Byrd, William (ca. 1540–1623)

External identifiers
Composition Appears in
Ad Dominum cum tribularer - 1a pars (of 2): Ad Dominum cum tribularer
Ad Dominum cum tribularer - 2a pars (of 2): Heu mihi Domine
Ad punctum in modico - 1a pars (of 2): Ad punctum in modico
Ad punctum in modico - 2a pars (of 2): In momento indignationis
Ad punctum in modico [2p. In momento indignationis]
Adoramus te Christe
Afflicti pro peccatis
Afflicti pro peccatis - 1a pars (of 2): Afflicti pro peccatis
Afflicti pro peccatis - 1a pars (of 2): Ut eruas nos
Ah youthful years
? Ah, alas, you salt sea gods
Ah, golden hairs
Alack when I look back
All as a sea
All ye people clap your hands
Alleluia. Ascendit Deus - 1a pars (of 2): Alleluia. Ascendit Deus
Alleluia. Ascendit Deus - 2a pars (of 2): Dominus in Sina
Alleluia. Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus
Alma redemptoris mater
Ambitious Love has forced me to aspire
An aged dame in reverence
An earthly tree - 1a pars (of 2): An earthly tree an heavenly fruit it bare
An earthly tree - 2a pars (of 2): Cast off all doubtful cares
And think ye nymphs - 1a pars (of 2): And think ye nymphs [An trowe ye nymphs]
And think ye nymphs - 2a pars (of 2): Love is a fit of pleasure
Apparebit in finem
Arise O Lord (II) (= Exsurge quare obdormis)
Arise O Lord - 1a pars (of 2): Arise O Lord why sleepest thou
Arise O Lord - 2a pars (of 2): Help us, O God
Arise O Lord why sleepest thou (2p. Help us. O God)
As Caesar wept
As I beheld
Ascendit Deus in jubilatione
Aspice Domine (5vv) - 1a pars (of 2): Aspice Domine de sede sancta
Aspice Domine (5vv) - 2a pars (of 2): Respice domine
Aspice Domine de sede sancta (5vv) [2p. Respice Domine]
Aspice Domine quia facta est (6vv)
Attollite portas
Audivi vocem de caelo
Ave Maria
? Ave Regina Caelorum
Ave maris stella (2p. Sumens illud ave, 3p. Solve vincla, 4p. Monstra te esse, 5p. Virgo singularis, 6p. Vitam praesta puram, 7p. Sit laus Deo)
Ave verum corpus
Be not wroth very sore o Lord (= Civitas sancti tui)
Beata es virgo Maria
Beata viscera
Beati immaculati
Beati mundo corde
Behold I bring you - 1a pars (of 2): Behold I bring you glad tidings (= Ne irascaris)
Behold I bring you - 2a pars (of 2): And there was with the angel (= Civitatis sancti tui)
Behold O God the sad and heavy case (=Now Israel may say)
Behold how good - 1a pars (of 2): Behold how good
Behold how good - 2a pars (of 2): And as the pleasant morning dew
Behold, now praise the Lord [= Laudate pueri]
Benigne fac, Domine
Blame I confess
Blessed is he that fears the Lord
Boy pity me
Browning = The leaves be green
? By force I live
Canon 6 in one
Cantate Domino
Care for thy soule as thing of greatest price
Cast off all doubtfull Care
Christ rising again - 1a pars (of 2): Christ rising again
Christ rising again - 2a pars (of 2): Christ is risen again
Christe qui lux es
Christe redemptor (I)
Christe redemptor (II)
Circumdederunt me dolores mortis
Circumspice Jerusalem - 1a pars (of 2): Circumspice Jerusalem
Circumspice Jerusalem - 2a pars (of 2): Ecce enim veniunt
Come drink with me
Come pretty babe
Come to me, grief, for ever
? Come tread the paths
Come, help, O God
Compel the Hawke
Constant Penelope
Content is rich, but who is he upon the earth that lives content?
