Sheppard, John (ca. 1515–1558)

External identifiers
Variant names Shepherd
Composition Appears in
A point
A solis ortus cardine ad usque terrae
Adesto sancta Trinitas I
Adesto sancta Trinitas II
Aeternae rex altissimae
? Aeterne rex altissime, v.2: Scandens tribunal dexterae patris
Agnus Dei
All laud and praise with heart and voice
All people harken and give ear
Alleluia [Verse: Confitemini]
Alleluia [Verse: Per Te Dei]
Alleluia [Verse: Posuisti Domine]
Alleluia [Verse: Veni electa]
Alleluia [Verse: Virtutes caeli]
Attend my people to my law
Audivi vocem de caelo
Ave maris stella
Beata nobis gaudia
Beati omnes qui timent Dominum
Blessed art thou that fearest God
Christ rising again
Christ, our paschal Lamb
Christe redemptor omnium
Christi virgo dilectissima
Confitebor tibi Domine
Deus misereator nostri - 4a pars (of 5): Letentur
Deus misereator nostri [2p. Ut cognoscamus; 3p. Confiteantur; 4p. Letentur; 5p. Benedicat]
Deus tuorum militum (I)
Deus tuorum militum (II)
Dum transisset sabbatum [II]
Dum transisset sabbatum [I]
Evening service: Magnificat
Evening service: Nunc dimittis
Evening service: Te Deum
Filiae Jerusalem
First Service: Benedictus
First Service: Magnificat
First Service: Nunc dimittis
First Service: Te Deum
First Service: Venite
Gaude virgo Christiphera
Gaude, gaude, gaude Maria, virgo cunctas
Gaudete caelicolae
Give to the Lord thee potentates
Give to the Lord ye potentates
Haec dies
? Happy is the people whose prince is a sage man
Haste thee, O God
Help Lord for good and godly men do perish
Hostis Herodes impie
How good is God
How long will thou forget me lord
I give you a new commandment
? I give you a new commandment (keyboard version)
I lift my heart to thee
I lift my heart to thee
I trust in God how dare thee then
I will give laud and honour both
I will give thanks unto the Lord = O happy dames that may embrace the fruit of your delight
Igitur, O Jesu bone (fr. 3 from a lost antiphon)
Illustrissima omnium (fr. 1 from a lost antiphon)
Impetum fecerunt unanimes
In earth, O Lord how wonderful
In exitu Israel [starts 'Facta est']
In manus tuas I
In manus tuas II
In manus tuas III
In pace in idipsum
In trouble and adversity
In trouble and thrall
Inclina Domine aurem tuam (I)
Jam Christus astra
Jesu salvator saeculi, Redemptis
Jesu salvator saeculi, Verbum
Judge and defend my cause
Judica me, Deus
Justi autem in perpetuum
Kyrie Paschali
Laudate pueri [beginning at 'Sit nomen']
Laudem dicite Deo nostro
Laudes Deo
Let God arise and then his foes
Let my complaint
Libera nos, salva nos [II]
Libera nos, salva nos [I]
Like as the hart doth breath and bray
Lord in thy wrath
Lord keep me for I trust in thee
Lord, how are they increased
Magnbificat a6: (exc) Quia fecit
Magnificat a6
Magnificat a6: (exc) Esurientes
Magnificat a6: (exc) Quia fecit mihi magna
Magnificat a6: (exc) Sicut locutus est
Magnificat a6: (extract) Sicut erat in principio
Martyr Dei qui unicum
Mass 'Be not afraid': Agnus dei
Mass 'Be not afraid': Benedictus
Mass 'Be not afraid': Credo
Mass 'Be not afraid': Gloria
Mass 'Be not afraid': Sanctus
Media vita in morte sumus
Missa Cantate Domino: Agnus dei
Missa Cantate Domino: Benedictus
Missa Cantate Domino: Credo
Missa Cantate Domino: Gloria
Missa Cantate Domino: Sanctus
My soul giveth laud unto the Lord
Non conturbetur cor vestrum I
Non conturbetur cor vestrum II
O God be merciful (2p. Let the people praise thee o Lord)
O God be merciful - 1a pars (of 2): O God be merciful
O God be merciful - 2a pars (of 2): Let the poeple praise thee
O God my God I watch to come
O God that art my righteousnes
O God that art my righteousness
O Lord I call to thee
O Lord I call to thee
O Lord hear out my right request
O Lord how joyful is the king
O Lord my God I put my trust
? O Lord of hosts, thou God of Israel
? O Lord of hosts, thou God of Israel
O Lord that heaven dost possess
? O Lord the maker of all thinges
O Lord with all my heart and mind
O Lord within thy tabernacle
O Lord, how many do increase
O Lorde how many do increase
O happy dames
Of all strange news (For Christmas Day)
Our ears have heard our fathers tell
Pater noster = Our Father (Lord's Prayer)
Plainsong Mass for a Mean: Agnus dei
Plainsong Mass for a Mean: Benedictus
Plainsong Mass for a Mean: Credo
Plainsong Mass for a Mean: Gloria
Plainsong Mass for a Mean: Kyrie
Plainsong Mass for a Mean: Sanctus
Ponder my words, O Lord
Ponder my words, O Lord
Reges Tharsis et insulae
? Rejoice in the Lord always
Sacris solemniis juncta
Salvator mundi Domine
Salve festa dies
Sancte Dei preciose
Second Creed
Second Service (in Fa ut/Fmaj, for Meanes): Benedictus (Canticle)
Second Service (in Fa ut/Fmaj, for Meanes): Creed
Second Service (in Fa ut/Fmaj, for Meanes): Kyrie
Second Service (in Fa ut/Fmaj, for Meanes): Magnificat
Second Service (in Fa ut/Fmaj, for Meanes): Nunc dimittis
Second Service (in Fa ut/Fmaj, for Meanes): Te Deum
Second Service (in Fa ut/Fmaj, for Meanes): Venite
Service 'in e la mi': Magnificat
Service 'in e la mi': Nunc dimittis
Service 'in e la mi': Te Deum
Short Service: (Kyrie) Responses in the Communion Service
Short Service: Creed (= First Creed)
Short Service: Offertory Sentence (Lay not up for yourselves)
Singularis privilegii
Spiritus sanctus procedens I
Spiritus sanctus procedens [II]
Steven First After Christ
Submit yourselves one to another
Te Deum
Te Deum laudamus
The French Mass: Agnus dei
The French Mass: Benedictus
The French Mass: Credo
The French Mass: Gloria
The French Mass: Sanctus
The Western Wynde Mass: Agnus dei
The Western Wynde Mass: Benedictus
The Western Wynde Mass: Credo
The Western Wynde Mass: Gloria
The Western Wynde Mass: Sanctus
The heavens and the firmament
? The man is blessed
The man is blessed that careful is
The man is blessed that hath not gone
The man is blessed whose wickedness
The man is blessed whose wickedness
The righteous in the Lord rejoyce
There is no God as foolish men affirm
Third Creed
Vain all worldly pleasure is
Verbum caro factum est de virgine Maria
Versus (I)
Versus (II)
Versus (III)
Voce mea ad dominium clamavi / I cried unto the Lord
What Comfort at thy Death II: Death thus to suffer
What is the cause
Why did the Gentiles fret and sin
Why did the Gentiles fret and sin
Why dost thou tyrant boast abroad
[Deus tuorum militum (II)] (v. 2) Hic nempe mundi
[Hodie] Gloria in excelsis