Schuetze, George C, Jr

Schuetze, George C, Jr. 1960-80. Collected works of Faugues, Transcription and introduction by G.C. Schuetze, jr. Collected works. Gesamtausgaben.  New York.

Schuetze, George C, Jr. 1960. An Introduction to Faugues. Musicological Studies.  Brooklyn.

Schuetze, George C, Jr (ed.) 1960. Faugues. No. I of Collected Works. The Collected Works of Faugues.  Brooklyn.

Schuetze, George C, Jr. 1960. The Works of Guillaume Faugues. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, New York University.

Schuetze, George C, Jr (ed.) 1959. Opera omnia Faugues, Facsimile of the compositions of Faugues from the mss. Trent 88, Trent 91, Cappella Sistina 14, Cappella Sistina 51, Verona 761, Modena a M. 1. 13. Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts [Veröffentlichungen mittelalterlicher Musikhandschriften]. 

Schuetze, George C, Jr (ed.) 1959. Opera Omnia Faugues. Publications of Mediaeval Musical Manuscripts.  Brooklyn.