Crowned with flowers ,,, I saw fair Amarillis
Crowned with flowers - 1a pars (of 2): Crowned with flowers and lilies
Crowned with flowers - 2a pars (of 2): O worthy queen
Cunctis diebus [2p. Dimitte me ergo]
Da mihi auxilium
De Tribulatione
? Decantabat populus in Israel
Defecit in dolore - 1a pars (of 2): Defecit in dolore
Defecit in dolore - 2a pars (of 2): Sed tu Domine
Delight is dead
? Deliver me from mine enemies
Deo Patri sit gloria
Depart ye furies
Descendit de caelis
Descendit de caelis - 1a pars (of 2): Descendit de caelis
Descendit de caelis - 2a pars (of 2): Et exivit
Deus in adjutorium - 1a pars (of 5): Deus in adjutorium meum
Deus in adjutorium - 2a pars (of 5): Avertantur retrorsum
Deus in adjutorium - 3a pars (of 5): Exsultent et laetentur
Deus in adjutorium - 4a pars (of 5): Et dicunt semper
Deus in adjutorium - 5a pars (of 5): Adjutor meus
Deus in adjutorium meum intende
Deus venerunt gentes (2p. Posuerunt morticinia; 3p. Effuderunt sanguinem; 4p. Opprobrium facti sumus)
Deus venerunt gentes - 1a pars (of 4): Deus venerunt gentes
Deus venerunt gentes - 2a pars (of 4): Posuerunt morticinia
Deus venerunt gentes - 3a pars (of 4): Effuderunt sanguinem
Deus venerunt gentes - 4a pars (of 4): Opprobrium facti sumus
Deus venerunt gentes: 1a/2a partes (of 4): Deus venerunt gentes / Posuerunt morticinia
Diffusa est gratia - 2a pars (of 6): Propter veritatem
Diffusa est gratia - 5a pars (of 6): Adducentur regi
Diliges Dominum Deum
Domine Deus omnipotens
Domine ante te omne desiderium meum
Domine exaudi - 1a pars (of 2): Domine exaudi orationem meam
Domine exaudi - 2a pars (of 2): Et non intres
Domine exaudi orationem meam (2p. Et non intres)
Domine non sum dignus
Domine praestolamur - 1a pars (of 2): Domine praestolamur
Domine praestolamur - 2a pars (of 2): Veni Domine
Domine praestolamur [2p. Veni domine]
Domine quis habitabit
Domine salva nos
Domine secundum actum meum
Domine secundum multitudinem dolorum meum
Domine tu jurasti
Ecce quam bonum - 1a pars (of 2): Ecce quam bonum
Ecce quam bonum - 2a pars (of 2): Quod descendit
Ecce virgo concipiet - 2a pars (of 2): Alleluia
Emendemus - 1a pars (of 2): Emendemus in melius
Emendemus - 2a pars (of 2): Adiuva nos Deus
Even as in seas (= Come pretty babe)
Even from the depth unto thee
Exsurge quare obdormis, Domine?
Fac cum servo tuo
Fair Britain isle, the Mistress of the West
? Fantasia
? Fantasia
Fantasia II
Fantasia III
Fantasia a3 (I)
Fantasia a3 (II)
Fantasia a3 (III)
Fantasia a4
Fantasia a4
Fantasia a4 (I)
Fantasia a4 (II)
Fantasia a5
Fantasia a6
Fantasia a6
Fantasia a6 (I) in F
Fantasia a6 (II) in g minor
Fantasia a6 (III)
Fantasia a6 (another)
Fantasia of six parts
Farewell false love
First preces
From Citheron - 1a pars (of 3): From Citheron the warlike boy
From Citheron - 2a pars (of 3): There careless thoughts
From Citheron - 3a pars (of 3): If love be just
Gaude Maria
Gaudeamus omnes
Gaudeamus omnes - 1a pars (of 2): Gaudeamus omnes
Gaudeamus omnes - 2a pars (of 2): Exultate justi
Gloria Patri qui creavit nos
Gloria Patri; Tertia pars of 'Tribue, Domine'
God whom our offences
Great Service: And ye Child
Great Service: Benedictus
Great Service: Creed
Great Service: Kyrie responses
Great Service: Magnificat
Great Service: Nunc dimittis
Great Service: Te Deum
Great Service: That we should be
Great Service: Venite
Haec dicit Dominus - 1a pars (of 2): Haec dicit Dominus vox in excelsis
Haec dicit Dominus - 2a pars (of 2): Haec dicit Dominus quiescat vox
Haec dicit Dominus vox (2p.Haec dicit Dominus quiescat)
Haec dies
Have mercy upon me, O God (6vv)
Have mercy upon us, O Lord (5vv)
He that all earthly pleasure scorns
Hear my prayer O Lord [or, O God] and consider
Help Lord for wasted are those men
How long shall mine enemies triumph
How shall a young man?
