Mundy, William (ca. 1528–ca. 1591)

External identifiers
Variant names Moondaye, Munday, Monday, Mondy, Mondie
Composition Appears in
A new commandment
? A solfing song
A solis ortus cardine ad usque terrae
Adhesit pavimento
Adolescentulus sum ego
? Ah helpless wretch
Alleluia [Verse: Per Te Dei]
Alleluia [Verse: Post partum]
Beati immaculati in via
Beatus et sanctus
? Benedictus
Domine non est exaltatum
Domine quis habitabit
Dulcior melle
Eructavit cor meum
Eructavit cor meum (extract: Audi filia)
Eructavit cor meum (extract: opening duo)
Et sanctum nomen eius, from a Magnificat
? Evening Service in medio chori: Magnificat
? Evening Service in medio chori: Nunc dimittis
Evening Service to Mr Parson's service of 5 parts: Magnificat
Evening Service to Mr Parson's service of 5 parts: Nunc dimittis
Exsurge Christe
? Fie fie my fate
First Service 'for means': Benedictus (Canticle)
First Service 'for means': Creed
First Service 'for means': Kyrie responses
First Service 'for means': Lay not up for yourselves offertory
First Service 'for means': Magnificat
First Service 'for means': Nunc dimittis
First Service 'for means': T / B / K / C / M / N
First Service 'for means': Te Deum
First Service 'for means': Venite
? First evening service: Magnificat
? First evening service: Nunc dimittis
? Fourth evening service: Magnificat
? Fourth evening service: Nunc dimittis
Gaude virgo mater Christi
? He that hath my commandments
In aeternum
In exitu Israel [starts 'Facta est']
In nomine a5
? In nomine a5
Let the sea make a noise
? Let us now laud and magnify
Magnificat a5 (I) [Latin]
Magnificat a5 (II) [Latin]
Magnificat: (exc) Quia fecit mihi magna
Maria virgo sanctissima
Mass 'Apon the square' (I): Agnus
Mass 'Apon the square' (I): Benedictus
Mass 'Apon the square' (I): Credo
Mass 'Apon the square' (I): Gloria
Mass 'Apon the square' (I): Kyrie
Mass 'Apon the square' (I): Sanctus
Mass 'Apon the square' (II): Agnus
Mass 'Apon the square' (II): Benedictus
Mass 'Apon the square' (II): Credo
Mass 'Apon the square' (II): Gloria
Mass 'Apon the square' (II): Kyrie
Mass 'Apon the square' (II): Sanctus
Memor esto verbi tui
Miserere mei Deus
Miserere mei Deus (extract: Cor mundum)
Miserere mei Deus (extract: Docebo praevaricatores)
Miserere mei Deus (extract: Domine labia mea)
Miserere mei Deus (extract: Miserere mei)
Miserere mei Deus (extract: Purifica me)
Miserere mei Deus (extract: Quoniam praevaricationes)
Morning Service for Men: Te Deum
? Mr Munday's O
My song shall be of mercy
Noli aemulari in malignantibus
O God, be merciful unto us [= Deus misereatur (canticle)]
O Lord the maker of all thinges
O Lord the world's saviour
O Lord, I bow the knees of my heart
O admirabile
? O mater mundi (instrumental)
? O praise God in his holiness
? O sing unto the Lord a new song
Prepare you time weareth away
Rejoice in the Lord always
? Second service: Benedictus
? Second service: Magnificat
? Second service: Nunc dimittis
? Second service: Te Deum
? Sermone blando [2p. Gloria Patri; 3p. Te iure laudant]
Short Service: Creed
Short Service: Jubilate
Short Service: Kyrie Responses in the Communion Service
Short Service: T / B
Short Service: Te Deum
? Sicut erat in principio (from a Magnificat)
Sicut locutus est (from a Magnificat)
Sive vigilem
? Te Deum
? Te Deum for 5 men
Teach me o Lord the way of thy statutes
? Teach me thy way, O Lord
? The secret sins
? This is my commandment
Veni creator spiritus mentes tuorum
Videte miraculum
Vox Patris caelestis
Vox Patris caelestis (extract: Favus distillans)
Vox Patris caelestis (extract: Surge propera)
Vox patris caelestis (extract: opening duo)
[untitled piece]