Patrem omnipotentem [Credo]

Composer Legrant, Guillaume
Genres Credo (patrem omnipotentem), Mass Ordinary
Gloria-Credo (Gloria-Credo)
Appears in
I-Bc Q.15 (58v—59r)


Borren, Charles van den (ed.) 1932; 2nd rev. edn., London, 1962. Polyphonia sacra: A Continental Miscellany of the Fifteenth Century.  Nashdom Abbey, Burnham, Bucks., and London: Plainsong and Mediaeval Music Society. pp. #19, 127-33.

[No Author] 1947-. Corpus mensurabilis musicae. The American Institute of Musicology. 110 vols. A-R Editions, Inc.. pp. 11/2, 56-62.