Nelson, Bernadette

Nelson, Bernadette. None. Morales’s contribution to the Pange lingua tradition and an anonymous Tantum ergo. Cristóbal de Morales: Sources, Influences, Reception, 85-109. Woodbridge, Boydell.

d'Alvarenga, João Pedro. 2011. Manuscripts Oporto, Biblioteca Pública Municipal, MM 40 and MM 76-79: Their Origin, Date, Repertories and Context. Pure Gold: Golden Age Sacred Music in the Iberian World: A Homage to Bruno Turner, De Musica. edited by Tess Knighton and Bernadette Nelson,  Kassel: Edition Reichenberger.

Nelson, Bernadette. 2010. A Little Known Part-Book From Toledo. Music By Morales, Guerrero, Jorge De Santa María, Alonso Lobo And Others In Barcelona, Instituto Español De Musicología, Fondo Reserva, Ms 1. Anuario Musical, 65: 25-56.

Rees, Owen, and Bernadette Nelson (eds.) 2007. Cristobal de Morales: Sources, Influences, Reception.  Boydell Press.

Nelson, Bernadette. 2004. The court of don Fernando de Aragon, Duke of Calabria in Valencia, c.1526 - c.1550: music, letters and the meeting of cultures. Early Music, Vol. 32/2: 194-222.

Nelson, Bernadette. 2002. A 'Parody' on Josquin's Inviolata in Barcelona 1967: An Unknown Mass by Philippe Verdelot? Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 127: 153-190.

Nelson, Bernadette. 2002. Was Morales in Valencia? New light on the origins of the Missa Benedicta es, caelorum regina. Early Music, 30: 365-379.

Nelson, Bernadette. 2001. The "Missa Du bon du cuer". An Unknown Mass by Noel Bauldeweyn? Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis, 51/2: 103-130.

Nelson, Bernadette. 2001. A Choirbook for the Chapel of Fernando de Arágon, Duke of Calabria: The Sacred Repertories in Barcelona 1166/1967. Fuentes musicales de la peninsula ibérica (ca. 1250–ca. 1550), 219-252. Lleida.