Strogers, Nicholas

External identifiers
Variant names Strowger, Strowgers
Composition Appears in
A doleful deadly pang
A solis ortus cardine
By crooked ways
Domine non est exaltatum
Grant unto us, O Lord
If thee, my dear
In nomine (I)
In nomine (II)
In nomine (III)
In nomine a5
In nomine a5 [unique to GB-CF D/DP Z6/1]
In nomine a6
Magnificat: (exc) Esurientes
Miserere: two parts in one
? Mistrust not truth
Non me vincat Deus
O God, be merciful unto us (= Deus misereatur (canticle))
O heavenly God
? Pour down thy powers divine
? Rejoice in the Lord always
Short Service (Te Deum, Benedictus, Kyrie, Creed, Magnificat, Nunc Dimittis)
Short Service: Benedictus (Canticle)
Short Service: Creed
Short Service: Kyrie (Responses in the Communion Service)
Short Service: Magnificat
Short Service: Nunc dimittis
Short Service: Te Deum
Short Service: Venite
Sicut locutus est
This world is a world
When storms of care