Muzeum východních Čech (Regional Museum, Library) (CZ-HKm)

Hradec Králové, Czech Republic

Sources in this Archive

  Source name Date Type Surface
CZ-HKm MS 6351 Late 15th century (RISM); first half of 16th century (CernSH) non-music MS with interpolated music Paper
CZ-HKm MS 8553 1550-3, with 17th- and 18th-century additions (CernSH) chant book with added polyphony Paper
CZ-HKm MS Hr-7 (II A 7) (Codex Speciálník) late15th - early 16th century manuscript of polyphony Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 6 (Franus Cantionale) 1505 manuscript of polyphony Parchment
CZ-HKm MS II A 8 1564 chant book with added polyphony Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 11 1585-6 chant book with added polyphony Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 13a 1584-1604 (several additions were made in the 18th century) chant book with added polyphony Other
CZ-HKm MS II A 13b 1584-1604 chant book with added polyphony Parchment
CZ-HKm MS II A 14 1599-1605 chant book with polyphony Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 15 Second half of 16th century chant book with added polyphony Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 16 (a) Early 17th century partbook Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 16 (b) Early 17th century partbook Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 17 (a) Second half of the 16th century partbook Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 17 (b) Second half of the 16th century partbook Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 17 (c) Second half of the 16th century partbook Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 18 (a) 1594-6 (with early 17th century additions) partbook Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 18 (b) 1594-6 (with early 17th century additions) partbook Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 20 First half of the 16th century (with additions from the second half of the 16th century) partbook Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 21 First half of 16th century partbook Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 22 (a) 1574-5 (with additions in 1582 and the late 16th and early 17th centuries) partbook Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 22 (b) 1574-5 (with additions in 1582 and the late 16th and early 17th centuries) partbook Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 23 1574-1602 partbook Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 24 c. 1602 partbook -
CZ-HKm MS II A 25 Late 16th/early 17th century partbook Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 26 (a) Second half of the 16th century (1562?) partbook -
CZ-HKm MS II A 26 (b) Second half of the 16th century (1562?) partbook -
CZ-HKm MS II A 27 16th century partbook Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 28 Late 16th century partbook Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 29 1556-62 partbook Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 30 Second half of the 16th century partbook Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 41 Second half of the 16th century partbook Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 44 1586 (with l7th-century additions). chant book with added polyphony Paper
CZ-HKm MS II A 45 Early 17th century manuscript of polyphony Paper