Gibbons, Orlando (ca. 1583–1625)

External identifiers
Composition Appears in
?fragment in score of O thou the central orb
Almighty God who by thy son
Almighty and everlasting God
Behold I bring you glad tidings
? Behold the hour cometh
Behold thou hast made my days
? Behold, how good and joyful
Blessed are all they that fear the Lord
Do not repine fair sun
Fantasia (I)
Fantasia (II)
Fantasia (III)
Fantasia (IV)
Fantasia (IX)
Fantasia (V)
Fantasia (VI)
Fantasia (VII)
Fantasia (VIII)
First Preces & Psalms for Whitsun evensong (Ps 145)
First [TCM: 2nd] Preces & Psalm for Easter Day evensong: Awake up my glory
Glorious and powerful God
Grant Holy Trinity that thy servant Charles
? Have mercy upon me, O God (6vv)
Hosanna to the Son of David
I am the resurrection
If ye then be risen with Christ / If ye be risen again with Christ (Anthem for Easter Day)
In nomine a4
In nomine a5
In nomine a5
In nomine a5
Kyrie responses
Lift up your heads O ye gates
O God the King of glory
O God who unto thy church
O clap your hands together
? Out of the deep (II)
? Peace I hear a voice / Hold up / My masters all / At Betham time
? Preces & Psalm for Easter Day matins
Second Preces & Psalm for Whitsun evensong
Second Service (for verses): M / N
Second Service: Magnificat
Second Service: Nunc dimittis
See, see, the Word is incarnate
Short [First] Service: Benedictus (Canticle)
Short [First] Service: Creed
Short [First] Service: Gospel rersponse
Short [First] Service: Kyrie responses
Short [First] Service: Magnificat
Short [First] Service: Nunc dimittis
Short [First] Service: T / B / K / C / M / N
Short [First] Service: Te Deum
Short [First] Service: Te Deum, adap. to Latin
Short [First] Service: Venite
Sing unto the Lord o ye saints
The cries of London - 1a pars (of 2): God give you good morrow, my masters
The cries of London - 2a pars (of 2): Will you go with me - A good sausage
? The secret sins
This is the record of John
We praise thee O father