrd and Orlando Gibbons.;

172–171v O Lord, grant the King a long life Mr Weelks.
Appears on: 172–171v
Source Attribution: Mr Weelks.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: O Lord grant the King &c: / O Lord grant the King a long life
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: at very beginning possibly some erasure after the clef; in second line four dots before the first note; Notes: MB 23;

173–172v Deliver me from mine enemies -
Appears on: 173–172v
Genres: Quodlibet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Deliuer me from mine enemyes. &c. / Deliuer me from mine enemies
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: seemingly some erasure around clef at very beginning; Notes: NOA ;

174–173v Sing joyfully unto God our strength (2p. Blow the trumpet) -
Appears on: 174–173v
Genres: Anthem
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Sing joyfullye unto God our strength
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 6 voc.' at top; Notes: BE 11; on f. 173v music n brown ink and text in black ink; on f. 174 first line of music and all the text on this page in black ink, but second to fifth line of music in brown ink; from here on both music and words of the pieces in black ink;

175–174v Lord, I am not high-minded Mr John Amner.
Appears on: 175–174v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr John Amner.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Lord I am not high minded
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: corr. in final line of piece (two notes blacked out); ' 5 voc.' on top of f. 175; note corr.? near end of second line of f. 175 - there also text corr.; ; Notes: NECM 4;

176–175v O praise God in his holiness (I) -
Appears on: 176–175v
Genres: Anthem
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: O prayse God in his holyness
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 8 voc.' at top; on f. 176, in secon line stave made clear in ink and in fourth line slur entered to clarify relation to text-syllable; Notes: TCM 5;

177–176v Among the gods Mr Henry Hellwis.
Appears on: 177–176v
Source Attribution: Mr Henry Hellwis.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Mensuration: cut-c
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Among the Gods
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: in penultimate line of piece 'Cho:' erased, then note wrotten over it and 'Cho:' on top; generally 'verse' and 'Cho:' alternating throughout; Notes: Text from Ps.86, v.;

179–177v O Lord, turn thy wrath (2p. Bow thine ear) (=Ne irascaris) Mr Will: Byrd:
Appears on: 179–177v
Genres: Anthem, Contrafactum
Source Attribution: Mr Will: Byrd:
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Oh Lord turne thy wrath
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: on top of f. 178 and of f. 179 each time '5 voc.'; on top of f. 178 'The Second Part' written in first stave before music (in slightly paler ink); 'Mr Will: Byrd:' after each part (on f. 178v and 177v); Notes: Contrafactum of Ne irascaris Domine/Civitas sancti tui (Cantiones sacrae, 1589).;

180–179v I lift my heart to thee (= Amavit eum Dominus) -
Appears on: 180–179v
Genres: Anthem, Contrafactum
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: I lift my heart to thee
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: at top '5 voc.'; text corr. in first line; several slurs entered to clarify note-syllable relation; at end stave drawn out into the outer margin for the final two notes; Notes: EECM 19;

181–180v I call and cry to Thee (= O sacrum convivium) -
Appears on: 181–180v
Genres: Contrafactum, Motet
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: I call and cry to thee, O Lord
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: text corr. in top line of f. 180v and at end of bottom line on f. 181; '5 voc.' at top; Notes: EECM 12; Contrafactum of O sacrum convivium (Cantiones sacrae, 1575).;

182–181v Behold, it is Christ Mr Hooper.
Appears on: 182–181v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Hooper.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Behold, it is Christ
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 5 voc.' at top; text in second line of piece; in several places stave lines enforced in ink; Notes: Schott; ed. Peter le Huray (1961).;

183–182v Save me, O God, for thy name's sake Mr William Byrd.
Appears on: 183–182v
Genres: Motet
Source Attribution: Mr William Byrd.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Save me O God for thy names sake
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 5 voc.' at top; composer name entered at end in paler ink than music and words (although seemingly in the same hand); in several places stave lines enforced in ink; Notes: BE 11;

183v [blank staves] - -

[blank staves]

Appears on: 183v
185–184 O Lord, for our peace came bitterness Mr Robert Gell:
Appears on: 185–184
Source Attribution: Mr Robert Gell:
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: O Lord for our peace came bitterness
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 5 voc.' at top; text corrl in bottom line of f. 185; possibly note corr. in penultimate line of f. 185; Notes: possibly unicum;

186–185v O Lord, make thy servant, Elizabeth [or James, or King Charles] -
Appears on: 186–185v
Genres: Anthem
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: O Lord, make thy servant King Charles
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 5 voc.' at top; in top line, one note particularly shaky with some ink smear; Notes: BE 11;

187–186v To Jesus Christ thē faithful witness [full setting, 5vv] Mr Henry Loosemore.
Appears on: 187–186v
Genres: Anthem
Source Attribution: Mr Henry Loosemore.
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: To Jesus Christ the faythfull witnesse
General Note

Notes: Only an organ part survives (US-Nyp 5469);


The verse anthem with the same text in the Peterhouse partbooks is NOT concordant with this, but a different setting.

