Fenlon, Iain

Fenlon, Iain. 1997. Review of Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Canon. Misc. 213. Edited by David Fallows. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 122: 292–93.

Fenlon, Iain. 1989. Music and Society. Man and Music: The Renaissance, edited by Iain Fenlon, 1–62. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Fenlon, Iain, and James Haar. 1988. The Italian Madrigal in the Early Sixteenth Century: Sources and Interpretation.  Cambridge University Press.

Forney, Kristine K. 1987. Music, ritual and patronage at the Church of Our Lady, Antwerp. Early Music History, 7: 1-58.

Fenlon, Iain. 1985. Script and Print: The Oxford-Paris Partbooks. Renaissance Studies in Honor of Craig Hugh Smyth, 581-9. Florence.

Fenlon, Iain. 1984. An Imperial Repertory for Charles V. Studi Musicali, 13: 221-40.

Fenlon, Iain, and John Milsom. 1984. 'Ruled Paper Imprinted': Music Paper and Patents in Sixteenth-Century England. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 37: 139-63.

Fenlon, Iain (ed.) 1982. Cambridge Music Manuscripts, 900-1700.  Cambridge.

Bent, Margaret. 1981. Some Criteria for Establishing Relationships Between Sources of Late-Medieval Polyphony. Music in Medieval and Early Modem Europe: Patronage, Sources and Texts, edited by Iain Fenlon, 295-317. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Boorman, Stanley. 1981. Limitations and Extensions of Filiation Technique. Music in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Patronage, Sources and Texts, edited by Iain Fenlon, 319-46. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Cattin, Giulio. 1981. Church Patronage of Music in Fifteenth-Century Italy. Music in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Patronage, Sources and Texts, edited by Iain Fenlon, 21–36. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Fenlon, Iain. 1981. La diffusion de la chanson continentale dans les manuscrits anglais entre 1509-1570. La chanson de la Renaissance,  University of Tours.

Fenlon, Iain. 1981. Music in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Patronage, Sources and Texts.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Fenlon, Iain. 1981. Instrumental Music, Songs and Verse from Sixteenth-Century Winchester: British Library Additional MS 60577. Music in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Patronage, Sources and Texts, 93-116. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Fenlon, Iain, and Edward Wilson (eds.) 1981. The Winchester Anthology: A Facsimile of British Library Additional Manuscript 60577.  Cambridge: D. S. Brewer.

Fenlon, Iain. 1980. Music and patronage in the sixteenth-century Mantua I.  Cambridge.

Fenlon, Iain, and James Haar. 1980. A New Source for the Early Madrigal. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 33: 164-80.

Fenlon, Iain, and James Haar. 1978. Fonti e Cronologia dei Madrigali di Costanzo Festa. Revista Italiana di Musicologia, 13: 212-42.