How vain the toils [also as, O vain... and, In vain...]
I joy not in no earthly bliss
I laid me down
I that sometime (= When first by force)
I will give laud
I will not say what I have seen
If in thine heart
If that a sinner's sighs
If trickling tears of mine
? If women could be fair
In Angel's weed
In exitu Israel [starts 'Facta est']
In fields abroad
In nomine à5
In nomine (I) a5
In nomine (II) a5
In nomine (III) a5
In nomine (V) a5
In nomine a4
? In nomine a4
In nomine a5
In resurrectione tua
In tower most high
Infelix ego omnium (2p. Quid igitur faciam; 3p. Ad te igitur)
Infelix ego omnium - 1a pars (of 3): Infelix ego omnium
Infelix ego omnium - 2a pars (of 3): Quid igitur faciam
Infelix ego omnium - 3a pars (of 3): Ad te igitur
Inquirentes autem
Is love a boy
Jesum Nazarenum
Kyrie responses
La verginella
La virginella
Laetentur caeli (2p. Orietur in diebus)
Laetentur caeli - 1a pars (of 2): Laetentur caeli
Laetentur caeli - 2a pars (of 2): Orietur in diebus
Lamentations: De lamentatione Jeremiae
Laudate pueri Dominum
Laudibus in sanctis Dominum [2p. Magnificum Domini, 3p. Hunc arguta]
Let fortune fail - 1a pars (of 2): Let fortune fail, virtue will stand
Let fortune fail - 2a pars (of 2): My years do seek
Let not our prayers be rejected
Let not thy wrath (= Ne irascaris Domine)
Let us arise from sin (= Attollite portas)
Levemus corda nostra
Libera me Domine et pone - 1a pars (of 2): Libera me domine et pone me
Libera me Domine et pone - 2a pars (of 2): Dies mei transierunt
Libera me domine de morte aeterna
Libera me domine et pone me (2p. Dies mei transierunt)
? Litany
Litany for trebles
Look and bow down - 1a pars (of 3): Look and bow down
Look and bow down - 2a pars (of 3): My soul ascend
Look and bow down - 3a pars (of 3): This Joseph's Lord
Lord in thy wrath reprove me not
Lullaby - 1a pars (of 2): Lullaby, my sweet little baby
Lullaby - 2a pars (of 2): Be still, my blessed babe
Lullaby, my sweet little baby [2p. Be still)
Mass for 3 voices
Me thought of late
Memento Domine
Memento homo quod cinis es
Memento salutis auctor
Mine eyes with fervency
Miserere mei Deus
Miserere mihi Domine
Mount, Hope, above the skies
My freedom, ah
My mind to me a kingdom is
My mistress had - 1a pars (of 2): My mistress had a little dog
My mistress had - 2a pars (of 2): But out alas
My soul oppressed
Ne irascaris - 1a pars (of 2): Ne irascaris Domine
Ne irascaris - 2a pars (of 2): Civitatis sancti tui
Ne irascaris Domine [2p. Civitas sancti tui]
Ne perdas - 1a pars (of 2): Ne perdas cum impiis
Ne perdas - 2a pars (of 2): Eripe me
Ne perdas cum impiis
Now Israel may say
Nunc dimittis (Gradualia)
O Domine adjuva me
O God give ear (5vv)
O God the proud are risen against me
O God, but God how dare I
O Lord bow down thy heavenly eyes
O Lord give ear unto my prayer (6vv) (= Memento homo)
O Lord to thee I make my moan
O Lord turn - 1a pars (of 2): O Lord, turn thy wrath (=Ne irascaris)
O Lord turn - 2a pars (of 2): Bow thine ear (= Civitatis sancti tui)
O Lord, how long wilt thou forget
O Lord, how vain
O Lord, make thy servant, Elizabeth [or James, or King Charles]
O Lord, turn thy wrath (2p. Bow thine ear) (=Ne irascaris)
O Lord, who in thy sacred tent
O Lord, within thy tabernacle
O dear life
O gloriosa Domina
O happy thrice
O lux beata trinitas - 1a pars (of 3): O lux beata trinitas et principalis
O lux beata trinitas - 2a pars (of 3): Te mane laudum carmine te deprecamur
O lux beata trinitas - 3a pars (of 3): Deo patri sit gloria eiusque soli
O lux beata trinitas et principalis (2p.Te mane laudum carmine te deprecamur; 3p. Deo patri sit gloria eiusque soli)