187v [blank staves] - -

[blank staves]

Appears on: 187v
188 Fear not, for behold I bring you glad tidings -
Appears on: 188
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: Fear not for behold, behold I bring you glad tidings
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 voc.' at top; text corr. at beginning of second line;

188v O praise the Lord, all ye heathen - Anonymous
Appears on: 188v
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: O praise the Lord all ye Heathen
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: ‘4 voc.’ at top; some note corrections in fop line; Notes: text from Ps.117, vv.1-2;

189 O Lord, we beseech thee, mercifully hear our prayers (‘4 voc.’) -
Appears on: 189
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: O Lord, we beseech thee mercifully hear our prayers
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: ‘4 voc.’ at top; text corr. in second line; Notes: A Collect from the Commination Service (Ash Wednesday). In the edition in OA, the contratenor part supplied in the new partbook was reconstructed.;

189v This is the day which the Lord hath made Mr Henry Molle
Appears on: 189v
Source Attribution: Mr Henry Molle
Voice: [no designation]
Languages: English
Clef: c3
Voice Text: This is the day which the Lord hath made
General Note

Annotations/Corrections: 4 voc.' at top; composer name seemingly entered in paler ink; Notes: This is found also in the Peterhouse ‘Latter’ set of Caroline partbooks (see Dom Anselm Hughes…), in NYPL Drexel 5469, p.161 (the ‘Henry Loosemore Organ Book’, see Thurston Dart...), in both of which sources it is anonymous. It is found also in Ob Mus. f. 16-19 (the ‘Hamond MSS’, see Margaret Crum…), where it is attributed to ‘Osborne’ [i.e. Osbert] Parsley]. The attribution to Molle in the newly-discovered partbook is surprising, since the anthem’s musical style is formal and primitive, and is certainly more in keeping with the early Elizabethan period.;

