Tomkins, Thomas (1572–1656)

External identifiers
Composition Appears in
A Fancy
A Short Verse
Above the stars
Adieu ye city prisoning towers
Almighty God which hast knit together
Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom
Almighty and everlasting God we humbly beseech
Behold the hour cometh
Behold, I bring you glad tidings - Glory be to God
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel
Cloris, why still repliest thou no?
Come shepherds sing with me
Death is swallowed up in victory
First [‘Short’] Service (T / B / K / C / M / N)
First [‘Short’] Service: Benedictus (Canticle)
First [‘Short’] Service: Creed
First [‘Short’] Service: Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service
First [‘Short’] Service: Magnificat
First [‘Short’] Service: Nunc dimittis
First [‘Short’] Service: Te Deum
First [‘Short’] Service: Venite
From deepest horror of sad penitence
Fusca, in thy starry eyes
Give sentence with me, O God
Glory be to God on high
God which as upon (Collect for Whitsunday)
? Have mercy upon me, O GOd
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts
I will lift up mine eyes
It is my well beloved's voice
Jesus came when the doors were shut
Know you not
Kyrie responses
? Litany I
Litany II
Lord enter not into judgement
Magnificat & Nunc dimittis 'for verses'
Music divine, proceeding from above
My beloved spake
O God, the proud are risen
O Lord I have loved
O Lord let me know my End
O Lord wipe away my sins
O praise the Lord, all ye heathen
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem (I - 6vv)
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem (II - 4vv)
O sing unto the Lord a new song
Oft did I mar'l [marvel]
Out of the deep
Phillis now cease
Phillis, yet see him
Preces and responses
Rejoice, rejoice
See the shepherd's queen
Sing unto God
Stephen being full of the holy spirit
Te Deum in C
The Fauns and Satyrs tripping
The Lord bless us and keep us
The Lord, even the most mighty God
Thou art my king, O God
? To sing the mercies of the Lord
To the shady woods
Tomkins's Four Parts (Madrigals), no. 1
Tomkins's Four Parts (Madrigals), no. 2
Tomkins's Four Parts (Madrigals), no. 3
Tomkins's Four Parts (Madrigals), no. 4: Weep no more
Tomkins's Four Parts (Madrigals), no. 5: Yet again
Too much I once lamented
Turn thou us, O good Lord (II)
Turn unto the Lord our God
When David heard that Absalom
When I observe those beauty's wonderments
Woe is me that I am constrained
Source relationships
Source Relationship
GB-Lbl Add. MS 29996 owner