O praise our Lord - 1a pars (of 5): O praise our Lord ye saints above
O praise our Lord - 2a pars (of 5): Extol the greatness
O praise our Lord - 3a pars (of 5): Praise him on tube
O praise our Lord - 4a pars (of 5): The gladsome sound of silver bells
O praise our Lord - 5a pars (of 5): Let all the creatures
O quam gloriosum - 1a pars (of 2): O quam gloriosum est regnum
O quam gloriosum - 2a pars (of 2): Benedictio et claritas
O quam gloriosum est regnum (2p. Benedictio et claritas)
O salutaris hostia I
O sweet deceit - 1a pars (of 2): O sweet deceit in speech contained
O sweet deceit - 2a pars (of 2): Like Harpias vile
O that most rare breast
O that we woeful wretches
O trifling toys
O you that hear this voice
Of gold all burnished
Omni tempore - 1a pars (of 2): Omni tempore benedic Deum
Omni tempore - 2a pars (of 2): Memor esto fili
Omni tempore benedic Deum [2p. Memor esto fili]
Opprobrium facti sumus
Optimam partem elegit
Out of the deep (I)
? Out of the deep (II)
Out of the orient crystal skies
? Pavan
Peccantem me quotidie
Peccavi super numerum
? Penelope - 1a pars (of 2): Penelope was ever praised (= Se pur e ver)
? Penelope - 2a pars (of 2): Not Cupid with his wanton wings (= Qualunqu' a quella tutto)
Penelope that longed
Petrus beatus - 1a pars (of 3): Petrus beatus
Petrus beatus - 2a pars (of 3): Quodcumque vinclis
Petrus beatus - 3a pars (of 3): Gloria Deo - Per immensa saecula
Plorans plorabit - 1a pars (of 2): Plorans plorabit
Plorans plorabit - 2a pars (of 2): Die regi
Post partum virgo
Preces and Responses
Prevent us, O Lord
Propter veritatem - 2a pars (of 2): Alleluia. Assumpta est Maria
Prostrate, O Lord, I lie
Psallite Domino
Quem terra pontus (2p. Cui luna, 3p. Beata mater, 4p. Beata caeli nuntio, 5p. Jesu tibi sit gloria)
Quis est homo - 1a pars (of 2): Quis est homo qui vult venire
Quis est homo - 2a pars (of 2): Diverte a malo]
Quis me statim rupto vetat fato mori
Quomodo cantabimus (2p. Si non proposuero Jersualem)
Quomodo cantabimus - 1a pars (of 2): Quomodo cantabimus
Quomodo cantabimus - 2a pars (of 2): Si non proposuero Jersualem
Recordare Domine [2p. Quiescat Domine]
Reges Tharsis et insulae
Regina caeli (2p. Quia quem, 3p. Resurrexit, 4p. Ora pro nobis)
Rejoice, rejoice unto the Lord
Remember Lord (= Blame I confess)
Rorate caeli (2p. Benedixisti Domine)
Rorate caeli - 1a pars (of 2): Rorate caeli
Rorate caeli - 2a pars (of 2): Benedixisti Domine
Sacris solemniis juncta
Salvator mundi
Salvator mundi (I)
Salvator mundi (II)
Salve Regina
Salve regina (5vv) - 1a pars (of 2): Salve regina
Salve regina (5vv) - 2a pars (of 2): Et Jesum benedictum
Salve sancta parens - 1a pars (of 2): Salve sancta parens
Salve sancta parens - 2a pars (of 2): Eructavit cor meum
? Save me, O God, for thy name's sake
Second Preces (first version) & Psalm for Ascension Day evensong: Ps. 24, Lift up your heads [psalm adapted from Attollite portas]
Second Preces (second version) & Psalms for Epiphany: When Israel came out, Hear my prayer O Lord and hide not, Teach me O Lord
Second Service ('Verse Service'): Magnificat
Second Service ('Verse Service'): Nunc dimittis
Second Service for a mean alone M / N
See those sweet eyes - 1a pars (of 2): See, see those sweet eyes
See those sweet eyes - 2a pars (of 2): Love would discharge
Sermone blando (I)
Sermone blando (II)
Sermone blando (III)
Service in F: Benedictus (Canticle)
Service in F: Te Deum
Short Service: Benedictus (Canticle)
Short Service: Creed
Short Service: Kyrie responses
Short Service: Magnificat
Short Service: Nunc dimittis
Short Service: T / B / K / C / M / N