Composer Compositions
Amner, John (1579–1641)
Barcroft, George
Byrd, William (ca. 1540–1623)
Coste, Richard
Cranford, William (–ca. 1645)
Gell, Robert
Gibbons, Orlando (ca. 1583–1625)
Giles, Nathaniel (ca. 1558–1634)
Hellwis, Henry
Hooper, Edmund
Loosemore, Henry (1607–1670)
Lugge, John (ca. 1587–ca. 1647)
Molle, Henry
Morley, Thomas (ca. 1557–1602)
Mundy, William (ca. 1528–ca. 1591)
Parsons (I), Robert (ca. 1535–ca. 1572)
Ramsey, Robert
Tallis, Thomas (ca. 1505–1585)
Tomkins, Thomas (1572–1656)
Tye, Christopher (ca. 1505–ca. 1573)
Van Wilder, Phillip
Weelkes, Thomas (ca. 1576–1623)
White, Robert (ca. 1538–1574)
White, William
Composition Composers (? Uncertain) Folios / Pages
A Service for Men, 4 parts: Magnificat 26v–28v
A Service for Men, 4 parts: Nunc dimittis 28v–29v
Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom 156v–155v
Among the gods 177–176v
Behold, how good and joyful a thing it is 152v–152
Behold, it is Christ 182–181v
Blessed art thou that fearest God and walkest in his ways 163v–162
Christ rising again - 1a pars (of 2): Christ rising again 150–148v
Christ rising again - 2a pars (of 2): Christ is risen again 150–148v
Deliver me from mine enemies 173–172v
Do well, O Lord, unto those that be good Anonymous 158–157v
Dorian Service: Magnificat 9v–11
Dorian Service: Nunc dimittis 11–11v
Fear not, for behold I bring you glad tidings 188
First [‘Short’] Service: Benedictus (Canticle) 47–48v
First [‘Short’] Service: Creed 49–51
First [‘Short’] Service: Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service 49
First [‘Short’] Service: Magnificat 51–52
First [‘Short’] Service: Nunc dimittis 52–53
First [‘Short’] Service: Te Deum 45v–47
Full Service (4 parts): Creed 60v–63
Full Service (4 parts): Jubilate 56–57
Full Service (4 parts): Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service 60v
Full Service (4 parts): Litany 59v–60v
Full Service (4 parts): Magnificat 57–58v
Full Service (4 parts): Nunc dimittis 58v–59v
Full Service (4 parts): Te Deum 53–55v
Gospel Acclamation 63
Hear us, O heavenly God Anonymous 162v–162
Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty 167–166
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts [= Sanctus (1552-1662 Prayer Book versions)] Anonymous 161
I call and cry to Thee (= O sacrum convivium) 181–180v
I lift my heart to thee (= Amavit eum Dominus) 180–179v
I will love thee O Lord 145–144v
I will magnify thee, O God my King Anonymous 160v–159v
If ye be risen again with Christ Anonymous 143v
If ye then be risen with Christ / If ye be risen again with Christ (Anthem for Easter Day) 152–151
Let my complaint 144v–144
Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake Anonymous 161v–161
Lord, I am not high-minded 175–174v
O clap your hands together all ye people Anonymous 143–142v
O give thanks unto the Lord 168v–167v
O how glorious art thou 157v–157
O Lord our God, why art thou absent Anonymous 169v–168v
O Lord, for our peace came bitterness 185–184
O Lord, grant the King a long life 172–171v
O Lord, I bow the knees of my heart 166–163v
O Lord, make thy servant, Elizabeth [or James, or King Charles] 186–185v
O Lord, rebuke me not in thine indignation Anonymous 159v–158
O Lord, turn thy wrath (2p. Bow thine ear) (=Ne irascaris) 179–177v
O Lord, we beseech thee, mercifully hear our prayers (‘4 voc.’) 189
O praise God in his holiness (I) 176–175v
O praise the Lord, all ye heathen Anonymous 188v
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem (I - 6vv) 148v–148
Out of the deep (II) 171–169v
Out of the deep (II) [verse anthem] 150v–150
Save me, O God, for thy name's sake 183–182v
Second Service ('Verse Service'): Magnificat 32–33
Second Service ('Verse Service'): Nunc dimittis 33v–34
Short [First] Service: Benedictus (Canticle) 21–22
Short [First] Service: Creed 22v–23v
Short [First] Service: Kyrie responses 22v
Short [First] Service: Magnificat 24–25r
Short [First] Service: Nunc dimittis 25v–26
Short [First] Service: Te Deum 19v–21
Short Service: Benedictus (Canticle) 13v–15
Short Service: Creed 15–17
Short Service: Kyrie responses 15
Short Service: Magnificat 17–18v
Short Service: Magnificat 29v–31
Short Service: Nunc dimittis 18v–19
Short Service: Nunc dimittis 31–32
Short Service: Te Deum 12–13v
Short/Dorian Service: Benedictus (Canticle) 4–4v
Short/Dorian Service: Creed 5v–6v
Short/Dorian Service: Kyrie 5–5v
Short/Dorian Service: Magnificat 7–8v
Short/Dorian Service: Nunc dimittis 8v–9
Short/Dorian Service: Te Deum 2–3v
Short/Dorian Service: Venite 1–1v
Sing joyfully unto God our strength (2p. Blow the trumpet) 174–173v
Teach me thy way, O Lord 153v–153
The Lord, even the most mighty God 147v–146
Third (First) Service: Benedictus (Canticle) 37v–39v
Third (First) Service: Creed 40–42
Third (First) Service: Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service 39v–40
Third (First) Service: Magnificat 42v–44
Third (First) Service: Nunc dimittis 44–45
Third (First) Service: Te Deum 34v–37
This is the day which the Lord hath made 189v
Thou art my king, O God 145v–145
To Jesus Christ thē faithful witness [full setting, 5vv] 187–186v
Verse Service: Magnificat 63v–65
Verse Service: Nunc dimittis 65v–66
Wipe away my sins [=Absterge Domine] 155–153v


Type: Project Collection

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GB-Lcm [pr. bk.] B187

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GB-Lcm [pr. bk.] B190 [Altus]

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GB-Lcm [pr. bk.] B190 [Bassus]

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GB-Lcm [pr. bk.] B190 [Discantus]

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GB-Lcm [pr. bk.] B190 [Tenor]

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GB-Ob MS. Tenbury 807

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GB-Ob MS. Tenbury 808

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GB-Ob MS. Tenbury 809

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GB-Ob MS. Tenbury 810

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GB-Ob MS. Tenbury 811

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GB-Och Mus. 45

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IRL-Dm [pr. bk.] Z4. 3. 1-5

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US-NYp Mus. Res. Drexel 4182

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Jason Smart

Thursday, 4 November, 2021

identified 'Holy, holy, holy' on f.167r-166v as the setting by Parsons; and 'O give thanks' on f.168v-167v as the setting by Nathaniel Giles.

Dr Ian Payne

Thursday, 21 June, 2018

The anonymous 'Let my complaint' transmitted in this partbook is the one by John Lugge, Organist of Exeter Cathedral - cf. Peterhouse Caroline Partbooks: Latter Set, MS42, fol. f5v. Both books now point to the same composition by Lugge.

DIAMM, 2016

Monday, 23 January, 2017

NB: Migrated from old site. Credit for notes may not be completely accurate. General Description; DIAMM Note