Plamenac, Dragan

Plamenac, Dragan. None. Dijon: Bibliothèque Publique: Manuscrit 517. Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts.  Brooklyn.

Plamenac, Dragan. None. Gesamtausgabe der Tabulaturstücke in Übertragung.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1977. On Reading Fifteenth-Century Chanson Texts. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 30: 320-4.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1974. Communication. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 27: 162-3.

Plamenac, Dragan (ed.) 1972. Keyboard Music of the Late Middle Ages in Codex Faenza 117. Corpus mensurabilis musicae.  Neuhausen nr. Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1970. Alcune Osservazioni sulla Struttura del Codice 117 della Biblioteca Comunale di Faenza. L'Ars Nova Italiana del Trecento, 161-75.

Hamm, Charles E. 1969. Another Barbingant Mass. Essays in Musicology in Honor of Dragan Plamenac on His 70th Birthday, 83-90. Pittsburgh.

Hewitt, Helen Margaret. 1969. Fors seulement and the Cantus Firmus Technique of the Fifteenth Century. Essays in Musicology in Honor of Dragan Plamenac on His 70th Birthday, 91-126. Pittsburgh.

Hughes, Andrew. 1969. The Choir in Fifteenth-Century English Music: Non-mensural Polyphony. Essays in Musicology in Honor of Dragan Plamenac on His 70th Birthday, 127-45. Pittsburgh.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1966. review of Der Squarcialupi-Codex Pal. 87 der Biblioteca Laurenziana zu Florenz. The Musical Quarterly, 52: 539ff.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1965. The Two-Part Quodlibets in the Seville Chansonnier. The Commonwealth of Music, 163-81. London and New York.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1964. A Note on the Rearrangement of Faenza Codex 117. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 17: 78-81.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1964. Faventina. Liber amicorum Charles van den Borren, 145ff. Antwerp.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1962. Facsimile Reproduction of the Manuscripts Sevilla 5-1-43 & Paris N. A. Fr. 4379 (Pt. 1). Publications of Medieval Musical Manuscripts.  Brooklyn.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1962. Review of Llorens Cappellae. Notes, 19: 252ff.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1961-62. Music Libraries in Eastern Europe: A Visit in the Summer of 1961. Notes, 19: 217-34,411-20,584-98.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1960. Browsing Through a Little-Known Manuscript (Prague, Strahov Monastery, D.G. IV. 47). Journal of the American Musicological Society, 13: 102-11.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1958. German Polyphonic Lieder of the 15th Century in a Little-Known Manuscript. International Musicological Society: Report of the Seventh Congress, Cologne 1958, 214-5.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1956. A Postscript to 'The "Second" Chansonnier of the Biblioteca Riccardiana'. Annales Musicologiques, 4: 261-5.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1955. Another Paduan Fragment of Trecento Music. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 8: 165-81.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1954. An Unknown Composition by Dufay? The Musical Quarterly, 40: 190-200.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1954. The 'Second' Chansonnier of the Biblioteca Riccardiana (Codex 2356). Annales Musicologiques, 2: 105-87.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1954. Une Composition Inconnue de Dufay? Revue Belge de Musicologie, 8: 75-83.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1953. New light on the Codex Faenza 117. Bericht über den internationalen Kongress für Kirchenmusik in Bern, 1952, Publikationen der schweizerischen musikforschenden Gesellschaft. 310–326. Bern: Paul Haupt.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1952. Deux pièces de 1a Renaissance tirées de fonds florentins. Revue Belge de Musicologie, 6: 12ff.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1951-1952. A Reconstruction of the French Chansonnier in the Biblioteca Colombina, Seville. The Musical Quarterly, 37-38: (37) 501-542, (38) 85-117, 245-77.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1951. Keyboard Music of the 14th Century in Codex Faenza 117. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 4: 179-201.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1950. A postscript to volume II of the "Collected works" of Johannes Ockeghem. Journal of the American Musicological Society, 3: 33ff.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1949-79. Faenza, Codex 117. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 1st Edition, 3: 1709ff.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1948. Review of MME I. The Musical Quarterly, 34: 289-93.

Plamenac, Dragan (ed.) 1947-. Johannes Ockeghem: Collected Works.  American Musicological Society.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1928-9. Zur 'L'homme armé'-Frage. Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft, 11: 376-83.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1928. Autour d'Ockeghem. La Revue Musicale, 9/4: 26-47.

Plamenac, Dragan (ed.) 1927) 2nd. Corrected Ed.: Vol. I: Masses I-VIII. (American musicological Society, 1959) Vol. II: Masses and mass sections IX-XVI. (1947. Johannes Ockeghem: Sämtliche Werke [Johannes Ockeghem: Collected Works]. 2 vols. Leipzig.

Plamenac, Dragan. 1925. La chanson de l'homme armé et le ms. VI. E. 40 de la Bibliothèque nationale de Naples. Annales de la Fédération archéologique et historique de Belgique, Congrès jubilaire, Bruges 1925, 229ff.