Short Service: Te Deum
Short Service: Te Deum (adapted to Latin)
Short Service: Venite
Siderum rector Deus alme
Sing joyfully - 1a pars (of 2): Sing joyfully unto God our strength
Sing joyfully - 2a pars (of 2): Blow the trumpet
Sing joyfully unto God our strength II. Blow the trumpet
Sith Death at length of all shall have the spoil
Sith that the tree - 1a pars (of 2): Sith that the tree begins so soon
Sith that the tree - 2a pars (of 2): [untitled]
Sponsus amat sponsam
Susanna fair - 1a pars (of 2): Susanna fair sometime assaulted was
Susanna fair - 2a pars (of 2): And if I grant to that which you request
Susanna fair sometime assaulted was (2p. And if I grant)
Suscepimus Deus - 1a pars (of 2): Suscepimus Deus
Suscepimus Deus - 2a pars (of 2): Magnus Dominus
Te Deprecor
Teach me O Lord the way
The Lord is only my support
The day delayed
The doleful debt
The fair young virgin
The greedy hawk
The man is blest
The match that's made
The nightingale
The noble famous Queen (= While Phoebus used to dwell)
Third Preces & Responses
This sweet and merry month of May
? Thou God that guid'st [guidest]
Though Amaryllis dance
Though Amaryllis dance in green
Though I be brown
Three Parts of Mr Byrd's
Timete Dominum
Tribue Domine
Tribulatio proxima est [2p. Contumelias et terrores]
Tribulationes civitatum - 1a pars (of 3): Tribulationes civitatum
Tribulationes civitatum - 2a pars (of 3): Timor et hebitudo
Tribulationes civitatum - 3a pars (of 3): Nos enim pro peccatis
Tribulationes civitatum [2p. Timor et hebitudo, 3p. Nos enim pro peccatis]
Tristitia et anxietas - 1a pars (of 2): Tristitia et anxietas, Domine tu jurasti
Tristitia et anxietas - 2a pars (of 2): Sed tu domine
Tristitia et anxietas, Domine tu jurasti (2p. Sed tu domine)
Triumph with pleasant melody
Truce for a time sweet thoughts
Truth at the first
Upon a summer's day - 1a pars (of 2): Upon a summer's day
Upon a summer's day - 2a pars (of 2): Then for a boat
Ut mi re
Vide Domine quoniam - 1a pars (of 2): Vide Domine quoniam tribulor
Vide Domine quoniam - 2a pars (of 2): Quoniam amaritudine plena sum
Vide domine afflictionem - 1a pars (of 2): Vide domine afflictionem nostram et in tempore
Vide domine afflictionem - 2a pars (of 2): Sed veni domine et noli tardare
Vide domine afflictionem nostram et in tempore (2p. Sed veni domine et noli tardare)
Vigilate nescitis enim
Virgo Dei genitrix
Viri Galilei - 1a pars (of 2): Viri Galilei
Viri Galilei - 2a pars (of 2): Omnes gentes
Wedded to will is witless
Weeping full sore
What pleasure have great Princes
What steps of strife
What vaileth it to rule
What wights are these
When I was otherwise than now
When first by force
When younglings first - 1a pars (of 3): When younglings first on Cupid fix their sight
When younglings first - 2a pars (of 3): And therefore with his purple wings
When younglings first - 3a pars (of 3): But when by proof
Where fancy fond
Where the blind
While Phoebus used to dwell
While that a cruel fire - 1a pars (of 2): While that a cruel fire
While that a cruel fire - 2a pars (of 2): [untitled]
While that the sun
Who likes to love
Who made thee, Hob?
Whom hateful harms
Why do I use my paper, ink and pen?
With lilies white
With sighs and tears
Wounded I am
Wretched Albinus
Ye sacred Muses
Yet of us twaine
[Canon 'per arsin et thesin']
[Christe qui lux es (I)] Precamur, sancte Domine
[Christe qui lux es (II)] Precamur, sancte Domine
[Christe qui lux es (III)] Precamur, sancte Domine
Source relationships
Source Relationship
US-DAVowens Thomas Morley: Plaine and Easie Introduction to Practicall Musicke dedicatee